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6 Comments on Maui Coinkydinks

  1. “their goal is to rebuild the entire island of Maui the first Smart Island – They want the entire island governed by AI…” Wow, talk about criminals advertising what’s coming!!

  2. I’m sure this substack is written by AI.

    Ill bet the baby that the AI algorithms are written exactly like the kabbalistic tree of life. The kabbalists say it has 144000 angles. Childish humans yap in about the dialectic the dialectic as if they have pulled a rabbit out of a hat. There are the sephria (which according to the sages, contain all the other sephira). The paths and the correspondences, which all manifest according to the principals of the “four worlds” particularly the hebrew letters and the words they say are the names of God and the orders of angels etc etc etc. However kabbalists like to insert their focus into aziluth … and anyway stupid conSPIRAcist theorists havent a hope in hell and no doubt only Jesus christ can destonstruct it anyhow. That’s why I tell people to at least read Dion Fortunes the Mystical Kabbalah and Gatheth Nights book on Kabbalah. These are British occultist types who are not particularly dangerous. It’s all total garbage and intelligent men finding it out for themselves first hand and discussing it and dismissing it is our best bet. The next best thing is to go your own way and start your own independent creative endeavors totally independent of all this crap

  3. And all the videos clips of locals supposedly telling us what happening, we’ll theyre AI. Seriously time to make another plan folks. I need intelligent men to deconstruct eh kabbalah. The omly one perhaps intelligent enough is James Lindsey who has done such a great.job deconstructing Marxism and woke and queer and eightly lik ing it all directly back to gnosticism and hermeticism but now the likes of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have got their claws into him … but lo and behold in his most recent vid he is starting to play with these ideas becaise hes just brilliant and this is the way

  4. The globalist elite cabal are using arsonists, flamethrower drones & direct energy weapons to start worldwide forest fires so they can turn around and proclaim “Climate Change” to usher in their #NWO #GreatReset for complete surveillance & control.

  5. Interesting that people who say there is no God are ok with mere mortals colluding amongst themselves to lord over the rest of us. It is a tiny minority of the world population that plans to rule the earth. The masses are weak and conditioned to obey.

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