The autobiography of self-professed satanist kingpin Howard Stanton Levey aka Anton LaVey (1930-1997) contains some tidbits that most may not know. For example, he openly describes himself as a Zionist operative on the back cover of his book “The Secret Life of a Satanist” (below).
This book itself gives further detail on how gunrunners procured surplus rifles that were located and shipped out to Jewish terrorists like the Stern Gang and Irgun.
When the “Satanic Bible” was released, LaVey shared it with Assaf Dayan, son of Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, who proclaimed it perfectly suited for conditions in Israel. Gives whole new insight into the concept of the Synagogue of Satan.
LaVey was also a huge fan of the “Protocols of Zion,” proclaiming, “What’s not to like?”
LaVey was a high-school dropout who liked to hang around with hoodlum types. He eventually gravitated toward work in the circus and carnivals. There, he became well versed in the many rackets used to separate rubes from their money, along with the psychology that lead people to such pursuits. Besides the base wisdom of carnival folk, his intellectual influences included Ayn Rand, Nietzsche and P.T. Barnum.
The Satanic Bible
Far from obscure tomes, there have been 30 printings of “The Satanic Bible” (SB) and more than a million copies sold. The SB was followed in 1971 by “The Complete Witch,” later re-released in 1989 as “The Satanic Witch,” a manual that teaches “lesser magic” — the ways and means of reading and manipulating people and their actions toward the fulfillment of one’s desired goals.
Curious about the fuss and because Winter Watch refers to satanism regularly, I decided it was time to actually read the SB. We wanted to hear it from the horse’s mouth. What follows is a critique.
The chilling satanic philosophy is very real and is a huge threat to humanity. I would go so far to say that it is the dominant way of thinking in the world today. There are many defacto satanists and Sabateean Frankists who have never read LaVey or practiced rituals or the occult, but they are unknowingly steeped in the mentality described here. Mostly, it manifests itself as extreme moral relativism.
“Satanism offers a minimum ethical structure and trusts individuals enough to figure the rest out for themselves.” LaVey writes, “There is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!”
This is the opposite of the core principles of objective truth and natural law — knowing the difference between right and wrong.
I think pajama people are dismissive of the idea of satanism existing en masse, because it evokes mental images of devil worshiping. But LaVey himself clears that up: “Satanism has been frequently misrepresented as ‘devil worship,’ when in fact it constitutes a clear rejection of all forms of worship as a desirable component of the personality.”
There’s this descriptive snippet from Wikipedia:
Social Darwinism and the concept of “human nature” are ideas that are prevalent throughout The Satanic Bible. LaVey described humans as inherently carnal and animalistic. Each of the seven deadly sins is described as part of human’s natural instinct, and are thus advocated. LaVeyan Satanism has been described as “institutionalism of Machiavellian self-interest” because of many of these themes.
Before going into the peculiarities, LaVey had one solid philosophy non-Satanists need to adopt — namely, self-preservation. LaVey likely picked this up from Nietzsche.
“There has never been a great ‘love’ movement in the history of the world that hasn’t wound up killing countless numbers of people, we must assume, to prove how much they loved them! Every hypocrite who ever walked the earth has had pockets bulging with love!”
Winter Watch takeaway: The love-hate psyop is a mask. See “Putting the Word Hate in Proper Context.”
“Satanists are encouraged to indulge in the seven deadly sins, as they need hurt no one; they were only invented by the Christian Church to insure guilt on the part of its followers,” LaVey wrote. So here we have not only no feeling of guilt, but indulging in sin.
It’s a very materialistic philosophy well integrated into today’s world view. But Satanism tries to separate from the dumb and dumber by selling indulgence, individualism and materialism as thoughtful snake oil. They use the word “liberty” a lot. In other words, liberty to be a pervert justice warrior (PJW).
Satanism and its inversions have Sabbatean Frankism written all over them. Frankism is extremely underappreciated as a force in the world. I believe it is connected.
Tim Kelly and Russ Winter Discuss Sabbatean Frankism’s Impact on the World
LaVey states, “The semantic meaning of Satan is the ‘adversary’ or ‘opposition’ or the ‘accuser.'” To me, the term “accuser” stands out. This is an extension of cultural Marxism and critical theory, which is a backhanded gaming way or method of taking down real and imagined opponents while pushing satanist agendas. LaVey likes the term “lampooning,” and his writing style is very verbose and tongue in cheek. He can fluctuate between being fun and whimsical to outright scary. That’s precisely how black magic works.
Further, then LaVey satanists carry out this superior and inflated sense of ego, with a modified Golden Rule: “You should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but if your courtesy is not returned, they should be treated with the wrath they deserve.” “Wrath they deserve” is a repeated theme throughout the SB.
For example, satanists don’t care for kindness for the sake of kindness. It has to be reciprocal. LaVay said, “You may do unto others as you would have them do unto you; but if your kindness is not returned, they should be treated with the wrath they deserve.
So rather than just avoidance, the satanists have some kind of revenge and grudge game going on against real and imagined slights. And it’s mostly imagined. Satanists describe themselves as members of a “meta-tribe.”
Indeed, there is a meta-tribe “Chosen People” syndrome at work. Satanism’s main target is the human ego. Most people are drawn and remain committed to satanism because it feeds their ego. One practicing satanist even critiqued “that if you´re told that you´re special or elite or some other warm fuzzy idea when you embrace a philosophy, then you are more apt to buy into it and be blind to its shortcomings. The result is an over-rated and inflated sense of oneself (aka no accountability).
A practicing satanist described his fellows as not taking kindly to intense debate, scrutiny and introspection and being quick to criticize others. That susceptibility to being triggered pretty much describes a lot of people in the current year, doesn’t it?
Even within the Church of Satan there is a realization that all this ego and individualism is problematic. The current high priest warns that one of the dangers of Satanic philosophy is that it “puffs-up” some people, giving them over-inflated illusions of their own value to others. These folks take the notion that “you are your own God,” and then assumes that they are everyone else’s God as well.
LaVey’s views on sexual behaviors pretty much reflect current-year norms, which is that anything goes as long as its consensual.
“Satanism condones any type of sexual activity which properly satisfies your individual desires — be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or even asexual, if you choose. Satanism also sanctions any fetish or deviation which will enhance your sex-life, so long as it involves no one who does not wish to be involved,” LaVey writes.
However, as I read through the SB, I noticed a very strange recurring obsession with sadism and masochism. It’s a “here we go again” obsession that jumps out at you. Most grounded people would steer totally clear of this. But the satanist comes up with a rationale to wade into it and accommodate the masochist: “If a person wants to be hurt and enjoys suffering, then there is no reason not to indulge him in his want.”
AL called confessing and asking forgiveness degrading, stating, “Praying for one’s own enemy is nothing more than bargain-basement anger, and of a decidedly shoddy and inferior quality!”
LaVey was personally opposed to drug use and hated rock and metal music, often expressing his distaste for it. He supported eugenics and believed that it would be a necessity in the future.
LaVey on Human Sacrifice and Revenge
Perhaps the nastiest part of Satanic Bible is its discussion and dwelling on human sacrifice. You can find it in the “Book of Lucifer.” [Just use ctrl+f “human sacrifice.”] Readers should really look for themselves.
What normal person would even be talking about such a topic? LaVey basically goes through the benefits of sacrifice – namely energy from adrenal biochemistry, blah, blah, blah.
However, he then talks about the cons. He is adamantly opposed to animal and small-children sacrifice. In fact, he calls such acts anti-Satanist propaganda. However, he does ask the question of who can be sacrificed “symbolically” — however that works. That would of course be those who have — real or imagined — harmed or insulted you or your “reputation.” Would that include those who called you out as a pervert or pervert justice warrior? He put it thusly:
Anyone who has unjustly wronged you – one who has “gone out of his way” to hurt you – to deliberately cause trouble and hardship for you or those dear to you. In short, a person asking to be cursed by their very actions.
LaVey is careful to state that such an antagonist is to be destroyed “symbolically,” but is that really how the Satanist game is played? But the question begs: Of the slew of Satanists out there, how many restrain themselves to “symbolism” and mere curses and hexes?
Therefore, you have every right to (symbolically) destroy them, and if your curse provokes their actual annihilation, rejoice that you have been instrumental in ridding the world of a pest! If your success or happiness disturbs a person — you owe him nothing! He is made to be trampled under foot! If people had to take the consequences of their own actions, they would think twice!
For those of us fighting this plague AL offers protective advice. The victim of a hex or curse is much more prone to destruction if he does not believe or have an understanding of it.
Never attempt to convince the skeptic upon whom you wish to place a curse. Allow him to scoff. To enlighten him would lessen your chance of success. Listen with benign assurance as he laughs at your magic, knowing his days are filled with turmoil all the while. If he is despicable enough, by Satan’s grace, he might even die – laughing!
LaVey’s section called “Book of Belial” is revealing. It goes into black magic and psychodrama. He pontificates at length, but the bottom line is that black magic is little more than pulling the wool over people’s eyes to control and exploit them. It’s the use and study of falsehoods. The ultimate goal is ego gratification and personal power.
On magic, where have we seen the following highlighted section before? And once again we see the recurring dog-whistling obsession with “adrenal”. This word is used five times in SB. We aren’t in Kansas anymore Toto.
Magic falls into two categories, ritual or ceremonial, and non-ritual or manipulative. Ritual magic consists of the performance of a formal ceremony, taking place, at least in part, within the confines of an area set aside for such purposes and at a specific time. Its main function is to isolate the otherwise dissipated adrenal and other emotionally induced energy, and convert it into a dynamically transmittable force. It is purely an emotional, rather than intellectual, act. This type of magic is sometimes known as “greater magic”.
Non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called ‘Lesser magic”, consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can create “change, in accordance with one’s will”. In olden times this would be called “fascination”, “glamour”, or the “evil eye”.
Fascination was the term applied to the evil eye. To fix a person’s gaze, in other words, fascinate, was to curse them with the evil eye.
LaVey perfectly describes the use of magic through sex and wonder, as is employed in pop culture. The young star has an appearance of freshness and innocence, but at the same time is very sexy. The sex appeal is then combined with sinister overtones. Ultimately, innocence morphs into slutty, which is hardcore satanic brainwashing.
Winter Watch verdict and takeaway: The Crime Syndicate or The Powers to Be (TPTB) are fully immersed in most aspects of satanism and are practicing black magic. It’s the key to their power. The influence of satanic brainwashing in society is overwhelming and pervasive. The rest of humanity needs to wake up and develop a real awareness and thus defenses to it.
Outstanding article. Everyone should read this. I believe that Aton LaVey’s birth name was Howard Stanton Levey.
Oh, if true, that explains everything. Great piece will share everywhere.
Oh, and as far as out-front Satanism goes- why is the Pentagon red, and why does it have five sides? it’s the worlds largest red pentagram- designed by the crypto-jew Franklin Roosevelt.
Steve Outtrim and Jan Irving have done some amazing work on the history of Burning Man, which they detail has satanic elements.
LaVey and others feature prominently. The entire series of videos takes hours to get through but I found them very fascinating, and the connections they make and details they get into are pretty mind blowing.
I thought “Burning Man” was based on the occultic movie “Wicker Man” made in mid-70s starring Christopher Lee of Lord of the Rings Saurumann fame not to mention many other horror movies…
You might have a cart before the horse thingy here. Are the Crime Syndicate people Satanists first and therefore a Crime Syndicate or is a Crime Syndicate inherently Satanic?
The Garden of Eden offers me the clue. To have knowledge of “good and evil” and to be as “God” as the serpent seduces Adam and Eve, is the choice we are forced to make. To either subordinate ourselves to that which is Divine or reach for the Divine through our own unobstructed pursuit of knowledge; even if that knowledge requires understandings that go against our sacred restraints of what we believe (temporarily) to be good or evil.
In short, would you consider a chimera (half man half beast) an abomination of nature or scientific progress? Marx Darwin and Freud as well as 90% of the Universities around the world would consider it scientific progress and your provincial superstitious views against it as naivete.
This all goes back much further than Neitzsche and Frankism.
It started with the Modern Scientific Revolution in 1687 when Newton discovered what was around us for eons; Gravity…or the Law of Gravity..
Before that, we didn’t have such laws, these things were considered tendencies.
How did we make that leap just 330 years ago???????
No man, this goes much much further back, to the time of Nimrod and Osiris. Satanism is the main driver behind scientific progress, but also today’s pseudoscience (with Newton, the high ranking freemason and magician, being a member with his theories) and empire building. Satanism is THE ideology of today’s society and has been for thousands of years (the catholic church itself is paying lip service to Jesus, but is satanic as well).
Here are the 4 tenets of satanism:
1. Self-preservation is the highest law (puts people in beast consciousness, the lowest atheistic, humanistic, materialistic common denominator for the masses)
2. Moral relativism – good is what is good for me (very undermining if one builds a society on such a basis – like our current Matrix)
3. Social Darwinism: society is to be split in an elite (oligarchy) vs. a herd of sheeple
4. Eugenigs = playing god, decide who lives and who not
One more thing (since I commented below)…I wonder if LaVey started out studying the Talmud or was in a family of Talmudic Jews, THE walking contradictions of the world today, because it seems everything in this “bible” of his speaks of walking contradictions…for instance, he claims to hate rock music, but had become a leading “light” to rock stars! While only (as far as I know) Marilyn Manson was an open Satanist, the fact is rock stars wittingly or not carried out Satan’s agenda beyond even “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” as my fiction trilogy openly states. Becoming “gods,” then destroying themselves physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually…unless they woke up to reality and sanity. https://omegabooksnet.com
Your quest for erudition is commendable, Russ. You are right love vs. hate is a psyop, a misdirection. Love vs. fear is more accurate. Also with the ego manipulation slant, I read a long time ago, can’t remember the source, possibly fritz springmeier, who said “the first step in mind control is flattery”. Totally true and the same concept LaVey talked about. If someone is successful at truly flattering you, that person has in fact been successful at temporarily changing your brain chemistry and making you more suggestible to their advances. This same seratonin spike induced “ego puff” function works splendidly on many groups today, from minority groups, new agers, secular humanists, and other “worship thyself” pseudo religious groups like LaVey’s, as well as political groups on both sides of the limited hangout spectrum that’s pervasive today. I’d also reckon that the cognitive dissonance these groups display when confronted with some topic that they don’t like, and their child like temper tantrum behavior responses, is related to their constant serotonin spike addicted brains going on an instant involuntary fasting process induced by exposure to the truth.
Great article
If some of you have not made time to listen to Whitney Webb’s interview with Maria Famer, I suggest you do so. Farmer, who was hired by Epstein as a resident artist, reveals much about their Jewish supremacism and satanic indulgences. There are many details in this interview that have been ignored by the mainstream media. Farmer barely escaped with her life and she indicates that there were hundreds and hundreds of young girls who were possibly not so lucky; they’ve simply just gone missing.
What I find interesting in the interview is that Farmer brings up how Jewish supremacism was central to what Wexner, Maxwell, and Epstein were doing; everything from Robert Maxwell’s endeavors to how they viewed Farmer herself as being inferior because she was ‘white.’ Webb seemed to not want to go down the road of the JQ. Farmer even admitted to having David Icke help her ‘work through’ not seeing it as a particular ‘Jewish problem’ which I found laughable. Here Farmer was in the belly-of-the-beast, yet even she felt a bit of that ‘bite of conscience’ in blaming the Jews.
This was only part 1 and part 2 should be out soon!
The article said: “They use the word “liberty” a lot. In other words, liberty to be a pervert justice warrior (PJW).”
Everyone who talks about liberty incorrectly (such as satanists, freemasons, progressives, etc do), always and without fail turns into a pervert. And while the degrees of a ‘liberated’ person’s perversions may differ, the fact remains that they’re still a pervert, and that that path was set out for them, as literally the only one to follow, long before they started imagining themselves to be liberated and charting their own course.
In short, the ‘liberated’ are nothing but deceived wankers, dutifully following the well worn ruts of arrogance and stupidity.
It’s always good for a chortle to read someone saying the Catholic Church is satanic. Looking forward to just one claim of the existence of a quote from the catechism that backs up this theory.
Forget about pointing fingers at individuals who call themselves Catholic and behave like satanists. That would be like pointing to Nancy Pelosi and saying all women are hypocrites.
And forget also about pointing to sculptures or paintings or photos that have something in them that upset you.
Start with the Founder, and work your way out from Him first to those who were closest to Him, and gradually to His followers, and show how any of them are satanic.
“You know, I don’t hate the Church, and I’d even consider joining except it’s full of hypocrites.”
“Don’t worry – there’s always room for one more.”
Not sure what this means, but post whatever you want.
A commentator above said the Catholic Church is satanic, without providing any proof. I proposed that the proof of that claim would have to come from the founder of that Church, or His followers, not from His enemies.
Does that make sense? Please ask if anything is still unclear.
I read the Satanic Bible years ago and I actually agree with a lot of its precepts. LaVey was a realist, he saw the world as it is. His book is very similar to the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, another realist that sees the world as it is.
I don’t know how your childhood was Russ, but mine was extremely difficult. Not Afghanistan or Haiti difficult, but rough. Abandoned by my father at 9, drug addict mother, fungal infections, almost homeless by the time I was a teenager. My aunt told me one day that it is a miracle I lived to adulthood, and that no one in my family cared about me and every time they contacted me it was only because they needed something, and she was right. I was also betrayed by business partners I trusted, losing 100 percent of my annual income as a result.
Now, combine this with all the stuff I have learned on this website and from watching Alex Jones documentaries and now I am a full blown misanthropist that has hatred for the human race in general. I hate the psychopaths that rule over me, I hate the billions of dumb asses that cannot see it and I hate whatever created this world, be it God, aliens or evolution.
If anything, books like The Satanic Bible, Art of War and especially The 48 Laws of Power liberated me. Those books teach you to be ruthless so that you can protect yourself from psychopaths and get what you want out of life. I do have lines I will not cross but in this day and age you have to be ruthless, paranoid, and trust absolutely no one!
Based on your article, LaVey seems or sounds like a very reasonable person. I mean, if given the choice between what LaVey preaches and the Abrahamic religions garbage (judaism, christianity, islam) I would choose LaVey’s very sensible philosophy any day.
You have failed to make a convincing case as to what exactly he says that is so objectionable. Even with the sado-masochism, so long as it’s consensual, God bless. LaVey stresses that.
With little doubt LaVey’s dog eat dog world-view appeals to many people. Exploitation is hip apparently. I have a philosophy at my core that tries to run counter to that. If you aren’t convinced we could debate all these views of humanity for hours. It is pretty fundamental.
Since you are clearly a postmodernist of some degree I would add this post to the mix.
Within this essay there are points that make it clear that a religion is only as good as its adherents. In one paragraph a CoS member is noted as saying that some members conflate being their own god and being everyone’s god. A lot of Christians (and Jews obviously) forget the biblical admonition of God that “judgment is mine.” Passing judgment is reserved for the divine yet people judge one another all the time. I also see that there are some attractive precepts in Satanism as presented here but it is ultimately an appeal to the base material instincts. Anything that celebrates ritual murder should be avoided.