Winter Watch original articles and aggregated US news.
The Zionist-evangelical back story goes back several decades, with 90-year-old televangelist Pat Robertson being a prime case study. One of the more notable “coincidences” or anomalies Winter Watch brings to your attention is the image […]
It was when I spent several hours listening to the Aurora Batman Shooter (James Holmes) psychiatric interview that it dawned on me that various methods of mind control or influence were in play. This was […]
The kakistocracy’s Crime Syndicate arm, among other dirty tricksters, now has at its disposal new cutting-edge technology for creating fake personas. Nvidia researchers posted details of the method for producing completely imaginary fake faces with […]
The Boston Globe ran a story on the Boston Marathon Tsarnaev brothers patsies. It was mostly misdirection and a back story, but one aspect of the story is of interest: the older brother, Tamerlan, had heard […]
From 1979 to 1981, Atlanta, Ga., had a predator problem. Some say it still does. Forty years ago, police believed — or led the public to believe — that the solution to the predator problem […]
One of the addictive kingpins of the (p)harma-quackery industry and the corrupto FDA are benzodiazepines (aka benzos), such as Valium Halcion, Klonopin and Xanax. Pill pusher “physicians” are prescribing these toxins as catchall drugs for […]
On Oct. 25, 2002, incumbent U.S. Democrat Senator from Minnesota Paul Wellstone was campaigning for a third term when he died in a plane crash. The crash occurred just 11 days before the election, and 58-year-old Wellstone was […]
Louis Thomas McFadden (1878–1936) was a Republican member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania. He served from 1915 to 1935. He was the chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency between 1920 […]
Trump enters office promoting crypto grifts. Trump Involved in a Crypto Pump and Dump Trump Comes into Office Getting Cognoscenti All Lathered Up Over Latest Crypto Pump Me watching a 15 year old kid make […]
‘If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.’ — George Orwell (1903 – 1950) The following video is not for the faint of heart. It […]
As local conflicts reignited in Europe during the early 1930s, suggesting the possibility of a second world war, a bipartisan concern spread through Washington, D.C. that “merchants of death” would again drag the United States […]
Next up in our analysis of pharma (aka harma) industry skulduggery is a review of researchers’ conclusions following their examination of 70 studies involving five antidepressants. The commonly prescribed inhibitors are used to treat a […]
Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr. (Feb. 15, 1914 – disappeared Oct. 16, 1972) was an American Democrat politician and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Orleans, Louisiana, from 1947 to 1972. He […]
The myth of the flat Earth is a modern misconception that Earth was widely believed to be flat rather than spherical during the Middle Ages in Europe. But in reality during the Early Middle Ages, virtually all scholars maintained the spherical viewpoint, which had […]
The vast majority of modern-day people are conditioned to associate references to freemasonry or the Illuminati with “crazy or koo-koo conspiracy theorists” and/or Taco Bell commercials. Even I don’t use the term “Illuminati” in my […]
Over two years after the purported shooting of one Ashli Babbitt at the U.S. Capitol, the case has been closed with no details provided and no revelations as to who the shooter was. This, on […]
In 2018, an estimated 1 million people age 12 and older met diagnostic criteria for methamphetamine dependence or abuse. Among that figure, 24,000 were adolescents, while 188,000 were young adults ages 18 to 25. The […]
‘The tears of strangers are just water.’ –– Indian proverb There’s little question that foreign-born upper-caste subcontinent Indians have gotten a big toehold in Silicon Valley and elsewhere. All one has to do is enter […]
During seven days in August, 2019, the U.S. had a rash of seemingly random and sketchy mass shooting events. Mystery and confusion appear to be the common themes. Gilroy Garlic Festival, California July 28, authorities […]
A series of cop-related crimes and shitstorms within the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) that later became known as the Rampart Scandal began on March 18, 1997, with a shooting and road rage incident between […]
Editor Note: We have had to continually scramble to replace deleted videos and memory-holed websites referenced in our posts. This 9/11 re-post (rerun) relocates important deep-sixed evidence. However, we have no control over how long […]
As we suspected and asked from Day 1 of the George Floyd incident, where’s the police body-cam footage? Meanwhile, as major racial strife swept the land, the corrupto star chamber Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith […]
A recent nationally representative survey commissioned by Skeptic Magazine asked respondents to estimate the number of unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019. Overall, 44% of Cartoon World liberals guessed 1,000 or more as compared […]
4 February 2018 911 BLOGGER — Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz had a crucial role to play in the military’s response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and yet he did nothing to […]
Update: This is a rerun of our 2016 post. Jenner updated the gullible world on his alleged gender “transition” in September, 2019. The script reader now claims, “I didn’t cut it off, I just retired […]
Although almost all video evidence from the 2017 Las Vegas shooting has been purged from YouTube, we have discovered a revealing collection of material on a Bitchute video. There’s also some new footage we have […]
While we watched and waited as Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Jewish senator from New York, held the U.S. budget hostage for the sake of illegal immigrants in September 2017, we took a closer look […]
On the sunny morning of June 11, 2020 a white, fit, heterosexual, Boomer couple probably did what they undoubtedly had done hundreds of times before at their home in Pacific Heights; a scenic, historic, hill-top […]
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s net worth is $55 million, and much of his wealth is managed by vampire squid Goldman Sachs — a Wall Street bank that is supervised by the Fed — and […]
Editor’s update: Similar to the case of Peyton Gendron covered yesterday, the New York Incarcerated website shows no individual named Frank James serving sentences for multiple murders. The site shows a Frank James, black, aged […]