Re-Examining the Untimely Death of a President’s Son: John F. Kennedy, Jr.

JFK, Jr. and his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. (1960-1999), who was often referred to as “John John,” was an American lawyer, journalist, magazine publisher and the only son of assassinated U.S. President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, often referred to as “Jackie.” Jr. died in 1999 at the young age of 39 while piloting a small plane.

Most Americans had long expected and perhaps even hoped that JFK’s handsome and charismatic son would continue the Kennedy family dynasty and perhaps follow his slain father’s political footsteps.

John John was one the last remaining vestiges of the true anti-war Progressive Movement, which has since been bastardized, corrupted and all but disappeared in recent years. Notably, another leading anti-war Progressive, Sen. Paul Wellstone, also died in a highly suspicious light-plane “accident” in 2002- three years after JFK, Jr.

He was the creator and publisher of the magazine George, which was a blend of politics, history, society and celebrity culture. In 1998, John John conducted a major interview with Oliver Stone, who produced and directed the 1991 hit film “JFK” that challenged the official narratives surrounding the assassination of the president. JFK’s widow Jackie was unable to prove it but always felt there was a larger conspiracy involving her husband’s murder.

He also ran an article in 1997 about a conspiracy involving the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin at the hands of a right-wing fanatic. Winter Watch offered its theory on this topic in the post Glaring Anomalies in the 1995 Assassination of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin. George magazine was investigating the attempted assassination of George Wallace, and the socio-political forces behind the hit. Yes, George had a decidedly conspiratorial tenor to it. In this post-Sept. 11, 2001, world, JFK, Jr., could have been a handful for the Crime Syndicate.

On the evening of July 16, 1999, Kennedy died when the single-engine light prop plane he was flying crashed into the Atlantic Ocean approximately 7.5 miles (12.1 km) west of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Kennedy, his newly wedded wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, 33, and Carolyn’s sister Lauren Bessette, 34, were also on board the plane and died in the crash.

John John was a VFR (Visual Flight Rules) pilot without an instrumentation rating. However, on March 12, 1999, he completed the FAA’s written airplane instrument examination and received a passing score of 78 percent.

Piper Saratoga II TC, APThe Piper was a new plane, an upgrade from his Cessna 182 Skylane. The Piper was a faster but more complex low-wing aircraft, and he had logged about 36 hours in its cockpit. The NTSB noted that John John obtained his private pilot certificate for “airplane single-engine land” in April 1998. He passed a “complex airplane” flight test in the new Piper just two months prior to the accident, in May 1999.

Radar records show he flew his intended route along the coastline of Connecticut and across Rhode Island Sound toward Martha’s Vineyard Airport. The authorities claimed this experienced pilot failed to file a flight plan. At about 9:41 p.m., Kennedy’s plane crashed nearly nose first into the Atlantic Ocean, which was unknown until subsequent official investigations.

The crash investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) concluded that Kennedy fell victim to spatial disorientation while he was descending over water at night and consequently lost control of his plane.

Spatial Night Disorientation Nonsense

Weather Underground, nautical twilight that evening was a 9:36 PM and weather was fair. The NTSB report stated, “Airports along the coast reported visibility between 5 and 8 miles. Other pilots flying similar routes on the night of the accident reported no visual horizon while flying over the water because of haze.” How do those two sentences possibly combine? Nao combinam.

But NTSB can claim anything apparently- because weather radar tapes from late Friday night and early Saturday morning for this region are reportedly missing. What a coinkydink.

FAA Flight Specialist Edward Meyer of LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York, was tapped by FAA administrator Jane Gaivev to prepare the FAA’s official report of weather conditions when Kennedy’s plane crashed. He stated in his report that visibility in the region was at least very good on the evening of July 16.

Meyer became so distressed by what he claimed was an endless spewing of erroneous disinformation about weather conditions that night by government agencies and pilots who flew that route that evening that Meyer took the unprecedented step of issuing a public statement to the media that slammed other’s statements about conditions as total nonsense utterly unsupported by facts.

Nautical twilight is NOT pitch black and, in fact, the low-elevation horizon on the left, west-side of the aircraft would be easily visible and defined, negating the effects of vertigo. You can see that on the following video.

Although news media ran narratives that JFK, Jr. was an inexperienced and even reckless pilot, in reality, in the 15 months prior to the accident, Kennedy had flown either to or from the destination area about 35 times. He flew at least 17 of these flight legs without a certified flight instructor (CFI) on board. Five of those flights were at night.

Related image
Little John John pretends to fly. PHOTO: JFK Library

John McColgan, Kennedy’s flight instructor in Vera Beach, Florida, stated that Kennedy’s flight experience dated back 17 years, to 1981. He also reported Kennedy had over 700 hours total flight time.

The NTSB’s detail of JFK, Jr.’s flight training, he began flying with an instructor in October 1982. During the next six years, he logged 46 hours with six different flight instructors and had one hour solo. Then he stopped flying. He didn’t log any flight hours for over nine years, between 1988 and 1997.

In December 1997, he enrolled in a training program in Florida to obtain his private pilot certificate. Between December 1997 and April 1998, he flew about 53 hours, of which 43 were flown with a CFI on board. In April 1998, he passed his private pilot flight test. During 1998, he flew 179 hours, including about 65 hours without a CFI on board.

“The CFI stated that the pilot’s basic instrument flying skills and simulator work were excellent. However, the CFI stated that the pilot had trouble managing multiple tasks while flying, which he felt was normal for the pilot’s level of experience,” the NTSB report states.

Kennedy had made radio contact to the Martha’s Vineyard Airport flight control tower at 9:39 p.m. This radio contact was deliberately removed from archived tape transcripts of WCVB-TV Boston Channel 5’s broadcast of July 17, 1999, during which — at approximately 12:35 p.m. — U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun reported to WCVB the fact of JFK, Jr.’s radio contact the night before. The Burgen report was subsequently expunged and deleted from all government and media accounts of the tragedy and indeed specifically denied.

This story is now 23 years old, but the following video has the particulars that I will reference going forward.

At minute 00:19:45 to 00:20:30, you can hear the Burgen interview that was subsequently denied by the station. Burgen was silenced and removed from any further press or public comments. Although JFK, Jr. was a private citizen, jurisdiction and handling of the accident shifted from the FAA to the Pentagon.

At 00:24:23, listen to one Lt. Col. Steve Roark deny the Burgen account. Update: deep sixed online

News agency UPI reportedly confirmed Bergan’s statement in a now-expunged story published on July 17. It supposedly states that at 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport to say that he was 13 miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, citing WCVB-TV news in Boston. He than reportedly said he was making his final approach. Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12 seconds, citing ABC News.

A reporter for the (Martha’s) Vineyard Gazette who was on Philbin Beach (southwest end of Manila’s Vineyard) the evening of July 16 said she saw an AIRBORNE EXPLOSION in the general vicinity of the sky where Kennedy’s plane was destroyed at approximately 9:40 p.m. THIS information was also covered up and outright denied by all relevant parties and agencies in all subsequent government and media accounts of the event.

This diagram was released by NTBS and showed the plane went into a steep vertical dive, crashing nose-down at 200 mph. The photo of the crashed plane shows the right side quite intact with the primary damage in the passenger seat area, as if something detonated.

Procedure requires air traffic control to contact the FAA within five minutes of the last traffic call, if the aircraft leaves radar. Indeed, at 10:05 p.m., the air traffic controller at Martha’s Vineyard Airport had a clerical-duties summer intern contact the FAA office in Bridgeport, Connecticut. about Kennedy’s failure to arrive — but the intern was told that no information could be released to him over the phone.

At minute 00:23:00 in the video, we learn the FAA didn’t begin a search and rescue for 15-1/2 hours. At 00:27:50, shortly after 10 p.m., family members waiting at the airport told airport personnel Adam Budd that the plane was late. Budd called both the tower and FAA in Bridgeport.

At 00:28:45, we learn that Sen. Edward Kennedy was expecting the plane’s arrival and personally called the FAA at 11 p.m. The FAA did nothing.

At 2:15 a.m. on July 17, the Kennedys reported to the local Coast Guard Air Station that the plane had not arrived. At 4 a.m., the U.S. Coast Guard began a search and rescue operation but were sent on a wild goose chase to the southwest — in the wrong direction — which is discussed in minute 00:31:10 of the video.

At 6:30 a.m., Sen. Kennedy called the White House and finally President Bill Clinton intervened. The Air Force sent two helicopters and two aircraft to search 20,000 square miles of ocean [00:31:50]. At 00:33:15, were learn some reporter did his or her job and located the N-Tip radar that showed the last radar ping was at 1,300 feet. So why the 20,000 square-mile search, Lt. Col. Roark? Listen to his answer at 00:33:50.

Later, Linda Killian of People magazine began to grill Roark about his non-response. You can hear this at 00:29:10. Watch the networks cut the line in the middle of this line of questioning. Incredible. This question never got answered though it was asked again.

At 1 p.m., a suitcase with Lauren Bessette’s name on it was located on the beach at Martha’s Vineyard.

Takes Five Days to Recover the Plane

At 01:33:45, in an interview with Lt. Col. Richard Stanley of the Civil Air Patrol, he states that he saw Coast Guard helicopters searching in the eventual crash location at 12:15 a.m. on July 17. At 01:34:30, Admiral Richard Larabee says (several times) that they hadn’t received a focused location until 1 p.m.

Why the big delay? Perhaps, for undetermined reasons, the Crime Syndicate wanted to tidy up the crash site.

Water was not deep in this location- typically 100 feet.

At lunch before leaving New Jersey, Kennedy told a friend he was taking a flight instructor to log hours and help learn some features of his new plane. A family member, Ratowell in the Vineyards, also said a flight instructor was on board. When the plane was located, the entire right front seat was missing and there was no instructor or passenger. The other two passengers were found seated in the back. Seems like overkill but was the instructor removed to preserve the reckless JFK, Jr. narrative?

Also missing was the flight recorder battery thus no voice recording. The flight log JFK, Jr. kept in his recovered duffel bag was missing. If the instructor was on board, he would have been entered in the log book.

The NTBS report stated that the fuel valve was shut off. There is a second switch necessary to do this. One explanation is that JFK, Jr. was initially reacting to an engine explosion or fire and manually shut the valve off with the aim to glide. Obviously, a second explosion must have taken the plane straight down.

Winter Watch Takeaway: The YouTuber of the video develops a “Manchurian Candidate” theory that the flight instructor was influenced to take the plane down. That’s a variation of how they took out RFK, see [ William Joseph Bryan: Sirhan’s Handler and Set-Up Miastro Extraordinaire], so there is a certain mockingly sick logic that might appeal to the criminals behind this. They could certainly brag about their power. But that is really unnecessary. The Crime Syndicate can and does take down aircraft by timed explosives. They can also take control of the aircraft. Regardless of how, the overarching theme of assassination and a clumsy cover up looks apparent.

The Assassination of US Sen. Paul Wellstone, One of the Last Anti-War Populist Progressives

The Suspicious Death of Ron Brown. Another Clinton Hit Job?

39 Comments on Re-Examining the Untimely Death of a President’s Son: John F. Kennedy, Jr.

  1. It’s a tough call for me- as it does seem you are a solid truther and contributor. So this is not a call for you to move on. And yes, I recognize these Crime Syndicate types may believe in the magic of numbers. I am good with some exposure to it- but not necessarily as the first comment of a post I spent hours on- working the challenging enough nuances of the case.

    • Re: “belief in the magic of numbers”

      This is not directed at you Russ personally, just that for some strange, unfathomable reason to me, it crops up over and over again so :

      Just to be clear :

      I have never once suggested that there is anything magical, supernatural, hokus pokus, other worldly, preternatural etc etc about the scheduling of events and the selection of perps and targets etc., and nor would I.

      Whether the real perps do, I have no idea.

      When we consider, normal, everyday things like :

      It’s been 6 weeks since aunty Maud passed away, do we attribute some ethereal magic power to that 6 weeks ?

      When your boss tells you have 60 days to complete that project, do we attribute some supernatural, magic power to that 60 days ?

      If folk do, then that’s their affair.

      I do not, never have and never will, which is why I have never proclaimed anything like it.

      A short explanation of the method is here:

      3119 day sequence from GHW Bush DCI CIA to WTC-1993 and 9/11

      An explanation of the use of Prime Ordinals is here :

      The rationale for using the 111 to 999 triplets, all with a common factor of 37 is in that first post, and by following the links in that post, the possible symbolic meaning of the number 37 is illustrated, the first proper Seal of Solomon or Star of David, with 73 being the next.

      Hope that dispels any notion that there is something other worldly involved.

      Think in terms of project management techniques & tools instead.

      If my interpretation of the 111 to 999 triplets is correct, then as I state in that description :

      “It can be said therefore that 322 and Zion are implicit within each and every 3 digit rep-digit ( 111 to 999 ), whether natural numbers, concatenated numbers or the Prime Ordinals concealing natural numbers.”


  2. Bill Clinton was President.

    JFK Jr. was to run for the New York Senate seat later occupied by ………

    Wait for it.

    Hillary Clinton.

    Need I say more ?

      • Stage name George Clooney aka JFK Jnr, relative of the actor with many pseudonyms, anyone can check this and all credit, Shirley Temple aka Ingrid Bergman aka Doris Day aka Debbie Reynolds aka Jackie Kennedy Onassis aka Rosemary Clooney, as in George. Aka Judge Scalia. “Shirley Temple” and “Lucille Ball” were sisters, their father also had many pseudonyms including Fred Astaire, FDR and Walt Disney. “She” Shirley Temple was Bing Hitler Groucho Marx’s sister. Another of her brothers was Zeppo aka J Edgar Hoover. And in “black face” BHO aka stage name Seinfeld, stage name Don Knott’s son, who also fathered the Ellen comic. And what hat was the name of “his” magazine? George

  3. Some years back I went to flight school for about a year and have about 90 hours with a CFI and a little bit of classroom instrumentation training. In the course of the program, we studied many aviation accidents and the John John event was among them. More recently, I reviewed the full/detailed NTSB report, and it made sense to me. I didn’t see anything glaring in terms of how the accident happened.

    One thing that is glaring, however, is that a lot of folks who weigh in on the topic haven’t bothered to read the investigative report or don’t understand what they read. The report answers a lot of simple questions — like “what about the flight instructor who was supposed to be with him?” — and provides details that only those who fly would recognize as significant.

    Although the simplified conclusion of the report was “spacial disorientation,” there were many more factors that contributed to the crash. That’s how most aviation crashes are. It’s rarely just one thing but rather a symphony of individually minor factors that collectively lead to a catastrophic event. Really, what killed them was a low-altitude stall. The most likely reason the plane stalled was a series of judgement errors by the pilot (assuming wind shear ruled out). Flying fast and low, there was probably no possibility to recover perhaps even for a highly experienced pilot.

    A knowledgeable, reputable, non-media source that provides the list of factors that led to John’s crash is available from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AAOP):

    • About the only aspect this fake report addresses is that “plane accidents happen” going on to describe in theory how generic crashes can happen.

      What’s notable are key factors that are MISSING from the report about THIS crash:

      – missing flight recorder battery- not working

      -missing flight recordings from the Martha Vineyard airport tower. Did they not have him on radar?

      – missing flight log normally kept in John’s back pack- would have answer to flight instructor mystery

      – missing front passenger seat

      – missing and expuged statement on TV of U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun who confirmed John called the MV tower- report said he didn’t- a lie.

      – missing weather radar tapes from late Friday night and early Saturday morning for this region

      – no flight plan

      – missing and incorrect description of light conditions call it dark when it was still nautical twilight

      – missing FAA’s official report of weather condition conducted by FAA Flight Specialist Edward Meyer. He stated visibility in the region was at least very good on the evening of July 16.

      – missing account of a reporter for the (Martha’s) Vineyard Gazette who was on Philbin Beach (southwest end of Manila’s Vineyard) the evening of July 16 said she saw an AIRBORNE EXPLOSION in the general vicinity of the sky where Kennedy’s plane was destroyed at approximately 9:40 p.m

      – missing account of fisherman who reported exactly where plane went down

      – missing explanation of why it took 15 1/2 hours to zero search in on the obvious crash location

      – missing TV interview with Lt. Col. Richard Stanley of the Civil Air Patrol, he states that he saw Coast Guard helicopters searching in the eventual crash location at 12:15 a.m. on July 17.

      -missing account of Admiral Richard Larabee says (several times) that they hadn’t received a focused location until 1 p.m.

      – missing accounts that Kennedy told a friend he was taking a flight instructor to log hours and help learn some features of his new plane. A family member, Ratowell in the Vineyards, also said a flight instructor was on board.

      – missing account at 10:05 PM of Adam Budd at MV airport that the plane was late. Budd called both the tower and FAA in Bridgeport.


      – why did Pentagon and not FAA take over in the case of private citizens. Doing this allowed black operations types to seize evidence in the name of “national defense.” This was not a national defense matter. There is no evidence whatsoever that this was at the request of the Kennedys and to say so is false speculaton

      – N-Tip radar that showed the last radar ping was at 1,300 feet. Yet AF conducts a 20,000 square-mile search,

      – When Linda Killian of People magazine began to grill Roark about his search response and strategy the networks cut the line in the middle of this line of questioning. Incredible.

      – very well documented in the video of Pentagon’s Lt Col Roark obfuscating throughout

      • Good work! I know I should probably do more research to determine if the crash was accidental or not but I think you’ve explained it sufficiently well to show that it wasn’t. What I don’t understand is why the Kennedy family have not out in force demanding justice – three of their family members have been killed in ways that in no way match the reporting of them. It makes no sense to me. Are the power elite all in it together at some level and take these blows privately? The Kennedys are a family in the top 13 bloodlines (if such a phenomenon can be said to exist). Wow! When looking up a link to the bloodlines I noticed that Onassis is one of them too.

        • This short clip of RFK will give you insights. He knew, but once it looked like he might get closer to power to deal with it, he too was taken down. I think Ted Kennedy was sufficiently compromised to keep him under control. JFK Jr was just skirting around the edges, and that was enough to take him out as well.

          • Thanks, Russ. You may be right but I think if the whole family came out in force they couldn’t simply take them all down. You’d think they’d record stuff and make it public so that they couldn’t just quietly be picked off one by one like that. It seems the Chappaquiddick incident was staged to incriminate Teddy too. I mean, the assassinations are so very, very obvious and I think the power elite actually push their crimes in our faces. Why on earth did they have Oswald use a Carcano rifle, that used by Mussolini’s armed forces. That’s ludicrous.

            This is an interesting video about Italian fascists’ role in the JFK assassination by Michele Metta. I wonder if that rifle was a nod to them?

            I don’t believe Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby. I believe that was all staged – no evidence proving otherwise I don’t think. They could easily give Oswald a new identity or whatever and pretend to jail Jack Ruby. As if Oswald’s going to cry out “I’m just a patsy,” and as if Jack Ruby had any real motive to kill him and be willing to go to jail for it. They stage so much it takes your breath away.

          • Hey Russ, Don Jeffries has been a guest on a few podcasts over the past 7 to 8 years where he discusses his views on JFK Jr.’s death based on his investigation and research on the matter. A jewgle search will find these podcasts. Jeffries conclusions are quite interesting. Russ, I thank you for the work you put in towards spreading truthful information. Take care and be safe, sincerely, Hans Auht.

      • Comprehensive and conclusive Ross – John John was taken out, wtf was the Pentagon doing sticking their dirty paws into the investigation? None of their goddamned business. They got involved to cover up and shut down any real investigation. The number of loose ends you list is unbelievable. Well done, massive respect for your work.

    • These assessments are based on the official story, which is a cover-up.

      I researched his “crash” years ago and reached the inescapable conclusion that he DID have a “flight-instructor” who was a “manchurian-flight-instructor”, just like Egypt Air flight 900 …………

      See: -and-

      ……and just as with Egypt Air flight 900, the plane was crashed intentionally and covered up by the Pentagon and FAA.

      Here is a very informative documentary on the “crash” ….

      It’s most likely that either the Israeli Mossad and/or or CIA with support of the DOD was responsible.

    • Somehow, Torchy, I doubt this. While I have not flown to the Vineyard in a while, I do remember that the airfield is quite large, and can be seen from many miles off. Martha’s Vineyard is a refuge for the Gulfstream V, and a dozen or more of these exotic birds can be seen there on any summer weekend.
      Also, as Russ pointed out, it’s not dark at 10PM on July 16th. Depending on the phase of the moon, the island itself might have been clearly visible.
      As for the AOPA, they are certainly as corrupted as any and every other American institution. I wouldn’t believe anything they said on this particular subject.

  4. There’s a pretty strong clue as to who murdered JFK Jr. right there on the cover of that issue of ‘George’ magazine.
    ‘Who’s covering up the murders of Tupac and Biggie’.
    Right there on that cover.
    For those too young to remember, Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls were early rap stars ,some 25 years ago. Said to be feuding, they were both being extorted by the Jewish Defense League. Both ended up being shot to death, almost certainly by the JDL.
    Who was running the JDL, and was thus the likely killer of both Tupac and Biggie?
    None other than Meir Kahane, founder of the JDL and member of the Israeli Knesset. Kahane had faked his death a few years previously, and was thus a little shy about having his crimes investigated.

  5. JFK Jr.: Eyes Wide Shut

    July 16, 1999 was also the US general release date of Stanley Kubrick’s film, Eyes Wide Shut.

    IMDB : Eyes Wide Shut – Release Dates

    USA 16 July 1999

    Eyes Wide Shut

    There was a lot of interest in Eyes Wide Shut before it was released. But the weekend it came out, July 16, 1999, was the death of JFK Jr., his wife and her sister – a black, black weekend. And for Stanley to have died [on March 7, 1999, at age 70] before the film opened … well, it all felt so dark and strange. Stanley had sent over the cut he considered done to us, Tom and I watched it in New York – and then he died.[118]


  6. For me, it’s still a false death just like his father. Honestly, I haven’t studied the case here at all, but I’ve found enough evidence to support that.

    Even for James Garfield, the idea of the 15 doctors complicit in a murder, putting their dirty fingers in the wounds, seems suspicious to me.

    As a young French citizen, I studied the two times a French president was killed in office. Paul Doumer in 1932 and Sadi Carnot in 1894. Two hoaxes for me just by reading the story on wikipedia like Miles Mathis would do.

  7. Russ- just to let you know the latest Q BS–these people are saying that JFK Jr. was never killed and that he’s coming back, apparently as some kind of leader or savior. They even think maybe Q is actually JFK Jr. (I’m NOT kidding). They are saying that JFK had a bell on his yacht that said “Where we go one, we go all,” which is the Q cult chant. This is truly unbelievable, and so many people have fallen for this. Here, see for yourself:

    While the rest of us who are rational and see what’s going on, are rightly alarmed by the lockdowns and the devastation to the economy, these Q people are living in fantasy land and spin everything. And the Q cultists are saying that Trump has surrounded himself with these snakes (Fauci and Birx) to “keep his enemies closer” (so there’s always a way to explain away everything that should be concerning). And these Q people are saying that Trump is doing this so the people can do research and realize how corrupt they are. So, apparently, these Q tards think it’s fine that the economy is deliberately being destroyed and that millions have lost their homes and businesses, because now a few more people can see Gates, Birx, and Fauci are corrupt.

  8. I know this may seem a bit off topic but I feel it is all relevant to the JFK Jr. “death”. The thing about the Kennedy’s, and Jackie too is how they are made out to be individuals who were “America firster’s”. This is simply not true. JFK was the ultimate globalist and believer in a UN run world, our sovereignty be damned. Just research JFK’s public law 87-297.

    “There exists a sort of “hero-worship” within the alternative media of an assassinated President, known as John. F. Kennedy. I will admit, I used to somewhat fall into that category but, as with most of my other previous held beliefs, further research has lead me to the real JFK—the one not discussed by most of the alternative media.”

    An alternate “theory” in the whole Kennedy saga. I’m not saying it’s true, but I am saying it’s as possible as any other theory. “All that glitters is not gold”.

  9. Well, well Russ Winter are we going to see in the near future an examination of the downing of flight KAL 007? How I remember that but the real eye-opener came later given who was on that flight? Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald?

    I’m no expert but when one looks at American History going back almost to its founding I say too myself why is it that anyone who tries to do the right thing politically winds up dead and this under unusual inexplicable circumstances. Important questions are never answered just covered up as best can be?

    A book should be written covering all the deaths beginning with the last and working backwards to the first. Who knows maybe doing that will uncover sinister plots by those who are alive and well today and hold the purse strings over humanity? Where would it lead? Actually I’d say look no further than to those attendees the Versailles Conference!

  10. Google the book Four Friends about JFK Jr. and a few of his friends from the famed boarding school Andover Academy where the Bush family went.

    It talks about how John and three of his friends all died young in reckless accidents. The author attributes this to some kind of tragic luck or something, but it’s obvious to any halfway normal person that these neurotic rich kids were taught that they were something they weren’t – superlative. They were also taught that the normal rules didn’t apply to them, like of nature (at least two died tempting Mother Nature past any point of sanity).

    At least two also killed other people they took along with them, John Jr. being one of them.

    These elites tried to prove themselves ‘excellent’ in the only arena they could where other human beings weren’t always going to impose a limit on their misinformed egos.

    The book describes that night John died as truly dangerous and he also describes character traits in the young Kennedy consistent with a half-cocked risk taker. He cites other examples in the guy’s life that clearly demonstrate this character flaw.

    If the author hadn’t been able to do that I’d probably agree that John Jr. was killed, but some of the examples of John Jr’s extreme recklessness and hubris don’t sound easily falsified.

    I think he very likely just killed himself and his wife and sister-in-law.

    • Philip Power May 28, 2021 at 5:20 pm asks :

      If today’s NEWS is FAKE-NEWS, what was HISTORY?


      According to Napoleon Bonaparte : “History is a set of lies, agreed upon.”


    The CIA and FBI are subordinate to the CFR.

    from TheRoundTable Website
    The Round-Table Group in the United States became known as the “Council on Foreign Relations”.

    The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America.
    Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life.
    The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is also known as Pratt House.

    The CFR and the Church Committee Investigation

    A recent e-mail contained a news release about Steven Emerson. It said,
    “Mr Emerson is an investigative journalist and noted authority on radical Islamic extremist groups and the policies and operations of Middle Eastern terrorist groups. He is the award- winning producer of “Jihad in America” and regularly provides expert testimony to Congress. Mr. Emerson has authored or co-authored four books.”
    The e-mail contained the following request:
    “According to the following news release, Steven Emerson will speak at a Capitol Hill briefing on Monday, August 31. Anyone who is able to attend should call the contact number listed below to reserve a space. Use the attached materials on Emerson’s history of Muslim bashing to ask FIRM but POLITE questions at the conclusion of the event.”
    The e-mail didn’t mention Steven Emerson is a Council on Foreign Relations member.

    In 1994 CFR member William Clinton’s Council on Foreign Relations run administration began using the terrorist threat as an excuse to keep America in a state of perpetual National Security. The Council on Foreign Relations is the same group that planed and directed a psycho-political operation (psyop) called Mutually ASSured Destruction (MAD).

    Latest warnings include the scenario of some rogue nation terrorizing the United States with a thermonuclear device or biological weapons.

    On September 21st, Reuter’s reporter Steve Holland, wrote,
    “UNITED NATIONS (Reuters)
    As his grand jury testimony drowned out his message Monday, President Clinton soldiered on with a U.N. speech urging a united international effort against terrorism, which he called a “threat to all humankind.” Looking haggard and tired, Clinton received sustained applause from standing world leaders and other delegates to the packed U.N. General Assembly as he walked out.”
    Steve Holland and President Clinton are deceiving their audiences.

    Clinton’s grand jury testimony was the testimony of an accomplished liar. A liar who lied to his wife about his adultery, and then lied to the nation about the lie to his wife. A liar who is not worried or ashamed to lie to anyone about anything. Clinton’s lie about adultery and his sex scandals are one lie in a history filled with lies.

    Clinton’s UN terrorism message got out loud and clear. Clinton, a Council on Foreign Relations member, is bearing false witness to his audience. Clinton’s terrorism speech is another lie that enhances the terrorism. The speech conceals the group sponsoring the terrorism – the Council on Foreign Relations. By concealing the sponsor the terrorism becomes impossible to stop. By making it impossible to stop the terrorism the terrorists targets are made to feel helpless increasing their fear.

    Steven Emerson is part of the Council on Foreign Relations secret team. Steven Emerson is playing a role in the CFR’s terrorist psyop. The Council on Foreign Relations works by targeting different groups and creating tension and hate between them. The Council on Foreign Relations works be creating an Enemy the American people will hate, loath, fear, and be willing to fight.

    Emerson’s job is to create hate between Muslims and Christians. Emerson’s job is to keep the Council on Foreign Relations sponsorship of this hate a secret. The terrorist psycho-political operation is particularly nasty because target groups are being worked up to murder innocent civilians. The CFR is setting in motion a situation that will bring an enemy to American soil to kill innocent men, women, and children.

    If something isn’t done to stop the Council on Foreign Relations it is only a matter of time, until you or someone you love is injured or killed by an act of terrorism resulting from the CFR covert psycho-political operation.

    In 1978 CFR member Emerson served on the staff of Frank Church’s Senate subcommittee investigating Aramco and Saudi oil production. Subpoena power persuaded SoCal and Exxon, to produce some information. The investigation failed to uncover the links between Aramco, Saudi oil production and the Council on Foreign Relations.

    This was not the first Church run Senate committee investigation, staffed by Council on Foreign Relations members that failed to link the Council on Foreign Relations to wrong-doings. This was not the first Senate Committee that was misled and lied to by Council on Foreign Relations members.

    In 1975 during its first session the 94th Congress passed Senate Resolution 21. The resolution created a Senate Committee, chaired by Senator Frank Church, tasked with investigating intelligence activities of the CIA, FBI, and NSA. The Senate Committee’s charter was to find out who was responsible for numerous civil liberty violations.

    The committee successfully established that the civil liberties of American citizens were violated.

    The committee discovered that a group called the “40 committee played a key role in coordinating the wrong-doings abroad.” What the committee did not discover was that the “40 committee” evolved from the Council on Foreign Relations designed Psychological Strategy Board; was staffed and run by Council on Foreign Relations members; and coordinated psycho-political covert operations focused at American citizens violating their civil rights.

    The civil liberty violations that existed in 1975 exist today. The following information provides evidence that Council on Foreign Relations members on the committee and who testified before the committee worked together to obstruct justice and keep CFR sponsorship of the psycho-political operations a secret. The sources of the information are contained in the footnotes.

    The sources are in the public domain and can be found by visiting your Federal Depository and Public Libraries.


    Excerpts from Harper’s magazine, Feb 2001
    The Case Against Henry Kissinger, Part 1: The Making of a War Criminal
    by Christopher Hitchens.

    pg. 40


    In these pages, I’ve found it essential to allude frequently to the “40 Committee,” the semi-clandestine body of which Henry Kissinger was the chairman between 1969 and 1976. One does not need to picture some giant, octopus-like organization at the center of the web of conspiracy; however it is important to know that there was a committee that maintained ultimate supervision over United States covert actions overseas (and possibly, at home) during this period.

    The CIA was originally set up by President Harry Truman at the beginning of the Cold War. In the first Eisenhower Administration, it was felt necessary to establish a monitoring or watch-dog body to oversee covert operations. This panel was known as the Special Group, and somtimes also referred to as the 54/12 Group, after the number of the National Security Council directive that set it up. By the time of President Johnson it was called the 303 Committee, and during the Nixon and Ford administrations it was called the 40 Committee. Some believe that these changes of name reflect the numbers of later NSC directives; others, the successive room numbers in the handsome Old Executive Office Building, now annexed to the neighboring White House, in which it met. In fact, NSC Memorandum 40 was named after the room in which the committee met. No mystery there.

    If any fantastic rumors shroud the work of the committee, this may be the outcome of the absurd cult of secrecy that at one point surrounded it. At Senate hearings in 1973, Senator Stuart Symington was questioned by William Colby, then director of central intelligence, about the origins and evolution of the supervisory group:

    SYMINGTON: Very well. What is the latest committee of this character?

    COLBY: 40 Committee

    SYMINGTON: Who is the chairman?

    COLBY: Well, again, I would prefer to go into executive session on the description of the 40 Committee, Mr. Chairman.

    SYMINGTON: As to who is the chairman, you would prefer and executive session?

    COLBY: The chairman–all right, Mr. Chairman–Dr. Kissinger is the chairman, as the assistant to the president for national security affairs.

    Kissinger held this position ex officio, in other words. His colleagues at the time were Air Force General George Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; William P. Clements Jr., the deputy secretary of defense; Joseph Sisco, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, and the director of central intelligence, William Colby.

    With slight variations, those holding these positions have been the permanent members of the 40 Committee that, as President Ford phrased it in a rare public reference by a president to the group’s existence, “reviews every covert operation undertaken by our government.” An important variation was added by President Nixon, who appointed his former campaign manager and attorney general, John Mitchell, to sit on the committee, the only attorney general to have done so. The founding charter of the CIA prohibits it from taking any part in domestic operations: in January 1975, Attorney General Mitchell was convicted of numerous counts of perjury, obstruction, and conspiracy to cover up the Watergate burglary, which was carried out in part by former CIA operatives. He became the first attorney general to serve time in prison.

    We have met Mr. Mitchell in concert with Mr. Kissinger, before. The usefulness of this note, I hope and believe, is that it supplies a thread that will be found in this narrative. Whenever any major U.S. covert undertaking occurred, between the years of 1969 and 1976, Henry Kissinger may be at least presumed to have had direct knowledge of, and responsibility for, it. If he claims that he did not, then he is claiming not to have been doing a job to which he clung with great bureaucratic tenacity. And whether or not he cares to accept the responsibility, the accountability is inescapably, his.

    pg. 42

    Even while compelled to concentrate on brute realities, one must never lose sight of that element of surreal that surrounds Henry Kissinger. Paying a visit to Vietnam in the middle 1960s, when many technocratic opportunists were still convinced that the war was worth fighting and could be won, the young Henry reserved judgment on the first point but developed considerable private doubts on the second. He had gone so far as to involve himself with an initiative that extended to direct personal contact with Hanoi. He became friendly with two Frenchmen who had a direct line to the Communist leadership in North Vietnam’s capital. Raymond Aubrac, a French civil servant who was a friend of Ho Chi Minh, and Herbert Marcovich, a French microbiologist, began a series of trips to North Vietnam. On their return they briefed Kissinger in Paris. He in his turn parlayed their information into high-level conversations in Washington, relaying the actual or potential negotiating positions of Pham Van Dong and other Communist statesmen to Defense Secretary Robert McNamara.

    This weightless mid-position, which ultimately helped to enable his double act in 1968, allowed Kissinger to ventriloquize Governor Rockefeller and to propose, by indirect means, a future detente with America’s chief rivals. In his first major address as a candidate for the Republican nomination in 1968, Rockefeller spoke ringingly of how “in a subtle triangle with Communist China and the Soviet Union, we can ultimately improve our relations with each–as we test the will for peace of both.”

    pg. 50 & 51 — In his White House Years Kissinger claims that he usurped the customary chain of command whereby commanders in the field receive, or believe they receive, their orders from the president and then the secretary of defense. He boasts the he, together with Halderman, Alexander Haig, and Colonel Ray Sitton, evolved ‘both a military and diplomatic schedule’ for the secret bombing of Cambodia. On board Air Force One, which was on the tarmac at Brussels airport on February 24, 1969, he writes, ‘we worked out the guidelines for bombing the enemy’s sanctuaries.’ A few weeks later, Halderman Diaries for March 17 record:

    Historic day, K[issinger]’s “Operation Breakfast” finally came off at 2:00 PM our time. K[issinger] really excited, as was P[resident].

    The next day’s entry:

    K[issinger]’s “Operation Breakfast” a great success. He came beaming in with report, very productive.

    It only got better. On April 22, 1970, Halderman reports that Nixon, following Kissinger into a National Security Council meeting on Cambodia, “turned back to me with a big smile and said, ‘K[issinger]’s really having fun today, he’s playing Bismarck.’ ”

    The above is a insult to the Iron Chancellor. When Kissinger was finally exposed in Congress and the press for conducting unauthorized bombings, he weakly pleaded that the raids were not all that secret, really, because Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia had known of them. He had to be reminded that a foreign princeling cannot give permission to an American bureaucrat to violate the United States Consititution. Nor, for that matter, can he give permission to an American bureaucrat to slaughter large numbers of his “own” civilians. It’s difficult to imagine Bismarck cowering behind such a contemptible excuse. (Prince Sihanouk, it is worth remembering, later became an abject puppet of the Khmer Rouge.)

    Colonel Sitton, the reigning expert on B-52 tactics at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, began to notice that by late 1969 his own office was being regularly overruled in the matter of selecting targets. “Not only was Henry carefully screening the raids,” said Sitton, “he was reading the raw intelligence” and fiddling with the mission patterns and bombing runs. In other departments of Washington insiderdom, it was also noticed that Kissinger was becoming a Stakhanovite committeeman. Aside from the crucial 40 Committee, which planned and oversaw all foreign covert actions, he chaired the Washington Special Action Group (WSAG), which dealt with breaking crises; the Verification Panel, concerned with arms control; the Vietnam Special Studies Group, which oversaw the day-to-day conduct of the war; and the Defense Program Review Committee, which supervised the budget of the Defense Department.

    It is therefore impossible for him to claim that he was unaware of the consequences of the bombings of Cambodia and Laos; he knew more about them, and in more intimate detail, than any other individual. Nor was he imprisoned in a culture of obedience that gave him no alternative, or nor rival arguments. Several senior members of his own staff, most notably Anthony Lake and Roger Morris, resigned over the invasion of Cambodia, and more than two hundred State Department employees signed a protest addressed to Secretary of State William Rogers. Indeed, both Rogers and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird were opposed to the secret bombing policy, as Kissinger himself records with disgust in his memoirs.

    Hitchens On the Cambodia Bombings:
    pg. 51 & 52

    Having done what he could to bring the Laotian nightmare to the attention of those whose constitutional job it was to supervise such questions, [independent investigator] Branfman went back to Thailand and from there to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. Having gained access to a pilot’s radio, he tape-recorded the conversations between pilots on bombing missions over the Cambodian interior. On no occasion did they run any checks designed to reassure themselves and others that they were not bombing civilian targets. It had been definitely asserted, by named U.S. government spokesmen, that such checks were run. Branfman handed tapes to Sydney Schanberg, whose New York Times report on them was printed just before the Senate met to prohibit further blitzing of Cambodia (the very resolution that was flouted by Kissinger the following month).

    From there Branfman went back to Thailand and traveled north to Nakhorn Phanom, the new headquarters of the U.S. Seventh Air Force. Here, a war room code-named Blue Chip served as the command and control center of the bombing campaign. Branfman was able to pose as a new recruit just up from Saigon and ultimately gained access to the war room itself. Consoles and maps and screens plotted the progress of the bombardment. In coversation with the “bombing officer” on duty, he asked if pilots ever made contact before dropping their enormous loads of ordinance. Oh yes, he was assured, they did. Were they worried about hitting the innocent? Oh, no–merely concerned about the whereabouts of CIA “ground teams” infiltrated into the area. Branfman’s report on this, which was carried by Jack Anderson’s syndicated column, was uncontroverted by an official denial.

    • Good gawd pip, the jews are the problem, not the cfr, fbi, cia, illuminati, bones and skulls, and all these other decoys the evil and very ugly little jew bastards have created in an attempt to conceal their guilt. Shit, pip, you have fallen for a jew decoy, the cfr, and have written a gawd dammed book discussing it on this website. Ahhh shit, pip, ahhh shit.

  12. Miles Mathis has a “crazy” theory that the Kennedy deaths (JFK, RFK, JFK Jr.) were all faked and the Kennedys are “kings” of the syndicate.

    The QANON crowd also thinks JFK Jr. faked his death and is still alive. See Fall of the Cabal- part 10, which supposedly shows a disguised JFK Jr at a Trump rally. What if JFK Jr. is actually alive but he’s the anti-Christ and not the QANON savior?

  13. For the record, he did not need to file a flight plan since the flight was VFR. So “failed to file a flight plan” is misleading. Flight plans are necessary for IFR flight.





      Ask a Christian about Satan, and he or she will probably tell you how he was God’s highest ranking angel who led a failed rebellion against Heaven out of pride. After being vanquished by the Archangel Michael, he was cast into the fiery pits of Hell with his demonic brethren, for all eternity.

      As the ultimate evil, his work entails constant spiritual assault on the living; doing everything in his power to tempt mankind and divert his attention from God. When successful, the souls of the damned are cast into the lakes of fire where they are tormented by demons for all time to come.

      Sounds great, right? Well, there’s just one problem: there is no Biblical evidence for any of things mentioned above.
      Now, before you bust out your Bible to prove me wrong, we need to talk a little bit about Jesus’s Bible.

      Hopefully I don’t have to tell you that Jesus was a Jew. That means for the most part, Jesus observed Jewish law. He had too, or else no self-respecting Jew of the time would have even remotely considered him to be the Messiah. They would have simply written him off as a crazy guy.

      As a Jew, the version of the Bible Jesus would have been familiar with would have been the Hebrew Old Testament, the Tanakh. Jesus did not use the Common English Bible, or the Good News Translation, or the King James Version, or the Latin Vulgate – which if you ask me, begs the question: if Jesus used the Tanakh as the basis of his faith, why don’t his followers? But that’s neither here nor there.

      Jewish Jesus would have used the Jewish Bible. Period.

      So, let’s look at the Satan Jesus would have been familiar with – the Satan of the Hebrew Old Testament.

      Satan in the Old Testament

      ‘Satan’ is a Hebrew word which loosely translates as ‘hinderer’,’ obstacle’, ‘adversary’, or ‘accuser’. I say “loosely translates,” because words don’t always have exact equivalents from one language to another, which is vitally important for any serious student of religious history to understand – but I digress.

      The word ‘satan’ is used as a verb and noun many times throughout Hebrew scripture, such as when the Philistine’s referred to David as their ‘satan’, [I Samuel 29:4 (3-4)], indicating that he was their adversary.

      It was clearly understood in Jesus’s time, that the Hebrew word ‘satan’, was simply that: a word. It was not the official title of a specific person. In fact, the proper noun ‘Ha-Satan’ (The Adversary) is used only once, in the book of Job.

      As the story goes, all the angels [which by the way – the word for ‘angel’ in Hebrew is ‘malak’, and literally translates as ‘messenger’] gathered before God, including Ha-Satan. Ha-Satan’s presence at an angelic gathering was to be expected as he was a well-known member of God’s inner council [1 Chronicles 21:1, Zechariah 3:1-7].

      God asks Ha-Satan whether or not he’s noticed one of his most faithful servants, Job, whilst on his travels about Earth. Ha-Satan explains that he has, but wonders aloud if Job isn’t so faithful because his life is great and he’s never really suffered – something which causes many men to lose their faith.

      God then says to Ha-Satan [Job 1:12]:

      “Behold, all that he has is in your hands; only upon him do not stretch forth your hand.” Now the Adversary left the presence of the Lord.

      Here we see that God commanded his angel/messenger to go forth and ruin Job’s life and as his faithful servant, that’s exactly what he did.

      That’s right, the Satan of the Hebrew Bible – of Jesus’s Bible – was a servant of God! His job was to act as an obstacle; a stumbling block to test man’s faith.

      While this idea might seem blasphemous to your modern Christian, it was and remains common knowledge among the Jewish populace. The Satan Jesus would have grown up with would have been this: Satan, God’s messenger; Satan, God’s inner council member; Satan, God’s faithful servant.

      Now, the Satan of the New Testament is a different story.
      Satan in the New Testament

      While the word ‘satan’ is clearly used in the gospels to describe people in adversarial positions as it is in the Old Testament, it is also used to describe something totally foreign to Jewish teaching: a malevolent, supernatural entity who works in direct opposition to God and his will.

      This version of Satan: can enter people’s bodies and influence their actions (John 13:27); can cause illness (Acts 10:38); can masquerade as a good guy (2 Corinthians 11:14); can send out his own angel/messengers to do his bidding (2 Corinthians 12:7); can cause death (Hebrews 2:14); opposes the Messiah (1 John 3:8); was cast out of heaven with his angels (Revelation 12:9); and dwells in a lake of fire (Revelation 20:10).

      Sounds familiar, right?
      It also sounds like a far cry from the Satan of Jesus’s Bible, the Tanakh. In fact, much of these claims are in direct conflict with the Old Testament – namely the parts where Satan is the evil antithesis of God and the bringer of death and destruction.

      In Deuteronomy 30:15, we see God clearly states:

      See, I [God] have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil.”

      He says something similar in Isaiah 45:7:

      I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I the Lord do all these things.

      You see, much unlike contemporary Christians, the Jews of antiquity and modern times really do believe God to be the sole creator and ruler of the world. In the Jewish mind, Satan isn’t capable of acting outside of God’s will – and in Hebrew Scripture, Satan never does.

      So, where did all of these malevolent supernatural associations listed in the New Testament come from? Well, I’m going to tell you… in Part 2, so stay tuned!

      Stay tuned for “The Origins of Satan: Part 2.” If you don’t already know how the contemporary Devil took shape, I guarantee you – it’s going to blow your mind! As always, feel free to leave your questions, comments, and complaints in the comments below. I cheerfully respond to everything, including heartfelt attempts to simultaneously prove me wrong and save my soul.

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