Final Takedown Accelerating

September 28, 2023 Russ Winter 29

For dot connectors, it’s now easy to surmise why and how the Crime Syndicate and their Lugenpresse media have concocted the “white nationalist,” “white supremacist,” Nazi-boogeyman smear narrative. We now learn that after the George […]

The FTX Loot

November 16, 2022 Russ Winter 8

Winter Watch has written about some doozies over the years, but the fraudulent stealing of billions from crypto depositors at FTX is an over-the-top crime. The CEO of FTX is one Sam Bankman-Fried, otherwise known […]

The Sickening Quickening

August 15, 2022 Winter Watch 2

The regime must know that the next Congress is going to rip the face off the deep state and likely impeach ‘Joe Biden’ for accepting bribes from countries hostile to the USA. By James Howard […]

Winter Watch