9/11 Families and Experts Submit New Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in Building 7

7 December 2020

ARCHITECS & ENGINEERS FOR 9/11 TRUTH — The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) claimed in its final report on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 that “there were no witness reports” of an explosion when the 47-story skyscraper fell straight into its footprint late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001.

That claim, long discredited by eyewitness reports of a shockwave ripping through the building and multiple explosions going off, was further challenged in a new filing made today by 9/11 families and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The letter, sent to NIST as part of an ongoing effort to have the federal agency overhaul its report, provides the accounts of three different reporters who were close to the scene as Building 7 went down.

Most notably, a NY1 reporter who appears to be Annika Pergament described on television a “loud, incredibly loud explosion” and said, “You could feel the ground rumble.” WABC’s Jeff Rossen recounted hearing a “tremble” from six blocks away. And Daily News reporter Peter DeMarco wrote, “[T]here was a rumble. The building’s top row of windows popped out. Then all the windows on the thirty-ninth floor popped out. Then the thirty-eighth floor. Pop! Pop! Pop! was all you heard until the building sunk into a rising cloud of gray.” […]

5 Comments on 9/11 Families and Experts Submit New Eyewitness Evidence of Explosions in Building 7

  1. Amy Goodman Witnesses WTC7 Implosion On 9/11? – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VSS3li93Nk&feature=emb_logo
    Video appears to show Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman fleeing the collapse of WTC7 at approximately 5:20pm on 9/11/2001. Clip is from an unknown news broadcast or documentary.
    “This is mostly an excerpt from my previous video. Something short just to pass the word around this coming 9/11 anniversary on Amy Goodman and the “Progressive left” propagandists and their 9/11 truth cover up by “pro-humanitarian interventionists” and CIA, Soros, Ford Foundation-funded “Democracy Now”. Just like we are destroying CNN, MSNBC, FOX we also need to dismantle the Amy Goodman and the “war on peace report” fairy tale.”

    Cynthia McKinney oath to Israel, Amy Goodman running from WTC 7

  2. Well as many of you know I was in Manhattan that day, saw the first explosion (let’s just leave it at that, since many of us had this conversation before, and I really like WW, as well as everyone here), continued to a job on the Upper West Side and went about my day (I thought it was all just an accident, so I said a prayer and went to work).

    Now to my point…on this part:

    “Most notably, a NY1 reporter who appears to be Annika Pergament described on television a “loud, incredibly loud explosion” and said, “You could feel the ground rumble.” WABC’s Jeff Rossen recounted hearing a “tremble” from six blocks away. And Daily News reporter Peter DeMarco wrote, “[T]here was a rumble. The building’s top row of windows popped out. Then all the windows on the thirty-ninth floor popped out. Then the thirty-eighth floor. Pop! Pop! Pop! was all you heard until the building sunk into a rising cloud of gray.”

    Although I do not doubt that the Earth shook and all of this information is quite accurate, old Simple cannot confirm it from personal experience. Where I was working must have been too far removed to feel that sensation. So if I lack information on this point in any of my prior posts, I do apologize since I was just too far removed.

    Now we (me and Mrs. Simple / then girlfriend) did live under a cloud for months, even where we were at (East Village). You could not really even tell if it was sunny on some days, until you started moving uptown. Also the smell of the air was really awful. At the time, I chalked it up to asbestos, which I can confirm those towers were full of (visited many times, sometimes went to Windows on the World).

    The one positive that I can leave everyone with is that all of us New Yorkers were both a lot nicer to each other and even to other folks (visitors) after it all happened. We really did try to all just be a bit kinder to one another.


  3. With that amount of vibrations 6 blocks away from WTC every skyscraper would need to have their building checked for stress cracking high up where sway would occur .

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