Within the last two months, two stories have emerged in a decidedly distracted and quite intentionally targeted, news cycle and that’s the continued violence and death in a certain country in the fertile crescent and the death of Riley Strain, which mirrors all of the evidence of what’s known as the Smile Face Killer(s). Taken separately, both seem to be isolated tragedies taking place in different parts of the world, but are they? Is it just further evidence that something ominous is our midst and what we’re up against is really a cold, calculated, killing machine, with possessed operatives who are on a mission to terrorize and depopulate.
Russ Winter of www.winterwatch.net has been following both scenarios with a dogged determination and brings us the latest pieces of evidence that what we’re up against isn’t just a random band of roving psychopaths, but something far more sinister, a malevolent spirit, an ancient egregore that has been summoned from the depths of the darkest realms, to cull the herd with adrenaline levels at an all-time-high.
Low Gigabits here–Are there MP3’s available for your talks?
You could try using ClipGrab (free) – insert the url and then choose Audio only (MP3) as download option
As already suggested, there are often browser add-ons that let you save video and audio clips — since it’s a YouTube link, search for something like ‘youtube video to mp3’ — it’s usually possible to find websites that let you put in the URL of a YouTube video and get a downloadable mp3 — I used to do that a lot for music on YT, but haven’t tried it for several years now — but I imagine you can still find a website to do it.
Great legacy, Russ – be proud!!
Great show, Russ. I was especially interested in the Riley Strain case. I think that tranny was wearing a University of Alabama Crimson Tide sweatshirt (I was able to see it better in another photo from the press conference). I’m also suspicious of the two tiktok women who found the debit card. They also seem to have a witchy look about them–I saw a couple of videos of them and they seem a bit creepy.
And I think you’ve done a fabulous job with this site, as someone who woke up to all of this later in life. I think your work on all of the psyops/staged deceptions and hidden history is the best there is.
I tried telling people that I knew personally this was going on years ago. I got laughed at, mocked, told to buy a tinfoil hit, etc. Finally I stopped talking about it.
You’re right, this is a malevolent force targeting young good looking white men and women. Especially leaving a bar. I read somewhere he was found without his pants. Signs he could have been sexually assaulted. His buddies should have never let him wonder off. When I would hang out in a group, there was one person who was sober. He or she would make sure there was a headcount and no one was missing.
I believe someone slipped him a knockout type of drug and followed him. I shudder to think of what he might have gone through. IMO these crimes are planned. But by whom? And who is organizing this? Now THAT would be the story of the year.
Please remember the research of the late great Dave McGowan and his ground-breaking book, “Programmed to Kill, the Politics of Serial Murders” The CIA trained serial killers to terrorize the Viet Namese in the 1960’s and after the war ended, set them loose in the US to terrorize the American populace in the 1970’s. https://www.amazon.com/Programmed-Kill-Politics-Serial-Murder/dp/0595326404