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Salami Strategy aka Szalámitaktika Now in Play

The centerpiece of culture-critique Marxism and vanguardism are pushing scam concepts like “tolerance.” This is further enhanced by the use of the salami strategy (szalámitaktika) of attack, incorporating the double-bind method.

A double bind is an emotionally distressing dilemma in which an individual (or group) receives two or more conflicting messages, and one message negates the other. This creates a situation in which a successful response to one message results in a failed response to the other (and vice versa), so that the person will automatically be wrong regardless of response. The double bind occurs when the person cannot confront the inherent dilemma and, therefore, can neither resolve it nor opt out of the situation. I also like to think of this as a dead end.

Double bind quickly morphs into double think, which is notable due to cognitive dissonance — thus, the person is completely unaware of any conflict or contradiction.

See: Gregory Bateson: The Master of Double-Bind Black Propaganda

Szalámitaktika 2024 style centers around the Zio word construct “terrorists”. Both sides of the salami use this constantly. To me personally terrorism today is best applied to the Gaza genocide. But here is how we see the double bind deflection played out. This allows both parties to completely ignore the fine details of the events they are alluding to.

The backdrop is that there is something about campuses that triggers many people. Given that I try to self-reflect this includes me. It is a fallacy of origin or genetic fallacy that holds that any movement emerging from campuses must be inherently wrong or can be associated with wokeness. This is a multi-layered szalámitaktika double bind that reveals a high degree of brain washing.

Lost in the shuffle is that many people have a real distaste for the slaughter of innocents and the razing of a large city.

In the first Larry calls the genocide protestors terrorists. That is a convenient salami ploy and avoids the inherent dilemma. Note that Larry is an American flag waver guy, which apparently is designed to give him some cover for his view.

On the other side of the salami is a whataboutism. Since the whole idea behind szalámitaktika is to inflict the word terrorism on legitimate protest or counter-movements, one Moose brings up the contrived and planted January 6 event. There is also the subliminal use of the American flag in Moose delivery.

subliminal: (of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

If you follow along the comments they are pretty strident and divided mostly around the salami.

Those who object to some depravity or outrage are labelled or portrayed as fascists and Nazis; or, at the very least, fascist sympathizers. Terms like “polarizing” and “divisive” are tossed around. This is tied into an appeal for “unity” which is effectively knelling to anarcho tyrants.

In contemporary politics, if somebody ventures into the sticky wicket of criticizing Israel or the lobbying of that foreign state, then the abused term “anti-Semite” can be rolled out. By extension, under the salami attack method, if that label sticks you are the moral equivalent of a camp guard throwing gas canisters into the alleged showers. Some how by osmosis this “slippery slope” all begins with disapproval (aka “intolerance”) of some questionable behavior or practice.

The terms anti-semite and Nazi have definitely lost their cache since the Genocide. Accordingly we see that terrorist has become the new szalámitaktika of the realm.

For those who notice these glitches in the kakistocracy matrix, there’s the “conspiracy theorist” arrow. Thus, on a number of wash-rinse-repeat fronts, the manipulator is able to get the opposition to in-fight and slice off its right wing, followed by its centrists, and then the more courageous left wingers, until only fellow travelers willing to collaborate remain in power.

“Hater” is another salami favorite. This is utilized for those not yet put into the terrorist camp, but who are headed there via the salami method.

Read “Putting the Word ‘Hate’ into Proper Context”

Feeding the salami?

2 Comments on Salami Strategy aka Szalámitaktika Now in Play

  1. Yes – there is a ‘trigger word’, geared towards the average 11 year old mind, that is purposely used out of definition and/or context for every thought/action not in line with the policies of the liars that be. It is how perception & reasoning are paralyzed- a smart if sophomoric method of advancing nihilistic evil without ‘violence’.

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