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Jewess’ Leading the False Threat Accusations Brigades

This occurred at Northwestern University. Filing a false police report is illegal and wastes local PD resources. Encampment Karen seems very confident that laws don’t apply to her. She tells the cops ‘I’m a Jewish-American woman’ as if that qualifies her for special consideration.

But doubt if it is enforced. It effectively risks a more dangerous swatting incident however. This “incident” will likely show up on the FBI and ADL list of antisemitic incidents.

endless that-look-you-make meme possibilities


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Meanwhile in Germany.

5 Comments on Jewess’ Leading the False Threat Accusations Brigades

  1. I always shake my head when someone says “Not all Jews are like that!” That is true, a very, very few Jews will do the right thing. Most, if given the chance, will take sides against humanity for the sake of the tribe. The Jews create their enemies through their behavior. It is not a crime to notice what they are doing. It is self preservation. Anti-Semitism is a virtue.

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