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Starbucks Shares Tumble On Reports That 150 Stores To Strike Over Pride Decor Removal

Zero Hedge | June 23, 2023

Bud Light has faced ongoing backlash from LGBT lobby groups in its damned if you do, damned if you don’t saga of its own making. Other major brands, Target being a foremost example, have also noticeably softened or even removed their “Pride Month” campaigns, fearing that boycott of their own products could begin trending, while still trying at least token appeasement of the LGBT lobby by keeping up minimal “Pride” appearances, often through local events.

Starbucks has also of late come under the spotlight of controversy after reports that district managers have increasingly banned or removed Pride decor in various locations across the country, resulting in a backlash from its own workers.

Corporate leadership says the company is firmly pro-LGBT, but the union Starbucks Workers United recently complained on Twitter, “Taking a cue from Target, who bowed to anti-LGBTQ+ pressure and removed pride merchandise, corporate and district management are taking down the pride decorations that have become an annual tradition in stores.”


1 Comment on Starbucks Shares Tumble On Reports That 150 Stores To Strike Over Pride Decor Removal

  1. How much quieter & peaceful it is without homosexuals pushing their mentally ill ‘life style’ down our throats.

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