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Part II: Countering the Parasite Guild

July 28, 2016 Russ Winter 4

The cognoscenti is looking to the Bank of Japan to make a blockbuster announcement on Thursday. The global stooges that run monetary policy apparently are considering helicopter money. This is direct cash infusion without cancelling […]

Observations on the Munich Attack

July 23, 2016 Russ Winter 13

It appears the Crime Syndicate is trying to cover all their bases on the Munich event. The now-dead perpetrator shooter was quickly identified as an 18-year-old German-Iranian. In an odd twist, he is also being positioned […]

The Coming Revolt Against the Banksters

July 21, 2016 Russ Winter 3

S&P finally checked in on credit quality. Perhaps they have insights into the innards of the cancer patient? Regardless, this commentary isn’t really rocket science, nor is extrapolating that the leveraged hedge-fund central banks that […]

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Winter Watch