Seattle is Dying: Drug-Addled Street People Occupy Cities of the Left Coast


Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles and San Francisco are being inundated with drug-addled, mentally ill street people. The Red Vanguard discordians and cultural Marxists who run these cities try to define the narrative by calling them “homeless people” and infer that working poor live in these conditions. No working person facing housing affordability issues would live like this.

Seattle’s KOMO TV released a must-view documentary called “Seattle is Dying” that drops the truth bomb on the issue.

Seattle and other left coast cities are influenced and controlled by subvert-and-destroy Vanguard Alinskyites. A key theorem of Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven involves “overwhelming the system” until it snaps.

The documentary shows the salami attack (szalámitaktika) of preaching hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Comply or be called a Nazi. This is the tactic used by the Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants responsible for Seattle’s decent into hell.

Anarcho-tyranny combines oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding while simultaneously exhibiting a grotesque paralysis of will to carry out basic public duties, such as public safety and protection. Anarcho-tyranny breaks down society by failing to punish criminals and refusing to enforce legitimate order or even the most minimal standard of public conduct. It also criminalizes the innocent.

Read: György Lukács: Practitioner of Red Vanguardism and Cultural Nihilism

California Anarcho Tyrants Prepare to Release 78,000 Hardened Felons into Unsuspecting Communities

But this is finally falling on deaf ears as the city turns into a public toilet/cesspool and reaches its breaking point. The plebs (aka “reactionaries”) are losing their tempers. The kakistocracy responsible for this needs to be identified and removed from power by the citizens of Seattle. The Alinskyite political collective supporting this invasion of drugged street people needs to be fiercely opposed.

Unfortunately Denver is set to follow Seattle’s path into a cesspool. Initiative 300 would overturn Denver’s camping ban and allow the homeless to camp on sidewalks, in parks and any public spaces. It would also allow living in cars.

Image result for seattle drug problem homelessness

Seattle’s fall is the price of hyper “tolerance and compassion.” Vanguard Marxists have permitted deranged and depraved mentally ill addicts to take over public space. Incredibly, Seattle has decriminalized possession of under three grams of hard drugs — even though 3 grams of heroin is 20 doses. Dealers who handle more have also arrived on the scene. In addition, so-called drug-related felons have been early released from prisons, adding to the mix and flooding the city with dealers. There they can publicly “celebrate their open air drugged lifestyle” without any interference or consequences. The ultimate goal is leveling of society to the lowest common denominator.

Read “Illuminism and Freemason Uprising Part I: A Deep Dive into Revolutionary History with Nesta Webster and James Billington”

The Seattle police are trying to do their job, but the courts and their supervisors are infiltrated and infested with social justice anarcho- tyrants who sanction lowlife criminal behavior. This in turn leads to law enforcement demoralization, which we suggest is malice by design, not incompetence. In Seattle, the clique of incompetents are promoted again and again — with no coincidence.

Of course, many of the offending street people are mentally ill, often criminally so. The documentary estimated that almost all engage in addictive substance abuse. Most have illicit drug dependence co-occurring with mental illness. Severe alcoholism is also present in this population. Therefore, the first step to control mental illness is sobriety. But there is no attempt to force sobriety on these wretched souls. Instead hard drugs are defacto legalized and fortified alcohol is readily available.

Toward the end of “Seattle is Dying,” the filmmakers looked at Rhode Island’s program. That state incarcerates offenders who commit crimes, and then conducts a drug treatment using medications that stabilizes opiate users. Unfortunately, not all street people are heroin users that can respond to simply taking a pill. Recovery from meth — as we discussed in, “Methamphetamine: A Growing Demonic Plague” — is much more challenging.

Additionally, those who respond to the R.I. treatment are likely not to have severe co-occurring mental illness, and thus are better recovery candidates. Although it’s a step in the right direction for some drugged street people, the documentry left the impression that the fix was easy. In reality, severely criminally mental ill people need to be institutionalized.

Liberals? Or something much worse – Red Vanguard anarcho-tyrants.

And as much as I support the idea of liberty, once one lives on the streets, uses hard drugs there and starts an arrest rap sheet, you should be totally ID’ed and under the jurisdiction and direction of police and tough courts.

If not immediately incarcerated, they should be on strict probation as soon as the first conviction – including public civility and intoxication violations. And many of these street people already have criminal records or are violating parole. A warrant check sweep would remove the more dangerous predators of the lot, which benefits safety for the public as well as other street people. The worst 5% should be taken off the streets immediately. Hard drugs use and possession should be re-criminalized. There should be a crack down and imprisonment for the dealers. The nearby McNeil Island penitentiary now sits empty.


31 Comments on Seattle is Dying: Drug-Addled Street People Occupy Cities of the Left Coast

  1. They need a bullet, just like Mao did when faced with an ocean of addicts and dealers in the PRC following a century of illicit drug trade.

    • This video was such a gripping presentation. We spent quote some time in shock. A giant WT@. Then it occurs: this is all totally by design. Shock doctrine at its utmost. Under economic duress Germany was coaxed in to the eugenics doctrine whereby untold numbers of their own citizens (Nuremburg only about non-nationals, no one ever answered for this) were sent to eugenics courts and marched into crematoriums set up in most urban centers. This included at least 100,000 German children. The US is being coaxed into a policy of mass murder of its own. Street druggies seen as worthless. it has to be the objective of the pedophocracy who are designing social ills. It is supposed to be evidence supporting institutionalized mass murder. This is not some serial blunder. Some collectively maladroit administration. It involves all of that. But at the top things are going along as planned.

        • Hope you are right and I’m not. At that Lily Tomlin stage of “no matter how cynical I get I can’t keep up.” Wouldn’t be surprised to learn they have an arsenal of mind control weaponry trained on those poor tranced-out druggies. Looks like an open lab for mind control “research.”

          • I live in Portland and i can attest that many of these tent people actually do have jobs of some sort. (mostly people living in cars and raddegy campers) The Everything Bubble economy and rampant real estate speculation has squeezed wages while rents have rocketed skyward. Add the economic distortion of the overreaction to the plandemic and portland’s natural tolerance for eccentricity and you have a mountain of trash strung all over and crazy junkies shitting in people’s backyard. Add social justice ding dongs who live in posh part of town (Black Lives Antifa never demonstrated in the southwestern sector where the richies live) and you got a mess of epic proportions

        • Russ, “they” ARE doing it by design. “They” are the Masonic-Zionist-Cabalist elite who will have their World capital in Jerusalem. They have used America to achieve that, and they will squeeze every last drop out of America, until, as Nutty-yahoo said, “when we have got all we need out of America, it can dry up and blow away”. They want America disarmed, deracinated, demoralised, and DEAD for all practical purposes, because when Americans do find out (too late stupid!!) what was done to them, they will have to just suck shite, because they will be in no condition to do anything.

          The Zionists fawn on America now, because they have still to squeeze more out of her, but all the while they mutter under their breath, “F*@k you America, you stupid goy sh!t”.

          Barely 5%, maybe 10% of Americans are fully “woke” today. By the time even 50% are there, it will be too late.

          • RW,

            We now know, from your posting and thoughts on the documentary, Planet Lockdown, that you are in no way alone (and have not been even when this thread was originally posted) in believing these events are definitely by DESIGN and not a series of random events. Ms. Austin Fitts did a fine analysis of how these environments are being actively cultivated for a change in the direction of everything from the WIFI / EMF operations in our cities, to our currency (becoming 100% digital).

            Ironically, guess which newspaper decried the film; the Seattle Times:


            So here we have your excellent thread, this great film (the entire film was well done and I enjoyed many of the interviews – I do recommend the film) and many other folks who have correctly analyzed that our cities and society are being altered by design, and to a large extent NEO-FEUDALISM is on the menu for the future. The whole 12 districts, no free elections, 12 governors, which mimics the FED system, seems like a real possibility going forward.

            Funny, it is as though they took out advertising space by creating those Hunger Games books and films…then (later) they send that puppet Lady Gaga (looking like a character right from the books) to the inauguration of the Disney animatronic, Presidential, doll to really drive the point home (because we may all agree that the folks who come up with these plans are never that creative or clever, to the contrary they are often quite literal).

            Thanks for bringing this thread back; I think that anyone who is looking around Winter Watch will see stories, which follow the original release of this work and actually support it quite well; this would be a testament to affirming you were on the right track from the very beginning.


          • Kati,

            Thanks for clearing that one up. Mr. Winter also mentioned this on his last podcast with Dino, and I had never heard the term. No it makes more sense to me.

            Simple Citizen

      • Horsegirl: You are largely correct – but partly wrong – about the National Socialists euthanasia program (there were no crematoriums in cities into which Germans were marched). The eugenics courts were in operation through much of the 1930s – at least from mid-decade. The euthanasia program did not start until Oct 1939 – after the war started (Hitler himself signing the authorization order). The operation itself was confined to a half dozen or so sanitariums; the crematoriums were located at these facilities; death was by poison injection; gas was not used.

        What may be most interesting in our current context is the very large scale of public protest that the programs elicited. Families fought like hell to prevent disabled relatives from being sterilized; courts occasionally over-turned sterilization orders. As word leaked out about the euthanasia program public resistance was fierce – crowds would gather when the Death Coaches were expected and things would get ugly.

        The euthanasia program was officially ended sometime in 1940; actually, it proceed for another year in a scaled back way with much greater secrecy. By the end of 41, program personnel were needed elsewhere….

        In general, there was much more give-and-take between the N S government and the German populace (i.e. the non Jewish Germans; political opponents also an exception). The totalitarian model – in vogue shortly after the war – was not a highly accurate description of the regime; at least their internal policies.

  2. Do you think the politicians in charge of these states are purposely making them unlivable and driving the people out so they can sell the property to the Chinese? As I understand it, there’s a lot of rich foreigners buying up real estate in various once-great American cities. Can’t imagine what other reason they’d purposely drive their cities off the cliff.

    • Lucas,

      You may wish to look at a few of the interviews of Ms. Catherine Austin Fitts. She does have a pretty sound theory about the planned destruction of U.S. cities:

      Although China is one of the largest owners of U.S. debt and even many assets, I would opine that there is probably a consortium of the 1% of the 1% that is investing in the locations and the technology companies, which will be largely changing each of these urban environments.

      All my best,
      Simple Citizen

  3. Have to disagree with you guys…

    Headline: I 40 Bridge has a crack and is shut down (by the state)

    Headline: I 40 Bridge reopened by Coast Guard (by the Federal Govt DOT)

    I think we are in a WWIII bond blow up and the various state municipalities, since they can not print currency, nor likely issue bonds as easily , are now fabricating, instigating, cajoling, or, (whatever methodology they can come up with) plans and schemes to access FEDERAL DOLLARS under the guise of State of Emergency Federal Funding.

    As far as “demoralizing the citizenry” Well….Our “New Normal” has achieved that. You see, after 18 months, no one fears death as much as they fear ANOTHER lockdown….Mission complished.

    And wouldn’t you know it…Even the vaxed get Covid

    • “I think we are in a WWIII bond blow up and the various state municipalities, since they can not print currency, nor likely issue bonds as easily , are now fabricating, instigating, cajoling, or, (whatever methodology they can come up with) plans and schemes to access FEDERAL DOLLARS under the guise of State of Emergency Federal Funding.”

      Yeah, I would say you nailed it! Great post.

      We might all consider that there is really only one fiscally sound state in the nation, and that is North Dakota due to their state back. Montana is decent as debt goes, but on the whole, all of the states in the United States are bankrupt and have been for (literally) decades. As the economy has basically switched from manufacturing to services, there is also no easy way for a state to “grow their way out of it”. So you are right on target my friend.


      • If states were actually trying to remain financially solvent, more of them would be looking into public banks, but I reckon there is a good reason it hadn’t been done for a century since ND did it. Curiously, California signed a public banking law, AB-857, on the centennial of the bank of ND’s creation. Something tells me that the public bank model will not work out as well for California as it has for ND. I know sun shines on a dog’s arse some days but I can’t see Gavin Newsom signing such a bill into law that would actually benefit his constituents. We’ll see. The blackpilled part of me figures it has other purposes, perhaps as a vehicle for an eventual financial quasi secession when the US economy and currency are finally and totally kaput. That’s just my wild guess.

        • “Something tells me that the public bank model will not work out as well for California as it has for ND.”

          Yeah, I am going to have to concur with you on that one. What I might add is that many of the states were purposely bullied, bribed and / or beaten by the FED throughout the years. ND was just smart enough to ignore them.

          Now BTS, you know that I love all things Swiss. Swiss cheese, Swiss chocolate, Swiss gold, and Swiss firearms, yet since you mentioned economic collapse, I thought I thought that you might not mind if I shared this little thread with you; it left me scratching my head:

          Part of me thought, whoa wait a minute…you mean the relatively conservative Swiss republic and the cantons in the north east of the nation are actually going to let this one happen, without even a minor protest? WTF?

          Then I just began to cry like a 7, or maybe 5, year old pretty, pretty princess knowing that my dream land (wanted to move there and wander the hills, singing tunes form the Sound of Music) was turning into a nightmare by drinking the Klaus Schwab “Kool Aid”. Oh well, I guess all good things come to an end at some point.

          Might have to consider my own island, so that I may be left alone and begin my own currency: Simple Notes, backed by the never ending value of the puka shell (still going strong in necklaces all over the world)! = )

          • SC- you wrote: “Now BTS, you know that I love all things Swiss. Swiss cheese, Swiss chocolate, Swiss gold, and Swiss firearms, yet since you mentioned economic collapse, I thought I thought that you might not mind if I shared this little thread with you; it left me scratching my head”
            I do love all those things from Switzerland that you mentioned, and in the past I was probably guilty of painting with too broad a brush re: Switzerland. “I am leery of their government” would be a more accurate statement, I’m sure the average Swiss citizen is a fine person. I also have dreamt of wandering those same idyllic hills, honestly. I’ve been told that the bad guys are actually located further north towards the Luxembourg-Belgium-Netherlands area but no doubt there’s some in your dream country and France and Germany also. I was oversimplifying to attach a nationality to these people, since they are all technically traitors. Also, interesting link, it is indeed sad to see countries cancelling their currencies and thus abdicating one of the core responsibilities that governments are supposed to provide to their people. An island sounds good right about now, for sure. BTW good job on your Trump article.

            • Many thanks!

              Although I was sad to see the abdication of responsibility, as always I tried to keep it light in the response in the hopes we could still not get too dark in our discussions. It is a true shame, and I do hope the citizens and canton leaders push back to a point of ending such madness and subjugation.

              As always it is great to hear from you and I hope you are having a very good weekend. Also, many thanks for looking at the Trump thread and your kind words. RW asked if I would like to write something so I said “sure” and tried it out; I have never written much more than a classified advertisement to sell some old gym equipment, some business documents, the odd letter and the posts you see here. Also, Torchy whipped it all into shape and work for WW, so I was supported really well byt he both of them.

              Now I just look forward to seeing / reading one from you, one from JWR, one from Ed, TT, Lycurgus, and all the others we normally talk to up here (assuming you have the time or inclination to do so).

              Please be well.


              • Also shh and BGNZ would make for excellent thread authors as well. They always have interesting perspectives, write very well, and I enjoy corresponding with them up here.

                Just did not wish to forget them as well.


            • Okay, one last.

              Some day, I would appreciate your thoughts on CERN. From my (humble) perspective, I think it is dangerous and not needed; however, I concede that my perspective may be simplistic (pun intended).


              • SC- I’m comfortable with your perspective on cern. If I had to expand I would be comfortable with saying it’s likely a theft operation combined with technology-aided high level witchcraft disguised as scientific research. But I believe this is a spiritual war and I’m largely skeptical of science. Found this link, not sure of the source, but it found some interesting connections between cern and the left hand path, my sentiments:
                And cern also has blokes like this working there, neat he even looks like Einstein, who’s work I am skeptical of also:
                He even has the word ghoul in his name phonetically, how appropriate, taking into account his employer…

                • “Found this link, not sure of the source, ”

                  Before we get into the rest of your excellent response here, I just wanted to say that I have quite a few of Dr. Horn’s books and I admire his depth of knowledge, as well as research; talk about a gentleman who will follow the clues and travel where he needs to in order to find facts…I really like the texts I own, and the interviews I have watched (he was the one who made me aware of the telescopes that the Catholic Church owned out west).

                  When I saw that link (I liked them both), I smiled (great catch)! I just never mention him here, because I am not sure how many people would know about him; I know that in speaking with my local friends, many of them had never heard about him until I brought up a particular text.

                  ” If I had to expand I would be comfortable with saying it’s likely a theft operation combined with technology-aided high level witchcraft disguised as scientific research. But I believe this is a spiritual war and I’m largely skeptical of science.”

                  I am completely with you there. I too believe it is a spiritual experiment that seeks to “play God” and then denounce true faith, while seeking to convince people that it could easily be replaced with “science”.

                  They are trying so hard to sell the whole “trust the science bunk”, and while they are at it, they will not even attempt to have a completely transparent study of effects of basic WIFI and 3G (never mind 5 or 6G), which is where the real change in signal strength begins to ramp up.

                  Thankfully Norway and Sweden have some older studies on this these topics, but they must of heard from on high to “cut that out”, because many of their older white papers have not been updated and new studies are very tough to locate.

                  “And cern also has blokes like this working there, neat he even looks like Einstein, who’s work I am skeptical of also…”

                  Makes two of us; I think we have the “cult of personality” with him and a marketing campaign using an actor to teach what a scientist should sound and act like.

                  “He even has the word ghoul in his name phonetically, how appropriate, taking into account his employer…”

                  That link really drives your point home and I hope others at WW check it out. I had never heard of this guy, but I have to agree it is a great link, but with a cutout of a guy who looks to be filling a role as you indicated.

                  Really excellent response; many thanks.

                  • From your first link to Dr. Horn:

                    “We can see how Nimrod could be identified with Cern as the god of this world. In fact, Satan himself could be identified with Cern according to 2 Corinthians 4:4. Nimrod may also be identified with the first person who put on Lupus’ pelts and became the priest of Lupercus. There are many ways to make connections and assign biblical identities to various myths surrounding Cern.”

                    And then you and I can easily place this idea in the context of this thread and the cities, which as indicated are becoming more “hellish” as the decay and decline. Although 5 / 6 G

                    (to Ms. Fitts Austin’s point, which is about the purposeful decline of these cities so that they may be built up again as “smart cities” by a technocracy)

                    is much different than a collider, again we have the “science” utilized to push a spiritual and human decline in the cities referenced in this thread. At the base, root idea, we might make the association between technologies being utilized to control and even destroy humanity on many different levels.

                    To surmise, I think you nailed your point really well and appreciated those links (literally a “ghoul”, my goodness what will these fools think of next).


  4. I live in Colorado and have flat-out stopped going into Denver, Civic Center Park is disgusting. The last time I was down there, there was a fresh puddle of piss immediately across from the State Capitol. I cannot emphasize this enough, if you walked directly down the State Capitol main steps and straight across the street there was a puddle of piss. Colfax and Broadway is the nexus of subhuman drug addicts.

    Going downtown I used to pity these wretched people immensely, but now, I am utterly inured to them. I don’t want to interact with them, I don’t even want to view them. It would be easier to change the decaying civilization that created them than they themselves.

    As much as I’d spew pure vitriol at the Jews for their considerable involvement
    in the collapse, something entirely inhuman is the main architect behind this. In this new world catching a game downtown and a meal is an anachronism, regardless of your socioeconomic status.

    • Lycurgus- you wrote: “As much as I’d spew pure vitriol at the Jews for their considerable involvement in the collapse, something entirely inhuman is the main architect behind this.”
      Spot on. Your use of the word architect is apropos. I’ve been guilty of doing the same thing vis a vis blaming jews. Let me be clear that they do deserve some blame, probably more per capita than any other group, but not all of it. Certainly their chosenite tribal supremacist belief system allows them to carry less moral baggage than other groups when engaged in skullduggery. But assessing all blame upon them is intellectually lazy. It ignores the signs and symptoms that something bigger is driving what is happening. It also assigns a level of power and intelligence to jews that is outright silly to me. Sorry but I can’t bring myself to think that highly of them. I’ve met plenty of them who were purportedly brilliant who seemed dumb as a box of rocks. Not to mention the fact that most bad actors who identify as jews are of Eastern European stock. It is their belief system, not their genetic heritage, that is the driving force. This belief system was around before the jews made it their own. They didn’t think that garbage up. So it’s much deeper than just one group of people causing the problems. Which brings the discussion back to the architect of all this, and the supernatural reality. Unfortunately the average 21st century digital person can’t be bothered to think about such things, labeling it superstition, while in their next breath they will illogically espouse “belief” in aliens or some other science based balderdash. This is what interested me in the comments thread about the flat earth article recently. Plenty of people harping on the flat earthers and invoking almighty science… Only problem is science is very often wrong and changing and backed by the agents of deception. My point is not to side with flat earthers, but to not blindly side with science either, as if science is infallible, and to point out the obviously framed nature of the whole discussion. Who says that it’s got to be one of the two, flat or ball? Why’s there only two options? Haven’t we had enough experience in this post truth world to identify a double bind situation with two wrong answers?

    • “The last time I was down there, there was a fresh puddle of piss immediately across from the State Capitol. I cannot emphasize this enough, if you walked directly down the State Capitol main steps and straight across the street there was a puddle of piss.”


      This was NYC in the 1970s – the mid to late 1980s. In fact because I was watching 2 different documentaries on Netflix (recently), and I was reminded of how grim it all was on everyone involved. As I read your post, I am struck with wondering whether that bankruptcy in the mid 1970s and the environment which ensued (blackout, Son of Sam and overall hellish atmosphere) was a test of sorts, by the evil you indicate; I always chalked it up to basic greed and incompetence, but now I do wonder.

      Hoping it gets better where you are; NYC did in fact turn a corner after 20 years of first suffering and then crawling back. Seems unfortunate that it is now regressing yet again.


  5. Seems like what’s going on here is straight up Accelerationism. Rightists get caught up in this as well. Those of the Prepper/Mad-Max variety. Somehow these ‘advocates’ are convinced that if they sabotage civilization, they can wreck it totally and then start from Year Zero or some other insane Pol Pot thing. Totally unworkable but it’s a religion.

  6. The irony here is, if-and-when the Marxist system is put in place and Seattle is full-blown commie, all those mentally ill street people will promptly be put to death to clear the streets. They are far less compassionate/stupid than we are.

  7. Kind of ironic that these Jews are complaining about the results of Jews completely destroying Western Civilization in America.

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