The Crime Syndicate behind staged events has been embedding into the minds of masses the notion that vehicles are commonly used as weapons against crowds. Before 2015, this would have been rarely heard of.
People accept the official narrative – but we would bet that not one person in a thousand has actually closely watched and examined the five videos taken of the Charlottesville alleged vehicular assault. Winter Watch is the only site online, that we are aware of, that has all five of these hard to find “car assault” films in one location. Now you can actually view what transpired from multiple angles rather than be fed a narrative.
Most Americans are good drivers, they’re around vehicles continuously and, as such, develop necessary instincts and awareness. We are taught at a young age to be vehicle aware- and maintain heads up around them. But at Charlottesville (and elsewhere, such as the Berlin Christmas, Nice, Barcelona and Toronto truck attacks), people are presumed to be standing like deer in the headlights as vehicles careen and bear down upon them- leaving broad swaths of bodies as if a vanado came through.
One such video of the Charlottesville crash, taken by Brennan Gilmore, shows a rear view of the car approaching the crowd, then speeding away in reverse. Examine the 46-second clip below. The majority of the video is the classic Blair Witch Project stagecraft typical of most of these events. You are shown pavement and blurs. We are provided brief snippets of usable images. The primary one is between minute 0:02- 0:04, when the grey Dodge Challenger is approaching the crowd. The driver is not moving at a high speed. At first people are getting out of the way as the car closes in.
After minute 0:04, this film offers no value for analysis, as Gilmore moves left so his angle is blocked by someone I call “Mr. Yellow Hat.” Then at 0:06, when he could have got in position to get valuable money shots of this event, Gilmore starts filming the pavement. Then at 0:21, he managed to get back in the game to film the car in reverse dragging long pieces of metal debris presumed to be the bumper and front grill of the car.
Notice all the shoes at loose, the tell-tale calling card of staged deceptions. Several stills of C-ville shoes are offered in the next link.
Read “Shoes in Staged Deceptions as Both Calling Cards and Black Magik”
Brennan Gilmore’s Video
Next we go to the impact crash with the white car, which can be seen at minute 0:18. Now, watch it frame by frame and you will notice that this otherwise decent-quality video becomes blurred, as if a filter has been overlaid. CGI frames? At impact, you will see a heavyset woman hurled into the air. You have to look closely, because it’s blurred and pixelated a la Blair Witch Project- and quite unnatural looking.
BNO News Footage
At 0:19-0:20 after contact is made, you can see individuals in the crowd well past the impact zone who are just frozen, no reaction. Replay the Gilmore clip above and you will hear loud screams all the way along the car’s approach path from start to impact. Are these people at impact deaf or have a death wish? Here is another photo taken from behind of a large frozen crowd people standing there in close proximity with no reaction. Don’t they notice others fleeing the road? Or the acrobats spinning in the air?
The following photo offers the perspective from behind the Challenger and shows two men (actually four if you look in front of car) being hurled into the air like acrobats. As the heavyset lady went forward and airborne, the acrobats demonstrate a different type of cartoon physics. Once again, people in front of the charging vehicle are barely budging. Red Shoe Guy is photographed wearing a tactical harness.
This “NewsTube” video emerged. This one is the most revealing and is pure Hollywood. Focus on slow motion full screen starting at 0:15. It shows stunt men failing to react to approaching danger and bouncing off the car coming in= very choreographed looking. Then they are shown getting right back on their feet unharmed. Light brown haired upside down acrobat stunt man in the still shot is on his feet at left- 0:40 in video.
Here is photo (video 0:55) of Mr. Red Shoe tactical harness acrobat stunt man, minus a shoe, sitting on the hood of the black truck as the Challenger reverses. Then another group gets directly behind the car as it reverses. One zombie jumps on the back hood as the car is backing up. Who would do that?
Go to 0:22 and full screen- notice how the gray filter is back on at the front right side of the car. The gray filter is also visible starting at 0:25 on individuals on the back left side of the vehicle. Faces are blurred. This makes the personas and their motions and conditions indistinguishable. One second you are watching clear imagery and then blurs and grayish filtered fog where and when it matters.
Then, starting at 0:26, the brilliant BNO photographer starts filming his thumb, completely misses the event and provides a narrative about a Nazi driving into the group. The driver was behind tinted glass, so how would the cameraman have any idea who was driving? Filming the backs of heads, hands, thumbs, pavement, trees overhead, the tops of buildings coupled with narratives that instantly solve the crime are all hallmarks of staged psyop events. We have seen and covered this over and over and over and over again.
In the next video, yet again we have a herky jerky video and theatrics just when things get interesting at minute 0:23. Incredibly finger lady also blocks the view by putting her fingers in front of the lens.. At 0:44, Finger Lady proclaims, “Those cars ran down all these people.” How many do you see? One dead and 26 wounded? Do you see that many casualties in the NewsTube video? Decide for yourselves, but about all I see in this clip is what my old basketball coach referred to as “wasted motion” — wasted motion for the purpose of putting on a performance.
Finger Lady video
Incompetence? In the next video we see this sleight of hand with a so-called award-winning Boston Globe photojournalist at the Boston Marathon bombing. When the smoke clears and he goes to the rail, the upper floors of buildings are filmed with only glimpses of where it matters.
Boston Globe footage
Update: The Last Stand appears to be memory holed. But my notes follow:
The next clip (The Last Stand) is streamed video from a different angle. I am interested in the part starting at minute 0:14. This sickening image and audio racket are designed to stir the emotions in everybody. But try to examine it and all these videos with an investigator’s eye. In fact try it with the sound turned off. Here you see the heavy girl hurled airborne in bizarre unnatural fashion over the top of the white car. Consider the speed of the gray car in the first video, described as about 20 mph. Is this physics likely, or even plausible at that speed?
At minute 0:28, you see the blurry Blair Witch project quality image of a small black woman or girl, picking herself off the hood. She looks partially pinned. Seconds later and right when it may become revealing to thinking observers, this photographer (like the others) begins shooting the top floors of buildings before the video is cut off. At about min. 1:00, they come back to the cameramen “filming chaos,” in this case almost all screaming and images of overhead wires, trees, and surrounding buildings.
The rest of the video shows a whirling, jerky camera, poor quality footage, a narrative, and scenes (CGI frames?) that are a little different from other staged events. An observer would not be able to identify any person in this multitude or really make a whole lot of sense of the scene in which 26 were alleged wounded and one killed. Curiously, the narrator does point out that it took several minutes for police to arrive.
The Last Stand Footage
Winter Watch Takeaway: At the end of the day, Virginia’s governor made slurs against those protesting against the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue, called them Nazis and told them to go home and stay home. Free speech and even diverse speech in the U.S. is finished. That much is obvious. If you show up to protest legitimate issues, expect to be slurred, gamed and hoaxed to no end. You will go head to head with nasty AntiFa. You may be manipulated by Judas Goat controlled opposition. If you think police will protect you, wrong again.
The guy filming says, “That Nazi just drove into people……”
How did he know a white guy, let alone a ‘nazi’ was driving the vehicle? In most car-pedestrian crashes, it is a result of a medical issue.
So how does this guy know it was intentional and by a ‘nazi’??? What a joke.
That all you got, Abe, name-calling? Not very honest after all.
‘The Guy’ as you refer to the driver, is almost certainly an employee of a Jew-dominated government, as is the photographer, Brennan Gilmore. The whole operation is just another in the seemingly endless series of psy-ops perpetrated on the American people.
Why were a bunch of people in the road? I live in Charlottesville and I’m very familiar with the downtown mall. None of the pictures make sense and the stories don’t seem to match. I need to talk to my husband more about what he actually saw in regards to the helicopter. I will say that I was very concerned that this event would turn into an excuse for a false flag.
I heard from an acquaintance who was with the alt right that the driver was unknown to the people who came from Ohio. Bye he did borrow their gear.
Yes did he see the copter itself go down or the smoke afterwards> big difference.
Yeah I agree. In talking to him it seems to me that he saw what is claimed to be the second helicopter,because the ambulances were turning in as he drove past.
As I stated in a previous post, Brennan Gilmore is an employee of the CIA. All you really need to know.
The old TV shows Dukes of Hazzard featured a Dodge Charger called ‘The General Lee’, with a huge 01 on the side of it it. In Charlottesville, people had gathered to protest against the relocation of a statue of General Lee, waving Confederate flags. The car that drove into Antifa was a Dodge Charger with the numberplate 1111.
Overhead view of the crash scene- looks like a controlled scene for a private event?
Take a look at the Daily Stormer website ASAP. I was notified by that Godaddy will be removing its hosting services from
DS because of a feature it did about the (fake) death of Heather Heyer. But on the website a notice from anonymous claims that it has taken control of the website and will close it (when Godaddy was going to do it anyway).
If Anglin disappears off the scene, I wonder how much money
they received to fight that court case they featured several months ago?
Currently on the comments section of the Heather Heyer feature there are 678 comments and nearly all of them look very bad for our cause.
The Charlotte event was a trap in many more ways than just 6!
Good riddance: Daily Stormer was controlled opposition and far, far too over the top. The problem is that next they will witch hunt others who aren’t on the Kosher housekeeping seal of approval.
The Charlotte event is a really big one with far reaching consequences
and very few of the DS brainwashed victims will know where to go to now.
They have been totally duped just like the followers of Tommy Robinson.
DS is seriously lacking in maturity, and is too juvenile. Somebody will likely create a mirror site. They will continue on, and instead they will witch hunt other sites (like TNN) that don’t meet the Kosher seal of approval.
“Juvenile” yes “racist, repugnant” per Donald Trump today … but Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has over 4 million visitors a month apparently … however much one might scorn him, he clearly has some brilliance & ability to connect with people
Looking through his site to understand the phenomenon, one big initial draw is the humour, though of a type most find horrifyingly racist … Another aspect is Anglin’s ability to tap & channel the energy of ‘young men who realise the system is stacked against them’, who really have little to lose by following a ‘radical’ approach … Neo-Nazi Anglin has a rare ability to be brilliantly warm & poetic & bonding amidst all his rough stuff, for example when he wrote:
« We are the throwaway generation … And the only thing we have in this world is each other … [All of us] Brothers »
Another deep aspect of Anglin’s appeal to his audience is his theme of a not-politically-correct but in fact, partly deep-truth realistic, view of male-female relations … ‘wicked truths’ which liberate & empower his readers, that decades ago could only be found in hard-to-find small press books, or the sage advice of other men who shared what was not spoken in church but had some truth … and now still rather un-known to many males despite being in odd web corners
Anglin points out that regardless of what women say, they really overall prefer to bed with uncucked bad boys, aside from the wealthy & powerful … Anglin tells young men how to act & be successful with women, which involves ignoring the ‘official’ dating ‘instruction rules’, & Anglin gives young men the confidence to do so, to ‘just ignore the feminist, cucking babble’ … Anglin also faces the reality of how in the dysfunctional USA society especially, the legal-social system has made longer-term relationships & marriages fraught with destructive problems … Racism aside, Anglin comes out in favour of family life, getting straight & in shape, rejecting drug & porn addictions
Hidden beneath the ‘hate’, is something Anglin’s audience finds significantly positive, & which they don’t easily, or with the same humour & sharpness, find elsewhere
Russ, as I said, gave up reading his part truth crap years ago and witnessed many a true white Nationalist “hand in their cards”. And since it created its BBS comments section which warns commenter’s that their details are being recorded, then I doubt that many people dared to even look at the comments let alone make any comments. Ok there will have been quite a few “Tommy Robinson” type suckers that fell for it, but I am now convinced that the vast majority of the comments were created by jews to make us look like stupid racist idiots.
It would appear that DS isn’t going to disappear any time soon. But in the
meantime, the ((MSM))) is having a “Field day” by making White Nationalists
look as bad as could be possible. The famous quotation of: “There’s no such
thing as bad publicity”, certainly doesn’t apply in this situation, because if
it did, then why would all of the (((MSM))) be providing DS with so much
publicity? Please Google ; “Daily Stormer” to see what I mean.
Having ventured into the DS bbs comments section (fema camp vegetable
harvesting section) quite a few times over the past 12 hours, I have been
forced to conclude that the vast majority of the comments are being made by
jews that are pretending to be “white supremacists. And just one of the big give a
ways to my conclusion is because of the presence of such a vast amount of very
slick photo shopped images.
Russ, I have mentioned that bbs is a data mining outfit ,
but are you aware that “discuss” is just as guilty of data mining?
I recommend that you source an alternative comments software progam in advance of (((discuss))) removing their
service to your website…
…Its shit anyway, because copying and pasting is a “ball ache” just like it
is with Jewgletubes commenting facilities.
(This comment has been copied and pasted which is why it
will look so weird once it has been posted)
Re that court case, Andrew Anglin raised over $150,000 for his Daily Stormer legal expenses in just a few weeks, a testimony to the power of his draw amongst his audience
A few have suggested Anglin’s Daily Stormer is itself cabal-backed, a clever ‘neo-Nazi Alex Jones’ to shepherd & discredit the alt-Right, an accusation placed against just about every ‘popular’ so-called ‘dissident’ site of either Right or Left
Sites getting censored by web host providers etc is not going to keep down the under-40, computer-savvy generation, used to surfing internet back-doors & leveraging platforms such as 4Chan, & already well-versed in censorship techniques & wars & how to get around them … As was noted some decades ago, it is the nature of the internet to always ‘flow’, & censorship is only ever temporary … new routes are always found for things people want to share
Us older folks on the web, boomers or even GenX with a ‘truth’ sense, have some contributions to make – particularly in serving some notice of lessons from the past which can apply in the present – but, with our dated skill sets, we are no longer prime movers in the battleground that is now a war primarily by and for a younger generation … who are waking up quickly to the fact the status quo has little to offer them
A lot of young people are of course getting channelled the ‘wrong’ way by oligarch-supported memes … but thus it always was, & thus it perhaps always will be … the battle always re-playing itself with slightly new names or angles … ‘there is nothing new under the sun’
I rejected DS many years ago simply because it promoted every single staged event as though it was real. And anyone who questioned the events (including me for questioning 9/11) was very soon banned from commenting.
As for the $150,000 dollars, no one will ever know just how much (((they))) pulled in. But saying that, the site gave me the impression that it had a high number of staff behind the scenes so $150,000 wouldn’t go that far anyway.
He was part of the cville psyops, with the hideous white sharia chants and awful optics.
The overhead images are VERY sketchy. There is just no reason for those people to all be in that location.
My husband immediately corrected me that the car in cville was a Challenger…not charger.
Yes, someone else corrected me recently and I was about to correct myself here. I still think it may be too close for coincidence.
With all these false flags happening here and in Europe I have become aware of the importance of “numerology” in all these events. That being said I could not help but notice the numbers on the plate of the charger were 1111. Also, air bag did not deploy. The old saying “believe none of what you hear and half of what you see” seems to be relevant here.
Another glitch in the matrix? License tag of Fields’ mother Elizabeth Bloom.
On license #s: Witness protection program? She was completely unemotional and fake looking in interview.
another thing is this guys name Brennan hmm
where have we heard that before, same spelling as well
nah surely not
Holy shit…. really?
What state is that? VA plates only accept 6 digits.
You need to stop riding the khazar-kike created ferris wheel. You need to GET OFF NOW. It’s all an illusion. You will NOT make any progress toward your liberation as long as you continue to ride the jew ferris wheel. Since 1945 and NOT ONE victory over your enemy the jew. Over a trillion words spoken, ten of thousand of books, million of regurgitated blah, blahs and not one jew bloody nose. WHY???? And…………………….
Every year your enemy binds you tighter and tighter. You are running out of time white man.
I can’t imagine why the original protesters thought they would be able to stage their walk in peace. It was the perfect opportunity for all kinds of crypto organizations to take control of the show and redirect the energy. The police are really mercenaries these days. With civil forfeiture in play they really have to hunt their salaries and benefits on the road and everywhere they can. They take overtime for anything. They’ve all been trained in Israel, or by someone who has been, and they’ve got that bunker, terrorist mentality. They have been assured that they will never suffer and they believe it. What can you do? They’re all Freemasons now too, I understand. They’re encouraged to join as a community club and they don’t go very far up the hierarchy but it definitely reinforces that tight, team attitude and they swear to protect other Freemasons who are often corrupt and pedophiles. The most unbalanced ones, those who will/can kill without remorse, might get a promotion now and then along with the coverup artists. I don’t understand why we support them. It’s far worse in these small, rural communities where they terrorize local populations but we get our fair share even in “nice” neighborhoods.
My local sheriff graduated from the US Army War College. God Help Us
For sure, and that’s going to be a trend. This is where many of the lower level ex military will go. It’s scary as hell. 2nd Amendment is the only thing that we have left.
A couple more things- the light -colored four door car that is pushed by the Dodge Challenger-
padding has been added to the exterior roof of the car, presumably so no stunt men would get injured during this stupid hoax.
Also, it turns out that Jason Kessler, the nice Jewish boy who played the part of the evil ‘Neo Nazi’ organizer of this event is a long-time left-wing activist, and was at least at one time an editor at CNN.
I was given details from someone on the counter protesters side. The counter protesters were lured with false Intel to the location of the car ramming. My guess is that most of them were witless accomplices…they thought they were there to protect the nearby subsidized housing from the “white supremacists”. However the cars were set up before they got there and the crowd also contained actors who were in on it and played the roles of being hit. I do think there were some locals injured in the staged event, but I’m still not believing the death. The statement from the parents is ridiculous.
Exactly. The mom’s reaction to their daughter dying is so unrealistic. I’ve been to a lot funerals for family members and that actors expressions were bald faced lies!
This new overhead shot shows the first car being pushed into interaction presumably after being hit. Of course you can’t see the Dodge Challenger. That image has once more been blocked from view.
apparant car and driver swap
Charlottesville may well have been our domestic 911. The MSM have signaled they fully intend to vilify anyone seen talking to a would be nazi with no discussion allowed beyond screaming racist hater. The elite even admit it, see?
What word I use to describe those who tyrannize is an issue we can use to terminate interacting or can be seen as the unimportance it is. Not sure why you need to feel like you have to dispute me but….
Fake as f. NOBODY would try to hold back a car that is reversing down the street after running into people, yet a BUNCH of people try to be Superman and hold back the car.
When it comes to waking people up, I prefer the Freemasons on the moon. Of course Armstrong and Aldrin were all brother masons, and there is so much patently fake photos and film to ridicule.
How about the Lunar Module “lift off”. Laughably fake.
Or the dune buggy on the moon. Look at the gravity pulling the dust back down. Ridiculously fake
Everybody knows loads about the moon landing, and all the fake video is obvious when evaluated with our modern knowledge of photoshopping of film. There is no racism, anti-semitism or even BLM involved, so people have not put up the defensive walls. The icing on the cake is Stanley Kubrik and his clues in 2001, The Shining and even Eyes Wide Shut.
Agreed. Neat factoid about the moon mission- NASA “lost” all the data. I did read one excuse for this was that they re-taped over them. Just plain unbelievable, sorry I don’t buy it. The fact is that the telemetry data from such a mission would be priceless and of highest national security importance. A recently interviewed low earth orbiter, I mean astronaut, said that the issue of traveling through the van allen belts still needs to be figured out before traveling to mars. Too bad they don’t have that long lost data from the moon mission, perhaps they should pull the lunar module off the ceiling of the smithsonian and reverse engineer its tinfoil walls, that obviously never made the trip.