Editor Note: Clues about Thomas Crooks here?
UPDATE: Robert F. Kennedy’s son, RFK, Jr. is publicly accusing Thane Eugene Cesar of murdering his father. He claims Cesar fatally shot the presidential hopeful from behind in 1968. He made this accusation just hours after Cesar died in the Philippines.
Thane Eugene Cesar died today in the Philippines. Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father. On June 5, 1968, Cesar, an employee in a classified section of Lockheed’s Burbank facility, was moonlighting as a security guard at the Ambassador Hotel. He had landed the job about one week earlier. Cesar waited in the pantry as my father spoke in the ballroom.
William Joseph Bryan, Jr. (1926–1977) was an unsung heavyweight operative in the annals of Crime Syndicate history. He was a true mad genius who definitely lived large and carried out some of the greatest patsy brainwashing feats ever.

Bryan was one of the founders of modern hypnotherapy, and his work notably found use in psychological warfare during the Cold War. On May 4, 1955, he founded the American Institute of Hypnosis. He was the great grandson of William Jennings Bryan.
Holding an M.D., J.D., and PhD, he was involved in research for the CIA, including Project ARTICHOKE and its successor, Project MKUltra, a research project into behavioral engineering of humans.
Although few could claim to be more skilled as a Luciferian psychopathic Crime Syndicate operative, Bryan didn’t fare so well in private practice. He set up a medical and hypnotherapy office on Sunset Strip in Hollywood and used this as an aegis for wide-ranging symposiums on such topics as “Successful Treatments of Sexual Disorders.”
“I enjoy variety and I like to get to know people on a deep emotional level,” Bryan once told a magazine interviewer. “One way of getting to know people is through intercourse.” In 1969, the California Board of Medical Examiners found him guilty of unprofessional conduct for sexually molesting four female patients who “submitted” under hypnosis.
Bryan’s other main failing was his tendency to talk too much and brag as ego fulfillment. One can sort of understand why given his incredible but hidden track record.
As a consequence, it seems likely he was disposed of at age 50. In the spring of 1977, Bryan was found dead in a Las Vegas motel room. He died “from natural causes,” the coroner said. Curiously, the cause of death was declared even before the official autopsy, and the details were all over the map and inconsistent. Some reports assert that he died of heart attack, others state he was shot to death, and still others claim he committed suicide after having a three-day party of sorts with two underage prostitutes.
Thereafter, two Beverly Hills call girls, who claimed to have known Bryan intimately, spoke out. The girls had been “servicing” him for four years, they said, and usually both were present at the same time. During the last year of his life, they said, he was deeply depressed. He became strung out on drugs, and his groin and thighs were pocked with bruises from hypodermic needles.
The girls said that to relieve Bryan’s depression, they repeatedly titillated his enormous ego by getting him to “talk about all the famous people you’ve hypnotized.” As if by rote, Bryan would begin with his role of deprogramming Albert Di Salvo in the Boston Strangler case for F. Lee Bailey, then boast that he had hypnotized Sirhan Sirhan.
The girls didn’t sense anything unusual in the Sirhan angle, for Bryan had told them many times that he “worked with the LAPD” (Los Angeles Police Department) on murder cases. However there is no offical record of Bryan being on the scene with police after the RFK hit. One of the girls thought Bryan had mentioned James Earl Ray once but wasn’t sure. But both girls were certain of the name Sirhan Sirhan.
In October 1977, American Express Company awarded the LAPD a $10,000 grant for “pioneer work in developing hypnosis as an investigative technique.” It has been established that Earl Ray, while residing in Los Angeles immediately prior to the assassination of King, did consult with a hypnotist named “Xavier Von Koss”.
The call girls also linked Byran to the CIA. He repeatedly confided to them that he was a CIA agent involved in “top secret projects.” Upon his death, Bryan’s offices were sealed off to newsmen by his estate’s probate lawyer, John Miner, an attorney who had helped prosecute Sirhan during his tenure as deputy district attorney.
There are also claims Byran hypnotized and programmed would-be assassin Arthur Bremer to kill Alabama Gov. George Wallace, Jr. in Maryland. Bryan’s secretary later revealed he had received an emergency call from the town of Laurel, Maryland, only minutes after George Wallace was shot.
There are other indications that Bremer had been groomed. Gore Vidal, who had a good nose for skulduggery, argued that E.H. Hunt (another Crime Syndicate superstar spook operative) might have written the diary that was found in the car of Bremer. In May 1974, Martha Mitchell visited Wallace in Montgomery. She told him that her husband, John N. Mitchell, had confessed that Presidential aide Charles Colson had a meeting with Arthur Bremer four days before the assassination attempt.
In his book “The Taking of America,” Richard E. Sprague argued that Donald Segretti and Dennis Cassini supplied money to Bremer before he attempted to assassinate Wallace. Others have claimed that Bernard L. Barker, one of the Watergate burglars, was used to pass this money to Bremer.
And last but by no means least, Bryan was a close associate of JFK-plot suspect David Ferrie, having taught Ferrie hypnosis. Bryan, like Ferrie, “was a member of the Old Catholic Church” [A Secret Order, H.P. Albarelli, pg. 435].
Winter Watch’s primary source in the following is “The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Conspiracy and Coverup” by William Turner and John Christian. Also in the book “Nemesis”, British author Peter Evans, claims to have identified Bryan as being behind Manchurian Candidate mind-control programs.
Indeed, Bryan was so flamboyant that he served as a technical adviser on the filming of “The Manchurian Candidate.” In the movie, anti-hero Raymond Shaw’s captors in North Korea brainwash him and program him through hypnosis to act as a “hit man.” Then, upon receiving instructions, he kills and without any recollection of having done so. Bryan also claimed to once been a drummer with the Tommy Dorsey Band in which he rubbed shoulders with Frank Sinatra, who had the starring role in the original movie “The Manchurian Candidate.”
Another of Bryan’s written works was “The Chosen Ones: The Art of Jury Selection.” He teaches how to use hypnosis on jury members to win one’s case. There is an odd we-aren’t-in-Kansas-anymore rendering of a naked man and woman on the book cover.
On the back of the book, the author is described: “In addition, Dr. Bryan served as an Electronics Engineer in the Navy in World War II, was Director of all Medical Survival Training for the United States Air Force, and is a leading expert on brainwashing.”
Bryan declared in another of his books, “Legal Aspects of Hypnosis” [published in 1958 by Charles C. Thomas Co, Springfield, Illinois]: “It is impossible by means of hypnosis to force a subject to commit an act which violates his basic moral code. … But as the annals of crime attest, a person’s inherent reluctance to commit a crime can be overridden by conditioning him to believe that the act he is performing is in the interest of a high moral purpose. A civilian conscript who has never harmed a fly will kill the enemy in wartime in the interest of protecting his country and family, and hypnotic subjects can be inculcated with the same type of lofty imperative …”
From the time police seized Sirhan Sirhan with a .22-caliber revolver in his hand in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in June 1968, he has maintained that he was hypnotized into shooting Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
Sirhan’s lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, has also always maintained that his client was under hypnosis at the time of the shooting. Both Evans and Teeter argued that Sirhan was there as the “patsy” to be either arrested or, preferably, shot to death by police while the real assassin escaped. They both agreed that although Sirhan fired some shots before he was wrestled to the ground, none of them hit Kennedy.
William Turner and John Christian contend that Bryan was responsible for inducing Sirhan Sirhan to fire blanks at Robert F. Kennedy with posthypnotic suggestion.
Evans contends Sirhan was hypnotized during a three-month period known as the “white fog” when a police task force later investigating the assassination — and trying to construct a meticulous timetable of Sirhan’s activities up until the shooting — lost track of him. Evans quotes LAPD Detective Bill Jordan, who was Sirhan’s first interrogator, as saying the investigators were unable to penetrate the “white fog” surrounding the 12-week gap about which Sirhan appeared to have total amnesia.
Evans also reproduced parts of Sirhan’s diary that contain what he says are “trance-like” entries and which some psychiatrists he interviewed identified as “automatic writing,” a technique sometimes used by hypnotherapists to implant ideas in the subconscious of a hypnotized patient. Among the entries in Sirhan’s notes was this one referring to a “master” approaching him “to do it.”
A second Sirhan note gave more connections. Illuminati is mentioned three times; and also one “Master Kuthumi”. Kithumi (likely Bryan) is a reference to an occult master who gave Madam Helena Blavatsky her Secret Doctrine. And we see three Stars of David.
Sirhan was programmed while working at racing stables in Santa Ana, Calif. A co-worker at the stables was Thomas Bremer, brother of Arthur Bremer, who shot Gov. George Wallace in 1972. Not many miles from the stables is a synagogue that was used for mind-control purposes. Its rabbi was a “former” member of U.S. Naval Intelligence.
Bryan cites himself as “the leading expert in the world on the use of hypnosis in criminal law,” and he was often called upon by the LAPD to perform hypnotism on its suspects.
Bryan’s hypnotism of the Boston Strangler (who thereafter confessed to the crime) actually links Bryan to the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy because, under hypnosis, Sirhan Sirhan robotically wrote in his notebook, “God help me … please help me. Salvo Di Di Salvo Die S Salvo.”
This mention of the Boston Strangler by Sirhan Sirhan was so out of character (and how would a Palestinian immigrant in Los Angeles know about the Boston case, let alone Di Salvo’s name?) that it’s surmised he heard the name while under hypnotism. Bryan, being fixated on the Boston Strangler, is thereby implicated as Sirhan’s hypnotist/mind-controller/programmer.
On another note, anyone see that Stephen Hawkings just died? Yeah, 55 years after his initial ALS diagnosis; got to be some sort of medical record. Who knew the later stages off ALS turned your face rounder, grew bottom teeth and blonder hair.
Mark, see Miles Mathis regarding Stephen Hawking here http://milesmathis.com/hawk3.pdf
Yes, I did in fact read that and it was the start of my skepticism, beyond the medical anomaly of it all. What’s even more interesting is to read the comments where ever this article is used to even discuss the subject. The attack from the left is unusually fierce. I suppose you are not only attacking their cognitive dissidence but also their holy grail of ‘global warming’ … or is it ‘global cooling’? … oh hell, let’s just call it ‘climate change’ to cover all our bases.
I was floored to learn that Thomas Bremer (Arthur Bremer’s brother) and Sirhan Sirhan were co-workers.
Arthur Bremer’s sister Aiken was part of Rev. Jerry Owen’s congregation.
Rev. Owen told LAPD that he had met Sirhan Sirhan – calling himself “Joe” – accompanied by two others (a male and a female). He said the trio were hitchhiking and he picked them up. Sirhan / “Joe” discussed meeting him at the Ambassador the following night to buy a race horse. Upon his arrest, Sirhan had $400 (cash) in his pocket. Furthermore, witnesses saw him enter the Ambassador with a still-unidentified male and female.
Former FBI agent William Turner interviewed Rev. Owen for one hour and he reaffirmed this story. Turner, however, found that he had a “pre-existing custodial relationship” of some type with Sirhan.
When RFK was killed, Rev. Owen was meeting with a business partner of Mickey Cohen – a lieutenant of Meyer Lansky and an associate of Jack Ruby.
Is the world really this small?
I wondered if Sirhan became aware of the Boston Strangler from the eponymous movie released in 1968. It turns out that movie was released in October 1968, four months after the RFK assassination.
Sirhah Sirhan was a decoy!
The Real Story of the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy {EDITED}
The Autopsy Evidence of Conspiracy
Like the ballistics evidence, the autopsy evidence, standing alone, demonstrates conspiracy.
Unlike his assassinated brother, RFK received a first-class autopsy whose results are trustworthy. Renowned medical examiner Thomas Noguchi performed the autopsy. The autopsy report and Noguchi’s trial testimony reveal that (1) all three bullets striking RFK were fired from behind him, and (2) the three bullets had been fired at point-blank range—“[the] muzzle distance… was very, very close.” The fatal bullet was fired from a firearm “one inch from the edge of [RFK’s] right ear and three inches behind the head.”
Sirhan could not possibly have fired these three shots. He was in front of RFK and never came within 4 or 5 feet of him.
The evidence of conspiracy based on the autopsy is not new, but Pease restates that evidence to make it more comprehensible to the average person.
Pursuant to their strategy of not disputing his guilt, Sirhan’s trial lawyers disregarded the autopsy evidence that demonstrated their client could not have fired the bullets that hit RFK.
The Police Cover-up and the CIA
The LAPD investigation of RFK’s murder was strangely botched and amounted to a cover-up.
Suspicious circumstances were ignored. Investigatory leads were not pursued. A dozen or more unknown persons in the Ambassador Hotel who had acted suspiciously were never identified. Witnesses with no reason to lie who gave plausible statements suggesting the presence of conspirators in the pantry were treated coldly and urged to change their story. Questionable statements given by persons with reason to lie were accepted at face value. Written witness interview statements were altered. Over 3,400 witness interview tape recordings were destroyed. Written transcripts of undestroyed witness interview tapes did not correspond to what was on the tapes. Police evidence logs were falsified. Crime lab experts tampered with evidence, faked test results and testified falsely. Over 2,400 photos were incinerated. Physical evidence (including the doorways and ceiling panels) also was destroyed. The crime lab could not match any of the recovered bullets with Sirhan’s pistol.
In the 1950s and ’60s, Melanson’s book revealed four decades ago, the CIA “had a clandestine relationship with numerous [police] departments. The Agency provided largess for officers, training and gratis equipment (often of an exotic nature). Police returned the favor by conducting surveillance and break-ins for the Agency and providing police credentials to CIA operatives. Documents [obtained under the Freedom of Information Act] specifically mention Los Angeles as one of the cities that received ‘training.’”
Unsurprisingly, researchers have suspected the CIA was involved in—perhaps even orchestrated—the LAPD cover-up. Pease’s book confirms these suspicions. She proves, for example, that LAPD Lt. Manuel S. Pena, who was the head of the special police unit responsible for investigating RFK’s assassination, was a CIA operative or asset.
Robert Maheu, Howard Hughes and the CIA
Pease believes RFK’s assassination was the result of a conspiracy organized by Robert Maheu and the CIA and that the actual murder was carried out by a secret team of undercover operatives as part of a covert operation arranged by Maheu.
Maheu was a wealthy lawyer and clandestine espionage activities specialist who owned private security firms and was, Pease writes, “extremely well-connected at the highest realms of power in the country.” He was an ex-FBI agent and an ex-CIA employee with ties to the highest and most secretive levels of the CIA. After he left the CIA, he continued to perform “cut-out” CIA assignments, meaning he would carry out sordid or illegal tasks for the CIA to which it could not be officially linked. Maheu used one of his companies to front for CIA activities and provide cover for CIA agents. The “Mission Impossible” TV program is believed to be based on that Maheu company.
Maheu had close connections with organized crime leaders. When the CIA leadership infamously decided to recruit the Mafia to murder Fidel Castro, they turned to Maheu to introduce them to Johnny Roselli and other gangland leaders.
From around 1955–1970, Robert Maheu worked for the Hughes Organization, the business empire of legendary reclusive multi-millionaire Howard Hughes. At that time, the Hughes Organization, we now know, was loaded with CIA people and had practically been taken over by the CIA. Maheu was a top assistant to and close confidant of Hughes.
The mysterious Hughes had such close ties to the CIA that James Angleton, the infamous, unscrupulous chief of the CIA’s counterintelligence section for 21 years, spoke in praise of Hughes at Hughes’ funeral.
In the 1950s and ’60s, therefore, the CIA, Hughes and the Hughes Organization, and Maheu and his private security firms were all inextricably (but surreptitiously) linked.
Thane Eugene Cesar
Pease’s book provides amazing new information on a man named Thane Eugene Cesar, long a curious figure in the RFK assassination case.
When he entered the pantry and the gunfire began, RFK’s right arm was being held, supposedly to guide him, by armed uniformed security guard Cesar, who was to the right of and close behind the senator. The 26-year-old Cesar worked for Ace Guard Service, a private security firm hired by the hotel. At the time of the assassination, Cesar had previously worked for Ace Guard Service for only one day, during the previous week. Under the government narrative, Cesar was the only person (except the assassin) in the pantry with a gun.
As RFK collapsed, he somehow grabbed and pulled off Cesar’s clip-on tie, which ended up on the floor. In the uncropped iconic black-and-white news photo depicting RFK flat on his back on the pantry floor being comforted by busboy Juan Romero, Cesar’s tie may be seen lying on the floor about two feet from the dying man’s outstretched right arm. (Romero died of a heart attack in October 2018 at age 68.)
When the shooting began, according to his own statement and those of several witnesses, Cesar drew his handgun. He told police he never fired it, although at least one witness said Cesar fired it once. Suspiciously, police did not examine Cesar’s pistol. Cesar later admitted to police that he owned or previously owned a .22 pistol, but claimed he was carrying a different weapon—a .38 revolver—the night RFK was shot. Interviewed by police multiple times, Cesar’s account of events in the pantry kept changing.
Despite orders to keep unauthorized persons out of the pantry, Cesar failed to do so, with the result that Sirhan and other unauthorized persons moved freely in and out of the pantry. Cesar took it upon himself to give RFK a safe escort through the pantry, and failed. He drew his sidearm—and may have fired it—in a room full of people.
“The kindest thing we can say about Cesar,” Pease writes, “is that he failed utterly in his job.” Pease adds: “He was in the perfect position to have been the gunman who killed Kennedy or to have held Kennedy, shielding other shooters from view as they fired upon Kennedy from nearly contact range… [I]ndeed, it’s difficult not to imagine Thane Cesar not being involved.”
There is a photograph of Cesar in the Turner and Christian book. It was taken shortly after RFK was shot, and shows Cesar with his clip-on tie missing.
In the 1960s and ’70s, Cesar worked at a Lockheed Aviation plant in California. A casual acquaintance who also worked there told researchers Turner and Christian that the plant was a CIA-controlled U-2 spy plane facility, and that Cesar often worked in an on-limits area that only special personnel had access to.
On top of all this, Cesar was a right-wing extremist who hated the Kennedys and supported racist Alabama governor George Wallace.
Is it surprising that, for years, assassination researchers have considered Cesar a possible conspirator in a covert operation to assassinate RFK? Or that Cesar has been suspected of being part of a CIA assassination team?
Ever the diligent investigator, Pease has uncovered startling new information about Cesar’s background, connecting him to the CIA or its assets. It includes this:
Sometime in the mid-1970s, Cesar told the LAPD that he worked at Hughes Aircraft—which was a subsidiary of the Hughes Organization.
Cesar was once spotted in Las Vegas in the company of a Florida hitman. The person who saw him remarked, “He is owned by Howard Hughes, and his name is Thane Cesar, and he is as tough as they come.”
John Meier, a top aide to Hughes from 1966–1970, knew Cesar, because Cesar worked for the Hughes Organization. Shortly after the RFK assassination, while listening to a radio broadcast about the assassination, Meier heard Cesar’s name mentioned as one of the security guards at the Ambassador Hotel. In his personal diary entry for June 13, 1968, Meier wrote: “I remember Thane from his trips to Las Vegas where he was meeting with numerous gaming people and was introduced to me by Jack Hooper, an associate of Bob Maheu.” A top aide to Howard Hughes knew Thane Cesar.
In an interview with Lisa Pease, John Meier told her that after hearing the radio broadcast, he “called someone and discussed the fact that I knew… Thane Cesar… who had been at the Ambassador that night.” The next day, Meier was summoned by Maheu and chewed out. “[Maheu] was furious and wanted to know why I was checking up on Thane. I was stunned at his anger, and he said to me that if I kept discussing this matter, he would see that I was no longer around the Hughes operation.” Robert Maheu and Thane Cesar knew each other, and Maheu did not want outsiders to know it.
The next day, Meier informed Pease, Jack Hooper told Meier “that he was speaking with Bob Maheu, and I was never to mention [Thane Cesar’s] name or Bel Air Patrol.”
Bel Air Patrol was a California private security guard service, owned by Maheu, where Cesar worked prior to the assassination. Thane Cesar worked for Robert Maheu.
Perhaps most importantly of all, Pease subscribed to two prominent online “public records database aggregation” services, both of which reported to her that Cesar’s profession was “contract agent” for the CIA. Thane Cesar was a CIA man.
The Second Dallas
There is an excellent 2011 documentary about the RFK assassination on YouTube. Titled “The Second Dallas,” it focuses on flaws in the official government account of the assassination, including but not limited to the ballistics evidence proving that more than eight bullets were fired, the autopsy evidence proving that RFK was shot at close range from behind, and the bizarre police behavior in destroying the doorways and ceiling panels. The documentary concludes that most likely Cesar was the assassin.
The point of the documentary’s title is to drive home the contention that, as was the case with respect to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, TX, the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (1) resulted from a conspiracy, (2) was followed by an inadequate investigation that was basically a cover-up and (3) occasioned a doubtful official account of the assassination, placing the blame on a single person acting alone.
Pease’s A Lie Too Big to Fail demonstrates that the documentary was correct. The RFK assassination was indeed a second Dallas.
But Pease’s explosive book does far, far more. Currently, and for many years, the CIA—quite justifiably—has been the chief suspect in the JFK assassination. Pease’s stellar, spectacular achievement is that, due to her splendid research and staggering discoveries, the CIA—quite justifiably—now must be considered the chief suspect in the RFK assassination.
Addendum: Space limitations prevent discussion here of why the CIA would have wanted JFK and RFK killed, and whether it had the resources to carry out their assassinations and cover up its involvement. It will suffice to note that today there is ample proof that (1) many CIA people, high and low, and particularly the ones involved in CIA assassination plots and illegal covert operations, hated and despised the Kennedy brothers, almost to the point of insanity, and (2) in the 1950s and ’60s, the CIA was deeply committed to murdering people without being detected, and, in the words of the late Mark Lane, “functioned as an international murder incorporated.”
Donald E. Wilkes, Jr. was a Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of Georgia School of Law, where he taught for 40 years. He published nearly 120 articles in Flagpole.
You are right on the money! Everyone one of Sirhan Sirhan’s bullets was traced and accounted for! Caesar was the one who led RFK into the kitchen to set him up in front of Sirhan Sirhan. Remember also, Caesar was hired just for the evening! He was never interrogated and his gun never examined or had a ballistics test done on it!
The initial plan could have been for both of them to be involved with Casar being a back-up in case something went wrong. But it was Casar who did the kill from behind as you point out. It also could have been the plan to use Sirhan Sirhan as a frontal distraction to allow Caesar to ‘do the job!’ It’s hard to say! There definitely seems to have been some sort of hypnosis involved with Sirhan Sirhan. Your points on the autopsy are accurate as well! Good job!
Just finished an audio book titled CIA rouges by Patrick Nolan that had great detail on both Kennedy assasinations. Extensive background on the founding of the CIA and MK Ultra program.
One bit of info was audio analysis that was subsequently performed counted 10 rounds being discharged during the assassination event. Sirhans 22 caliber revolver was an 8 shooter.
YOU TUBE: The Second Gun — Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
Aug 3, 2011
Neil Crouse
1.67K subscribers
Documentary suggesting the possibility of another gunman involved in the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Director: Gérard Alcan
Writers: Gérard Alcan, Theodore Charach
Stars: Fernando Faura, Thane Eugene Cesar and Theodore Charach