Italian police uncovered an elite network that included a city mayor, renowned psychotherapists, lawyers and social workers. The group brainwashed children using techniques such as electroshock and sold them to wealthy people.
28 June 2019
VIGILANT CITIZEN — Italian police arrested 18 individuals for allegedly brainwashing children into thinking that their parents abused them in order to sell them to “foster parents” (abusers). The network included the mayor of Bibbiano, doctors, psychotherapists, and social workers. According to Italian media, the transactions involving children amounted to hundreds of thousands of Euros. Furthermore, it was discovered that some of the foster parents were sexually abusing the children they bought.
The network used horrific techniques to brainwash children – all of which are used in Monarch Programming.
“To brainwash the children, those arrested allegedly forged child-like drawings with sexual connotations and used electroshock therapy as a “little memory machine” to create fake abuse memories, while the therapists are accused of dressing up as “wicked” children’s story characters.”
– France24, Italy arrests 18 for allegedly brainwashing and selling children
After selling the children, the network stored the gifts and the letters sent to the children by their biological parents in a warehouse that was discovered by police. […]
How is it that there is no follow up on this? This happened in June! Any links to newer information?