One of the most common refrains among “normies” examining staged-deception events involves the disbelief that so many people could be involved in a deception.
“Of course people died! How could you make up or hide 58 individuals?”
Even those who understand false flags seem a bit reluctant to accept that casualties can be faked. This is Stagecraft 101, and it’s as old as the hills. Researcher Miles Mathis uses public database searches, such as government-sponsored Intelius, to verify the existence of the victims at the Las Vegas massacre.
What he found is a pattern of subterfuge involving made-up sounding names, missing middle names, no records at all, same named people from the same town with completely different ages. Some appear to be in intelligence and technology of the military-industrial complex. In the case of Las Vegas there were an inordinate number of Canadians who fail to turn up in databases of that country.
Under fair use, Winter Watch has taken an excerpt of Mathis’ observations (below). Here’s the link to the full article.
… I will start with the “fishiest” name on the list: Denise Salmon Burditus. Just looks fake, doesn’t it? Maybe now we know why they didn’t give the others middle names. If they had, they would have names like cod, flounder, sea bass, and trout. Anyway, they have a listing for her at, but it is still a big red flag. To start with, although allegedly 50 years old, she has worked at only one place: Heritage Financial Group, Inc. But if we do a quick search on Heritage Financial, it gets even worse. Although said to manage businesses in several states, its website is a single white half-page that looks like it was just created last night on a Big Chief tablet.
That’s the whole enchilada. I think DHS needs to hire a better tech team to fake these pages. That is just pathetic. also has a page for her, and it tells us she has also lived in Joint Base Lewis- McChord, WA. Oooo, that sounds good! What is that? It is a military base, and its scary webpage starts by telling you that you are accessing a restricted site, authorized for government use only. You are warned there that the USG routinely intercepts and monitors communications on this site for, among other things, “counterintelligence investigations”. Intrigued?
So yeah, this lady seems like a normal attendee at a country music concert. At least we have indication she has worked at other places than Heritage Financial. What could those places be, I wonder? Well, Joint Base Lewis-McChord is the site of 12th Psychological Operations Group. It is connected to the 324th and 349th in Aurora, CO, and the 353rd in Las Vegas. Also the 14th Psychological Operations Battalion in Mountain View, CA, which links us to some of these other alleged victims. Mountain View also links us to the tech companies I mentioned above, all owned in part by Vanguard.
Remember, Mountain View is the home of Google, Mozilla, Symantec, Intuit, LinkedIn, and many other tech companies. It was the home of Schockley Semiconductors, which we saw in my paper on Steve Jobs. So it looks like we have found another one of the keys to this event: Psychological Operations. We have intuited this was a major psyop from the get-go, but here we see it is hard-linked to many actual Psychological Operations Groups. We may infer that this is where the planning was done, and some of the fake victims were apparently taken from the vicinities.
Next, let’s hit Jessica Klymchuk. That sort of pops out at you, doesn’t it? Instead of taking us to her page, Intelius takes us directly to a Juliya L. Klymchuk, who I guess is supposed to be the same person. But shouldn’t the mainstream be posting the real names of these people, not their nicknames or aliases? Plus, how does Intelius know Jessica is the same as Juliya L.? Are we supposed to just take their word for it? If it is not her, why are we directed to her page? Why not just say, “none found”?
Juliya is supposed to have a sister named Yuliya. But wait, isn’t that the same name? Do you really think their parents named two sisters Yuliya and Juliya? They are pronounced the same, so it isn’t a very good job of naming. As you are seeing, this is all just another joke. Instantcheckmate apparently hasn’t yet been informed that Jessica is the same as Juliya, although they are tied into the same big government computers as Intelius. That site tells us there is no such person as Jessica Klymchuk.
Could be because Jessica is supposed to be Canadian, and these sites only scan the US. That’s convenient, since several of the other victims are also Canadian. What are the odds that so many Canadians would be in Las Vegas listening to country music? However, has no listing for a Jessica Klymchuk in all of Canada. There is a J. Klymchuk in Edmonton, but Jessica is supposed to be from Valleyview. And no, Valleyview is not a suburb of Edmonton. Valleyview is about 150 miles away.
Jordan McIldoon is supposed to be from Maple Ridge, BC, Canada. But again, the people searches have never heard of him. There is no Jordan McIldoon listed in all of Canada.
Next let’s look at Neysa Tonks. Intelius tells us she worked for Cisco Systems, a big red flag. Cisco— a major tech company—was founded by Bosack and Lerner in 1984. It controls a large part of the computer routing business (think LAN). Bosack later worked for Bell Labs and the Department of Defense in creating ARPAnet. This links us to research above, specifically the companies SDC and Paramax. And guess who now owns Cisco? Vanguard, Blackrock, and other major investment groups. Just another coincidence, right? Although Cisco is headquartered in San Jose, it owns many subsidiaries that also link us to Mountain View, CA.
Then we have Adrian Murfitt of Anchorage, said to be a fisherman. Unfortunately for that story, his Intelius profile indicates he is an attorney working for some major Jewish law firms that represent big oil and the Mormons.
We also have a big problem with James “Sonny” Melton, since Intelius has never heard of him. No James Melton, age 29, of Paris, TN, related to Heather. In fact, no James Melton anywhere near that age in all of Tennessee. Instantcheckmate has a James N. Melton of Paris, TN, no age, no relatives. Just that suspicious “i”. The big computers know of no relatives for this person? Not even his wife Heather? Hmmm.
Intelius has also never heard of Stacee Ann Etcheber of Novato, California, age 50. The closest they have is a Suzanne Etcheber of Walnut Creek, age 41.
Instantcheckmate has never heard of Quinton Robbins, age 20, of Henderson Nevada. They list eight Quinton Robbins nationwide, but the youngest is 31 from Alabama. Intelius has a Quinton Robbins in Nevada, but they don’t seem to know how old he is.
Intelius has also never heard of Lisa Marhefka-Patterson. None found nationwide. Also no Lisa Patterson of Lomita, CA. We do find a Lisa Patterson, age 46, who works for General Dynamics. But she otherwise does not match Lisa Marhefka-Patterson.
Intelius has also never heard of Thomas Allen Day, Jr., of Corona, CA, age 54. There is a Thomas Allen Day, age 75, who might be senior, but no junior. If there were, you would think Junior would be listed as one of his relatives. But no. He has seven relatives listed, but no Thomas, Jr.
I have now done ten, and you can see the problems. Why are these people so hard to find? The people searches are not that hard to use. All real people are easy to find. Type in your own name at Intelius, for instance. Or type in mine. They know everything about me, even where I went to preschool -Mecham Kindergarten. Right. So why can’t they seem to locate these people killed in Las Vegas?
OK, now let’s do Bill Wolfe, Jr. He is listed, but no places that he has studied at or worked at are listed. His father is listed right above him: he has five places listed where he has worked and two universities he attended. For Junior, nothing. So why do they know where I went to pre-school but they don’t know where this Bill Wolfe has been?
How about Bailey Schweitzer? No middle name given. She is supposed to be the 20-year-old daughter of the family that owns Bakersfield Speedway in Bakersfield, CA. Bailey allegedly went to Centennial High School in Bakersfield. That’s strange, since according to a people search on Bailey Schweitzer of Bakersfield, Bailey Schweitzer is from Mount Horeb, WI, where she went to Wilcox High School. No age is listed for her. But this can’t be her, because the relatives are wrong. They gave her relatives in memorials, and there is no match.
Also curious is that a general search on Bailey Schweitzer nationwide finds five, all 26 or under. We find a 21 year old in CT, and a 19 year old in MN. None are found in Bakersfield. Instantcheckmate does list a Bailey Schweitzer of Bakersfield, but she has no age. But why doesn’t Intelius know she exists? At any rate, I discovered Bakersfield has a large presence on this victims list, so someone else might research that angle. I will be told it is because Bakersfield is near Las Vegas, but it is no nearer than Riverside or Glendale, and those places didn’t come up at all.
How about Calla-Marie Medig of Jasper, Canada? Well, they don’t bother to tell us if that is Jasper, ON, or Jasper, AB, but it doesn’t matter, since there is no Calla Medig in either place. In fact, there is no Calla Medig in all of Canada. I guess they just figure you don’t know how to do people searches in Canada.
How about Derrick Bo Taylor? That already looks like a joke. Remember Bo Derek from the movie Ten? Well, we do find him at Intelius, but with the wrong age. He is 54 there, but given as 56 in the list. Instantcheckmate has Derrick D. Taylors of both ages, both from Oxnard, not Ventura. So another fail.
How about Cameron Robinson of Las Vegas? We do find him, but again with red flags. His mainstream bio simply says he worked for the city as a legal records specialist. I guess they forgot to tell you he also worked for MGM and Cinemark. That is what it says at Intelius. They didn’t think it was pertinent that he worked for MGM? And what about Cinemark? That links us back to the Batman shooting, which happened at a Cinemark theater. By the way, you may not be up-to-date on that. In 2016, Cinemark won a case against the shooting victims. The victims had sued Cinemark, but lost and had to pay Cinemark’s legal fees of $700,000. The lesson they want you to learn? Don’t sue big companies.
What about Austin Meyer, 24, of Reno? Once again, Intelius has never heard of him. The only Austin Meyer they list in Reno is Austin Drennan Meyer, age 45.
Same thing with Candice Ryan Bowers, 40, from Garden Grove. Intelius has never heard of her. We find only Candice R. Bowers from Garden Grove, but she is listed as being 71 years old.
What about Sandra Casey, 34, of Redondo Beach? Same thing: wrong age. The only Sandra Caseys in that age range in CA are 37 and 40.
What about Lisa Romero-Muniz, 48, of Gallup, NM? Intelius brings up nothing. A search on Lisa Muniz takes us to Lisa V. Muniz, but she is in Taos and not Gallup, and she is listed as 47. A search on Lisa Romero takes us to Lisa M. Romero, 48, of Gallup. But if this is her, why can’t the mainstreamget her name right?
And John Joseph Phippen, 56, of Massapequa, NY? Intelius has never heard of him. There are two John Phippens in Massepequa, but they have the wrong middle names and ages (77 and 79).
And Kelsey Brianne Meadows, 28, no location given? She is listed, but we see why they didn’t give her location. She lives in Taft, on Naval Petroleum Reserve no. 2. Instantcheckmate has her listed as 29 and living in Lake Elsinore, not Taft, CA.
What about Charleston Hartfield, the black police officer killed? He is listed, but again with red flags. On his locations list we also find Ft. Bragg and Henderson, NV. Both places may link him to Intelligence.
What about Tara Ann Smith, 34, of Okotoks, AB, Canada? No one by that name in all of Canada. No Tara Smith in Okotoks. Curiously, we do find an obit for her at Note the name of the site. Oh my heavens, not another lie!
I’ve done almost half now. Do I need to go on? If this event had been real and these people actually killed in it, a victims’ list would not throw up so many dead ends and red flags. It looks to me like you either have to give up your belief in the Las Vegas event, or give up your belief in the big computers. Since they somehow know where I went to preschool (in 1969—before computers), you can see why I have no belief in the Las Vegas event.
Although I have shown you that many of these people may have been made up, I concede that it is possible some of them died the week of the Las Vegas event (from natural or other causes—car wrecks, bungee jumping accidents, slot-machine fatalities, etc.) and were simply inserted into this list later. We have seen evidence of that in other events, such as the Gabby Giffords shooting.
I also remind you that we have seen people in previous events fake their deaths when they go into Intelligence. This is how they go undercover. So, again, it is possible a few of these people were recently recruited into covert ops, and were inserted into this list for that reason. …
As a non-Yank, had to look up ‘Big Chief tablet’, apparently a popular pad of writing paper for school-children, still being sold … Isn’t this now tho taken as ‘racist cultural appropriation’?
Breaking – US gov releases video of shooter firing from Mandalay Bay hotel room
3 Stooges episode?
Didn’t know the answer, before you asked, but you’re correct, the scene is from the 1946 Three Stooges short film ‘A Bird in the Head’, the last minute closing scene
Was vappy to see that the Veterans Today photo article, briefly posted & then suppressed, on the Las Vegas shooter positions much better than the Mandalay Bay hotel, has been reposted. To the degree there was actual shooting at Las Vegas, it likely came not from the much more difficult & distant hotel rooms approaching 100 metres up in the air, but from low-level, clear-field-of-fire sniper shooting positions, where experienced marksmen may well have killed nearly everyone they shot. In case the article is censored again, here are some photos from it, first a map showing the closer shooter positions
Las Vegas sniper shooter position A
Las Vegas sniper shooter position B
Las Vegas sniper shooter position C
6th Las Vegas shooter discovered;
Don’t find Vincent Etcheber Who is Suzanne Noelle Etcheber from same town as Gregory Rodrigues?
Mathis is likely controlled. His last name is Mathis, that is a clue as math was his original gimmick. He claims to have been born on the 33rd parallel and turn the to M’s sideways and you have 33.
He also says Hitler and the czars were controlled opposition and the protocols were written by Russians and Jack London was gay and well, it’s always the Jews but then again it’s not really. I check him out because it’s a different slant
LOL …Yep … Miles reminds me of Veteran’s Today–a few golden nuggets scattered here and there but generally obscured by an ocean of speculation if not outright disinformation…
The concept of life time actors and fake personas is one of the most underappreciated corners of hidden history that there is. Miles Mathis, like him or not, has done yeoman research on it.
Well, I don’t necessarily disagree with that but I think my criticism of him is still valid (as was my comparison of him to Veteran’s Today).
You’re confusing him with ‘Mad Dog’ Mathis. Israeli hands so far up his rear-end, his eyeballs are in danger of popping out.
The social media companies can generate a fake profile from a pool of stock photos and personalities on a whim. Would be foolish to think otherwise or that it isn’t possible.
That is interesting. They must use computers to do it. There are so many lonely people in the world and many who have passed away. Photos could be of anyone.