Torchy’s ‘Merika: Trump Victory Was A Brexit 2.0 Uprising

I didn’t anticipate watching Tuesday night’s election coverage, because I couldn’t stomach the thought of watching the liberal lapdog media giggle with glee over the anointment of Hillary Clinton as the first female president. But from the moment I reluctantly flipped on the news, I was awestruck and couldn’t turn away.


For hours, I watched the dumbfounded expressions on the faces of anchors as they reported Donald Trump’s surges in the polls and listened to their idiotic attempts to understand “wha happened,” mouths agape as global markets tanked. Dana Bash tried not cry as she pitifully described all the hard work the democratic campaigners did to win the vote for Hillary. Chris Cuomo repeatedly said, “America has sent a message: It wants to drain the swamp” – not realizing that he himself is a swamp dweller. And it was a thing of beauty, watching Social Justice “Warriors” crying with dismay at Clinton’s massive New York convention center while in a much smaller hotel convention room Trump supporters were chanting “lock her up!”

CNN contributor Van Jones plays racist card: Trump vote, “It was a white-lash against a black president.”

As with the Brexit, the media and citified pollsters ignored the views of average people in America’s heartlands. They became an echo chamber for their own rhetoric, confusing their own voice with the voice of the majority. They manufactured issues for the race industry and ignored what genuinely matter to most people. Americans (and Brits) don’t want open borders, they don’t want free trade and they reject globalism. In a Democracy, you cannot shun populists and nationalists. They are the voters!

Will Donald Trump be a good leader for the populist movement? It remains to be seen. His nationalist speeches were encouraging, but some of his neocon talking points gave me great pause. He says he’s an America firster, but he also placates Israel. I can’t reconcile this with my philosophy.

Nonetheless, today I have something I didn’t have yesterday: greater faith in the soul of American people and a tiny shred of hope for the future of ‘Merika.

15 Comments on Torchy’s ‘Merika: Trump Victory Was A Brexit 2.0 Uprising

  1. Weeks ago, this young Japanese girl saw it … charming & funny 87 seconds as a kawaii lass celebrates her dream come true, ‘Donald Trump, President of the World!’

  2. I still think the “Enough is Enough” card is still in play. Not surprised by the Trump victory, though my faux candidate hypothesis earlier this year was proven wrong. Still, the Deep State selected Trump for a reason. Reading Aangirfan’s blog, he rubbed shoulders with the 1% pedophile crime syndicate for much of his life. I am not expecting anything to change…

    • I would conclude the majority of voters merely rejected Hillary, but the House/Senate results indicate otherwise.

  3. The Japanese short was curious, but the David Icke reaction was spot on. It’s one of the videos in the 4 video box- Primal Scream

  4. Remember, most of us who read TNN know and believe that the Deep State lets these things occur for a reason. Trump is being set up as the fall guy.

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