Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Muslims who could not fit into a small Paris mosque pray in the street, a practice the French far-right has compared to the Nazi occupation, Dec. 17, 2010. PHOTO: Reuters/Charles Platiau

By Tyler Durden | 1 December 2017

ZERO HEDGE — Over the past couple of years, Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. Not surprisingly, the massive wave of Muslim migrants has become a political hot topic, particularly in countries like Germany, U.K., France, Italy and Sweden which have taken in a combined total of nearly 3 million migrants over just the past couple of years. Per the Pew Research Center (PRC):

Now, in an effort to quantify how this massive wave of immigration may transform Europe’s demographics over the next several decades, the PRC has released a study estimating how the size of Europe’s Muslim population may evolve depending on future levels of migration.

To start, PRC estimated that Muslims made up roughly 4.9% of Europe’s overall population at the end of 2016 with Bulgaria (11.1%), France (8.8%) and Sweden (8.1%) having the highest concentrations. […]

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