When Do High School Basketball Game Taunts Make Worldwide Headlines? When It’s Catholic Against Jewish Students

Catholic Memorial School's crowd at a previous game. There is no suggestion the students pictured were involved in Friday's incident. PHOTO: Daily Mail/Facebook

Outrage as Catholic students chant ‘you killed Jesus’ at basketball game against school with high number of Jewish students

  • Students from Newton North High School in Massachusetts taunted all-boys Catholic school  students about not having girl students
  • Catholic Memorial School students then shouted the chant ‘you killed Jesus’ at the school with a large Jewish enrollment
  • Chanting horrified and upset many who were attending Friday game between Newton North and Memorial
  • Newton Superintendent (((David Fleishman))) said he found behavior ‘chilling’
  • Catholic Memorial President Peter Folan apologized on Saturday for what he called ‘abhorrent behavior’ 

By AP / Myriah Towner | 31 August 2016

THE DAILY MAIL — A Massachusetts all-boys Catholic high school has apologized after some of its students chanted ‘You killed Jesus!’ during a basketball game against a school with a large Jewish enrollment.

The chanting horrified and upset many who were attending the Friday game between Newton North High School and Catholic Memorial School, The Boston Globe reported.

Catholic Memorial President Peter Folan apologized on Saturday for what he called ‘abhorrent behavior.’

He said the school ‘believes deeply that intolerance, of any kind, is unacceptable.’

During Friday’s game, which Catholic Memorial won 77-73, the fan section of Newton North taunted the Catholic school about not having girl students, shouting ‘Where are your girls?’

In response, the Catholic school students started the anti-Semitic chant.

Newton Superintendent (((David Fleishman))) (left) said he found the behavior 'chilling.'
Newton Superintendent (((David Fleishman))) (left) said he found the behavior ‘chilling.’

Newton Superintendent (((David Fleishman))), who said he found the behavior ‘chilling’, said as soon as the students started the chant, the interim principal spoke with Catholic Memorial officials, who put an immediate stop to it.

Fleishman and Folan both noted that the students were reprimanded and that each student personally apologized to the principal.

Folan said in a statement on Saturday that the school will ‘strenuously address’ the issue within the school community and apologized for the action of the schools’ students during the game.

‘In my mind, this is incredibly upsetting and troubling, and they have a lot of work to do at Catholic Memorial,’ Fleishman told The Boston Globe. 

He said he has contacted the Anti-Defamation League about it, and Newton students on Monday will discuss what happened. []

2 Comments on When Do High School Basketball Game Taunts Make Worldwide Headlines? When It’s Catholic Against Jewish Students

  1. Ahh, Jews warning children of how they will ruin their lives if they don’t like what they say. Just another day in Jewmerica!

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