Editor note: For older readers who wonder why so many reruns are going up, it is because the site now has about five times the visitors as three years ago when this article was posted. Additionally, I am not as prolific as I was and can no longer crank out five or six new original posts a week. Many of the reruns also are updated.
For me, the Bundy case cuts close to home. I graduated from the University of Washington in 1974, and one of my friends dated one of Bundy’s first victims. My last residence near campus was in Bundy’s hunting grounds, just blocks from his earliest known abductions. Another very close friend was a life guard at busy Lake Sammanish the day of the Ott and Naslund abductions.
Bundy’s killing spree kicked off a lot of anti-male caution and paranoia. It got so bad that I even wondered for a time about an acquaintance who resembled an artist rendering. This fiend Ted Bundy did a lot to wreck trust and relations between men and women in the region for at least a generation – part of a strategy of tension?
When the Chi Omega killing occurred in Florida after Bundy’s second jail escape in 1978, I immediately said it was Bundy, and I wasn’t the only one in Seattle to say so. It took Florida police a week to figure this out after he was detained. My personal favorite Ted Bundy (1946-1989) photo-

Given this history, my curiosity was piqued by Netflix’s new four-hour docu-series on Bundy called “Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes.” I found it quite comprehensive, as it utilizes lesser-known sources. Bundy’s criminal terror career is already well documented, but I recommend the Netflix series to fill any gaps in knowledge.
The Sundance Institute announced that the movie “Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile” about Bundy is to debut at the Sundance Film Festival, and then on to Netflix,
So rather than rehash his crimes, let’s focus on the creation of this monster and an alternative theory of his MO.
One aspect not discussed much is Bundy’s childhood. Ted, or rather Theodore Robert Cowell, was born into a Vermont home for unwed mothers in 1946. It’s important to understand that in that era, a pregnant unwed woman was considered something shameful. Rather than face scorn among friends and neighbors for getting knocked up, the woman would hide out someplace — like an unwed-mothers home — to serve out the term of her pregnancy.
But Bundy was abandoned during his first three months of infancy and thus deprived of both a mother and father’s nurture. When rescued later by his mother and grandfather, he then fell into the household and hands of his maternal grandfather, Sam Cowell, with whom he lived until the age of 4. Family, friends and even young Ted were told that his grandparents were his parents and that his mother, Eleanor “Louise” Cowell, was his older sister.
Cowell’s wife was super submissive. At some point, she was hospitalized for depression and administered shock therapy. She was beaten by Cowell, who also had a proclivity to abuse neighborhood animals. Cowell would speak aloud to unseen presences. There is a theory that Ted was the product of an incestuous relationship between his mother and his grandfather. Regardless, Ted Bundy was the genetic offspring of mentally ill people. Family members felt that Ted and Louise needed to be rescued from Cowell’s household.
Like his grandfather, Ted was obsessed with social acceptability. Although he showed promise, Ted had a low threshold for setbacks and failures, such as his first year of law school at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma; and for not meeting the expectations of his serious girl friend, who was a princess type. It’s during this period that Ted says “his mind went blank” and he hardly remembers what went on “during that summer”.
Ted’s mother, Louise, was notable for being detached and one must say dissociative. After she was presented with the totality of Bundy’s crimes, she switched gears and asked the two investigative reporters if they were game for apple pie and ice cream. This is a matter-of-fact aspect of Ted Bundy’s personality as well.
When Ted was 5 years old, Louise married John Bundy, who just so happened to be employed as a cook at a military hospital at a joint Army-Air Force complex. Later, the infamous Dr. Louis Jolyn West said of Ted, and perhaps revealing the method, stated, “Somewhere in that man’s childhood, a woman beat him with a stick.” Bludgeoning was an M.O. of Ted Bundy’s murders. Was an already warped young Bundy perhaps plucked up by the Crime Syndicate for further terror development? He definitely had an uncanny ability to evade capture.
Read “Louis Jolyon West: Johnny on the Spot Mind Controller”
Later, when the family moved to Tacoma, we see a familiar pattern seen in split-persona personalities. Ted supposedly attended Woodrow Wilson High School, but all of his records have strangely disappeared. Bundy, like others of his ilk, categorically stated he was a multiple personality. I hold that multiples of various strains are operating at high levels throughout the badly degraded society.
Although he didn’t describe himself as a reclusive child or adolescent, Ted later stated, “I didn’t know what made people want to be friends. I didn’t know what underlay social interactions.” Nonetheless, he adopted an effective mask to hide his disconnection.
During high school, he was arrested but not charged at least twice on suspicion of burglary and auto theft.
Showing shades of Israel Keyes, Bundy as a teen began heavy alcohol consumption and masturbatory peeping-Tom activities at night. We believe that the darker spirits inside people come out from around midnight until about 4 a.m. and will add to mind-warping. People with the wrong formative fundamentals should avoid traipsing around at these hours at all costs. He reveled in it.
Bundy revealed that during a murder it was necessary to “sedate” with alcohol the “dominant personality” that he feared might prevent his inner “entity” from acting on his impulses.
When asked if he felt guilty for his actions, Bundy said guilt would not solve anything. Religious broadcaster James Dobson interviewed him the night before his execution. The convicted killer talked about the kind of “desensitization” he had gone through while committing his crimes.
He perused detective magazines, crime novels and true-crime documentaries with stories that involved sexual violence — particularly when the stories were illustrated with pictures of dead or maimed bodies.
As a preteen, he was fond of “panting” girls and burning dead animals.
He enrolled at the University of Washington in 1966 but drifted in and out, going to Temple University in Philadelphia for a quarter.
Then, and rather inexplicably, he was awarded a summer scholarship to study “intensive Chinese” at Stanford (a spook curriculum) in 1968. This was the geographical epicenter of the serial-killer outbreak in the U.S. About the only thing Bundy seemed qualified for at this stage was as a budding serial killer. At that point, at the age of 23, nothing in his bio then or history since hinted at any interest in Chinese studies.
Almost precisely corresponding with his Stanford “studies,” he was dumped by his girlfriend, Stephanie, and fell into a deep funk. Additionally, “someone” revealed to him his birth certificate showing his paternity was “unknown.”
Quickly following “spook studies” at Stanford, he turned up as a Washington State delegate for Nelson Rockefeller at the 1968 GOP Convention in Miami. No kidding.
For much of 1969, Bundy drifted around to places like Arkansas and Aspen, Colorado, for inexplicable reasons. His claim of being a “ski instructor” turned out to be fabricated. What was he doing in these places?
In September 1969, drifting back to Seattle, he picked up a Mormon girlfriend from Utah with a string of aliases, such as “Liz Kendall” and “Meg Anders.”
Bundy worked with various police commissions between 1972 and ’73. During this stint, he got to observe first hand their methods and failings, which proved useful to him as a terror killer. During his 1974 murder spree, Bundy some how managed to land a position working in Olympia at the Department of Emergency Services (DES), a state government agency involved in the search for the missing women. Is this an infiltration template of some sorts- for instance Smiley Face Killers?
The degree of police “incompetence” was off the charts. For example Bundy told his last lawyer Polly Nelson that when he was arrested for kidnapping in Utah, investigators missed a collection of Polaroid photographs of his victims.
Read “The Smiley Face Killers: More Than 200 Drugged Young Men Found Dead from ‘Accidental Drowning’”
From 1971 to ’72, he worked for a suicide hotline service called the Seattle Crisis Center, where he became friends with true crime reporter Ann Rule (1931-2015). She wrote a bestselling book on Bundy called “The Stranger Besides Me.”
Rule wrote, “Logically, statistically, demographically, the chance that Ted Bundy and I should meet and become fast friends is almost too obscure to contemplate.”
The late Dave McGowan suggests some of this was a backstory. Rule pushed the lone-killer narrative and, for some reason, gaslighted those considering a gang, cult or satanic angle. McGowan also points out that crisis centers are often infiltrated by cult members looking for recruits among vulnerable people.
Next, Bundy went to Harborview to work in psychiatric counseling. All this would have given him entree into the dark underbelly of society and at a very unsettling time. Was Bundy being introduced to like-minded psychopaths? And all this shortly before he began his crime spree in 1973.
Bundy said, “The really scary thing is that there are a lot of people who are not in prison who were far more successful than I.”
He specifically states that murder for him was about “mastering life and death.”
His years at the commission and crisis clinics prepared him, and we suggest, were about making contacts with others of his twisted persuasion.
In the Netflix documentary, Bundy is shown confessing to 30 murders. However, he uses certain language — specifically, that he “was involved in 30 killings.” There could very well be others he didn’t confess to. There are many still many unsolved cases of missing women in Northwest during the 1970s.
involvement- n: the fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something. … personal association with someone.
Another clue that the whole story hasn’t been pursued came from Bundy himself:
“I mean, talk about fiction. That’s what history is. You never know if historians, for one reason or another, well-intentioned or not, are creating things that they wish had happened, or thought happened, or would like to have happened, because it satisfies their own preconception of what they think the history should have been.”
And then there is the missing File 1004 at Seattle PD tracking occult crimes.
And inquiring minds would like to know- how did the scrawny 140 pound weakling Ted Bundy shown below manage to overpower and strangle three dozen fit, young woman on his own? He looked like a skeleton.
On July 14, 1974, there were the Lake Sammamish State Park murders of Janice Ott and Denise Naslund. Bundy confessed to Seattle task force detective Bob Keppel to being “involved” in these killings. He also told investigators that Ott was still alive when he returned to the lake to kidnap Naslund, and one was forced to watch as he murdered the other. So how did he manage this without an accomplice?
On October 18, 1974 in Utah Bundy targeted Melissa Anne Smith—the 17-year-old daughter of the police chief of Midvale (Salt Lake City suburb)—disappeared after leaving a pizza parlor. Her nude body was found in a nearby mountainous area nine days later. Postmortem examination indicated that she may have remained alive for up to seven days following her disappearance. Bundy went on a hunting trip a day after the Smith disappearance. Would Bundy need an accomplice to do this?
With the Utah killings, Bundy was dropping suggestive hints to his old girl friend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, who called Seattle PD. Bundy was moving up on the suspect list, so police showed their best Lake Sammanish witness Bundy’s photo in a line up. The witness failed to identify him.
When Det. Keppel questioned Bundy about the photo at left (Keppel believed it was Bundy’s VW), Bundy recognized the scene and said “law breakers,” denoting he knew what was happening there.
What follows is from the record:
Keppel: “Is that you? It’s Lake Sammamish State Park, 1974. The tree, cops roll in and take care of the –
Bundy: Law breakers.
Keppel: Ya.
Bundy: Well, I mean, we’re in the ballpark.
By saying “law breakers” and telling Keppel he was in the ballpark, Bundy was admitting he had personal knowledge concerning what was taking place. When Keppel pressed him about the car, believing it was his and wanting him to admit it, Bundy responded, “Well, I — is it?”
Bundy knew that wasn’t his car, but he was telling the investigator he was in the ballpark, meaning the car was nearby. There were thousands of photos taken at the park, but Bundy isn’t spotted in any.
Indeed a total of five witnesses described a man not really resembling Bundy speaking in a Canadian or British accent. British Columbia was also enduring a wave of serial killings and disappearances at this same period. Most of these 1970s killings are still unsolved. Were one or more of these Canadian killers a Bundy sidekick at Lake Sammanish or perhaps elsewhere?
And how did Bundy so easily come across an unlocked get away car with key in ignition after his second jail escape in Colorado.

Then we have the Lake Sammamish police sketches of an individual seen with Janice Ott. Does this resemble Ted Bundy? Not really.
Stanley M. Bernson is a convicted murderer who followed the M.O. and prototype of Ted Bundy around the same time. He is a suspect in up to 30 disappearances and murders. He is a member of a “brotherhood” of accomplices bound by a “covenant.”
Bernson, who operated out of the Tri-Cities, Washington, claims to have been “a travelling partner” of Ted Bundy.
The internet is strangely scrubbed of any Bernson references, but this snippet turns up in an Oregon criminal trial lawyer publication:
“Bernson’s lawyer, the late Dennis Hachler, said that his client used to run with Ted Bundy and, he added, Bernson made Bundy look like a choir boy.”
You’ve probably listened to Opperman’s interview with the guy who makes the Programmed to Kill series on YouTube, but if you haven’t, he talks about a brother and sister who knew Bundy when he was younger and the disturbing stuff they would get into. Lots of anomalies in his story.
Something interesting I learned about Mormons recently is that they believe Satan and Jesus are brothers! Sounds a lot like the Process Church. All kinds of weirdness going on in that group. They’re definitely not Christian like a lot of people seem to believe.
The mormons teach that we are all brothers and sisters.
‘The Many Looks of Ted Bundy’ photo montage above is at least 2 different individuals and
possibly three. I mean unless he had a nose job and his facial structure varied. I’m no ‘expert’
but I’ll bet facial recognition / comparison would confirm it. Reminds me of a presentation I
once saw by Jim Marrs re: the JFK assassination where he showed there were at least two,
three, or more Lee Harvey Oswalds. You could definitely see it when you had a close look.
They all looked like Oswald, but were noticeably different when pointed out. When you’re
told to see something, and therefore prepared to see it, what you are shown, you “see”.
How many times in life have we all said, “Now why didn’t I see that ?!” But we did not
until it was pointed out. Marrs said Oswald was likely a “cutout”- something that intel
agencies do all the time. Miles Mathis claims they also like tweak our noses or to see
if were paying attention (we’re NOT) by publishing photos of different individuals who
look somewhat similar, and even at times not that much. A possible game or even a
signal to other groups or agencies for amusement. Look above at the alleged death
photo of Bundy you call “your favorite”. Seriously, how much can you really tell from
that photo ?! Is it really him – how do we know ?! It’s a very worthwhile read If you
haven’t already; http://mileswmathis.com/bundy.pdf While making no claims that
everything he writes is true, I always tell people don’t dismiss until you read. For
me, most of his pdf files are the glasses we need. Also I can’t recommend highly
enough “The Ultimate Evil” by Maury Terry. I could be wrong, but I think you may
have referenced that book on this site. Also Michael Hoffman writes intriguingly
and I think brilliantly on cults, govt. agencies, & what he calls the cryptocracy.
Mostly, I don’t know what to think anymore. Thanks for the article. 🙂
There could definitely be a Ted doppelganger. Look how perfectly he parted his hair on either side; nearly impossible.
Looks like Rob Lowe.
There’s a new garbage Ted Bundy docu series on Amazon. This time it has a feminist bent to it. Never ending preaching that men are evil and that Ted Bundy was the epitomy of masculinity and that is why he sought to kill women. Because they were becoming free and getting educations in the 60’s and 70’s.
I don’t know but since when would (((Netflix))) tell the absolute truth about anything? Reminds me of my dingy friend who told me the truth about Bin Laden and seal team 6 because he saw a movie about it and now he scolds me for refusing to mask up…just so you get the full picture of him. Surely it’s me because I don’t trust squat anymore. What if Bundy was from an elite mentally ill inbred family (The Bundy name one of the illuminated ones aka Springmeyers book) he was probably satanically abused and in the ((club)) Maybe he couldn’t control it and became a liability. Sorry but as the Libtards would say “this is my truth” 😂
You’re on the right track Janet, but go further. What if the Ted Bundy “project” was
exactly that – another drawn out fake event like they do so much of today. Well, it
was (IMO) and if you go to mileswmathis.com, click on ‘updates’ and read some
of his papers on the(se) topics, you’ll likely be convinced. There is a particular
pdf on Bundy – and YES, he is from the prominent (McGeorge) Bundy family
and even looks like them, but I would start with his 82 page pdf on Sharon
Tate and Charles Manson where he (definitively IMO) proves that entire
thing was a big project and fake. Just a coincidence that her father was
military intelligence I’m sure. In fact in multiple papers Mathis makes the
point that it makes perfect sense that ‘these people’ would use friends
and family members for projects, people they know & trust, and in fact
they have a history of doing so. Also quite common, and confirmed by
the work of Jim Fetzer and others, is to just completely invent people
or identities. So for example, Adam Lanza, the alleged Sandy Hook
shooter never existed, and the little children victims, if they weren’t
ghosts, like Robbie Parker’s daughter, were simply photos of kids
when they were younger. George Floyd wasn’t the same as the
guy from Texas with the criminal record whose lawyer said died
2 or 3 years ago, but someone else. That’s one of their favorite
ploys – using dead people. Highly convenient, since you don’t
have to kill them lol. Derek Chauvin also fake -remember the
neighbors said they didn’t know he was cop. He wasn’t 🙂
And speaking of reposting articles because Winter Watch (deservedly) has five times the number of visitors it had three years ago, I can (almost) say the same thing regarding my https://omegabooksnet.com site since WW posted a link to my “If Dead Rock Stars Could Talk” post a few weeks ago. Thanks, Russ and crew!-D. Lagarde
Glad to see you here; I was praying for you and yours based on hearing about the rains last week. I hope all is well.
On another topic, please never worry about someone commenting that we have become friends. I always have your back, without fail. This is not some vain macho bravado, I could be an 99 pound weakling, soaking wet or a 210 pound Silver Back Gorilla, and the point would be the same (although I am the latter).
Your input here and support is a gift. All of us who are regular (and have never had a threat of a ban), appreciate your insight. Never permit anyone to tell you otherwise or call you out. If they do, come and find me.
In this last round, I promised RW that I would behave and I will generally do so; however, we spoke about it all and he knows that I am in your corner. If someone has an issue with this idea, then they can come and see me directly.
Now that we are done with that part, please know that you and yours are in my good thoughts and prayers. I have the book on my list for the Christmas / New Year’s break depending on a move.
Please be well.
Interesting article; and although one disclosing several truths about the Bundy case, should be used as a complementary piece to the work done by miles w mathis (as Rommel 41 has indicated above). One of the reasons I believe Mathis’ work is credible in this particular case is due to his theory, ‘all men are pigs’; which, in his eyes, the CIA – and other agencies – were pushing, in mainstream society, in a desire to effect the division between the sexes deemed requisite for the further dissolution of society. Hence the world we witness today: divided; divisive and degenerate. RGB-Y1 out!!
“All men are pigs” is deliberate divide and conquer tactic (not theory really) used by the psychopathic authorities aimed at the non-ruling public. But there is an innate real biological division between the psychopaths in power and the non-ruling folks — this author calls it the “2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” (see https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html), it’s a much more fundamental theory or thesis.
Of course, they groom nut jobs and presidents – not much difference…
There is a new film on Mr. Bundy: