Clinton, Trump, Epstein and the Lolita Express

PHOTO ILLUSTRATION: Brigette Supernova/Daily Beast

The case of well-connected Jewish billionaire Jeffrey Epstein made a splash about a year ago, when he was convicted of sex with under-aged girls. Since then, related news has been largely suppressed. Epstein has been in a position to compromise high level people by providing under-aged girls for the likes of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and now possibly Donald Trump. In some cases, dossiers and lewd photos with teenyboppers may be called upon as needed.

I actually believe these activities are a requirement for entrance into the Crime Syndicate’s inner circle. In fact, this goes along way in explaining how an obscure Arkansas governor who can’t keep it in his pants can go on to become president of the United States and his wife the leading presidential candidate now. According to John Perkins in Confession of an Economic Hitman, the motives of psychopaths at the top of pyramid are sex, money and power.


Now it has been revealed that Bill Clinton was in reality a dedicated regular reveler on Epstein’s jet, Lolita Express. The mainstream media has suddenly “discovered” that instead of being an infrequent “acquaintance” of Epstein, Clinton was listed on the flight logs 26 times in just three years. One wonders why such a story wasn’t revealed much earlier?


Curiously, faux nationalist Donald Trump also has some Epstein involvement, including a rape accusation (at an Epstein party) that so far has gotten little dominant mainstream media (aka MSM) play. Trump’s other friends were described here.


In addition, another one-two punch story is emerging of Clinton Foundation slush funds being used for “investments” with Bill’s alleged mistress and yet another member of the Tribe, Julia Tauber McMahon, known as “The Energizer.” With the sleaze oozing in all directions, is a takedown at hand; and if so, why and by whom? Is somebody else is in the wings to replace Hillary? Does the Epstein slime blob end up slurping Trump?

The pedophile scandals among the U.K.’s elite and officialdom are now well known even among the snoozers and comatose. But the snoozers can’t connect the dots that infestations of pedophiles and perverts in government are by design. A number of U.K. police investigators have been openly murdered over the years for stumbling onto information involving high-level pedophiles.

As I have often mentioned on these pages, I do believe pedophiles and various other perverts are actively recruited into positions of power so that they can be compromised and controlled by the criminal cabal. For more background on this general topic, see “Belgium’s Dutoux Pedophile and Child Rape Case: A Road Map for Deep-State Criminality,” “Crime Syndicate Sexual Entrapment Operations” and “Wikispooks: Covert Blackmail Ops.”

In exploring sex offender Epstein’s background story, what’s particularly interesting is how out of the blue this former math teacher was given important positions in the organization of Jewish cabalist multi-billionaire Ace Greenberg during the 1970s and ’80s. As you may recall, the Greenberg syndicate included Bear Stearns, the firm that nearly brought down the world economy. Greenberg was the plutocrat who took down Elliott Spitzer by way of a scandal. As the U.K.’s Independent reports:

Among [Epstein’s] pupils was the son of Bear Stearns chairman Ace Greenberg. In 1976, after a few years teaching the children of the wealthy, he accepted a job offer from Mr. Greenberg that allowed him to oversee their money.

Four years later, he was made a partner, but by 1982 he had left to set up his own boutique investment company, J. Epstein and Co. He reportedly only accepted clients prepared to invest a minimum of $1 billion, though many profiles of Epstein admit a lack of hard, verifiable facts about his business have added to the air of mystery.”

Epstein was not just a run-of-the-mill sex offender but someone with friends in high places that he liked to entertain in a certain manner and who shared his proclivities.

Also notable and named in a lawsuit involving Epstein is the well-known Zionist Israeli Hasbara mouthpiece and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz, who represented Epstein in his 2007 sex-offender case.

The claim from Jane Doe No. 3  (who joined three others) alleges that Dershowitz himself participated in sex acts with underage girls. As Epstein’s legal representation, Dershowitz then arranged a secret non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with the federal government in the cases of JD No. 1 and No. 2. According to the complaint, Dershowitz managed to influence immunity from prosecution for all co-conspirators, including himself. Prince Andrew also attempted to influence the U.S. judicial process in the matter through lobbyist ties. Epstein served 13 months under state charges.

Last year civil suit charges were filed against Dershowitz, who went nuclear and “made it about the attorneys” representing the alleged victims. In pit-bull fashion, he threatened to initiate hardball disbarment proceedings. He had his hands full as the four Jane Doe plaintiffs represented by a former federal judge and professor of law at the University of Utah. Was this a white hat? The motion can be read here:

Motion for Joinder in Jeffrey Epstein Case

In April, Dershowitz settled the accusations against him, which effectively sealed the case and evidence.

You see, besides the goings on with underage sex slaves, Epstein — who, according to the complaint, is quite the piece of work — also liked to “organize orgies” and secretly film the activities of his “friends.” Sex slaves are usually procured out of Monarch mind-control programs. Court documents state:

She further claims she was sex-trafficked to ‘many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.’ Prosecutors believe Epstein, who enjoyed watching other people have sex, had cameras fitted at his other residences across the world.”

This points to Epstein being an agent of the Crime Syndicate cabal and who knows who else. Deep state elements of Mossad, CIA and MI5 perhaps. His mission was to compromise and control these powerful “friends.” This blackmail function was specifically mentioned by the Jane Does in the motion.

3 Comments on Clinton, Trump, Epstein and the Lolita Express

  1. Russ Winter asks a very significant question above, “Is somebody else is in the wings to replace Hillary? Does the Epstein slime blob end up slurping Trump [as well]?”

    Indeed, why are the smears against Trump & Clinton so semi-mainstream if one of them is oligarch cabal pick to be President? Reading between the lines of compromised ‘alt’ sites esp. ‘Veterans Today’ … one can see a meme that the proffered ‘Saviours of the US Constitution’ may well be US military generals & admirals … perhaps to be anointed after major economic supply chain collapse … and maybe even co-ordinated with an alleged ‘take-down of Jewish & Israeli influence’ as a penultimate psy-op

    US military generals & admirals are arguably a much ‘deeper state’ than even Zionist mafias … few know that military intel agencies ran the 1974 Watergate coup against Nixon (WashPost fake ‘brave reporter’ Bob Woodward was a planted Navy Intel officer directly under Joint Chiefs head Admiral Maurer) … mil-intel seems key in 1963 JFK murder … 2001 9-11 … fake 1999 Bill Clinton ‘impeachment’ to get him to bomb Serbia … and above all the US military seems clearly to run global heroin cocaine etc trade, US mil the only org with the logistics & cover to do so, e.g., Afghanistan where the Taliban had virtually eliminated heroin supply before the US invaded & restored it

    • I have a bet going with myself that after the election is over Trump will be seen smiles and giggles with the Clintons soon after. I think he has a put on going and that he is still good friends with the insiders he speaks about so much.

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