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The Latest Clown World BS from the New York Slimes is the Op-ed ‘Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole’

IMAGE: Time Magazine

First, it was a call for a Biden “reality czar.” Now, the latest “trust us” article from The New York Slimes is an op-ed titled “Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole.” The title of the article should be “Stay Ignorant, You’ll be Happier” or “Ignorance is Bliss.” The end game is an idiocracy.

This is yet another salvo from members of the propaganda arms of the Lugenpresse, whose chief strategy is to soften and destroy critical thinking that’s independent of officially approved Ministry of Truth narratives. People are now so brainwashed that they don’t even realize this op-ed is saying “trust us and do not think for yourself.”

As the cornerstone of their “big brother is here to protect you, ignorance is strength” stance is the fallacious argument of not vetting the information, only the source. Then they add the term “known source.” It’s rather ironic given that so much of what they’ve published during the last five years on politics was based on comments from sources who unnamed.

More often than not, the known sources are Crime Syndicate hacks that often come up on the first pages of a Google search or on Wikipedia. There, pajama people will frequently find ad hominem attacks and one-trick pony labeling of the not-known sources (aka sources the Slimes’ masters don’t like). The Slimes, on behalf of their Big Pharma masters, skewered Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., as an example.

Then they state, “Only visit the suggested Google websites. The ones that appear first are the only ones that you can trust. All else is a rabbit hole.”

Critical thinking NY Times style: “Don’t believe unknown sources.”

Critical thinking CNN style: “According to an anonymous source …”

Another little trick used is guilt by association. They will pick some publication and mark it like a dog urinating on a fire hydrant. In this instance, they identified Stormfront as the type of alternative site a hapless pajama person might stumble upon on the big bad internet.

Thus, the implication is raised that anything outside of the box could be like Stormfront or worse in terms of quality and bad influences karma. Might as well just label or mark alternatives as generic “Nazi,” which is so much easier than real debate or discussion. I doubt the experts and “researchers” being cited by the Slimes have spent more than a few minutes on any of these so-called dangerous or bad influences.

The most disturbing thing is they’re calling this “a method,” or SIFT, and they’re starting to teach it in schools. So literally they are teaching in schools that it’s bad to think for yourself, and that you should accept Google, Wikipedia, The Slimes and other select Lugenpresse fellow travelers and, of course, the Kakistocracy as the arbiters of truth! How did we reach this point of total insanity?

What is the nature of this teaching? I mean, seriously. Is critical thinking ever taught as a standard in any public school? So unless you had a parent or mentor teach you critical thinking, or assumed responsibility to obtain the discipline through independent study or through going down some rabbit holes, chances are you have no critical thinking skills.

But whatever you do, DO NOT QUESTION OFFICIAL NARRATIVES. The parasites in charge want you to OBEY their insanity.

For further reading:

28 Comments on The Latest Clown World BS from the New York Slimes is the Op-ed ‘Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole’

  1. People identify with the authority of what they think is “cool” full stop. So sad to see what happened to all the fantastic metalheads and goths and myriad rebel freaks I hung out with in Chicago in the 80s. The only difference between them and me is that I dropped out of school completely freshman year and was allowed to do a pilot “computer study” thing 3 hours a day instead which was nap time. Leftie goons to a man now, I lost all my friends back 6 years ago already. So hateful and judgmental and “righteous yeahhhh” and I can’t really say I think they’ll wake up inside of 18 months now because they’ll either be dead or still vaxxing. Still, looks like the slimes is worried. The slimes needs people asleep just long enough to let the kids get vaxxed …. or maybe they have another plan for the orphans

  2. Well written and a good thread. A little scary for Sunday morning? Yep. Still well done.

    What I found most interesting was:

    “What is the nature of this teaching? I mean seriously, is critical thinking ever taught as a standard in any public school? So unless you had a parent or mentor teach critical thinking, or assumed responsibility to obtain the discipline through independent study or through going down some rabbit holes, chances are, you have no critical thinking skills.”

    Amen to that statement.

    From my own experience only (and that of Mrs. SC), the answer would be a resounding “NO!” Critical thinking has not been on the menu at the school cafeteria for a very long time now, which is why we took Miss Simple Citizen out of a private school and began the home school process quite a while ago.

    I would (humbly) opine that it is one thing when a public school decides (and they do decide) not to teach critical thinking, but when you are paying tuition and the school still decides that the subject is off the menu, well you may be throwing your money out a window.

    All my best to all of WW. Happy Sunday and happy (almost) March.

    • Hi SImple, I’m glad to hear you and the Mrs are keeping the little miss safe (yes there is safety we want and no they can’t take the word away that easily). My beef with schools goes beyond the insanity we have now, common core and outcomes based are worldwide phenomena .., and it goes beyond critical thinking. My real interest is the pecking order you get just about everywhere humans gather and I don’t like the pecking order especially in schools, which is probably why I refused to go. Have you ever read Rene Girard? He came to some terrifying conclusions that the way we normally solve violence as individuals in community would shortly no longer work. Anyway, I don’t think public education is going to function at all as we go forward. Kids can be taught the basics at home or in private community settings and from there specialise.

      Otherwise, I’m that stupid headline is still grating on me. I’m wondering if there isn’t something darker going on here with some type of social programming experiment because they love Alice n Wonderland and THEY put the rabbit hole meme out into the collective (pecking order) consciousness in the first place. That headline commands psyche to go down the rabbit hole.

      • Sammy,

        Many thanks for the response. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Rene Girard, but I will look into the works. Thank you.

        “Otherwise, I’m that stupid headline is still grating on me. I’m wondering if there isn’t something darker going on here with some type of social programming experiment because they love Alice n Wonderland and THEY put the rabbit hole meme out into the collective (pecking order) consciousness in the first place. That headline commands psyche to go down the rabbit hole.”

        Yes, I can agree with you on that one; however, I am not too focused on the headline itself (must be the editor in you), but agree with your summation completely.


  3. Anyway, that’s a negative headline. Negative headlines are banned by good newsrooms because the subconscious apparently doesn’t understand “dont’s”.

  4. I hear your story MR Sam. I have lost communication with my family, getting divorced from a beautiful wife and will not have a friend who wears a mask. I moved rural to get away from the madness. It’s better here.

    I’m leaning towards electro-magnetic waves on why people have grown as dumb as cows. I simply have to let others off the hook, give them an excuse on why they are like they are, just to be around them. I’m not trying to be snobby, but have someone inject a serum into your body when you are not sick? Inoculation comes in as a last chance remedy not a front line defense. Untested creepy chemical/bio/nano, how stupid can you be? Well, plenty stupid.

    Remember when we were trying to be healthy and we’d get together and jump around in funny socks, sweat, try to drive all the oxygen you could jam in your lungs. It was called Aerobics. What’s the point of jogging? Aerobics. These late years yoga does fine. Do not deprive yourself of Oxygen. Your children, people,my God. Injecting them, too. What a sad time we live in.

    “Thou shall have no stone unturned”, has a new meaning for me.

    I’m reading “The Invisible Rainbow” by Firstenburg. Frightens the hell outta me. Ordered a Faraday Cage this morning.

    Best wishes, stay strong.

  5. Jon Rappoport has a “logic course” available thru his website. Can’t remember the cost but well worth it. Helped me open up to my middle school daughter. I got “forced” into a symbolic logic course (as in: if p then q, etc) in college and most interesting…dare I say fun…class I had. But that was in the Dark Ages of the 70’s. You remember: disco, aerobics, coke, et al. Thanks WW, you can almost smell their fear. They’re backing up slowly trying to consolidate their ranks.

  6. They have to have omnipresent control of the narrative because they lie about lying while being exposed lying.The sheer audacity and shamelessness is astonishing.

    Take Faucis’ explanation about masks initially. He needed to lie about efficacy in order to maintain enough supply for healthcare workers. Hey, no problem paisano, the ends always justify the means!

    As the lies unravel they keep on going back further and further. The Soviets had to photoshop their dissidents out, but our current inception of Communism has to photoshop the dissidents in. They can’t call you Quixotic if they believe the windmills are trolls too.

    • My friend, you are right on the target with that post.

      Then we can consider how so many numerous texts speak of infiltration of the Times and the complete open door policy of the Post (since Ms. Graham was a personal friend in Georgetown, and may have even been a former lover) to the CIA under Mr. Allen Dulles.

      It is not like the CIA said, “well since old Allen Dulles is gone, we will stop with the infiltration and authoring of your articles…” that type of stuff just does not happen. Also, as I have often stated that Mr. Cooper on the television (the Vanderbilt scion) more than likely gets two checks each pay cycle. One from the network and one from Langley.

      Well, it is good to see you here today; I hope you have a good Sunday and an excellent week ahead.

      All my best,

      • Yeah man, having a beautiful Sunday SC, catching up on a particularly rank load of laundry.

        Just been a bit frustrated with the Doubting Thomases out there in the world and the circular conversations of agreement. Show one man a declassified FOIA Request document from the Reading Room and he agrees, and another will tell you he won’t read it and that he needs a better source.

        We know Operation Mockingbird never ended, it was just perfected. Ironically, The Washington Post publicly admits their involvement on their own website – then puts it behind a paywall.

        CIA report on Project Mockingbird – The Washington Post

        People who don’t want to be awake are actively inimical, they have a vested interest in the preservation of this system. The ones who know that this system lies to them – yet still believe it – are the worst. They are the Ted Talk midwits who challenge every single piece of research and are suddenly willing to scrutinize credentials without evaluating any scientific study whatsoever.

        The world is primarily comprised of Nietzschean “Last Men.” They are fundamentally incapable of understanding why anyone would want freedom in the first place.

        • Laundry? Funny. Yeah our little family is quiet today. It goes from simply raining to coming down in sheets in your nation’s capitol, so I have been spending some of my time watching a marathon documentary (nearly 5 hours – did two yesterday and just completed the remainder) that RW recommended to me. It was really good, but I had to do it in sections based on the length.

          Yep, I am with you on all of these points. This one stood out to me:

          “They are the Ted Talk midwits who challenge every single piece of research and are suddenly willing to scrutinize credentials without evaluating any scientific study whatsoever.”

          Ted Talk is a cult that symbolizes the end of days for a society that is continually on a mental autopilot. Might as well go out and buy an Amazon Alexa and attempt to have a serious conversation with the device.

          As for showing people evidence over and over again while they stick their fingers in the ears and tell you they are not listening to you; it is a very frustrating process that leads one to think a mountain in Tibet may be a very nice idea.

          Well, good to see you and thanks for the Mockingbird links. Although I know a bit about the operation (from books mainly), the muckrock and Ford library links are very new to me and I will enjoy looking a them.


          • Yeah, Academy of Ideas is dynamite. The transcript of the quotes and the artwork gallery is outstanding.

            I’m huge fan of the Albert Bierstadt and Thomas Cole paintings. Just learned about Charles M. Russell, the quintessential painter of the American West.

            • Well I checked out A of I and will be returning back to it. What I did was get completely absorbed in both Ford, muckrock and the National Security Archive.

              Thanks for all of it.

              P.S. What I have been interested in for many, many years is whether both Arthur Jones (inventor, founder of Nautilus) and Jerry Wilson (creator of Soloflex) were both “company men”.

              I know this idea may seem trite; however, it has fascinated me for years (quite literally). There are just too many oddities and similarities in both men’s stories.

              So now I am taking a break from being hunkered down and searching The National Security Archives. Perhaps I will find nothing. Perhaps it is a lost cause. Yet, I was following the trail you left me on Mockingbird and then this idea came into my head all over again.

              Certainly if I am correct, I will not really prove much of anything other than a hunch was pretty good. One man is deceased and the other is probably close to 80 yrs. old by now, so it really will not matter much in the grand scheme of the world.

              I would head to the National Archives or one of the many libraries to do some research (And often thought of doing as much), but being in one of those rooms on any given day is stifling enough (especially if you are running a microfiche machine, which depending on how old or the type of file could be the case), being in there with mandatory masking is unimaginable to me at this stage.

              Anyhow…I came back to this idea because of our conversations and your links. Many thanks.

  7. The problem for the Times and other Lugenpresse is that the public has started to use the SIFT method on them, and they haven’t fared well — especially over the last decade.

  8. Critical thinking = truth seeking, IMHO. Which was the biggest reason I taught Secondary Math for 7 years as well as home schooled both my kids (and had our daughter at home as well…because Prez George HW Bush mandated SSNs for all children born in hospitals…WE and our daughter, NOT THE GOVT., make the decisions for our kids!). The ONLY way a parent can teach critical thinking aka truth-seeking is through home schooling, IMHO…or unschooling!

  9. Has it ever occurred to them that the Human Neurological System can develop an immunity to bullshit once a third meal is skipped.

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