The New York Times Admits It’s Stoking Racial Division in America

IMAGE: Time Magazine

That purveyor of fish wrap, The New York Times (aka The New York Slimes), once again demonstrates its true colors. “Somebody” in NYT’s human resources department recruited and hired an extreme bigot, an Asian woman named Sarah Jeong. But apparently Jeong’s overt open racism is okay, because it’s directed at white people. Jeong, an “oppressed” Harvard grad, is one of the NYT’s “newest in a fab group of recent additions” to its editorial board of empty suits.

The Daily Caller’s Amber Athey notes that Jeong previously wrote for The Verge and authored an inverted book about online harassment and free speech titled “The Internet of Garbage.”

It seems some “online harassers” have done us the service of collecting a sampling of this “fab” new influencer’s tweets.

Now, you might be thinking that maybe the NY Slimes simply overlooked these tweets when hiring her. Nope. She was hired not despite her racist tweets but BECAUSE of them. The Slimes admitted, “We had candid conversations with Sarah as part of our thorough vetting process, which included a review of her social media history.”

In fact, demonstrating for all to see why the Slimes deserves our “full-blown Lugenpresse” label, a lame statement was issued that claimed that she was “counter trolling” and “imitating the rhetoric of her harassers.” This is shadow language for engaging in online shit storms with those she pissed off with her bigotry on social media.

Yes, “I imitated Internet commenters” is really the kind of editorial decision-making fit for America’s self-proclaimed “top” newspaper.

In the Slimes’ statement on the matter, note that they claim that it was “the fact she is a young Asian woman” that drove trolls to target her, not the obvious evidence that she is a extreme anti-white bigot. The Slimes defines this racist bigotry as “her journalism.”

At this stage, you could be cut some slack for suspecting the Slimes of playing a key role in The Anti-White Conspiracy. If you do some additional research, you will quickly find that more shit storms are spewing forth from Jewish twitter “opinion makers” and from Jewish-owned media outlets.

A collection of tweets in support of Jeong shows that a cadre of usual suspect Jews wholeheartedly support and promote anti-white sentiment, lending further credence to the Conspiracy. The truth, as the saying goes, is antisemitic.

Update: Jeong left the Slimes in September, 2019 and now has Lugenpresse bylines at the Vergethe Atlanticthe Washington PostNew York Times MagazineMotherboardForbesthe Guardian, and more.

Additionally, came a slew of tweets parroting the neo-Marxist meme that it’s impossible for minorities to be racist.


5 Comments on The New York Times Admits It’s Stoking Racial Division in America

  1. Another funny aspect here in Sarah Jeong’s twitter contact history, is that she had some quite warm banter with Andrew Auernheimer aka Weev, the clever computer – hacker whiz, who co-runs Andrew Anglin’s ‘neo-Nazi’ Daily Stormer site with all its ‘gas the kikes’ jokes

    Weev is the brilliant guy who kept the Stormer online for the last year, cycling thru a whole series of domain names whilst under continual savage seizures of url names and hosting platforms, and on gap days using Tor and web-to-Tor links and other work-arounds for their huge numbers of readers

    And, as Thomas Müller has previously covered on TNN, this man Weev who co-runs the ‘neo-nazi’ Daily Stormer, is Jewish (!) … and thus maybe the Daily Stormer is US-Israeli gov-run ‘controlled opposition’, which Weev maybe agreed to do after a mysterious ‘surprising legal victory’ on hacking charges, that let Weev out of prison

    Château Heartiste is speculating that Sarah Jeong is ‘Weev’s heartbroken waifu’ or at least wanted to bed him … Here is Weev’s online statement about his relationship with Sarah Jeong

    Obviously a lot of people read Weev’s Daily Stormer … Stories first seen there often show up some hours or a day later on finance news mega-site ZeroHedge … And Sarah Jeong is a fan of Weev!

  2. 6 out of 9 New York Slimes management are Jews versus 2% of population.

    New York Times Company:

    Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr.(Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman, The New York Times Company; Publisher, The New York Times

    Michael Golden(Ashkenazi Jew) – Vice Chairman, The New York Times Company; President and Chief Operating Officer, The New York Times Company Regional Media Group

    Janet L. Robinson(Ashkenazi Jew) – President and Chief Executive Officer, The New York Times Company

    Scott Heekin-Canedy(White European) – President and General Manager, The New York Times

    Bill Keller(White European) – Executive Editor, The New York Times

    Andrew M. Rosenthal(Ashkenazi Jew) – Editorial Page Editor, The New York Times

    Jill Abramson(Ashkenazi Jew) – Managing Editor, The New York Times

    John M. Geddes(White European) – Managing Editor, The New York Times

    William E. Schmidt(Ashkenazi Jew) – Deputy Managing Editor, The New York Times

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