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Multimillionaire real estate heir Robert Durst is convicted of murder in L.A.

By Daniel Trotta | 17 September 2021

REUTERS — A California jury on Friday found multimillionaire real estate heir Robert Durst guilty of murdering his best friend Susan Berman in 2000, the first homicide conviction for a man suspected of killing three people in three states over the past 39 years.

Durst, 78 and frail, will likely die in prison as the jury also found him guilty of the special circumstances of lying in wait and killing a witness, which carry a mandatory life sentence. Superior Court Judge Mark Windham, who oversaw the trial, set a sentencing hearing for Oct. 18.

The trial came six years after Durst’s apparent confession was aired in the HBO television documentary series “The Jinx,” in which Durst was caught on a hot microphone in the bathroom saying to himself, “What the hell did I do? … Killed them all, of course.”

The nine-woman, three-man jury had deliberated for seven and a half hours over three days. Durst, who has been in jail for the duration of the trial, was not present for the reading of the verdict because he was in isolation after having been exposed to somebody with COVID-19. […]

3 Comments on Multimillionaire real estate heir Robert Durst is convicted of murder in L.A.

  1. There’s been a lot more to this story than what Jarecki et al have put out. You can just tell. It’s Jew-Mobbed up on all sides, but the story says it’s just about this ‘lone-nut,’ sort of derelict property developer/owner, who had a colossal family inheritance (he even helped run their company for years). In all of that documentary, in this coverage, they act like Berman’s connections to Davey ‘The Jew’ Berman, and the fact that the Durst Dynasty are Jewish, has no relevance. Give me a break. If there’s one place the mob loves to work- along with corrupt spooks- it’s buying up a bunch of safehouses for their handiwork, and having guys like Durst around to run cover for them. All of this coverage, or what I’ve seen- which is quite a bit- acts as if Berman is this sort of ‘evil woman’ that ‘weird old Mr Durst’ just happened to get tied up with, covering up his ‘crazy crimes of passion.’ Given how long this has gone on, what he’s been let off for (including admittedly dismembering someone), no telling wtf this guy has covered up. Better check if he’s been in the proximity of any Pig Farms.

    • Durst had no compunctions about murdering people. To my eye he also relished crime in general. His entirely unnecessary and careless arrest for shoplifting was very much thrill seeking and not about need.

      The 2015 documentary the Jinx will give one the background on this psychopathic freak. But you are right, the Jewish connection was completely ignored.

  2. Oh boy “3” people in “3” states and there is your 33 signal of a hoax. If these codes aren’t real why are they always used? If the maniacal Durst goes to prison he will probably go in the front door and out the back door. He may even be dead from old age since he was not present at trial

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