I’m Not Wild About Harry
By Simple Citizen
Please tell me the truth. Have you ever heard about Mr. Harry Lloyd Hopkins (1890 – 1946)? If you answered, “No, I am afraid not,” then you are not alone.
In fact, this Simple Citizen’s response would have been exactly the same until the year 2012. In the context of attempting to understand the Communist, Fascist and Socialist changes to the United States governmental offices from the time of President Herbert Clark Hoover forward, I came upon the work of Mr. Hopkins. As his name did not sound very familiar to me, I was intrigued, especially when I considered the actions that were attributed to a man with such a lean history of employment and glaring lack of qualifications. Was he what Winter Watch refers to as a “made man”.
The work of this unusual man has impacted every nation in the world from the 1930s through to the present day.

The New York Years
He must have been a peer from the hallowed halls of the Groton School, or a learned friend and study partner of the President Roosevelt during his Harvard University years. Well, actually, no.
Mr. Harry Hopkins shared no specific background with Gov. Franklin Delano Roosevelt at the time of their meeting. Mr. Hopkins was born in Sioux City, Iowa to a Midwestern family of reasonable means for the period. He was brought up in the Social Gospel movement of the late 19th and early 20th century, the underpinning of what would become the American Progressive Movement, in which many socialist ideas would derive a religious connection but without full acceptation of the complete socialist doctrine. Hopkins had a background and perspective that would become “in vogue” during the first half of the 20th century and take over in the second half.
A consensus among authors who have written about Mr. Hopkins would be that much of his world view was cemented during his collegiate years at Grinnell College in Grinnell Iowa, the place where Mr. Hopkins had lived with his family since age 11.
“Harry had his first experience with social work as chairman of the local YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) employment committee. His interest in social work and the underprivileged came from the influence of a professor of applied Christianity, Dr. Edward Steiner, who also sparked Harry’s genuine interest in Tolstoy and the enigma that was Russia – an interest that resurfaced during World War II,” author Christopher D. O’Sullivan states in his text “Harry Hopkins: FDR’s Envoy to Churchill and Stalin.”
After working for the YMCA in Grinnell and as a newspaper reporter for his college, Mr. Hopkins eventually migrated to New York City, where he lived and worked on the lower eastside of Manhattan for the Christodora House as a councilor.
As he U.S. began preparations and a draft for entry into World War I, Mr. Hopkins attempted enlistment in the Army but was turned away for health reasons. In an effort to assist with the war effort, Mr. Hopkins worked for the Red Cross and became the American Red Cross director of Civilian Relief, Gulf Division.
Once the war was over, Mr. Hopkins took a position with the New York Tuberculosis Association, which brought him back to New York City. He received press coverage for his work and the growth of this organization, which eventually merged with the New York Heart Association.
Varying accounts of how Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Roosevelt met one another include: by reputation and through the local New York press; and through mutual friends who had a keen interest in Marx and Lenin, along with changes to governmental styles (e.g. fascism and Socialism) that were occurring in governments throughout Europe.
A meeting of Communist sympathizers was held regularly in Albany and was attended by Mrs. Roosevelt and/or at the express behest, as well as direction, of Mr. Hopkins’ “handler” of Soviet origin.
No matter in which manner that they met, Gov. Roosevelt appointed Mr. Hopkins to manage and operate the first state relief agency in the nation, known as the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration (TERA), as the nation and the State of New State of New York muddled though the Great Depression.
As a result of Mr. Hopkins involvement in TERA, he developed a very close bond and relationship to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who was already well known in Albany, New York, for her keen interest in government intervention in citizens’ lives and social causes.
Lest we forget that although President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, have been labeled “traitors to the class” by many of the conventional historians and documentary film makers, the fact is that the Roosevelts had many powerful and wealthy friends that their family had been aligned with for over a century by the time the Great Depression began to ravage the nation.
Indeed in yet another nothing to see here, move along fact, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s grandfather Warren Delano created his wealth from the China opium crime racket. FDR inherited all this dope money.
Author James Bradley says Roosevelt Opium Empire benefited Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton
Mr. Hopkins was provided with access to a class of citizens that he had never encountered before once he became close friends with the Roosevelts; which, for a man who seemed to have more debt that income for most of his entire life, was a very interesting paradox.
Harry Hopkins Goes to Washington
Through the latter days of Gov. Roosevelt’s administration in Albany, during the 1932 presidential campaign, and even in the early days of the new administration, Mr. Hopkins had a busy social life. Now, normally, we could care less about this man’s marital status and/or the sordid details of his personal affairs; however, in this case, we need to pay very special attention to his marriages and the accompanying financial positions they afforded Mr. Hopkins.
As many of us know or have read, often one of the biggest threats to national security is the compromised financial status of those who hold some type of influence or power within a governmental body. In the case of Mr. Hopkins, there was certainly an issue of debts from divorce and gambling, exceeding his income from normal employment sources. This is when having friends of a particular independent fiscal means and/or access to governmental funds, including a foreign governments, can be quite beneficial.
Evidently, Mr. Hopkins married three times. His first waif was one Ms. Ethel Gross, who was a Hungarian-Jewish immigrant active in the Progressive Movement of the era. The couple had four children, with one dying in infancy. The couple did stay friends almost until Mr. Hopkins’ transition in 1946. In 1930, Ms. Gross petitioned for a divorce on the grounds of infidelity. Her victory in the suit provided for an award of $5,000 per year in alimony against Mr. Hopkins’ social-worker salary of $10,000 per year.
Under great financial strain, and having married for a second time to Ms. Barbara Duncan, further adding to his fiscal woes, various social workers across many different government and nonprofit organizations took up a collection of $5,000 per year to assist Mr. Hopkins with his alimony payments. The funds were delivered as honorariums and direct fees for speeches to the Works Progress Administration (WPA), to which Mr. Hopkins had been appointed a director’s position by President Roosevelt. These organizations continued their support over two years, at the end of which Mr. Hopkins received an increase of salary from $10,000 to $12,000.
During this period of time, Mr. Hopkins was amassing gambling debts from poker games with friends and colleagues and trips to various horse racing tracks. Again, his debts were far exceeding his wealth.
Additionally, an excessive spending habit on books of all kinds also added to his, self-inflicted financial burdens.
Although he was married to Ms. Duncan, Mr. Hopkins often preferred the company of the many affluent friends that he had met through President Roosevelt and would spend much of his time in their homes. Following this period, Mr. Hopkins moved into the White House to live with the First Family rent and expense free. His second wife died of cancer, and his daughter from this marriage went to live with her father in the White House.
During this period of time, support from friends with financial means also improved to include the organization of a position as the head of the FDR Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York. The position paid $5,000 per year and was organized be a series of extremely wealthy friends to President Roosevelt, and Mr. Hopkins by virtue of his connection to the President.
Additionally, Mr. Joseph Palmer Knapp, owner of Crowell-Collier Publishing Company and an extremely well-connected, wealthy, friend to the Roosevelt administration, had an employee of the publishing firm offer a sum of $5,000 per article for a series of articles.
Although Mr. Hopkins married for a third time to Ms. Louise Gill Macy, an editor for Harpers Bazaar magazine, the couple and Mr. Hopkins’ daughter continued to live in the White House with taxpayer support covering their every need. In fact, when Mr. Hopkins and Mrs. Macy-Hopkins finally moved to a townhouse in the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C., his daughter remained living with the First Family.
In closing out this section, I would also very much like to bring to your attention the strong relationship between Mr. Hopkins and Messrs. William Averell Harriman, as well as Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Both of these men were from wealthy families with ties to the Roosevelts dating back many years. Each of these men could be associated with true fascism being imposed within the U.S., and by influencing President Roosevelt in a manner that sold the nation out to a corporatocracy that was masked in the thin veneer of the New Deal.

In the case of Mr. Harriman, four of his business ventures were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1938. He is often credited with acting as an envoy to Britain and Russia for implementing the Lend-Lease program. Like his friend Mr. Hopkins, he was appointed by President Roosevelt to this position without any oversight whatsoever. In the case of Mr. Morgenthau, Jr., he is often credited as being one of the two “architects of the New Deal.”
Although we will not be able to take an in-depth review of these programs in this thread, I would contend that both programs were implemented to transfer wealth from citizens to corporations through increased taxation that was then used to award massive contracts under a form of rent seeking crony-capitalism. Further, I would suggest that the utilization of the Lend-Lease program in the political Kabuki theater of the Cold War enabled the massive growth of the military industrial complexes and security states that currently plague all nations of the world.
Uncle Joe Stalin
As I have written about in various threads, and several posts on Winter Watch, the Lend-Lease program was a means to transfer power and wealth in support of a globalist agenda that permitted the creation of the “enemies,” which the U.S. would purposely confront in the Cold War. It was a second phase in the American bolstering of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the creation, as well as empowerment of every other socialist nation in the world.
‘We have to go back to Lend-Lease to begin to understand why the Kravchenko case might have meant as much as it did to Hopkins and the Soviets. Lend-Lease, which Kravchenko could (and ultimately did) blow the whistle on, was more than a lifeline to the Soviet war effort and beyond. Lend-Lease was also a private bridge to the Kremlin from inside the White House, manned and overseen by Hopkins, from his White House lair in the Lincoln Bedroom. What if, as I asked some pages ago, Lend-Lease, as run out of the Roosevelt White House by Harry Hopkins, was a rogue operation?’ — Diana West, author of ‘American Betrayal’
Through a trickle-down version of transfer, even North Korea and North Vietnam were bolstered through the empowerment of China during WWII to become the nations that would eventually be adversaries of the U.S. in wars, following the end of WWII.
Our nation built its enemies at the behest of banks and corporations, as well as the families that control them, and millions of lives were lost in the process.
Harry L. Hopkins ran Lend-Lease on behalf of the Roosevelt administration and created opportunities in which everything from the basic necessities of life (e.g. clothing and boots) to industrial components for manufacturing to military vehicles (e.g. airplanes, various automotive vehicles, and ships) to top secret plans for armaments and the means to construct the advanced weaponry of the day could be delivered to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
A review of another thread on Winter Watch will provide one with background information on Mr. Harry Dexter White who was a traitorous spy working for Soviet interests of the time. Yet, he was far from the only one.
A review of the witness list in the case of Ms. Elizabeth Bentley in 1947 yields such notable Communists as Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Lauchlin Currie, N.G. Silvermaster, William Remington, V. Frank Coe, Harold Glasser, Maurice Hauperin, Robert Miller and Solomon Adler. All these Communists had been working for the Roosevelt administration. All of these individuals would soon meet with legal complications brought about by their connection to or association with both Communism and Mr. Stalin.
We now know from the infamous Venona Project (encoded messages exchanged between Soviet intelligence agencies and their field agents in the U.S.) that all of these individuals can be verified as assets of the USSR, often before and then during the Roosevelt administration. Yet, what of Mr. Hopkins? From a Dec. 25, 2000, article, by Mr. Robert Novack, in the Washington Examiner we learn:
But Romerstein and Breindel combine the Venona files with other sources to make bold assertions. None is bolder than their treatment of Roosevelt’s confidant Harry Hopkins, who has been canonized by mainstream historians as a hero gallantly battling chronic illness in the cause of winning the war.
In a section headed “Harry Hopkins — Soviet Spy,” the president’s top adviser is shown lobbying relentlessly to give tons of uranium to the Kremlin. When Soviet official Victor Kravchenko defected in Washington in 1945, Hopkins pleaded with Roosevelt to send him back to Russia. Instead of presenting to Stalin the American desire for a free Poland, Hopkins told the Soviet dictator that “the United States would desire a Poland friendly to the Soviet Union.”
Could it have been, the authors ask, that Hopkins was “an unconscious agent” who did not realize that his left-wing ideology was drawing him toward treason?
Ishak Akhmerov, a Soviet spymaster during WWII, delivered a lecture to KGB officers during the 1960s in which he mentioned Alger Hiss but called Hopkins “the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States.”
“Agent 19” described in Venona decrypts as meeting secretly with Churchill seems “nobody but Harry Hopkins.”

Fondly Remembered in the Court of Public Persuasion
Although we have already established that Harry Lloyd Hopkins is far from well known to many citizens both in the U.S. and throughout the world, for those authors, historians, ideologues, political enthusiasts, politicians and professors who may be familiar with the man, Hopkins is held in high regard.
Superficially, he would seem to be an advocate for the common man and an envoy of peace during troubled times. This is understandable for a majority of the individuals who may have some knowledge of the man, and utilize a conventional framework to elevate his actions within a black and white historical context. Comparatively, I would suggest that the take away from the thread supports further analysis of the man, his friends and mentors, the real hidden work he performed, the people he truly served and the ramifications of his actions.
Thank you so much Simple Citizen for doing all that reading and condensing this information for us.
I only heard of Mr Hopkins “five minutes ago” but his name keeps popping up intertwined with Harry Dexter White, William Averell Harriman, Henry Morgenthau, Jr, FDR, Uncle Joe, Lend-Lease and many others – all as you have described. I might also throw in the name of Joseph Davies.
By the way, both Davies and Harriman were US Ambassadors to the Soviet Union. A light anecdote I recall without reference – Harriman’s daughter was invited to visit the site of the Katyn Forest massacre and dutifully reported back [I paraphrase] “nothing to see here – must have been the Germans”.
A couple of passages from “The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia” by Tim Tzouliadis fit right in here: (Bracketed numbers represent Tzouliadis’ indexed sources.)
“One month after the invasion of Russia, in July 1941, Roosevelt’s most trusted adviser, Harry Hopkins, flew into Moscow. A key policy maker of the New Deal, the hollow-faced Hopkins was described by one Democratic Party rival as having “a mind like a razor, a tongue like a skinning knife, a temper like a Tartar and a sufficient vocabulary of parlor profanity . . . to make a muleskinner jealous.”[2] In the Kremlin he was welcomed with open arms by Joseph Stalin.
The Soviet leader now declared President Roosevelt the “best friend of the world’s down-trodden,” and was asking for American troops to be sent to Russia to fight alongside the Red Army under their own chain of command. It was a project involving up to thirty Allied divisions, which Winston Churchill described as “a delusion,” not least because in the summer of 1941 most military intelligence experts were predicting an imminent and total Soviet collapse. Even Roosevelt’s cabinet members were making private bets on whether the cities of Leningrad, Moscow, Kiev, and Odessa would all fall before September 1, 1941.[3]
For Hopkins’ visit, Stalin ordered the portraits of Marx and Engels to be taken down and replaced by two large paintings of Mikhail Kutuzov and Alexander Suvorov, the traditional Russian military heroes of the pre-Revolutionary age.[4] The gambit appeared to work very well: “It is ridiculous to think of Stalin as a Communist,” Hopkins reported back home. “He’s a Russian nationalist.” In an American magazine article, Hopkins went still further in his praise: “He talked as he knew his troops were shooting— straight and hard . . . an austere, rugged, determined figure in boots that shone like mirrors, stout baggy trousers, and snug-fitting blouse. He wore no ornament, military or civilian. He’s built close to the ground, like a football coach’s dream of a tackle. He’s about five feet six, about a hundred and ninety pounds. His hands are huge, as hard as his mind. His voice is harsh but ever under control.”[5] Harry Hopkins returned with a list of Soviet military requirements and a glowing impression of the Soviet dictator who had spoken so sincerely of “the necessity of there being a minimum moral standard between nations.”[6]
And speaking of a seedy lifestyle and “self-inflicted financial burdens”, we should not let this thread pass without making reference to Mr Churchill. Continuing from Tzouliadis:
“While Winston Churchill all but bankrupted the Bank of England to pay for American arms, Soviet Lend-Lease was funded on generous credit terms destined never to be repaid. “I think it is a mistake at this time to bother Stalin with any financial arrangements and take his mind off the war,” Henry Morgenthau told Hopkins in October 1941.”
[Clearly, Hitler really had no idea what he was up against – America was already well under the thumb of the Communists and worked hand in hand with Stalin – so much for the “Cold War”! Equipment (farming, industrial, mining) had been flowing into Stalin’s Russia (to help operate the Gulags) from American factories for years and it was a mere trifle to convert “tractors” into tanks.]
[final passage from Tzouliadis]
Oh, almost forgot –
“In May 1942, the Soviet foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov, arrived on a clandestine mission to the United States. At the White House, a moment of comedy ensued when the American valets unpacking Molotov’s suitcase discovered a large hunk of black bread, some Russian sausage, and a revolver. Eleanor Roosevelt wondered quizzically if “Mr. Molotov evidently thought he might have to defend himself, and also that he might be hungry.”[11] While the White House press reporters were informed that Molotov was traveling under the pseudonym “Mr. Brown” and were asked to observe a news blackout for the duration of the visit. Apart from an obviously facetious question asked by one of the reporters—“Why not Mr. Red?”—no one was at all disturbed that Stalin’s henchman-in-chief, who had signed the death lists throughout the course of the Terror as well as the pact with Hitler, was now an official guest at the White House. He was placed in the bedroom next to Harry Hopkins’.[12]”
That last passage now …
“During the Congressional hearings of December 1949, Major Robert Jordan testified that in 1943 he had inspected a Soviet Lend-Lease plane at Great Falls airport, in Montana, that had been filled with black patent-leather suitcases sealed with white cord and red wax and marked “diplomatic.” Working at night with a flashlight in the hold of the aircraft, Major Jordan pulled detailed scientific information from the suitcases. From one case opened at random, his eye had been caught by a piece of stationery marked THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON. At the top of the second page of a letter addressed to Anastas Mikoyan, the Soviet commissar of foreign trade, he copied the words “- – – – – had a hell of a time getting these away from Groves.” The letter was signed by Harry Hopkins and was attached to a thick map, which Jordan unfolded into a technical drawing larger than his extended arms in size. The drawing was stamped with the notice OAK RIDGE, MANHATTAN ENGINEERING DISTRICT, and included documentation marked with the name HARRY HOPKINS. The top-secret scientific language of the report was unfamiliar to Major Jordan, but he carefully noted the words “cyclotron . . . proton . . . deutron,” and another unusual phrase: “uranium 92.”[38] The Soviet plane was one of a regular series of flights carrying identical cargos of diplomatic suitcases out of Great Falls airport. The following month, according to Jordan’s testimony, Harry Hopkins had telephoned to authorize a shipment of uranium to the USSR “off the records” but sent through the channels of the Lend-Lease program.[39]
You closed with
“I would suggest that the take away from the thread supports further analysis of the man, his friends and mentors, the real hidden work he performed, the people he truly served and the ramifications of his actions.”
Yes indeed!!
PS – I can provide a link to a pdf of Victor Kravchenko’s “I Choose Freedom” if anyone is interested and cannot find it. Talk about the fire and the frying pan! Along with Hopkins, Davies was also one advocating for his return to Soviet Russia where they knew he would ’disappear’.
Thank you very much for your analysis. Yes, I would appreciate a link to “I Choose Freedom” it would make excellent additional reading.
You bring up some points that are related to items that did not make it due to length (I did a lot of cutting in this case).
“One month after the invasion of Russia, in July 1941, Roosevelt’s most trusted adviser, Harry Hopkins, flew into Moscow. A key policy maker of the New Deal, the hollow-faced Hopkins was described by one Democratic Party rival as having “a mind like a razor, a tongue like a skinning knife, a temper like a Tartar and a sufficient vocabulary of parlor profanity . . . to make a muleskinner jealous.”[2] In the Kremlin he was welcomed with open arms by Joseph Stalin.”
There is this point in an interview given in 1953 with General George Marshall and a member of the press in which General Marshall was describing a meeting between FDR, Hopkins and himself — basically what it boiled down to was that the three were roll playing. FDR was the United States, General Marshall was Europe and Mr. Hopkins represented Stalin, as he (according to General Marshall) was the closest man to Mr. Stalin in the United States and possibly the West at the time.
Since I had two interviews I was working with from that period, I cannot recall if it was this one or the other:
The other one was a part of an interview in the text American Betrayal, by Ms. Diana West
““While Winston Churchill all but bankrupted the Bank of England to pay for American arms, Soviet Lend-Lease was funded on generous credit terms destined never to be repaid. “I think it is a mistake at this time to bother Stalin with any financial arrangements and take his mind off the war,” Henry Morgenthau told Hopkins in October 1941.”
[Clearly, Hitler really had no idea what he was up against – America was already well under the thumb of the Communists and worked hand in hand with Stalin – so much for the “Cold War”! Equipment (farming, industrial, mining) had been flowing into Stalin’s Russia (to help operate the Gulags) from American factories for years and it was a mere trifle to convert “tractors” into tanks.]”
Quite right!
There is this odd point in the research in which I began to see FDR in a very new light. I have not been much of a supporter of his history since I found out about the opium in the early 2000s, but this was different.
What I had never really considered was that (for lack of a better term) he was all things to all people, yet had no real substance of his own. There is clear indication that he was a mediocre student at best, squeaked by in school, not much of an attorney, know nothing about economics, was isolated, had a surface care for the feelings of others, reacted to news / over substance, and was easily swayed in order to make the other people in the room feel more comfortable, even if his words / deeds went against what he had previously state earlier in the same day or week.
So you bring up Messrs. Morgenthau, Jr. and White. Well as we all can plainly see these were Jewsih gentlemen who worked in the world of finance. In fact the Roosevelt administration hired may Jewish folks in all sorts of governmental and contractual positions. Yet, I came across this story in which someone was asking Roosevelt (might have been General Marshall again) as to what type of concession he might offer Mr. Stalin with regard to plans for Hungry and Japan. Mr. Roosevelt (knowing Mr. Stalin’s own thoughts on the matter states – paraphrasing):
“I think I will offer him to take our (U.S.) 6,000,000 Jews; he can have them.”
All things to all people, no sense of a genuine anything (mind, opinion, soul), just blowing in the wind.
Further, in all of this there was an indication that his fascination with other forms of government (e.g. socialism, communism and fascism) began before he entered politics. Never quite able to live up to the expectations of his wife, when she began to associate for dinners with a select group of “open minded” thinkers, FDR either joined her or just gave his support in whatever way he could. Many of these events were intimate diner parties with known “REDS”, which continued in Albany. And guess who joined the Albany supper club? Well Mr. Hopkins of course!
Now JS, I will contend in my other work that there were two political challenges to the United States from the administration of Wilson through to the current day. While on the surface, it will seem that some form of communism or socialism is the great challenge to this once democratic republic, I would say that those two “-isms” are utilized as a front to foll the masses, while the end goal has been and always will be (without a great awakening on the entire planet), FASCISM, and I shall be so bold (in words that is = ) to state that the first fascist nation in the world is the United States of America, and that fascist concepts grow out of the ideas crafted by the Anglo-American Empire (using The City) as an early example of finance / state / incorporation / mobilization of a the masses (albeit a small group) and the mechanisms to turn these citizens into “cogs of the machine”…but this will come at a later date. Eventually I may do a third piece on how the arrival of technocracy everywhere is just fascism + technology, and that has been the goal all along. This is well documented in “Brave New World”.
Both Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Hopkins may not have been the wisest men in the world and the result was that people died everywhere, which is the ultimate tragedy. The war could have been wound down, long before D-day (which Hopkins pushed us to see through, along with Marshall, on behalf of Stalin), and many people would have lived as a result. Then there is the whole question whether this war needed to happen at all, and are the two dimwitted doves one moment / hawks the next culpable for the death of millions by virtue of their attitudes toward Germany, as well as provocation of Japan. We will leave Italy out of this, as Benito loved Franklin and Franklin loved Benito right back…Lady and the Tramp all the way…guess which one was the lady?
Now since you love books and links, here were my resources, which I had to cut from an earlier draft, due to length:
“Due to the limited words of a standard thread, I will not be able to provide you with many of Winter Watch’s wonderful internal links to various American government officials who would have worked with or directed Mr. Hopkins, and the precedent for his official position within the Roosevelt administration, which was based on that of Mr. Edward Mandell House’s work for the administration of Presdient Thomas Woodrow Wilson. Further, I will not be able to provide copious links to the sources that I utilized in this work. Instead, I can present you with a humble list of the texts that helped support my research, and a description of the other resources that I consulted while composing this work.
American Betrayal, by Ms. Diana West
America’s Great Depression, by Murray N. Rothbard
All the President’s Bankers, by Ms. Nomi Prins
FDR’s Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression, by Mr. Jim Powell
The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression, by Ms. Amity Shlaes
From Major Jordan’s Diary, currently preserved by Creative Commons
Harry Hopkins: FDR’s Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, by Mr. Christopher D. O’Sullivan
The Hopkins Touch, by Mr. David Roll
New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR’s Economic Legacy Has Damaged America, by Mr. Burton W. Folsom Jr.
The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors, by Mr. Eric Breindel
What is the American Way*, by Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator
(*This text turned out not to be a text at all, which is how it was marketed and sold. In fact, it is transcript of an address given by Mr. Hopkins to the Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York, July 16, 1938)
In addition to these texts, there were numerous websites that provided me with additional information including access to Mr. Hopkins working documents on the Internet Archive, interviews by such people as George Catlett Marshall Jr. located on the George C. Marshall Foundation website, and the United States Library of the Congress which provided every single image that I have utilized in this thread.”
All my best,
Thank you for that very rich and generous response SC, and especially for that reading list. I want so much to talk about “What is FASCISM” – I will if I can find time and had starting drafting some thoughts for Russ’ other thread on that pro-Antifa teacher Gabriel Gipe – stay tuned here or there.
I just wanted to share the following here because of the connectedness to WWII that Hopkins invokes. A fabulous interview that I didn’t want to hog.
Hosted by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, Dr Peter Hammond talks about M. S. (Mike) King’s book “The Bad War”.
“In today’s show originally broadcast on September 9 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King.”
We discussed: why M. S. King’s, “The Bad War,” is the go to book if you want to understand the real story of and behind World War 2; how the New World Order benefited out of World War 2; why if you find yourself in agreement with the current world system you have obviously been deceived; the influence of the Communist Manifesto on World War 2; the numerous Communist uprisings that were going on throughout Europe in the mid nineteenth century; Disraeli’s dirty tricks that were designed to create a rift between Germany and Russia; the hidden architects of World War 1; and many other topics.”
Hammond does a better job of walking through and promoting the book and the history it describes than Mike King himself. Can’t wait for Part 2.
I have read “The Bad War” – one of my first eye openers. I have the pdf but really do intend to buy several of Mike King’s books – links to his books on the podcast link.
Dr Peter Hammond talks about M. S. (Mike) King’s book “The Bad War”. Hosted by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
Part 2
Dr Peter Hammond talks about M. S. (Mike) King’s book “The Bad War”. Hosted by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
Part 3
Dr Peter Hammond talks about M. S. (Mike) King’s book “The Bad War”. Hosted by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
Part 4 just in
Dr Peter Hammond talks about M. S. (Mike) King’s book “The Bad War”. Hosted by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.
Part 4 – 7 October 2021
Part 6 – 14 October 2021
ACH (1624) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Part 6
• Part 7 – 21 October 2021
• ACH (1629) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Part 7
and for those following this series and taking an interest in Mike King’s work, ACH interviewed Mike yesterday …
• ACH (1628) M. S. King – How To Respond To An Anti-Conspiracy Theorist
I did read the article when he first published it but I could not find it on Mike King’s website this time around, but it is reposted here:
• How to respond to an anti Conspiracy Theorist [CIA shill]
• Part 8 – 28 October 2021
• ACH (1634) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Part 8
• Part 9 – 4 November 2021
• ACH (1639) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Part 9
Okay, one small puzzle solved – the audio links are indeed archived to SoundCloud and can be heard here … The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Parts 1-9 for those interested.
Psst … The Bad War
Thanks for coming back in with another fine text to look into and the interview. Between you and skeptc16, I think I have suggestions for what people can get me for Christmas (I do like books on that day).
Yes, the other piece that I turned in was on the roots of fascism, which I contend we are all being taught incorrectly. Did the Italians have a fascist government? Sure. Did they coin a phrase and create a symbol for flags? Why yes, they sure did? Did they assist in having this form of government grow in other nations? Well, only to a minor degree.
The tenants of fascism came from right where I am sitting and I enjoy my coffee and type to my friend. Without bragging (because the idea of it is abhorrent, especially given the topic), the very reason that the concept and form of government grew so well is BECAUSE it came from the United States. The new nation, the modern one, the one that threw off monarchy, the one with that Jazz Age, it new, its fresh, its modern, and it swings!
So long as “it” can be controlled, modernized for the state, with a full population engagement into a juggernaut under the joining of corporate / governmental offices (any recall Barry’s civilian force, well its on the way), with every aspect of society monitored, no dissent, no opposition, and rights provided on a basis of allegiance to the state (social score anyone?), we have fascism. What technocracy is (as I mentioned before) is a simple equation:
fascism + technology = technocracy
(and that is where we all are right now, at the dawn of this point)
Now will there be some aspects of Neo-feudalism on the way, as Simple mentioned before? You bettcha! Yet, there was Neo-feudalism through both of the World Wars in Asia and Europe…it will look a bit like that. Certain families (including the Rothschild) remained untouched. There property was temporarily occupied, but they were not harmed and moved away from any dangers. Even though the nice guy from Austria supposedly wanted to stop the bankers and kill Jewish folks, he left their most affluent representation alone.
May this time around, former President Orange Baked Potato (I been adding the “baked” lately — just sells it better) will blame Silicon Valley (which in reality is now just a rest stop on the highway to nowhere — most of it is moving to Mexico — I kid you not) for all our woes and worries. Then he will send in the tranny shock troops (we now ill pay for the change) and they will capture, as well as put to death, middle management, but Mr. Dorsey will be fine to simply leave the building and fly his private jet to Baja.
Then there is the term “fascism”, which since the 1980s and the advent of Oprah, gets bandied, as well as misdirected, in so many ways as to continue concealing its meaning, origins, implementation, and global utilization. I would (humbly) contend and have arrived at the notion that communism and socialism (along with the struggle for democracy) was made for mass consumption and to obscure fascism, until we could develop the technology in a manner that could ensure its full implementation.
In other words, WWI and WWII were a sampling of the “menu” and what is known as a “soft opening”. Recipes were tweaked, service policy adjusted, new POS system and viola, new and improved fascism (which was growing all along, but a mass distraction was created to obscure it). As they say in the film “What About Bob?” , “baby steps”.
Well my friend, here we are having combined to write about three, new, original threads in just the post section. Pretty funny! Heck, maybe a I will pt one more together just based on what we have done here. Would you like some form of credit (you do deserve it and I am happy to do so)?
All my best,
P.S. You know if we both had the time (which we do not), wanted to make buckets of money (meh) and just wanted to up our, global, social profile, we would draft an outline for the harrowing tale of the Rothschild family during WWII and present it to the family as a project they could commission from us.
If I recall correctly, a couple of guys did the same thing in the late 1970s and wrote a script about the history of the family that was turned into a Broadway Musical, that (evidently) did well (I guess). You will need to double check me on YT with this one. Either way the authors got paid and 15 sec. of whatever.
Just something to think about as I drink the coffee…
P-Psst … The Real Roosevelts
(Mike King has a unique bullet-point style and does not mix his words.)
… while I condense my thoughts on Oswald Mosely, Putin and Xi Jinping – ‘fascists’ one and all (it could be argued)
Good one that I am aware of! As always, many thanks!
“… while I condense my thoughts on Oswald Mosely, Putin and Xi Jinping – ‘fascists’ one and all (it could be argued)”
Yes, and that is why I enjoy Skoolafish; you simply see it and can synthesize it better than I can. It pays to have a smart friend. = )
Almost forgot – found this on an open session from hours ago – shutting sessions down because my computer is grinding to a halt (not your fault :-))
One source:
Please, please, please do not let us talk about the “F” word with where you are at. I am concerned about the current environment, and even though we are basically a couple of buddies, just talking a bit of history, I do not need even a whiff of misunderstanding with my Skoolafish family friends.
There is more, but I think if we have this agreement between us, we can both just keep talking history, having fun and all will be fine. This is not me being silly, but just making sure to take care of my friend.
If you need me off of WW, you know how to reach me. While we are here, we should put this rule in play. It should be a ground rule for the present time.
All my best,
“When a corporate sponsored ANTIFA or BLM yells “fascist” are they not (logically) actually being fascist? ” – that’s precisely where I was going.
It got too late and I have had a wonderful off-line day with my wife – lunch and a bush walk – not a fascist in sight.
I promised two more short quips re Putin and Xi – maybe tomorrow.
Thanks! Nod back (sigh of relief over here).
What a way to start my Saturday morning…very nice and thank you.
For some reason yesterday, I was in a really Puccini sort of mood. We are finally seeing a little cooler temperatures and some early signs of autumn. Always liked Puccini in the autumn.
“It got too late and I have had a wonderful off-line day with my wife – lunch and a bush walk – not a fascist in sight.”
Thinking good thoughts and praying it was an excellent day for you both. I am assuming the temperatures have been mild overall, maybe a good breeze in the bush?
Going out with the ladies (Mrs. and Miss. ) to acquire a few croissants from this lovely bakery where most of the Euros (embassy folk) go…not really an American in site at this place (except us).
Will catch up with you later.
Off topic …
[Rhetorical} Question: What does TLA stands for?
[Rhetorical] Answer: Three Letter Acronym
So what does ETLA stand for?
… Extended Three Letter Acronym
Very Extended Three Letter Acronym
Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program:
• The UFO Phenomenon – Full Documentary 2021 – 7NEWS Spotlight – Ross Coulthart
Me likey this post a whole lot. RW will never let me do the:
“Folks did I ever tell you about the time I was visiting hollow Earth and had dinner with Rudolph Hess, as well as some delightful aliens”.
Man JS, each time I try to begin this one he just shuts me down. = )
Still I do like UFO posts and keep a very open mind. There is this great scene in the Right Stuff film (and I think the Clancy text – I cannot recall) in which John Glenn is orbiting, sees the light sparks, then then we see some of the aboriginals down by you and the fire, with Gordon Cooper just trying to understand what Glenn is seeing.
I really loved that film quite a bit. Chuck Yeager was a hero of mine growing up and I was on the path to attending one of our military academies to become a pilot.
Then life too a turn and things changed, but I am still fond of that film.
All my best,
whoops, forgot a “k”…mea culpa
Scroll down so that I do not cut off this video.
Early Spring here …
Still eating mandarins – nearing the end of their season. Washington Navel oranges finished for the season. Loquats just beginning to ripen. Nectarines flowered two weeks ago and now setting the fruit. Peaches in full bloom. Picked fist asparagus shoot a few days ago. Raspberries fully leaved and beginning to show fruit. Gooseberries and thornless blackberries beginning to burst into leaf. Apples (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Fuji and Pink Lady) and pears (two x Packham) will be shooting in a week or two. Strawberries flowering. Rhubarb continuous (Mrs Skoolafish made a lovely apple and rhubarb crumble couple of days ago). First flowers on tomatoes appearing. Parsley and oregano all over the place (I have a great omelette recipe). Various chillies picking near end of season. Note to self – I need to plant some new basil. Lemons from the neighbour’s tree (overhanging). Oh – and Tahitian limes in full bloom and strawberries beginning to flower – I said that already. We had a great (kalamata) olive season (Mrs S has the perfect recipe for curing – red wine vinegar and various herbs – fennel, garlic, chilli etc). Our (Uzbek) neighbour provides us with honey – my flowers – his bees. Expecting a good passionfruit crop this year and I might even plant some beetroot (I have a great mustard/malt vinegar recipe) and eggplants. I have a very small but cramped backyard – pity those neighbours with a swimming pool.
You are one lucky fella! Sounds delightful.
Check out “Wall Street and the Russian Revolution” by Richard B. Spence. It is an updated, more fleshed out version of Antony Sutton’s “Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution”.
Will do! Many thanks.
I like Sutton’s original texts, so I am sure any update would be worth reading.
I only had time to race through this today- I’ll try to come back. For the record, I had “heard” of Harry Hopkins; I would probably have gotten some of the multiple choice but have folded at the essay section.
He sounds like what the Roman elite called “a new man” – i.e. someone taken up into the ruling strata without family connections/background. Cicero was such. But the Romans had a much better grounding in reality – you had to be actually good to be a new man; not just a gold digger as I think you suggest here. What did it take for the Roman Empire to collapse? – 300, 400 years? In our case we’re probably looking at no more than 150 (counting from circa 1895) – that’s the difference! Hang on!
Yes, you nailed it:
“…you had to be actually good to be a new man; not just a gold digger as I think you suggest here.”
The issue is that his manna could have been money, but was more likely power. He had such a “Uncle Fester” vibe about him and shared the incompetence, but at the same time he was ruthless to some opponents, and had a very devious “Et tu, brute?” vibe about him toward FDR at times. I had to leave this part out, due to word count; however, I do think FDR had some help in transitioning. Now could I implicate Harry directly, no. Still there are oddities that most authors see, but leave off in connecting the dots.
Evidently, even Roosevelt was grooming him as a successor, which is in many texts. I just, for the life of me, cannot see how. His resume was so thin as to be laughable and he never ran for anything. It gets really weird toward the end. FDR moves on to the nest chapter and Harry just seems to fade into the background and obscurity.
As for the empire RL, I kind of go with 1860 or so as when the clock begins. Old Abe was a straight up dictator in so many ways; however, I am truly open to your perspective on this idea.
Either way, you did get the gist in your scan and I remain very appreciative of your time.
All my best,
SC, in attempting to collate my thoughts on THE F-WORD, anything I write starts to get so wordy so I will just drop bullet points such as :
George Orwell – What is Fascism
Madeleine Albright, “Fascism: A Warning”
A few of the comments:
• John Doe – “You know you’re living in an Orwellian society when someone who justified the mass murder of 500,000+ children is lecturing on morality.”
• Daniel Maxwell – “Teleprompter-reader Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: “We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?”; Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.” — 60 Minutes (5/12/96)”
• Ardavon Naimi – “500,000 Iraqi children”
I should have added a couple of quotes by Orwell:
“It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless.”
“But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.”
The Death of Mussolini and Clara Pettacci.
Just watch ONE minute of this from 3:55:00 (yes, three hours and fifty five minutes – it’s hard to position so if you are lucky you will catch the death of FDR at the end of the preceding chapter at around 3:54:00).
This is what ‘anti-fascists’ do to those they deem ‘fascists’. I’m sure I have another link somewhere but they keep disappearing.
This notification literally within the last few minutes …
Book review: Is Russia Fascist? – Marlene Laruelle
Speaking of swearwords (see Orwell link), so I turned to David McGowan’s “Understanding the F Word: American Fascism and the Politics of Illusion” hoping it would satisfy my confirmation bias (in terms of information neutrality) but it turned out to be acutely disappointing – McGowan would even have you think that Kissinger was a ‘nazi’ and that WWII was staged as a war against poor defenceless, benign, just-minding-their-own-business Communism.
McGowan did do me a few favours, however, in that he made me question the concept more and more deeply. In particular, his book contains a wealth of facts and details (and dark secrets) about each of the American presidents for the past 100 years at least. I am just not sure he links them to the 800 pound gorilla in the room.
McGowan builds his thesis on the Webster’s New World Dictionary definition of fascism:
“A system of government characterised by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism and racism, militarism etc”
[belligerence, militarism – sounds like antifa to me – see Gabriel Gipe article]
He then proceeds to link anything that is negative or non/anti-communist to this definition.
I won’t elaborate any further here other than to just name-drop this catchy title for now.
But in terms of “fascism + technology = technocracy” you are absolutely spot on and McGowan’s title resonates well. (I still don’t know whether it is fascism or something else but it has gripped America – and Australia – and … .)
In frustration, I thought who better to define ‘Fascism’ than a self-proclaimed ‘Fascist’, so I turned to Oswald Mosley. This could take forever so just a couple of bullet points:
• Fascism 100 questions asked and answered – Oswald Mosley
[I had a wonderful audio reading of this by ‘Clover’ but it has been taken down due to copyright]
Here is another – nowhere near as an attractive voice
‘Clover’ has also done another audio reading of “Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor” just so you can hear her voice
From Mosley 100 Questions:
“Mosley challenged the system of financial capitalism, by which the great banks and insurance companies had fastened their grip upon the whole economic life of Great Britain.
“He challenged the expert dogma-accepted by all the “Old Gang” parties whereby the fabric of international capitalism was considered of more importance than the individual and collective well-being of the workers of Britain.
He challenged the corrupt working of the so-called democratic system, whereby party machines with colossal monetary resources were enabled to establish “caucus-regimes” utterly unrepresentative of any of the integral social elements in the country.
“[Mosley:] we need peace and discipline, not foreign war.”
“Oswald Mosley stands for those qualities of peace and discipline, of reason and restraint.”
“He challenged the so-called “free press” dominated by millionaire company-promoters who were themselves subordinate to the great financial and advertising interests on whom their revenue depended.
But here is the clincher and why ‘Fascism’ has become a pejorative …
“He even dared to challenge the covert but all-pervading influence of the Jews on the life of the community.”
Not elitist, not militant, not racist, not belligerent – but yes, nationalist – and therefore very anti-globalist (aka communist). Ergo ‘Fascism’ is anti-globalist.
Because Word Press is kicking me down here, I cannot slip in on each comment, so we will do this in a less than efficient order.
On Orwell — well done, of course I am familiar and just appreciate you directing me to take a moment and refocus on the lack of clarity that clouds the whole concept. I did not go back and look at Orwell for the work, but if I do anything else along this theme, then you are quite right and I should review this root. Thanks for thinking of it at the core level to work up from (from the root to the fruit — brilliant!)
On Albright — as always, this one fits perfectly; I cannot add more than we have already done on here (other thread), but I can say you were quite right to bring this one to the thread. It was truly ugly.
On the definition — the more that I actually research (right now of all times), the more that I realize the definition is fluid and that greatest secret is that it has become an underlying principle to hide the full meaning of fascism. As Orwell implies this is a purposeful move.
On The Death of Mussolini and Clara Pettacci — this one is very timely indeed and (more than likely) your deepest revelation / insinuation.
What happens when the “non-fascists” get a hold of the “fascists”. Are we not seeing this one now? When a corporate sponsored ANTIFA or BLM yells :fascist” are they not (logically) actually being fascist? Did Italy become less fascist after Benito?
As a recent reference, under Mr. Berlusconi, was Italy free or fascist? If we pick this gentleman apart, are we just going to speak plutocracy or if we really drill down can we find fascism?
On the last three, I would (respectfully) ask that you give me through the weekend. You were very generous, and I just do not wish to be cursory in my review; I mean it is Skoolafish after all!
All my best,
P.S. I never saw that film with Hart / Johnson, but with your recommendation, I will rent it for the family…we do like a light-hearted romp.
A twofer:
Starting tomorrow, I will be taking a break from WW as I mentioned. My schedule next week has me all over the place, and I will need tomorrow to get some things prepared.
This last week and been a blast, and I am thankful for all of your great responses. You know that you can reach me through RW if anything comes up.
I may post here a little more tonight on some of the items that you have left me, and then I will see you at some point in the future.
Hope you and the Skoolafish clan are, as well as remain, all very well.
All my best,