Editor’s Note: This is not a standalone article. It’s more reinforcement of our theory that this type of criminal often operates in bands and with henchmen. See previous posts about John Wayne Gacy, the Son of Sam, the Franklin Scandal, the Dutroux Affair, the Smiley Face Killers, the Golden State Killer, the Brabant Killers and Ted Bundy. In this post on William Bonin, we are also questioning the culpability of those that let a dangerous killer and rapist walk free after serving only pat-on-the-wrist time behind bars.
William Bonin (1947-1996) was born in Willimantic, Connecticut, on Jan. 8, 1947. Both of Bonin’s parents were alcoholics, and his father was physically abusive. Bonin and his brothers were severely neglected as children, and were often fed and clothed by sympathetic neighbors. In addition, the brothers were often placed in the care of their grandfather, a convicted child molester who had molested Bonin’s mother when she was a child and as an adolescent, and who is known to have sexually abused Bonin and his brothers.
When Bonin was 6, the mother placed him in an orphanage. But the orphanage turned out to be a “living hell,” according to others there with Bonin. They told of being beaten until they bled, nearly drowned in water-filled sinks and toilets, and even assaulted with knives. When he was 7, Bonin was referred to Juvenile Hall for stealing metal tags off of license plates. While in detention, he was sodomized by at least one of the older boys, according to court records.
At the age of 10, Bonin was arrested for stealing vehicle license plates and was placed in a juvenile detention center for various minor crimes. While housed at this juvenile detention center, he was repeatedly physically and sexually abused by several people, including his adult counselor.
Bonin served five months of active duty in the Vietnam War as an aerial gunner, logging over 700 hours of combat and patrol time. He later admitted having sexually abused two fellow soldiers at gunpoint and claimed his experiences in Vietnam instilled in him the belief that human life is overvalued.
Within months of military discharge, Bonin, now 21, committed five violent sadistic pederast sexual assaults on teenage boys. He bound or otherwise restrained victims before forcibly engaging in sodomy, forced oral copulation and methods of torture that included bludgeoning and the squeezing of victims’ testicles.
Bonin Case Demonstrates Total Malice by Pervert Justice Warriors in the Sistema
In early 1969, Bonin was arrested and indicted on five counts of kidnapping, four counts of sodomized rape, and one count of child molestation against the five youths he had abducted and assaulted. He plea bargained the charges down to molestation and forced oral copulation and was sentenced to the Atascadero State Hospital as a mentally disordered sexual offender “considered amenable to treatment.”
Two years after his arrival at Atascadero, Bonin was sent to prison, declared unsuitable for further treatment largely due to his repeated engagement in forceful sexual activity with male inmates. However, in an act of sheer — and we would say deliberate — malice, on June 11, 1974, the extremely dangerous Bonin was released from prison after doctors concluded he was “no longer a danger to the health and safety of others.”
On Sept. 8, 1974, only three months after his release from prison, pederast and budding serial killer Bonin encountered a 14-year-old hitchhiker named David McVicker. The young teen accepted Bonin’s offer to drive him to his parents’ home in Huntington Beach. Shortly after entering Bonin’s vehicle, he was taken aback by Bonin asking him if he was a homosexual. When McVicker asked Bonin to stop his car, Bonin produced a gun and drove the youth to a deserted field, where he ordered McVicker to undress, then beat and raped him. After brutally assaulting McVicker, Bonin began to strangle the youth with his own T-shirt, but then had second thoughts when McVicker began screaming. He then drove McVicker home before casually stating, “We’ll meet again.”
McVicker immediately informed his mother of the rape, and she notified police. Within two days, Bonin attempted an abduction of a 15-year-old boy. In this instance, Bonin sexually propositioned the teen, who turned him down. In response, Bonin attempted to strike the youth with his vehicle.
Bonin pleaded guilty to these charges and was once again given a light sentence of between one and 15 years imprisonment to be served at the California Men’s Facility in San Luis Obispo. Naturally, he was released from detention early on Oct. 11, 1978.
Bonin Organizing His Crew of Depraved Flying Monkeys
Upon his release, Bonin, while on “probation” moved to an apartment complex in Kingswood Village in southeast Los Angeles County. He rather quickly gravitated to other homosexual perverts and drug users. According to a friend of Bonin’s, one Everett Fraser, Bonin was arrested and then released on a “records error” for a parole violation of having sexual relations in a 17 year old in public. It was then that Bonin changed his M.O. to sadistic rape and murder.

To carry out his crime spree, Bonin became acquainted with a 21 year old named Vernon Butts and an 18 year old named Gregory Miley. Butts was a porcelain-factory worker and magician who slept in a coffin and had an intense interest in occultism. Butts freely admitted to taking a great delight in watching Bonin abuse, torture, rape and murder his victims. Miley — an illiterate Texas native with an IQ of 56 —also actively participated in the murders with Bonin.
Within less than a year, this gang of like-minded homosexual serial killers committed at least 21 murders to which Bonin confessed. Police suspect him in 15 more. In a minimum of 12 of the murders, Bonin was assisted by one or more of his four known accomplices, and with his Butts henchman in nine. Bonin would openly brag in his circles about the murders.
Bonin contended to his defense attorneys — in addition to several people with whom he corresponded — that Butts had been the actual ringleader behind the murders, and that he had simply been Butts’ accomplice. These claims would be refuted by the prosecutor at Bonin’s Los Angeles County murder trial, who recollected shortly before Bonin’s execution: “Bonin was the leader, and he chose weak people he could use.”

Butts committed suicide while awaiting trial. The “suicide” was in the same manner Butts’s victims had been strangled, leading to speculation he was executed in a wink-wink like manner by other inmates. Butts was singing like a canary. Butts claimed Bonin had “kind of a hypnotic way,” which “coerced him” into assisting in the killings. Butts confessed that he would drive Bonin’s van while Bonin tortured his victims and then killed them in the back of the vehicle. The bodies would be dumped in the open along side thoroughfares with no attempt at concealment.
Bonin’s other assistant, the aforementioned Miley, was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to 25 years to life. Accomplice James Michael Munro was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to 15 years to life. Accomplice William Ray Pugh was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to 6 years behind bars. Pugh was involved in one murder but later tipped off police about others involved, which led to the bust. This explains why Pugh received the lightest sentence. Munro has been denied parole eight times. Miley was beaten to death by other inmates in prison in 2016. Ah, the fates of perverted flying monkeys.
When Bonin was 32, his flying monkeys were between the ages of 17 and 21. The victims were between the ages of 12 and 19. The known murders were all carried in a short period of time, between Aug. 5, 1979 (10 months after Bonin’s prison release) and June 11, 1980. Bonin was executed by lethal injection Feb. 23, 1996, in the execution chamber at San Quentin State Prison.
During this era, the category of sadistic homosexual serial killers was savagely prolific. Patrick Kearney and henchman David Hill killed 56 young men and boys. Randy Kraft was convicted and ultimately suspected of killing 51 young men and boys. He was a similar California-based ringleader with a M.O. of using accomplices.
Dr. Burnell Forgey was a psychiatrist from Newport Beach, California. Forgey often invited convicted sex offenders to come and live with him. Forgey’s most notorious roommate was James Lee Crummell who, in 1979—while he was living with Forgey—kidnapped, raped, and murdered a 13-year-old boy. The boy was considered missing for 11 years when Crummell, for reasons unknown, showed police the boy’s skull and claimed that he found it while hiking.
Crummell is also suspected of another murder committed in 1995—again while living with Forgey. Although Forgey himself was never convicted, shortly before his death he confessed to sexually abusing one of his patients with Crummell’s help.
Leonard Lake and his henchman Charles Ng, during the mid-1980s, raped, tortured and murdered an estimated 11 to 25 victims at a remote cabin in Calaveras County, California. Lake and Ng’s forte were snuff films.
In Texas, Elmer Wayne Henley and Dean Corll tortured and murdered at least 28 boys and young men. In Chicago, John Wayne Gacy was the ringleader of a flying monkey crew that killed 33 more males.
Herb Baumeister in Indiana likely murdered a dozen young men and boys and may have been tied to a ring.
After serial killer Larry Eyler’s death, his defense attorney Kathleen Zellner revealed the names of 17 males who Eyler had confessed to murdering and four who he said were murdered by an unidentified accomplice. That person was later revealed to be Robert David Little, an older college professor and longtime associate. Despite Eyler’s confession, Little was tried and acquitted.
Henry Lucas and Otis Toole were sadistic homosexuals who murdered as many as 100 victims of both sexes and all ages.
There is very long list of heterosexual killers operating with henchmen who killed women. For starters, David Alan Gore confessed to killing six women in Florida between 1981 and 1983 and often with help from his cousin and accomplice, Fred Waterfield.
Angelo Buono and his cousin henchman Kenneth Bianchi murdered 12 women in California. There are a slew of accomplice rumors around the two. Bianchi managed to hook up with a flying monkey one, Veronica Compton, a woman he had met while in prison. She was later convicted and imprisoned for attempting to strangle a woman she had lured to a motel in an attempt to convince authorities that the Hillside Strangler was still on the loose.
In the 1970s, Joseph Kallinger started experiencing increased mental instability, including what he interpreted as visions and personal messages from God telling him to murder young boys. He told his 13-year-old son, Michael, about the visions and asked for his help. Michael—ever the eager teenager—responded, “glad to do it, Dad!”
The two embarked on a murder spree that took them from Philadelphia to New Jersey to Maryland and then back to Jersey. They tortured and mutilated their first (unnamed) victim. Then they drowned Joseph Jr., Michael’s younger brother. Their third murder was of a woman who refused to perform oral sex on Joseph. Along the way, they also committed several rapes, assaults, kidnappings, and burglaries.
Eventually, the Kallingers were caught when police recovered a bloody shirt from the scene of their third murder. Joseph went to prison, where he continued to violently act out, by setting fires and attacking other prisoners. Michael, because of his youth, accepted a plea deal and was placed on probation until he was 25.
Males with female flying monkeys have been especially sadistic and murderous, such as the Moor Murders in England and Paul Bernado and his wife, Karla Homolka.
Vice versa is a female with male flying monkeys. Joanna Dennehy is one of only three women ever sentenced to die in prison (the British phrasing for “life without parole”). During a brief but intense killing spree, Dennehy murdered her boyfriend, roommate, and landlord before traveling to another town and stabbing random strangers in broad daylight. She was said to be motivated by lust and sadism, and she was thrilled to be the target of a police manhunt.
She was also assisted by three accomplices, who provided her with transportation and helped her dispose of the bodies. At the trial of one of these accomplices, it was noted that even though he stood more than 2 meters tall and was intimidating in his own right, Dennehy had easily manipulated him into helping her commit her gruesome acts. A lawyer for the defense compared Dennehy to a “Shakespearean villain”—a terrifying, real-life Lady Macbeth who intimidated those around her and bent them to her will.
Photo credit: Cambridgeshire Police
Was trying to reread the Rebbeblog on Sabbatean Frankism and it looks like it’s been taken down…..page not available is the message. Your own posting of the article offers the same message when you try to go to the expanded article.
Unfortunately Rabbi Antelmann is no longer living- and would not be in a position to defend or prevent memory holing of his work and thinking.
William Bonin started out as the a victim of generational child abuse/sexual molestation. This made him a perfect candidate for MKULTRA experimentation. With a little checking I found a YouTube channel dedicated to Atascadero State Hospital linking it with mind control. The US Air Force was also known to be deep into mind control. As you point out, it is beyond belief these types of criminals would continue to be released back into society. I cannot help but believe it was not all part of the “strategy of tension” used by our government, and that these serial killers were the precursor to our modern day mass shooters. I must add I now feel these mass shootings are largely faked but it matters not as the public buys them hook, line, and sinker. Here is the Atascadero link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzXozat0pH7wdzXdVxkFGZg
The sistema went out of the way to develop and groom him to be a sadistic serial killer. Sodomizing is a form of mind control in youth. Then successfully transformed he was just turned loose upon the world.
In the summer of 1974 I got picked up by William Bonin while hitchhiking home late one night. I didn’t know it till 6 years later, when I saw his picture on the news.
I had closed down the Rainbow and was headed east on Sunset, intent on making Laurel Canyon my personal racetrack home, when the clutch cable on my Norton Commando suddenly broke. Being far too young to drink, as well as being definitely under the influence, I decided not to attempt to ride home without a clutch. I parked the bike and stuck out my thumb, and within five minutes an old VW bug pulls up and I got in.
The driver, who was either Bonin or his doppelganger,asked me where I lived. I told him, and then he offered to drive me home. “What a nice guy,” I thought. “You meet the nicest people in darkest Hollywood at 2 AM.”
After a few miles, Bonin asked me what I thought about homosexuals. By way of reply, I took out my razor-sharp Buck knife, flicked it open and started cleaning my nails. This made him a little nervous, and he offered to drop me off. “No, I said, drive me all the way home.It’s not that far.” And he did. What a nice guy.