Eva Perón: A Shooting Star of Rare Greatness

Writers at Winter Watch occasionally tire of dissecting the never-ending antics of the kakistocracy. On occasion we need to take a deep dive into greatness. In that vain, we explore the life of Eva María Duarte de Perón (1919 – 1952), more commonly referred to as Eva Perón or Evita, called Spiritual Leader of the Nation, and the wife of Argentine President Juan Perón (1895–1974).

A First Lady of greatness is not how this woman has been portrayed by the Anglo-American-Zio Lugenpresse/Media Mafia and Hollyweird. Although she spent just 33 years on earth, she was one of those rarities who made her short time count when afforded the opportunity.

We dispense with the 1996 movie “Evita.” In general, we call it a cheap shot and propaganda. The Fay Dunaway “Evita the bitch” hit piece version was pure nonsense. Like so much other hidden history we’ve explored, we’ve discovered that we have to just chuck historic-fiction films on Eva, or pan them. They tend to misrepresent her personality, making it the inverse of her character.

“The script by this Englishman attacks our history, offends our dignity and is an insult to the Perónist people,” said Perónist legislator Marta Rivadera. Although “Don’t Cry for Me Argentina” is one of the best songs of all time; unfortunately, the Evita franchise has been co-opted by the usual suspects.

Eva was of Basque heritage and was born illegitimate and poor, which naturally impacted her. Her appearance and charisma is captured in the video below. She died of fast growing uterine cancer in 1952 at age 33, and her husband’s presidency was overthrown in a military coup three years later. She did not smoke. Like her husband, she drank no alcohol, only water. She was childless.

There was little love lost between the Perónistas and the English, who they considered (rightly) Imperialist exploiters. In 1948, Juan Perón convinced the British to exchange the Argentine railroads they owned for $650 million in war payments for grain still being held against Argentina’s wishes in London. The Perónists, including Eva, understood the Grand Crime Syndicate Conspiracy, which we write about often on these pages.

The globalist forces, so hostile to nationalism and responsible for the division of the world between capitalism and communism, was termed by Juan Perón as “The Great Internationals of Sinarchy.”

According to Peron, Sinarchy is a type of collective shadow-world government that brings together the highest leaders of the big imperialist powers. The Argentine leader said that “Masonry, Zionism, international societies of different kinds are but a consequence of the globalization of the present world. They are the hidden forces of imperialist domination.”

Evita expressed it thusly: “I will be with them [the descamisados, the shirtless ones], with Perón, to fight against the traitorous and perfidious oligarchy, against the cursed race of exploiters and the dealers in humanity … If I have committed errors, I have committed them out of love, and I hope that God, who has always seen into my heart, will judge me not for my errors, nor for my defects, nor for my guilt, but for the love that consumes my life.”

In a direct move against the Anglo-American financial Crime Syndicate interests, President Perón nationalized the Central Bank of Argentina. Two years later, he referred to this move in a speech: “Nationalization has been, without doubt, the most transcendent financial measure of the last 50 years.”

Argentina, under genuine nationalist Pres. Perón, never borrowed in foreign credits and refused to join the IMF and WTO.

Despite their championship of labor, Peronists were opposed by Communists. Juan Peron characterized communism versus capitalism as a false, fake dialectic manipulated by the Sinarchy.

The Argentine leader remarked: “We do not favour unilateral liberty where the rich are free to do whatever they like while the poor have but one liberty: to die of hunger.”

Pres. Perón also said, “Capital must be at the service of economy and not economy at the service of international capitalism, as has occurred up to now.”

During her short life and afterward, the Argentine working people revered Eva, while the wealthy oligarchs despised her and spread all manner of hateful gossip.

One of the raps against Pres. Perón was that Argentina offered humanitarian refuge to Axis participants facing death at the end of World War II. What is unappreciated is that Argentina took in more Jewish displaced people than any country in Latin America. About all that was asked in return was real support for the Perónisita social justice movement.

The forces of U.S. imperialism, alarmed at the course of developments in Argentina, formulated a policy to derail the growing anti-Yankee, anti-British, nationalist-labour coalition inspired by Juan Perón. Spruille Braden, whose family made their fortune exploiting Chile’s natural resources, became U.S. ambassador to Argentina. A protege of Nelson Rockefeller, Braden’s job was to guarantee Argentina’s compliance with the goals of U.S. imperialism in South America.

The U.S. ambassador had several explosive meetings with Perón before he became president. Unable to persuade the Argentine vice president to accept Washington’s demands, Braden openly intervened in Argentina’s internal affairs, giving speeches to audiences of Peron’s opponents and publicly criticizing Perón. Part of this U.S.-instigated disinformation campaign smeared Perón as a fascist and “Nazi agent.”

“North Americans are the greatest criminals and thieves in the history of the world,” wrote Juan Perón.

Who was Eva Perón and what was her message? It’s no mystery, as her thoughts and words were recorded for posterity in numerous ways, including the book “La Razon de mi Vida” (The Reason for my Life) and published speeches. She was a very direct communicator and exhibited no slickness whatsoever, which also worked in her favor. She wore her feelings on her sleeve in a manner that can’t be faked.

Her husband Juan described it thusly: “I looked at her and felt that her words were overpowering me… I saw in Evita an exceptional woman. A true passion, animated by will and by a faith comparable to that of any of the early Christians … She combined those two things: beauty and goodness. Instinctively, I perceived that the collaboration of a woman of this kind would be invaluable for the social task I had in mind.”

Related imageWhen the moment came for her to launch her foundation, she literally describes her role as divine intervention. She transforms into devotion and lightning energy.

In her own words, “When I chose to be Evita, I chose the path of my people.”

Unlike the early years when Eva was somewhat of a prima donna, she suddenly didn’t care as much about her appearance, or want to be taken for an elegant woman. She went to work and saw her job and role as meeting hundreds of thousands of everyday people personally. She never tired of it, even when ill.

There are numerous accounts of her hugging and embracing poor dirty people and unsuccessful attempts were made to discourage this behavior. She was energized by picking up small often-unclean children.

On July 6, 1948, the Eva María Duarte de Perón Foundation was established. The foundation’s aims were to provide monetary assistance and scholarships to gifted children from impoverished backgrounds, build homes, schools, hospitals and orphanages in underprivileged areas and “to contribute or collaborate by any possible means to the creation of works tending to satisfy the basic needs for better life of the less-privileged classes.”

By the end of the 1940s, Eva’s foundation had funds of over three billion pesos ($200 million), employed over 14,000 workers, purchased 500,000 sewing machines, 400,000 pairs of shoes and 200,000 cooking pots for distribution annually, and it had succeeded in building numerous new houses, schools, hospitals and orphanages.

Evita explained: “It was Perón himself who told me: ‘The people who have been deeply punished by injustice have more confidence in people than in institutions. In this, more than in anything else, I fear the bureaucracy. In government, it is necessary to have a lot of patience and to know how to wait for everything to move. But in the works of social assistance, you cannot ask anybody to wait.’”

Evita Perón clearly defined the difference between an organized community and a dispersed mass by comparing Spartans with Helots. The former constituted a great people with conscience, personality and social organisation, while the latter lacked those three qualities and lived as slaves.

“Perón wants a people which feels and thinks, which acts properly guided. For this reason, he set three objectives: social justice, economic independence and political sovereignty.”

“Perón wants a united people, because then nobody will exploit it, nor will it be defeated by any other force in the world. Perón wants a people where everybody is privileged.”

Eva was instrumental in lobbying for women’s suffrage which was instituted in Argentina in 1949. She was always on the look out for talented women to advance based on merit.

In one of her tougher moments, Eva declared, “The humble people have come here to prove, as they have always done, that the miracle that happened 2,000 years ago is occurring again. The rich, the learned, the men in power never understood Christ. It was the humble and the poor who understood, because their souls, unlike the souls of the rich, are not sealed up with avarice and selfishness.”

Evita built more schools, orphanages, hospitals and retirement homes than all previous Argentine governments combined.

Twelve hospitals with the best equipment available anywhere were built. A thousand new schools appeared. There were clinics, medical centers, homes for the aged, convalescent centers, a home for girls who had come to Buenos Aires looking for work, transit homes for those needing temporary shelter, student cities, children’s homes, including a famous Children’s City built to the scale of its inhabitants, with small markets, a church, public buildings, a bank that issued script, streets, houses, and dormitories for 450 particularly disadvantaged children. The foundation also built the Barrio Presidente Perón, a development with 600 new houses just west of Buenos Aires, and it built Evita City, a planned community with 15,000 homes.

One of the misconceptions about Eva was that she resorted to extortion and favors a la Clinton Foundation to raise the funds. The fact is that there was serious tax evasion in Argentina, and “conversations” sometimes occurred behind closed doors to settle these. But the vast majority of these funds came from willing donors and the Perónist cadres, one of the most active and selfless social movements of the 20th century.

Labor conditions were the centerpiece of husband Juan’s regime. Argentina became the most unionized in Latin America and real wages had increased 45% between 1945-1949. Thus the trade unions, who saw the Peróns as their patron, regularly sent enormous contributions to the foundation’s work.

The Catholic Church had endorsed her projects, citing biblical exhortations toward charity for the poor. Evita’s own personal priest, Father Benítez, claimed that the need to help the poor had taken over Eva Perón’s life.

Finally, Congress assisted in 1950 by ruling that a proportion of all lottery tickets, cinema tickets and gambling games played in casinos should be given to the foundation. By the time of Evita’s death in 1952, the popularity of the foundation among her millions of followers had given her an aura of sainthood.

Winter Watch Takeaway: If anybody deserves sainthood, it’s this exceptional lady of love, charity and goodness, Eva Perón.

2 Comments on Eva Perón: A Shooting Star of Rare Greatness

  1. Strange how Evita is always left out of the cultural marxist list of “Great Women” or empowering feminists. I’m chugging through Michael Voslenksi’s ‘Nomenklatura’ and it becomes more and more prevalent that total socialism or marxism is just a dictatorship of the ruling class, the nomenklatura. As the laboring class (Lenin wouldn’t let them be in the nomenklatura) still didn’t own the means of production or benefit from the handicapped surplus value of centrally controlled economy (even in marxism, a little surplus value existed). That profit, surplus value, went to the nomenklatura, the ruling class, the bureaucracy. It was an ultramonopoly ten times worse than what horrors of capitalism Marx whined and bitched about. Was this by plan or was this a runaway train that couldn’t be controlled? If you were part of the in crowd in the USSR you had access and available funds taken from the labor class to ride in limousines, dine at fine restaurants , and access to ‘beneficial’ healthcare. Repeat this at every other country that has tried total socialism (with rich (((tribe))) underwriters of course).

  2. An interesting counter perspective from the Jewish angle is that during the Stalin (nazbol?) era is that he started removing and persecuting Jews that were originally part of the revolutionary forces. This website, http://iasppv.narod.ru/ purportedly dedicated and influenced* by the aging Alexander Bolonkin has an open letter from 2000 written to Bill Clinton and US Jewish leaders about pressuring Russia to compensate those hundreds of thousands of jews that were sent to concentration camps as dissidents during the USSR. (http://iasppv.narod.ru/IASPPV-p3.htm#6) What is strange about this? It is because Bolonkin was also a heavy reader of Solzhenitsyn who drew evidence and spoke negatively of the heavy jewish influence in the russian revolution and the gulag camps. You’ll have to do some google translating of russian to english but there are some gems here.

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