Perverted Monkey Man is Funded by the Arts Council of England
A library in the Redbridge district of London was forced to apologize for having a man dressed in a rainbow-colored bare-bottomed monkey costume with a fake penis attached perform in front of children as part of library program meant to encourage children to read.
Footage of the event began appearing on social media Saturday shortly after it began. It showed members of the Mandiga Arts Group at Redbridge Libraries Summer Reading Challenge event at Goodmayes Library in east London prancing around the library in a sexually suggestive manner, the Evening Standard reported.
I would really love a detailed breakdown of the commissioning process whereby Redbridge council commissioned the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey as a means to teach children to read. pic.twitter.com/RfVA42fLyv
— Janice Turner (@VictoriaPeckham) July 11, 2021
One of the three performers was filmed outside the event swinging a dildo attached to his groin area, and the back of his costume exposed his bare bottom. The sight caused concern among area residents, reports state.
Apparently this is meant to encourage kids in Redbridge to pick up reading for summer. Please tell me the rationale behind these indecent costumes that were shown to families and done so publicly. Is this really necessary? @Jas_Athwal @RedbridgeLive pic.twitter.com/6I8DBcmDM3
— Has Ahmed (@HasAhmed_) July 10, 2021
The agency that arranged the event on behalf of Redbridge council is called Vision RCL. It received £740,000 under the government’s cultural recovery program, Summit News reports. Quite the racket.
Although Redbridge library apologized for the “inappropriate” costume, earlier in the day it commented “if you’ve got it, flaunt it” on social media.
This is a slight change of tone pic.twitter.com/zAFU5AswiM
— ripx4nutmeg (@ripx4nutmeg) July 11, 2021
Redbridge community leader Jas Athwal of the Labour party, who heads the council that hired the troupe, blocked constituents who complained to him on social media.
Note Jas’ cultural background on display, as well as his narcissistic comment. An Indian caste supremacist, perhaps? Clearly, he’s begrudgingly responding to the Dildo Monkey Butt situation because he must. Jas was just recently reinstated to the Labour party after suspension over claims of sexual harassment.
No it’s not. As soon as I learned of this I took immediate action. I contacted Vision & they have have confirmed that all subsequent events have been cancelled. I will deal with this Monday morning. This was a couple of hours ago will not take lectures from a Johnny come lately.
— Jas Athwal (@Jas_Athwal) July 10, 2021
In another tweet, Jas says the incident wasn’t his or his council’s fault, it was the fault of group they booked, Mandinga Arts, which is funded by the Arts Council of England.
Tweeters noted that Mandinga larded up on Critical Race Theory, and a basic search of the troupe revealed many red flags.
If you see the advertisement, it’s clear on the promotional advert that the monkey has a phallus hanging between it’s legs. pic.twitter.com/S6olMjy53S
— HollyElsie (@HollyElsieBlue) July 11, 2021
They should keep their freakish “kinks” where they belong. Nowhere near daylight, nowhere near kids or anyone else.
I’m getting sick of these perversions displayed out in the open.https://t.co/uBQApKrWfJ— Victoria Feuerstein 📕 (@V_Feuerstein) July 11, 2021
Either the Redbridge council didn’t vet the troupe or they were on board with its program — until the shit hit the fan that is.
On a blog posted to its website following the backlash, Mandinga Arts announced the monkey costume has been “retired.”
Torchy Takeaway
Just an observation, FWIW. The following photo from this story shows Rainbow Monkey Dildo Butt outside near the library where he performed. Note the demographics of the community on display. This is what I think of when I envision the Middle East, not London.
Apparently, this Redbridge district of London is predominantly Muslim, as evidenced by the fact every woman is wearing a full hijab. Is it possible the Mandingo troupe is operated by homosexuals who were deliberately trying to offend conservative Muslims? Just sayin’.
So, let me see if I get this straight, so to speak. In this globalist, inclusionary hyper-tolerant culture of New Underworld Order Britain, we see swaths of women subjugating themselves to men by hiding under hijabs, while homosexual men get paid from public coffers for prancing around bare assed on the street and swinging dildos in faces of children while Critical Theory types at the levers of power are celebrating it and labeling it as “education.”
Congratulations, globalist liberal Brits. You must be so proud yourselves — though I doubt you’re even really aware of what’s going on in your once-great city that you’re now priced out of and have had to move away from. Well done.
Well, I thought this thread would have had at least 60 posts by now. After all we are speaking of British ass-monkeys here. What could be more fun and interesting?
So as I said over in this thread / mirrored report:
I am not sure what the problem is here. Britain has had ass-monkeys since the Romans abandoned Hadrian’s Wall and went home. Most of these ass-monkeys have been a part of the royal family; however, with the throne specifically attempting to blend into the background of society so that commoners may feel they are more important than a “harmless old lady”, I am sure even the plebeian citizens have taken on the mantle of British ass-monkey (which the thread indicates).
In fact, I would opine that many of the commoners probably feel that with the royal family preoccupied with the grandson and the American “theatrical player”, it is their duty to proudly be ass-monkeys whenever feasible. It is in their blood, and will now form open lessons (we might all agree that this used to be secret society type stuff) to future generations of United Kingdom servants; please recall that when it comes to the U.K. royal family, it is all about the children, as Canada is uncovering in these recent months.
Between the mirrored report / thread (please see above) and this thread, I smell the roses of success for all of humanity. First the Brits will be muzzled, then stuck on their island (unless they wish to commit suicide in Switzerland — nope not making that one up), and finally they will be accosted in the streets by “ass-monkeys” with dildo weapons, so they will never wish to leave their flats. Honestly, the whole situation is simply brilliant!
That reminds me of that fellow David Ik, David Icky, David Yuk…ah, you all know which guy I am speaking. That former football player who now dines with the space aliens. If he is correct in his hypothesis that HRH and family are all LIZARD PEOPLE, and now we know that ass-monkeys (an old British legend) are real, we may actually see that L.Frank Baum was trying to warn us with this one:
Here we have HRH (a lizard woman ruler) sending out her ass-monkeys to attack the British citizens who were simply tired of paying taxes to support her lifestyle; I am thinking around the “Silver Jubilee”.
Just like in Baum’s wonderful story about Oz, a ragtag group of brave souls fought back against the monkeys in order to remind the citizens of Britain that they could all be free if this Lizard Witch was banished forever:
Alas, as we know by this thread, that brief moment of rebellion did not take hold in the subjects, and ass-monkeys returned to enforce the rule of the Lizard Queen. Never thought I would find any evidence that the former football player (Icke) could be right about that nation’s Lizard rulers.
Oh yeah, and to my Jamaican brothers and sisters, I know the fight forms a long road ahead, and that the outcome may not swing in your favor; however, I send my best and fully support your battle against HRH.
Just try to be sure that any win does not come from her subjects; make QE2 and her family feel the pain.
Also, please recall (although I am sure you all know) she can manipulate your government and even shut down your parliament (pretty much) at will. Consider diminishing her power over the island first and then sue the crown off of her:
All my best,
Simple Citizen
P.S. And (of course) watch out for those ass-monkeys who she may deploy as a means of intimidation and oppression.
Not a Sex Pistols fan, but have always loved this song….HRH and the rest may or may not be humans, and they surely don’t act like it…and some of the folks they have “knighted” like “sir” Jimmy Saville, “sir” Mick Jagger (who could have stopped the murder by Stones roadies at Altamont but didn’t…sacrfice to Satan maybe?), and other narcissist/psychopath/satanic “sirs” they’ve given the title to. Thanks for posting the video, SC.
Surely; happy to post, happy to see you here!
I did always wonder if the Stones sacrificed their own in Mr. Brian Jones. To my knowledge, only Bill and Charlie showed up at the funeral, which I found very odd; however, I do not know many of the details.
Although by no means my era, if I enjoy the British music of that period (which you have an excellent command of), then I tend to gravitate toward The Who, The Kinks and The Animals. Basically, I avoid the Beatles and the Stones, which would also be my feeling towards the Sex Pistols and The Clash, as I do wonder if they are all Tavistock products.
Of my own generation, I tend to enjoy New Order, followed by Joy Division, and a heck of a lot of American R&B.
All my best,
Jewish Intellectuals Call On Gays To Perform Sex Acts In Front Of Children.