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Phoenix Mayor Lied About Morgues Bringing In ‘Refrigerator Trucks’ To Store Overflow COVID Bodies

By Tyler Durden | 11 July 2020

ZERO HEDGE — As the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Maricopa County climbed to new highs late this week, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego appeared on MSNBC Friday morning for an interview with Chuck Todd and Katy Tur to discuss the situation in the state, which has moved to close bars, and rollback other reopening measures to combat the outbreak.

During the interview, Gallego claimed that the county’s public health agency had just put in an order for refrigerated trucks because they were running out of space in the morgue.

“Maricopa County, which is our county public health agency, just announced that they’re going to be getting refrigerated trucks because the Abrazo health care system has run out of morgue beds,” Gallego said.

Hours later, as the mayor’s comments started proliferating through the media, representatives for the hospital system called and complained that the mayor’s comment wasn’t true, despite the fact that she made the claim – seemingly with a high degree of certainty – on a popular cable new show. […]

2 Comments on Phoenix Mayor Lied About Morgues Bringing In ‘Refrigerator Trucks’ To Store Overflow COVID Bodies

  1. I never cared for Bill Maher much, as I always considered him a Democrat hack. That being said, I have come to have great deal of respect for him as he stands pretty much alone against “the machine” concerning this corny virus hoax. I have a feeling he too will be flushed down the MSM memory hole before to long. Listen as he talks a whole lotta’ sense in this video.

  2. This whole covid hoax is being politicized for the election. I never was much of a conspiracy theorists, but this fake pandemic is starting to make me think. New World Order, and all that. When is the last time you saw all the government’s of the world working together as they are on this agenda that their
    Pushing. “Scamdemic” is here! And being pushed by every corporation and news agencies world wide , makes you wonder???

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