The LaJolla, Calif., pool-shooting incident involves a white man, one Peter Selis, firing on a group of blacks holding a poolside birthday party. The story line is that seven individuals were wounded, one woman died and the shooter was killed by police.
In the first Youtube video, “HowISee TheWorld” dispenses with this deception. Here are some observations: Drew Philips, a “survivor,” can be seen at minute 0:17 describing what happened to his good friend, who was holding a milestone 50th birthday party. When asked [at 0:45] how old his good friend was, Philips answered that he didn’t know, but guessed early 30s. This strikes us as a rather large miss on the script.

The photo at left of the shooter, Selis, looks like a poorly done CGI. Like most deceptions, it’s done in typical blurry fashion. We see the standard cartoon imagery, as the angle of the back of the lounge chair doesn’t square with the rest of the chair. Enlarge the screen and look closely at the unnatural, stiff-legged, no-flex knee shape, stick-like area above joint and contorted, twisted angle of lower right leg.
The video below shows overhead footage. At minute 3:00, police arrive on the scene. The shooter supposedly just stays in his pool chair, holding a beer and a weapon, and is taken down in a hail of bullets and shotgun shot. You never see anybody hit, because the camera pans away. You don’t see blood from the birthday boy, who was said to have been shot multiple times just a few feet away from Selis. You don’t see blood around the shooter despite the fact that a shotgun was used on him [see 5:45]. The body is shown positioned in multiple locations at 6:00. The camera fails to show how Selis moved or was moved. At 8:20, media reported witnesses said Selis was wearing a heavy black coat on a warm day. All images show him wearing a blue polo shirt — another script miss.
Other than these videos, there is a strange lack of other footage for an apartment complex of this size. No wounded are visible by the pool. Here is a group of calm “survivors” photographed later. One is still wearing a child-like birthday hat after the mad scramble out of there. Nice touch.
A Youtuber went to the scene and stood on the spot where the two officers set up for their shots. I counted 16 or 17 rounds fired from the audio. He observed that the two officers would not have been able to shoot over or through the 3-inch spaced-metal fence surrounding the pool. You can pick this up starting at minute 2:00. At 4:00, there is clearer footage establishing that the fence location is higher than the officers’ line of fire. I have added the second shooting video in motion and you can see the fence as he zooms in. Inquiring minds might wonder why the cameraman in the second video just stopped filming at 24 seconds.
Beyond these inconsistencies and impossible fields of fire, the next video provides money shots of the whole deception. You will first hear the media reading from the script on how the party attendees “knocked pool chairs into the pool” as they scrambled for safety. However, a video surfaced of “police officers” throwing chairs into the pool. Very unique crime scene protocol to say the least. Nothing to see here move along?
Any thoughts on the Times Square rogue driving incident?
A very well done hoax, used A team stunt actors with some CGI thrown in. Agenda is likely mental health and charity fraud. This video shows how to stage the prat falls.
Whether it was real or not, special effects and stunts can be very convincing. It is strange a Wikipedia page has been created for this event and that guy seemed so informative and collected despite his near miss.
I suppose we will have to see whether something else – bigger and more politicized – follows in order to understand better what happened here and why.
The impact of the truck in Jerusalem’s truck attack looks fake. No one seems to notice the approach of a speeding truck. No blood on truck, either.