Another Jim Fetzer Raw Deal. New guest Michael McKibben presents the Pilgrim Society Plot and related Hidden History topics that are well within my wheelhouse.
Relevant posts to this show:
Cecil Rhodes and His Warmongering Buggery Hegemony
Race-Cult Zionism as a British Oligarchical Strategy
Lord Palmerston: Britain’s Black Operations Prime Minister
The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry
The New Underworld Order Egregore
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The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World
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Russ Winter Joins Robert Phoenix to Discuss the Enormous Subject of Sabbatean Frankist Inversion
Knights Templar: A Classic Crime Syndicate and In-Group Model
Pilgrim Society has an article on their homepage about the bones found in Benjamin Franklin’s home in London, that they are of no consequence… right. After his stay in London he was front and center in France at the Palais Royal with the Duke of Orleans fomenting the revolution with his masonic friend, the brother of the king. Pilgrim Society membership list is a good list of people to ‘look into’
My issue with the concept of a “spiritual war” is that if god is as powerful and omnipotent as Christians claim, then he should in theory be able to instantly obliterate Satan and his demons. Why doesn’t he? A war is a conflict where two sides are comparable and can contest each other. Demons SHOULD NOT be able to contest God, unless he is not as powerful as Christians claim.
A lion and tiger can have a war, they are nearly the same size and strength with tigers on average being slightly larger. There however can be no war between a tiger and domesticated cat, the domesticated cat is no match for the tiger’s size and power. So Christians contradict themselves. If God is all powerful and created this universe then Satan should be no match for him and easily destroyed.
Christians also assumed the creator is benevolent. But God might actually be a demiurge or wicked being, which would actually explain why this world is so unjust and run by evil people. A righteous, just creator would create a righteous just world, the same way a great chef prepares a great meal.
Some of the Ancients believed that God was actually evil, not good. When you look at the nature of life on this earth and the people that run this world it is harder to come to a different conclusion.
I gave you a plausible answer to this same question about a month ago. Did you not see it, or did you blow it off?
Here it is:
Hi Matt, I didn’t see your reply, I’m reading over the link you sent me now. Its 29 pages and seems pretty complex, I’m a big believer in breaking things down in simple terms.
A Christian friend of mine has been trying to convert me and convince me that is God is good. So I gave him a simple analogy. Trying to convince me that the creator of this terrible world is good is like taking me to a restaurant that you claim is owned by a wonderful chef, but when you enter the place it smells bad, the service and food is lousy, there are bugs on the floor and the owner is absent and never communicates with anyone. If you walked into such a restaurant Matt would you think the owner of the joint was a great person? Of course not.
There is no evidence that if God exists he is kind or caring. None. A kind caring God doesn’t create a world run by psychopathic trillionaires who brutalize children, start wars and genocides, always get what they want, control basically everything and pass down their wealth generationally. If there is a God I am convinced he is on the side of the people that rule this world, which is why they are so powerful. Christians and Muslims are probably praying and worshiping the very being that is the source of their misery. if Allah is real why isn’t protecting the Palestinians, or at least giving them the power to fight back?
My theory is that God is insecure and deliberately gave humans limited lifespans with psychopathic rulers in order to keep us in check and ensure we don’t ascend to Godhood and reach his level. This is actually hinted at in the Bible if you read the Tower of Babel story. God was so insecure he had to confused the languages so that humans couldn’t finish building the Tower of Babel, what was God so afraid of? The answer is he was afraid we would reach his level.
Matt, if this world was run by Good people we would not need God, and if God exists he knows, which is why he put psychopaths in charge. By putting evil in charge he creates misery and then forces us to run to God praying for protection. Its pathetic and basically a Mafia protection racket.
cgilandscape, and anyone else who’s interested, it would be best to read my whole essay, because it puts the following ideas in philosophical context, and thus makes a stronger argument for them. So I hesitated in sending this reply. But, here’s an encapsulation of my ideas that pertain to your question.
(1) The most coherent conception of God that I can think of is a pantheistic God. So, I don’t believe that the universe was created: rather, I think it always existed. I don’t ask why God created this or that, because it is God himself that we are dealing with.
(2) Life evolves: in fact, the universe is evolving. God is evolving. (I think evolution works according to the teachings of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Charles Darwin, and Clarence King. Lamarckian evolution rules the mental world; Darwin’s incrementalism is at play until there’s a geological catastrophe which is when King’s evolution takes place.)
So I answer the question, “why all the pain and suffering?” from a pantheistic and evolutionary perspective. As life evolves, every segment of life will understand better and better that all segments are interconnected, and that harming others is harming oneself in the long run, and helping others helps oneself in the long run. Right now, we are quite shortsighted and very unbalanced in our perspectives and values. We have a lot of learning to do yet, but it’s not just left-brained intellectual learning, but also learning that gets ingrained deeply into our instincts. That is, it’s not just book knowledge we need, but practiced knowledge, knowledge so deep that it’s imbedded in our instincts. That takes time and practice, and we’ve got a long way to go.
I don’t think there is an upward limit to how good life can evolve. I do believe that people’s good responses to evil, pain, and suffering will propel us to higher heights in our evolution than would otherwise be possible.
I don’t think we, in our low evolutionary state, have the prerequisite knowledge to even begin to learn why it is the case that we can’t evolve to higher heights without the pain and suffering. It’s like asking why I have to work out and break down my muscles in order to make them grow stronger.
Matt are you a comic book fan? Do you watch superhero movies? If so, who is your favorite super hero? Have you ever seen a super hero film where the hero sits on his ass and does nothing while evil runs rampant? How well would such a movie do in the box office? The reason people love Batman, Superman, Spider man, etc is because they DO SOMETHING. They take action.
If Batman or Superman were real they would hunt down every member of the Illuminati/Khazarian Mafia and destroy them. The Punisher, my favorite comic book character, would brutally torture and execute them as well. By comparison, the God Christians and Muslims worship does nothing, nothing at all. Why is Allah not protecting Palestine? Because he is a fraud, the same way the god Christians worship is a fraud.
The world of comic books is infinitely more balanced than the real world. In the comic books you have good and evil, and sometimes evil gets the upper hand, but in the end the good guys always prevail. In the real world it is the complete opposite. The good guys NEVER win, especially when they go after the CRIME SYNDICATE. I mean the cops may arrest low level serial killers and scum like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmber, but no one touches the arch criminals at the top, the Illuminati families. And they are the greatest threat to humanity.