The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry


I‘m not generally a big believer in condemning people for the sins of their forefathers or for their family background, provided it’s not too outlandish. However, when it comes to world leaders born of wealth or privilege, it’s worthwhile to pause and evaluate their history. Doing so provides insight into their character, culture and connections, which in turn speaks to their ability to lead and their loyalties.

When you stumble across a sordid history of a leader whose family fortune was made in the China opium trade and who has reinvented their ethnic backstory for the purpose of political favor, then it’s time to throw a red flag and cry foul — and it’s time to throw a flag on John F. Kerry.

John Forbes Kerry throughout his political career portrayed himself as the son of a Boston Brahmin mother and a father, who was a simple Irish Catholic man on the street. This image served him well in Massachusetts politics.

Where the story gets interesting is with Kerry’s grandparents — more specifically, his Brahmin mother’s side, the Forbes family. The history of his maternal great grandfather, Francis Forbes, is largely scrubbed and highly disingenuous. For example, he’s often cited as a “China merchant,” when in actuality he was an opium dealer operating in China. This was the fountainhead of Forbes’ wealth. We have a follow-up article on the opium trade, but at one point 30 million Chinese were addicted and the country was a wreck.

The history of Francis Blackwell Forbes (1839–1908), as cited on Wikipedia, states he was an American botanist with “expertise in Chinese seed-producing plants,” who also worked as a merchant and opium trader in Asia. Apart from a two-year stay in Europe in 1875-76, Forbes lived in China from 1857 to 1882. The “Career and Honors” section of his biography states that this criminal received awards for his lifelong work with “poppies.” What a farce.

So Kerry enjoyed certain status and entry into Yale because his father, Richard Kerry, married well. Or maybe, as you will see, it was the other way around. Next let’s look at Kerry’s paternal side. His paternal grandfather was born Fritz Kohn (1873-1921), the son of a Jewish brewmeister in Bennisch, Moravia (near Brno) , which is in the present-day Czech Republic.

Kerry’s paternal grandmother, née Ida Loew, hailed from a very well-known and large Jewish family in Brno, Moravia. The Loew clan are descendants of the famous Kabbalist and Talmudist Rabbi Judah Loew (aka Loewe) (1518-1609), the Maharal of Prague and creator of the Golem. History tells that Rabbi Loew, using sorcerer-like magic, created the monstrous and gigantic Golem from the muddy banks of Prague’s river as a boogeyman to intimidate and scare the heck out of the city’s gentiles. The rabbi’s hoax worked, and this made Loew a highly sought after mystic and black magician. A fascinating figure indeed.

John Kerry’s famous ancestor, Rabbi Loew of Prague

A freakish and rather ridiculous statue of Rabbi Loew stands outside Municipal Hall in Prague (left). It depicts an octopus draped from his neck and a naked woman clinging to his side. The resemblance to John Kerry is stark. It was erected in 1910 by the powerful Jewish community at the time. During the occupation, the Nazis thought the hideous spectacle spoke for itself and just left the statue untouched. A statue of Loew’s Golem creation stands nearby.

Now, maybe to some, Kerry’s history is just a long string of random connections. But in my eyes, having both Judah Loew and Francis Forbes in your bloodline is more than mere a curiosity. For a guy who is as obviously intelligent, as John Forbes Kerry is, it is unfathomable that his family tree would be a mystery to him.

In 2003, as Kerry’s presidential campaign sought big contributors and the opposition dug for dirt, genealogists turned up these surprising family factoids. Kerry had expressed surprise that his Bostonian “Irish jig” was up and then dismissed the findings as “obscure” ancestry.” He did fess up to having an ancestor “from Austria” but back in the depths of history. In reality his paternal grandparents were “from Austria” or more exactly Moravia. Sorry, John, being a half Jewish relative of one of the most famous rabbis in history is not that obscure either.

But what do I mean by his “Irish jig”? Well, this is where the story gets even more squirrelly.

The Outlandish Irish Story

According to an archive for Jewish genealogy, Kerry’s Moravian grandfather Fritz Kohn and Fritz’s brother Otto Kohn converted to Roman Catholicism in Vienna in 1901. As part of their family reinvention, they simply picked the name “Kerry” off of a map of Ireland.

John Kerry’s father, Richard, is of full Moravian Jewish lineage but claimed to be Irish Catholic

In 1905, Fritz (Kohn) Kerry and his wife, Ida (Loew), moved to America. After a few years, they situated in Boston, where in 1915 they had a son, Richard Kerry, the future father of John F. Kerry.  Richard had good positions with the U.S. government’s foreign service division and had a keen interest in politics throughout his life.

For sake of discussion of this outlandish “Irish” claim, we can presume Kerry’s father grew up with a standard Boston accent. However, grandfather Fred Kerry (aka Fritz Kohn) didn’t migrate from Central Europe to the U.S. until he was 32 years old and his wife Ida was 28. So there is no way either could have passed themselves off as an Irish Catholic given the heavy Czech or German, not Irish, accents they would have had.

Kerry’s family came from Brno, # 9 on map, not Ireland

Of course, language can change over a person’s lifetime and even speech patterns, but accents are established by age 12. For example, listen to Henry Kissinger. He immigrated from Germany in 1938 at the age of 15 and he still speaks with a thick accent. In fact, my own grandmother’s native tongue was Norwegian, and only a moron would ever confuse her accented American English later in her life with Irish. No, John Kerry’s grandparents would have most likely had a thick German accent. Brno and Moravia has a mix of Czech and German speakers, and especially so during the 19th century when it was under Austrian-Hapsburg rule.

Despite having had a successful shoe business in Brookline, Mass., Fred committed suicide in 1921. His son, Richard, would have been just 6 years old at the time, which is certainly old enough to know that his dad didn’t have a Boston Irish accent.

Ida Loew Kerry lived a long life until 1960. John Kerry was born in 1943, so unless grandma — who lived in the same community — was hidden in an attic, there is zero chance that John Kerry thought she was an Irish woman. And was Kerry’s father Richard’s character so questionable that he couldn’t just reveal the truth and follow it up with “but we’re good Catholics now”? Instead, we get more tribe storytelling. Patterns of white lies and acting surprised or put upon when revelations come about, as John Kerry did, is a very bad characteristic.

Note: Despite the duplicity, Richard Kerry was NOT a neocon but more a multilateralist and a pro-U.N globalist. However released classified documents revealed he was in the thick of transferring heavy water for Israel’s nuclear program.

Does John Forbes Kerry’s pedigree and the storytelling behind it matter in the bigger scheme of things? You will have to decide yourself. See our post on his remarks about WTC7. To me, it’s more than of passing interest. It says a lot.

John Kerry Publicly Stated WTC 7 Brought Down Intentionally in Controlled Fashion

UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War

14 Comments on The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry

    • Outstanding Article Russ. Sorry for this long one, but it is what it is.

      In Spring 1994 I had just finished up an undercover op in Arkansas’ Ouachita National Forest, when I overheard local news reports regarding young Gary Parks’ public plea in finding his Father Jerry Luther Parks’ 9.26.1993 killer. After making contact with Gary Parks, I agreed to sit in on his 1994 Deposition with him and his mother, his attorney Harvey Bell, and Clinton Attorney Brad Sherman, along with Sherman’s Dream Team of other lawyers at a downtown Little Rock Law Office.

      Prior to attending that creepy Depo, Gary Parks told me his Father was Bill Clinton’s “1992 Clinton For President Campaign Security Lead” and that “He saw things he wasn’t supposed to see. That’s what got my Dad killed. He was going to report what he knew about Bill Clinton to some authorities. I’ve told John Kerry everything, and he’s going to help us find my Dad’s killer.”

      There were a lot of heavies in Brad Sherman’s Deposition Conference Room that day, and Harvey Bell was pretty much up against the wall throughout the entire depo. Thus, Gary blurted out, “You all know the Clintons’ had my Dad killed…”, and the Deposition was quickly shut down. After that, Gary stayed in phone contact with me for a while, and a few years later, I just couldn’t see him going downhill anymore and stopped communicating with him.

      Back in Fall-Winter 1993 cooperation with federal and local Arkansas law enforcement agencies, my work had protected the Clinton Presidential Family. It was on my watch. But after what Gary Parks told me in Spring 1994, something about the Clintons just didn’t seem right. Gary Parks went further down hill, apparently fell to drugs, was eventually convicted of murder years later. It was sad, but it would take years more before I pushed my naivete’ aside and saw the big picture. His Father’s murder case remains unsolved – there’s a lot of those at Little Rock PD, its just odd.

      Just over 2 decades passed after Jerry Parks’ murder (an apparent professional hit), and I had located to Southern California (the crime capital of the US). Then, on 4.1.2015, a US Army Lieutenant Colonel (Reserves) with 7-Post/911 Tours of Duty (last in Afghanistan til August 2014) urgently called upon my professional assistance to stop the Black Market sale of a stolen nuclear weapons package near Kabul Afghanistan. It was a package he had been tracking with a trusted, vetted, authenticated, Loyal Afghan Army Asset near Kabul before he was pulled out of the arena during Obama’s August 2014 Troop Drawdown.

      Thus, we “Saw-Something and Said Something” to the proper Southern California federal authorities, who were extremely cooperative and welcoming, at first. Within 2 weeks thereafter, ranking members in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard were trying to buy that package off-grid, right in the middle of the Obama-Biden-Kerry’s meet-n-greets with Iranian Officials, all in effort to hand Obama his Legacy Dream (The Iran Nuclear Deal).

      By 6.1.2015, the Obama-Biden Administration ordered FBI Leadership to shut-down our case, in addition to another high-profile 9.30.2008 – 6.1.2015 Major Public Corruption case linked to a Southern California US Military Installation, with later found 8.20.2016 possible links to Russia’s Vladimir Putin and the Clintons’ Uranium-One Deal. Obama pushed the Iran Nuclear Deal through, regardless of our provided Intelligence.

      My near death came on 6.3.2015. Trust me, John Kerry is no friend of the United States. But he is extremely close to the Clinton-Obama-Biden Trojan-Horse, Vladimir Putin and Communist-China’s Leadership (who paid millions in Bribes to Joe Biden’s Bagman, Hunter Biden).

      Back in Spring 1994, during the time window when Gary Parks was telling me about his phone calls with John Kerry, Gary also told me, “The CCP’s Secret Police have been following my Mom and me around here in Little Rock and wherever we go.” At first, I thought he was nuts. But now looking back, I believe he was spot-on. It’s just not right what happened to the Parks Family.

      Failed Justice can either kill good people or break them to a point of silence. And because the FBI and our US Intelligence Community kept a tight lid on it all, including their roles in public corruption with the Fake Trump-Russia Dossier and more for so long, I cannot be quiet anymore.

      The Clinton-Obama-Biden Trojan-Horse is trying to kill US All (our way of Life-Freedom) and Replace US with Illegal Immigrants and early-release career felons in exchange for future votes – Biggest case of human trafficking in US History (by JOETUS). The Clinton-Obama-Biden Trojan-Horse is now paying their outstanding IOUs to the CCP by destabilizing our Country/our Freedoms – so to make way for the CCP’s Global New Silk Road & Bridge Initiative of the Americas and the Middle-East (Afghanistan). Via, the 2020 CCP-Virus, they seeded Joe Biden in our White House to make it all happen.

  1. Father of Teresa Heinz Kerry Allegedly Worked With Mengele On The German Ebola Virus?

    Dr. José Simões-Ferreira, Jr. (1910–1989) father of Teresa Heinz Kerry

    We do know this, in Namibia for instance skulls were sent back to
    Germany for scientific research and are still in the Medical History
    Museum of the Charite Hospital and at Freiburg University. A leading
    doctor in Namibia who worked on German genetic doctrine was a doctor
    Fisher, Who trained doctor Mengele. The first German governor of the
    colony was the father of Hitler’s deputy Herman Goering who also springs from a Jewish family.

    • Being from Pittsburgh the Heinz factory was a big deal and employed many until the Rothchild mandated move of manufacturing to China and Mexico, anyway Senator Heinz was pretty popular in Pgh. as much as I can remember. He was killed in a FREAK plane crash (ah,oh) His widow is what married John Kohn Kerry here’s an article on the “plane crash” Sen. Heinz’s plane was probably shot down, not sure why ((they)) hated him.

  2. what a weird ethnic group. Lie to your face, about their own family history. WHO DOES THAT? (Besides Gypsies) And, then, try to keep it up for their entire lifespan.
    Once they had their own country, that was supposed to be the solution.
    Ya know, – No more being forced to live among the non-ethnic tribe.
    No more inter-marriage with smokin hot petite blonde women.
    The book “200 years together” tells how allowing the tribe to live in your land/country is always a mistake (long term). After “they” shit in the nest too many time, “they” get kicked out.

  3. Mentioned in the classic book, Dope Inc:

    The following families (besides others) or individuals from these families are mentioned in Dope Inc. as involved in some aspect of the drug trade: the Astors, Bundys, DuPonts, Freemans, Kennedy’s, Li’s, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Russells.

    It should be mentioned that some other prominent Crime Syndicate families also play key roles in the drug trade such as the Bronfmans, Cabots, Shaws, Bacons, Perkins, Morgan, Forbes, Cisneros and Oppenheimers.

    There are other names in Dope Inc. that people would do well to know the danger of such as Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, Robert Vesco, Francois Genoud of Switzerland, Ivan Slavkov of Bulgaria, the Duke of Kent – Master of the Grand Mother Lodge of the Scottish Rite, and Jardine Matheson to mention a few.

    Secret fraternal groups appear in Dope, Inc. too. For instance, the Triads, P2 Masonry, Freemasonry, the CIA, the Order of St. John, and the Jesuits. The Universal Christian Gnostic Church’s which practices black magic has a whole chapter showing its connection to the drug trade. Britain’s assassination bureau Permindex also gets a chapter in the book.

  4. As I like to call all those elevated in our society ((generational satanists)) Kohn, Kahn, Cohen the “priestly” class

  5. John Kerry’s “Jewish” and fake catholic ties are a ruse that disguise the Anglo-German oligarch links to the original drug cartel ~Dope Inc

    John Kerry went to an elite “Episcopalian” boarding school and traveled to Europe more as a child than as an adult. His British mother was born in Paris and grew up in England. His paternal grandparents were German speaking immigrants who traveled with “servants”, according to historic travel/census documents.

    That said, John Forbes Kerry is currently a basic kleptocrat and oligarch enforcer.

    Kerry Owns Stake in Chinese Investment Group That Funds Company Blacklisted for Human Rights Abuses
    Climate czar accused of downplaying Uyghur genocide during climate negotiations with China

    The “Climate Change” scam has been a Royal British wet dream for over a century. They play the long game.

    In 2021 Kerry claimed the world had 9 years left. At age 80, Kerry won’t live to see this “catastrophe”.

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