Of 10 billionaires with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders, at least five are Jewish
By JTA and Ron Kampeas | 23 May 2018
HAARETZ — The special prosecutor’s probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election offers an unsettling journey for anyone steeped in Russian Jewry, and the transition from the repression of the former Soviet Union to the relative freedoms of the Russian Federation.
Of 10 billionaires with Kremlin ties who funneled political contributions to U.S. President Donald Trump and a number of top Republican leaders, at least five are Jewish. (The Dallas Morning News has a handy set of interactive charts.)
There’s Len Blavatnik, the dual British-American citizen who dumped huge amounts of cash on Republican candidates in the last election cycle, much of it funneled through his myriad investment firms. (The same Len Blavatnik funds scholarships for IDF veterans and who is friends with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.) Alexander Shustorovich is the president of IMG Artists, a titan among impresarios, who gave Trumps’ inauguration committee a cool $1 million. He arrived in 1977 with his penniless family in New York at age 11, fleeing Soviet persecution of Jews.
The list goes on — we explore some of the names below. But first: What was going on in the Soviet Union as it headed towards collapse in the late 1980s that led to the proliferation of Jewish names among its oligarch class? […]
If you study Genesis 47, you will find the FIRST PROTOCOL OF THE ELDERS OF ZION. It was there for all to see, but because we have been brainwashed with Christianity, we suffer from Cognitive dissonance, and are wilfully ignorant of what is before our eyes. For the past 3000 years, the Jew has used this modus operandi, to fool and control the Goyim/Gentile – playing the MIDDLEMAN between the RULER and the RULED! Underline verses 26-27
Now go to Deuteronomy 7:1-26 and read the Script for the JWO.
Throughout history this parasite infested every empire and country and “sucked it dry” and then moved on.
GOOGLE: The JEWel wasp and the Cockroach.
See how this parasite turns its victim into a zombie!
Laurent Guyénot • April 8, 2019
This is how the Jew brainwashed the Gentile with its book of myths!
GOOGLE: Gentiles in Halacha.
See from this Jewish document how Jews have hated Gentiles for 3000 years!
Presented February 2016 by Charles Savoie
The Pilgrims Society: A Century of Rockefellers, Rothschilds …
The Pilgrims Society: A study of the Anglo- American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and So Much More
The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity – American …
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PROOF! British-American Pilgrims Society Behind Lenin and …
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The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity – American …
Aug 07, 2019 • The Pilgrims are dominated by a small group of families including Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rhodes, Milner, Woolsey (self-styled “British and American Aristocracy” modeled on Cecil Rhodes’ British-American federation dream
The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American …
Jan 07, 2020 • The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and so much more Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine