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The Basis, Background and Events That Launched the Rothschild Dynasty

The Rothschild family fortune exploded via dealings and financial alliances with the Landgraves of Hesse in Frankfurt, Germany. Out of Frankfurt, Mayer Amschel Rothschild ran the affairs of Frederick II, Landgrave of Hesse, the wealthiest man in Europe, and his successor, Elector Wilhelm I, who, like Mayer, had also been born in 1743.

Image result for "mayer amschel rothschild"In the course of their operations, Mayer quickly moved into the profitable business of war and mercenaries. He expanded his realm of influence to Great Britain by arranging for King George III to hire 16,800 sturdy young Hessian soldiers from the Landgraves. This greatly expanded the Hesse Landgrave’s (and Rothschild) fortune.

The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars from 1789 to 1815 were open-ended profit opportunities for the House of Rothschild.

In the preface of the book “The Rothschilds,” author Frederic Morton writes, “For the last 150 years, the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing degree the backstage history of Western Europe. … Because of their success in making loans not to individuals but to nations, they reaped huge profits. … Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations.”

On July 8, 1937, The New York Times quoted Prof. Wilhelm, a German historian, who said, “The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruct the world as an image of money and its functions.”

In “The Empire of the City,” author E.C. Knuth wrote, “The fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question.”

Hearst’s Chicago Evening American commented on Dec. 3, 1923, that “the Rothschilds can start or prevent wars. Their word could make or break empires.”

The Kaiser’s reckless chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg, who actually precipitated World War I, was a member of the Frankfurt banking family Bethmann and was a cousin of the Rothschilds.

It was determined early on that the family Frankism model would be incorporated. The result was intermarriage and careful strategic selection in marital unions outside the family.

This family union concept extended to the agents that the family utilized in its business model. Agents and front men were carefully but dubiously masked. The principle Rothschild dictate: “In combat, the decisive weapon is the one your opponent does not know about.”

It is important to note that Rothschild agents/made men were often Christian converts from Judiasm (crypto-Jewish) — again straight out of the Sabbatean Frankist handbook. They also tended to come from the hotbeds of Frankism: Rhineland Palatinate (eg. Karl Marx), Hesse and northern Baden German States (eg. John Jacob Astor, parents of Frederick Lindemann).

By sheer coinkydink, Donald Trump’s paternal ancestry is traceable to Bobenheim am Berg, a village in the Palatinate, Germany. Johann Trump, born in Bobenheim in 1789, moved to the nearby village of Kallstadt, where Friedrich Trump, the grandfather of Donald Trump, was born in 1869. For “some odd reason,” this German heritage was long concealed by Donald Trump’s father, Fred Trump (1905–1999), who, until the age of 10, had grown up in a mainly German-speaking environment. Fred had spun the yarn that he was of Swedish ancestry. Crypto much? This is similar to John Kerry claiming his Vienna-Brno Jewish family was Irish. 

More Key Data Points

As he prospered, Mayer Amschel placed a large red shield over the door of his house in the Judengasse, which he shared with the Schiff family. A progeny of this family out of New York City, Jacob Schiff was the key actor supporting, arranging and financing of Leon Trotsky and the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917-1918. What a coinkydink. See “Firebrand Bolshevik Leon Trotsky: Fully Backed by International Banksters and the Pederast British War Party” and “Physician Who Witnessed Interrogation of Rakovsky During Trotskyite Trials, Lifted the Veil of the Global Crime Syndicate]”

When Mayer died in 1812, he left an enormous fortune to his five sons. Two, James out of Paris, and Nathan out of London left large progeny.

Image result for rothschild family tree mayer amschel

The eldest, Amschel, was placed in charge of the Frankfurt bank. Today five of Germany’s ten largest banks are headquartered in that city.  Mayer’s second-eldest son, Salomon, was sent to Vienna, where he soon took over the banking monopoly formerly shared among five Jewish families: Arnstein, Eskeles, Geymuller, Stein and Sina. The third-eldest son, Nathan, founded the London branch in 1808.

Carl, the fourth son, went to Naples, where he became head of the subversive Masonic occult network the Alta Vendita.

The youngest son, James, founded the French branch of the House of Rothschild in Paris. The Jewish Encyclopedia (1909 edition) notes that in the year 1848, the Paris House of Rothschild was reckoned to be worth 600 million francs. By comparison, the holdings of all other Paris bankers combined totaled 352 million francs.

Deeper-dive research might examine which German Sabbattean Frankists the Rothchild brothers took with them to the new branches. They also used Frankist networks already in place throughout Europe.

“Fortuitous trading” on the London Stock Exchange after Waterloo gave Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild a sizable portion of the Consols, which formed the bulk of the deposits of the Bank of England.

In the book “The Merchant Bankers,” author Joseph Wechsberg noted, “There is the Sun Alliance life insurance company, most aristocratic of all insurance companies, founded by Nathan Rothschild in 1824; Brinco, the British Newfoundland Corp., founded by the British and French Rothschilds in 1952; the Anglo-American Corp.; Bowater, Rio Tinto and others.”

In 1886, Andrew Carnegie wrote that “six or seven men can plunge the nation into war without consulting Parliament at all.”

Vincent Vickers, a director of the Bank of England from 1910 to 1919, blamed the City of London for the wars of the world. [“Economic Tribulation” (1940) cited in Knuth, “The Empire of the City” (1943) p. 60]

Sun Alliance Assurance was founded in 1824 by Nathan Mayer Rothschild along with Sir Alex Baring, Samuel Gurney and Sir Moses Montefiore. It is from this entity that a maze of interlocking financial and familial interests can be found in Britain and internationally. This Rothschild-Montefiore-Goldsmids-Mocatta-Sassoon clan is referred to in England as the “cousinhood.”

It is generally believed that early Rothschild operations in America were handled by August Belmont and their secret representative, George Peabody of London. Par for the course, financial panics were used to provide “lender of last resort” plots and schemes. J. Pierpont Morgan & Company became the successor firm of the Peabody operation after 1864.

In “Twenty- Eight Years on Wall Street” (p. 157), author Henry Clews wrote, “The Panic of 1837 was aggravated by the Bank of England when it in one day threw out all the paper connected with the United States.”

By refusing to credit American notes and stocks, the Bank of England created financial panic among the holders of that paper. The panic enabled Rothschild agents Peabody and Belmont to reap a fortune in buying up depreciated stocks during the panic.

In “Our Crowd,” Bermingham wrote, “In the Panic of 1837, Belmont was able to perform a service which he would repeat in subsequent panics, thanks to the hugeness of the Rothschild reservoir of capital, to start out in America operating his own Federal Reserve System.”

After 1837, August Belmont (aka Schonberg, a Jewish Frankist family from Frankfurt) was publicly advertised in the financial press as the American representative of the Rothschilds. When Belmont participated in a financial operation, everyone knew that the Rothschilds were involved. When Belmont took no part, and the transaction was handled by J. P. Morgan & Co. or by Kuhn, Loeb Co. and everyone “knew” that the Rothschilds were not involved. Belmont was a major schemer in the lead up to and during the American Civil War, a subject for another post.

Read “Made Man and Agent August Belmont and the Panic of 1837”

George Peabody had established his business in England through his connection with Brown Bros, (now Brown Bros. Harriman and Brown, Shipley). He had become an unidentified agent for Lord Rothschild as early as 1835.

By 1861, George Peabody had become the largest trader of American securities in the world. To put pressure on the Lincoln government, he began dumping securities on the open market to drive prices down. At the same time, J.P. Morgan, allied with Morris Ketchum, was depleting the U.S. gold supply by shipping it to England. He ran the price from $126 ounce to $171, reaping a good profit and putting even more financial pressure on the Lincoln government. This was one of many financial operations directed by the Rothschilds for their own political and financial goals.

As George Peabody had no son to take over his firm, he took on Junius Morgan as partner. Junius’ son John Pierpont Morgan became known as “the most powerful banker in the world.”

11 Comments on The Basis, Background and Events That Launched the Rothschild Dynasty

  1. The key source of wealth for the R family was the trillions (in today’s value) worth shiploads of gold looted from India (the world’s wealthiest nation at that time) using the hessian mercenaries and deceit. Their man agent for this work was Tipu Sultan who was terminated once he fulfilled their objectives.

    • In India and China the Sassoons were more the kingpins, they amassed the fortune of the Lands(and hooked up china to opium).

      “…making the Sassoons to the richest jews in the world next to the Rothchilds” (1880 during and from their opium trade)
      Good read here:
      Focuses on China, but as the Sassoons are India based.

    • @ Anonymous

      From India?

      I’m reminded of the modern day King Solomon from India, the Nizam of Hyderabad, a descendant of the Mongol emperors, who ruled over 15 million poverty stricken people. He reputedly, had more wealth than any other man in the entire world with a net income of $ 15 million annually. Wealth that was derived from the fabulous valley of Golconda , one of the richest diamond mines.

      “The Nizam had 500 wives, and he gave his favorite one a gold Rolls Royce. He ate all of his meals off golden plates, and boasted that the English displayed 24 golden plates in London, while he had place settings for 150 guests. One of his favorite diamonds was the 182.5 carat diamond he used for a paperweight. He sat in chairs and relaxed on couches of solid gold, and had a carriage built of gold that was not usable because of its weight.” Cantelon pg 103

      500 wives? Better to live in a kings palace than become wives for farmers sons? Yes.

      None of which the R bankers cared to follow?

      Nope for what they want, truly want is what is found here!!!!

  2. Going over Dave Mcgowan’s work on the Lincoln assassination reveals some very interesting nuggets. He touches on the jesuit connection to the event and that is interesting esp considering the fact that the vatican had gotten in bed with the House of Rothschild in 1832 taking out a 35 million dollar loan at 5% usury…..a scandalous event to many catholic/christian sensibilities.

    Your Revelation of the Method is very rewarding reading. I refer you to the latest Polly St. Claire video at Amazing Polly, Charities and Mind Control. You two should get together for a podcast

  3. Perfect follow up in this timeline is L.B.Woolfolks “The great red dragon” written 1890, mainly about the “money kings” which were still in the spotlight back then contrary to now, andsure alot about Rothchild too as they are one of the main factors.

    Legal/free on archive, you can search and sure get an original scan instead of the version i linked:

    One of the books everyone should read as basic knowledge to understand if those families controlled nearly the whole planets wealth and power, why shouldnt this be the case nowadays too.

  4. Outstanding post….wish I could add to it with a link or two. And I thought it was simply Donmehs that Frankists converted (that is, Jew to crypto-Muslim, such as the Sauds and Attaturk and other leaders of Turkey–supposedly Erdogan is the first non-Donmeh head of Turkey); I had no idea they also converted Jews to fake Christianity…I wonder if prominent Christian Zionist preachers like Hagee (who claims Christ is NOT the Messiah to the Jews!) are part of this crypto-Christian apostasy.

    • “Most western countries have now become part of a Commonwealth of Nations of Greater Israel. We can recognize much of our bureaucratic governments as “Totalitarianism” and in error could call it Communism, but the reality is slightly different as is explained to us by the American Rabbi, Stephen Wise who in 1923, said, “Some call it communism, but to me, I call it Judaism…..” In simple terms, our Western culture has been usurped by Judaism.”

  5. The FATCA Law, – the USA forced foreign countries to sign an agreement to have thier banks report their American clients to the I.R.S,. Big Surprise, ISRAEL did not sign FATCA (short for Fat Cat?) So, Capital Controls for goys, full on money laundering sanctioned by congress for the Hebe’s!

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