LOL — Trumptards won’t notice or care — generally they are dumber than Trump, if you can believe that.
Trump will likely be convicted of a felony for falsifying business records as part of the 2016 campaign; we’ll see what happens after that — the man is unbelievably stupid: does he not have personal funds? — why not pay the money out of his personal funds? — there’s nothing illegal about that, he can give money to whomever he wants for whatever reason he has — instead he apparently used a business account, then attempted to hide or disguise that — it makes no sense, unless you remember that Trump is an abject moron — then it all makes sense.
You mean the guy who called covid a “LIVE EXERCISE”?
LOL — Trumptards won’t notice or care — generally they are dumber than Trump, if you can believe that.
Trump will likely be convicted of a felony for falsifying business records as part of the 2016 campaign; we’ll see what happens after that — the man is unbelievably stupid: does he not have personal funds? — why not pay the money out of his personal funds? — there’s nothing illegal about that, he can give money to whomever he wants for whatever reason he has — instead he apparently used a business account, then attempted to hide or disguise that — it makes no sense, unless you remember that Trump is an abject moron — then it all makes sense.
Trump is a Trojan Horse, or in this case a horse’s ass.
Don’t you mean Pompeo and Cotton are allowing Trump to sit in the Whitehouse?
Trump isn’t “considering anything.” He appoints who “they” tell him to appoint. People still think presidential candidates actually have a say……..