‘Is it really necessary for every economist to be brain-dead apologist for the rich and powerful and predatory, in every damn breath?’ — Bruce Wilder in comments to ‘Clash of Autonomy and Interdependence’
A neglected economic superstar was Professor Susan Strange (1923-1998) of the London School of Economics, one of the founders of the field of international political economy. In a series of groundbreaking books – “Casino Capitalism,” “States and Markets,” “The Retreat of the State” and “Mad Money” – Strange showed how epidemic levels of financial crime were a consequence of specific political decisions based on an ideology.
In our discussion of false dialectics this addresses the right Hegelian dialectic. Few Winter Watch readers buy into left Hegelian dialectic, but some are ensnared by the right dialectic. This post is addressed to you if you do.
Hegelian Dialectic as a Strategy for Modern Globalization: A Deep Dive with Antony Sutton

It would have hardly been possible to design a system, she said, “that was better suited than the global banking system to the needs of drug dealers and other illicit traders who want to conceal from the police the origin of their large illegal profits.”
Here are four ways she showed how politics and the financial crime epidemic were intimately connected.
1. Money is Global, Regulation is National
There was nothing inevitable about financial globalization, Strange said. It was born out of a series of political decisions. It means that global money can skip freely across borders beyond the reach of national laws and supervision. For smart operators, tax, regulations and compliance become a choice, not an obligation. Strange argued that international organizations lack the power to control global money. Only coordination between the world’s major economies can rein it in.
2. Tax Havens Are an Open Invitation to Embezzlement
Unless you have somewhere to stash the cash, the looting of public money and state enterprises can only go so far.
Tax havens give “open invitations,” Strange said, to corrupt politicians to steal from their people.
Banking secrecy in the havens allows money from tax evasion, drug trafficking and public embezzlement to mix together until they become indistinguishable from legitimate business.
3. Extravagant Banker Bonuses Contaminate Politics
For Strange, the “obscenely large” bonuses paid to those in financial markets leads to a kind of “moral contamination,” she wrote, and has “reinforced and accelerated the growth of the links between finance and politics.”
Strange recognized that corruption and bribery were a problem in London and New York, as well as Asia, Africa and Latin America.
“Bribery and corruption in politics are not new at all,” Strange wrote. “It is the scale and extent of it that have risen, along with the domination of finance over the real economy.”
Winter Watch: Perhaps not even Strange fully realized how deeply organized and systematic (sistema) kompromat went!

4. Money Is Political Power
Globalization has redefined politics, Strange argued. Political power is not just what happens in governments, but money and markets also have power.
As legitimate and illegitimate private operators grow richer, they increase their power to shape the world system. States starved of tax revenues grow weaker and retreat, and eventually it becomes a reinforcing spiral. National politics becomes captured by global money markets.
Neoliberal Trotskyism
Neoliberalism is essentially Trotskyism refashioned for the needs of the global financial kleptocracy. But instead of “proletarians of all countries unite” we have “neoliberal elites of all countries unite.”
Note for newer readers: I use the terms kleptocracy and Crime Syndicate interchangeably. CS is employed when I am describing actual acts. I avoid use of the word “elites” to describe organized criminality.
It’s “socialism for corporations, feudalism for everybody” adapted a large part of Trotskyism ideology and, especially, political instruments, carefully hiding the origins.
The key goal of neoliberalism is redistributing and concentrating wealth to the top at the expense of the working class and middle class – and future generations. Covid tyranny has done this on steroids, and especially robs future generations and the young.
Bankrupting America with the Corrupt Employee Retention Credit
Neoliberalism is totally artificially constructed and explicitly planned to be enforced on unsuspecting people via subversive actions of a totalitarian sect. In the same way Bolshevism was the dictatorship of the Communist Party nomenklatura, neoliberalism is the dictatorship of the financial Kleptocracy.
Instead of Communist International we see the formation of the powerful Transnational Kleptocrat International.
The transnational Kleptocrat no longer feels in the same boat as the rest of the society and openly worships on the altar of unlimited, pathological greed. As cosmopolitans, they have little loyalty or offer no support to host nations. The kleptocrats and their foundations of today are bound to their corporations, and to their in-groups. This overwhelms and decimates all other considerations such as patriotism and moral obligations. Amorality is the norm. People outside the Crime Syndicate in-group are just tools, not compatriots and their standard of living means nothing.
Like Trotskyism in the past, it’s a militant and dogmatic faith that ostracizes heretics and utilizes the full power of propaganda to brainwash the population. Neoliberals have zero tolerance for other social systems or deviations from so-called Washington consensus. The kakistocratic intellectual class advocates a pseudo-radical wedge agenda.
There is the creation, notably, of neoliberal “newspeak,” which is similar to Marxist newspeak. For example, the word “free” is redefined as “unregulated.” That helps to provide a pseudo-scientific justification for redistributing wealth upward and increasing poverty for the lower 80% or so of the population endemic to the system.
Neoliberals, like Trotskyites, are globalists par excellence who dream about a worldwide neoliberal revolution. Their primary method of doing business (much illegal) is via foundations and so-called non-governmental organizations (NGO). The foundations, in turn, work through captured intelligence agencies.
The neoliberal state always evolves into the national security state.
This doctrine was artificially constructed by bribed intellectuals and a network of foundation-funded neoliberal think tanks. The use of the term “think tank” as the major weapon for unleashing neoliberal tyranny was also a direct borrowing from Bolshevik practice.
For further reading:
- “William Langer’s ‘Newest History,’ the OSS and the Frankfurt School (aka New School)”
- Search Winter Watch for foundations
The Clinton Foundation is just the tip of iceberg. And when the curtain is pulled back on the maze of foundation activities, the controlled neoliberal media crushes coverage like a bug.
Neoliberal doctrine is built and enforced by “The Party.” The Party hides behind a contrived left-right dialectic and circus clown world politics. Both the GOP (and especially Trump) and Democrats are hardcore neoliberals and for all practical purposes are “The Party”.
The Party is Machiavellian and uses cult style methods. There is an obsessive preoccupation with getting to power and staying in power, but any means, criminal if necessary. Instincts are psychopathic. There is blatant disregard to fact and truth in order to achieve a political victory. They view political activities as a war and fight to the bitter end. False flags and bamboozle staged deception operations are the norm. Wedge issues are the centerpiece of policy. Identity politics has been emerging in recent years as a prime wedge weapon. There is adherence to big lies.
The Party is too preoccupied with dividing spoils among friends and corporate sponsors to effectively govern. High positions are populated with revolving-door flying monkeys with ideologically correct views — but who have zero, or near-zero, abilities to perform (“subzeros” or negative selection).
Along with fake promises, Machiavellians try to use militarism and jingoism as a unifying force for the nation. This also provides cover for a ragtag collection of lobbyists serving the interests of the military-industrial-surveillance complex, Wall Street and Israel.
The ultimate end outcome of this could very well be Civil War.
As Christopher Hayes noted, the spark is a “national mood of exhaustion, frustration and betrayal at near total failure of each pillar institution of our society.”
There are waves that Trump will be trotted out again in 2024. Or at least someone he will bless. The Trump administration was stuffed to the gills with neoliberal brute capitalist Ayn Rand acolytes and predatory Zionists. Trump himself identifies with Fountainhead character Howard Roark; former secretary of state Rex Tillerson listed Atlas Shrugged as his favorite book in a Scouting magazine feature; his replacement Mike Pompeo has been inspired by Rand since his youth. Ayn Rand’s influence is ascendant across broad swaths of our dominant political culture particularly in the right Hegelian dialectic.
But the culprit isn’t just “markets.” This is a story of power using theory. The mixed economy was undone by kleptocrats, who revised rules for their own benefit. They invested heavily in friendly theorists to bless this shift as sound and necessary economics and in friendly politicians to put those theories into practice.
This flying-monkey cronyism is in large part due to a revolving door between not only Wall Street and Washington but also the incestuous relationship between Wall Street, Washington and academia.
The leading neoliberal think tanks are American Enterprise Institute, Heritage, Cato and the Manhattan Institute. But there are more insidious investments in academia. Lavishly funded centers and tenured chairs were underwritten by the Olin, Scaife, Bradley, Koch and other neoliberal foundations to promote such variants of free-market theory as law and economics, public choice, rational choice, cost-benefit analysis, maximize-shareholder-value and kindred schools of thought. These theories colonized several academic disciplines. All were variations on the claim that markets worked and that government should get out of the way.
The actual realities and results of neoliberal parasite guildism is evident. It’s impossible to make everybody rich, so this is reserved to the top 1% or 0.01%, while the standard of living among “schmucks” deteriorates a lot. And this chart is pre-Covid.
Neoliberals eliminate political agency and responsibility for economic performance and outcomes. Biden is a neoliberal kakistocrat. Democrat politics and theatrics has been reduced to only one lone Senator (Manchin) standing in front of fiscal irresponsibility. Once protections for the 99% are removed, globalization and financialization were “just forces” that “just happened.”
For example, weaponized migration serves the neoliberal kakistocracy in two ways: 1) destabilizes and weakens national sovereignty as a bulwark to protect existing citizens; 2) keeps the wages of the 90% depressed and their costs high.
Neoliberals don’t care about democracy. They care only about “free markets” — which, in actuality, they control primarily through central banking and banksterism.
The key to parasite guild neoliberalism are extractions — not just of the living 99% but of future generations. The ethics of neoliberalism, is heavily tilted toward viewing people as “homo economicus.”
Central banking, as practiced by the kakistocracy, keeps borrowing costs for the kleptocracy very low. Strangely, however, this is never passed on to consumer loans, which remain usurious. Savers are crucified, even subjected to negative yields. Kleptocrats play the arbitrage, or spread, and their takings keep compounding while members of the broader society are like hamsters on a tread mill.
The neoliberal is always on the lookout for some shit storm to roll by or to create. In a country like Libya, the 99% was doing fine under a different kind of system. So the neoliberal hires mercenaries and takes the country down. Not feeling content with just that, it then organizes weaponized migrations whereby most African migrants are looted, killed and enslaved. Then the traffickers have the audacity to cry about “compassion.”
Read “Migrations to Libya: An Enslavement Operation from Start to Finish”
Neoliberals in general, and neocons in particular (aka “neoliberals with guns”), are hell-bent of creating the Global Neoliberal Empire and killing millions people in the process. Since global reach is their goal, destroying the well being of the majority of people in their host country is no obstacle.
Read “‘The Purge: Election Year’ — Revelation of the Method?”
Global financial institutions are the bastion of neoliberal ideology, and they can bully most poor countries into adopting neoliberal policies.
The USA as a superpower state is used to support subservient regimes that favor business interests of transnational companies, putting those interests above interest of the country and its people. And if necessary it will remove non-complaint regimes by force. The USA foreign policy now is essentially based on the coercive use of economic, political, and military power to expropriate other nation’s land, labor, capital, natural resources, commerce, and markets in the interests of the transnationals, not in the interest of the American people.
Neoliberalism, like Marxism in the past, as an ideology has become strongly associated with a specific culture (the U.S. culture) and a specific language (English). In reality, the English language combined with Hollywood culture has created a Satanic plague.
For further reading:
When real environmental degradation and threats takes place — such as antibiotic super-bug cesspools or pesticides killing bees en mass, and on and on — the neoliberal kakistocracy diverts attention away and invents Greta climate-change scams. Then, we learn there is an incredible menu of financialization objectives behind the scam.
For further reading:
Another nasty manifestation of kleptocrat neoliberal misdirection is the “white privilege” and “deplorable” or “Dear Fellow White Person” scam. This takes aim at lower stratus white people who are barely staying above water.
The faux progressives who fall for this distraction are typically embittered debt slaves from their excessive borrowing for poor educations where they are in turn brainwashed by neoliberal and neo-Marxist flying monkeys.
But despite this curated and controlled narrative a series of recent polls in the US and Europe have shown that nine out of 10 aged 18 to 35, agreed with the statement, “Banks and money rule the world.” But this sentiment is kept hidden as the diversions and black magik run amok.
For further reading:
- “Out of the Blue: Insertion of Social Engineering Terms into Kakistocratic News Publications”
- “This $56,199-Per-Year Loyola University Campus Offers ‘Self-Identified White Students’ A Safe Space To Feel Guilty”
- “White Liberals Hate Their Race More Than Ever Before”
- “A Who’s-Who List of Anti-White Jewish ‘Pseudo-Intellectual’ Quackery”
The term “neoliberalism” itself is obscured and hidden from the population, and its discussion is a taboo in neoliberal MSM.
They also pervert the idea of the Rule of the Law, which animated so much of modernity. Today, there’s the hollowing out of democratic practices and institutions, while at the same time catalyzing radical, brutal neo-feudal forms of kleptocratic dominance.
They are hard at work with internet censorship and are even beta testing behavioral enforcement against hand gestures and haircuts. This is typical of Trotskyite neoliberals and their fellow travelers Trotskyite Marxists. Political pressure and money create an environment in which intellectually bankrupt and inverted ideas prevail.

Read “The ADL Tags Benign Things as White Supremacist to Manufacture Boogeymen, Remain Relevant”
Neoliberal nomenklatura is very similar to communist nomenklatura. In both cases, position in the social hierarchy is, by and large, determined by the position the individual has in government, military or private industry. Winter Watch is uncovering more and more evidence that these players are multi-generational actors.
For further reading:
In fact, I’m pleased to see more attention being paid (by folks like David Icke) to this ponerology inquiry that has historical family links and cults going back to Sabbattean- Frankism and Illuminism. Once the true believers of these cults infiltrate and take power, it becomes quite easy to identify, recruit, brainwash and train whole legions of other natural psychopathic flying monkeys to carry out their agendas.
For further reading:
I agree with so much here and so appreciate your work and views! But I do have to say I was deeply influenced by Ayn Rand’s novels at a time when ‘socialist’ ideals were drowning out common sense in this country (and still are). Of course I hear her demonized by the left constantly, but to me her work was all about getting the middle men and parasites out of the economy and rewarding strength and ethics instead of the demands of the cry-bullies. I think many critics take her characters and quotes out of context—she was not elitist and did not worship psychopaths, as I’ve often heard, and Roark was an exceptionally unwavering and principled hero, and nothing like Trump! At least that’s how I read her! 🙂
When I was younger I too went through the Ayn Rand phase. She is seductive. But I realized later she is a cheerleader for the unbridled lording predatory class. The crooks love her to justify their behaviors.
My hero couldn’t exist in today’s dog eat dog world, but it would be Col. Roberto Nascimento in Brazil’s ‘O Inimigo Dentro’ (‘The Enemy Within’). If I could change the world it would be to unleash thousands of uncorruptible Nascimentos loose on the kleptocracy. See: A Crime Syndicate Primer: Brazil’s ‘O Inimigo Dentro’ (‘The Enemy Within’)
Thanks for the reply and link, I’m not familiar with that work and look forward to reading it!
It’s a Brazilian movie.
Kenosho- CS flying monkeys often use language and ideas that are more or less antithetical to their true position in efforts to make their putrid position more palatable to the masses. Rand described Objectivism as “the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute”. What garbage! None of that is true! And much of the world right now operates this way. Reason is not absolute, nor “our only” absolute, and our noblest activity is not the purposely vague “productive achievement”, a term which reeks of NLP. Seeing man as heroic is also silly and echoing principles of self worship, my sentiments. Finally, operating with “your own happiness as the moral purpose of your life” is to me just a different way of saying “do as thou wilt”. People who go through life chasing happiness and buy that philosophy are usually amongst the most unhappy people you’ll ever meet. They’re in constant emotional discord because they believe that lie and live by it.
Well said, you accurately described Jeremy Bentham’s Philosophy of Utilitarianism. Britian the land of ISM’S.
Objectivism, like many political cults of its kind, was a sort of trap to flip on its underlings, while helping (mostly Jewish, Ayn Rand herself was Soviet-Jewish) their wealthy associates quickly dominate the technical fields which would integrate Silicon Valley and the Tech Industry. Good doc by Adam Curtis that covers some of this called ‘All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace’- highly recommend it. Quite a bit of footage in there of Rand and Allen Greenspan, who was one of her biggest follower/sidekick accomplices, if that tells you anything. To add to that, what is known as the Satanic Church of the United States, led by Anton Levey, was quoted by him as being nothing but ‘Ayn Rand in whole cloth.’ A quick search and there are many articles with side-by-side comparisons, and they are literally the same philosophies, just one is more ‘refined’ and built for more ‘respectable’ types, and the other is the same blueprint for those in similar circles looking to get into things that are more subversive- building a pipeline from Military-Intelligence, R&D, Economics, into a present-day Hellfire Club Scenario (i.e. compromise).
Sounds like a doc I’d like, thanks. Makes me think of this quick clip: https://youtu.be/Bl3L69KtsIQ
Yep. Chardin was a Christian Kabbalist. Where a lot of this seems to have it’s origins, why its so bound up in Military R&D, espionage. They took Neoplatonism, a certain variety of it, post-Renaissance, and then wanted to merge it with the New Industrialism, Banking, Speculation. Not only that, but in order for this kind of fluid movement to keep going, they had to continually cause upheaval, the kind of ‘Hegelian’ false-flagging you see now, which was part of the birth of modern ‘games’ and ‘strategy.’ What ‘the Enlightenment’ was- it was literally a metaphysical plot to warp the minds of people. We’re taught in School that ‘Science’ somehow originated with it, but that’s complete BS. What’s known as ‘Science’ originated long before Enlightenment-Dualist-Materialism, was around during the Middle Ages in the form of Aristotelian Scholasticism, and the Civilizations of Antiquity were well aware of it. If Antiquity was not aware of ‘Science,’ the Renaissance ‘Mages’ wouldn’t have had to plagiarize so much from them, then add a ton of fraudulent documents, staged events, plotting with mystic psychics and oracles etc to add a whole new agenda and theater to it. Three books cover this transformation pretty well, although you have to fill in the blanks with Industrialism/Banking- ‘Magic and Superstition in Europe: A Concise History’ by Michael Bailey, ‘Unfabling the East’ by Jurgen Osterhommel, and ‘The Metaphysical Club,’ by Louis Menand. If you already know about Hellfire clubs, all of the so-called ‘Conspiracy history,’ these help fill in some things, in spite of being pretty mainstream history books. You can even see the origins of ‘Woke’ in Unfabling the East, with Jesuit and Jewish, British Cosmopolitians going around plundering, working with corrupt leaders internationally, all exploiting their peoples, only to return home and act all pious, moral about how open-minded they were when people accused them of corrupt foreign allegiances- which they had.
Nice, thanks again, copied these titles and will begin some digging!
I remember reading somewhere a while back that Ann Rand Roesnbaum had an affair with a Rothchild or Rockefeller I don’t remember which. Maybe she was just taking notes with inside information. I tried to dig it up but it is down the memory hole. Here’s Wikipedia on her too many connections and coincidences for me https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_Rand
Quote from Saviano in this ‘NY Slimes’ article always stuck with me about Crime Syndicates and Neoliberalism. He’s been another who’s called that out. Surprising how many don’t register the two. I think that has a lot to do with PR and Hollywood, how they portray and muddle Organized and White Collar Crime, make it look like its a bunch of crypto-anarchists in nice suits or something. And of course, there is the continual masturbatory imagery surrounding ‘Spies’- in spite of their ‘less than spectacular’ record of doing a damned thing about 99 percent of this corruption. Neoliberalism? Oh I just thought it was all ‘Wise Guys’ and sleek, attractive people in suits with the newest gee-whiz gadgets, who always have the perfect quip everywhere they go. And women who can do all of that, as well, in high-heels.
The topic of controlled opposition interests me more and more by the day. As I currently understand things, the banksters own pretty much everything and everyone – everywhere – and any perceived disputes among leaders, whether nationally or internationally, are just theatre, for whatever purpose that can serve until the one world govt etc can be fully implemented.
That said, there are people much smarter than me who see things as being more nuanced than that. Thus, while they might admit to the majority of actors on both sides of politics, in certain countries, being compromised, they tend to see things, at an international level, as still being a grand chess board whereby Putin and Xi aren’t necessarily controlled by those behind America and England, but are working for domination independently or for someone else.
While this could well by true, I struggle to see it. So, if anyone could say anything to this, they wouldn’t just be helping me, but would be adding something valuable to the discussion, in general.
In response to my post above, I’ve just recently discovered who I think is a very interesting YouTuber; namely, Brendon O’Connell III. While I don’t endorse all his views, and while it’s still too early for me to know if he’s at least mostly correct about geopolitics, he’s got myself attention, nevertheless.
His view, in addition to being anti James Corbett and Whitney Webb, is that China and Russia are completely taken by the bankers and, in line with the belt and road initiative, are working together with (banker owned) Israel – who’s a military and technological powerhouse – for the purpose of a greater Israel.
In terms of Arab resistance in the region, he says this is mostly if not wholly staged; all the big players in the Arab countries being educated in the West, with genuine (degenerate) western tastes.
With all that in place, the immediate aims are 1. Get America, which still has some genuine people in important positions, out of Eurasia, to ensure that the greater Israel project continues unabated. America withdrawing from Afghanistan was a big coup in this regard; 2. Continue to bankrupt America, which, at least theoretically, is the last remaining hope for stifling the surveillance world order; 3. If and when America is sufficiently subdued, use it to develop said surveillance state in that part of the world.
As I said, I ultimately don’t know if this is correct; however, I’ll continue to watch this guy’s videos with interest for a while yet. If anyone else is interested, a link to one of the videos is provided below.
If all Brendon is saying is already common knowledge or is incorrect, then so be it; but on the other hand, if it’s unique and over the target, then people are going to be happy to learn more about which disputes in politics are real or only staged.
There are over 7 billion people on the planet right now. There were only around 1.5 billion a hundred and fifty years prior. This all happened during the growth of electricity. Electricity fostered in the information age and a decentralization threat to the old ways of control.
There are too many people for the CS’s liking. The people are awakening into a generalized omniscience.
This is a larger problem then that of nation state geopolitics as it affects them all from Putin to Pluto.
So a war has been launched on the people. WW 3.0 . And its a doozy as it incorporates illusion and spell. With that in mind…No Duh on the controlled opposition. The league hired them, but they play for various teams.
The CS, after having captured the money then went on to capture control over the Generals, Judges, and Journalists.
The 2 hr video below sheds some light on what we can expect from the enforcement end of things
Great piece of writing that successfully transcends the divide and rule that is currently so successful in pitting the masses against each other. (Political, gender, skin colour etc etc).
Was going to say, Russ- I’d taken a look at that video with the Freemasonic hand gestures. Those exact same hand gestures have also been used in military-connected gangs, i.e. ‘Spook Narco-Politics’ around the globe- in the US with Urban Gangs, In Mexico, and in Eastern Europe/Balkans, all using those exact hand signs all through that video. I’m not sure I have a monolithic take on it, although it’s obviously worth examination. Some of it may be a form of compromise- e.g. shakedown by a form of ‘guilt by association.’ It’d be interesting to hear wtf any of those people (the celebrities/musicians) say about it, when asked. Also worth noting is the fact that those signs started showing up a whole lot more in Hollywood etc as there was more intelligence involvement- so a lot more after the 70s, but a majority of them show up in the 2000s, and a ton in the 2010s, when Kate Rothschild, Jay-Z, Jay Electronica, Beyonce, all started that ‘Illuminati’ PR campaign, which ‘just happened’ to coincide with ‘Pizzagate’ soon after- which are all sort of trails that are bizarre, but lead nowhere- almost like your usual tabloid shakedowns, where there is truth being thrown out there, but in a cartoonish form not to send the ostensible message, but to send a message to those in question. Seems more likely, in my opinion- an ‘elite capture’ operation by way of luring celebrities in, corrupting them- drugs, prostitutes, ‘which seems normal’- then have a few of the ‘liaisons’ threaten to say this or that about them, which may or may not be true, but it keeps them towing the line in the press, with the NGOs. Then on top of it, you have all these photos, with them doing hand signs, allowing another layer of threat, which could associate them with a larger conspiracy should it need to happen. Maybe throw another Weinstein under the bus, call him ‘The Ringleader,’ show him making those handsigns- and they can threaten a sequel to ‘Metoo’- destroying an entire class of celebrities with one scandal. And guess who orchestrates it? Judeo-Freemasons, and their Mafias, who stay off the hook by using duress and extortion. Just like many who’ve studied Epstein/Maxwell have noted, the ‘Metoo’ movement was something very small on Twitter, focused on poor black women, until it was co-opted by celebrity culture. Those same authors who’ve studied these figures trace much of that ‘co-opting’ of the hashtag, the entire blackmail/sabotage scheme itself, back to Steven Spielberg, a core member of the Mega Group Roundtable.
As long as they keep that ‘influencer’ retweet sphere, the ‘cancel’ thing in line, it’s basically a way to run an ongoing shakedown of any sphere of the economy, and vice is always a part of that. But no need to do that, if all you want to do is piss off Christians, or anyone not wanting to deal with some Judeo-Freemasonic conspiracy (esp if they’re ‘white people’ these days)- just use the PR for a strategy of tension, to make people angry, then call them crazed terrorists just for seeing the obvious. Then later they can say it was to ‘make people more Christian,’ like they did in Ireland (as shown in the doc ‘The Man Who Knew Too Much’).
Two great books on that, though, if you haven’t already read them. One is ‘Codes of the Underworld’ by Diego Gambosa, and the other is ‘Made Men: a history of Ritual, Myth, and Symbol in the Mafia.’ I know you’ve used the term ‘Made Men’ quite a bit already in your articles, so it fits. The ‘Codes’ book has a lot more on the hand gestures, etc that the video didn’t/wasn’t able to describe extensively.
This seems quite feasible to me, plus a lot of hard mind kontrol of these celebs.
Nelson Mandela & the Jews
On his 73rd birthday, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret Jewish history.
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People.
Still Denying the Rothschilds Are Behind The Great Reset? Stop, It’s Getting Ridiculous!
Zionists Occupying Ukraine & Russia.
The Jews Really Do Own Everything.
Satan In Hollywood – English US Version – Hervé Ryssen – 2016
The Sephardi Connection – Hervé Ryssen .. https://odysee.com/@didi18:e/Herve-Ryssen—The-Sephardi-Connection:b?r=4s52A16PbhwSLJGA2PmBQ7mbqbbPnswd
At the beginning of this century The Crown moved to further consolidate its position in Asia. It chose the small nation of Japan,which had no capacity for warfare, and sent over the great British armament firm of Vickers, Ltd. to build Japan into a major power. Vickers was financed by the House of Rothschild.Following agreement signed on January 30, 1902, under which the Japanese agreed to become the Crown’s ‘policeman’ in the Pacific, the Japanese army and navy were quickly built
-up and armed with modern equipment. In July, 1903, The Crown demanded that Russia abandon her position on the Kwantung Peninsula. Russia, which had spent $300,000,000 on improving the facilities (leased from China six years earlier), ,rejected the demand although they recognized that it meant war.Seven months later, night of February 8, 1904, a Japanese torpedo flotilla swept into the harbor at Port Arthur and attacked the Russian Fleet. They inflicted heavy damage,sinking two battleships and a heavy cruiser.P194