Perhaps it was some kind of a hoax, but the Los Angeles Times saw fit to run it as “news”: A start-up called BiteLabs claimed to want to make human test-tube meat a reality — and it wanted to use tissue samples from celebrities to do it.
A person only identified as “Martin” from the BiteLabs team told the Times, “At the moment, our primary goal is to provoke discussion and debate around topics of bioethics and celebrity culture. There are exciting opportunities to disrupt these industries while opening new ways to consume celebrity culture.”
BiteLabs website explains how this would work. A sample of tissue containing myosatellite cells (the type of cells that help repair and regrow damaged muscle) would be taken from the celebrity during a biopsy. Those cells are multiplied in a lab using a medium that acts as artificial blood to grow muscle.
Once the cells are mature enough, they will be ground and mixed with different kinds of meat, spices, fats and oils for flavor using one of the company’s “time-honored recipes for the creation of fine cured meats.” It will then be stuffed into casings, seasoned again then dry aged and cured before packaging for distribution.
Katy Perry Goes Cannibal
The obsession with “celebrity culture” is being exploited for brainwashing the impressionable to get accustomed to a satanic cannibalistic world in Netflix’s Santa Clarita Diet.
And while they’re at it, why not throw a strong dose of Spirit Cooking into the mix in the form of Katy Perry’s latest video, “Bon Appetit.”
Billboard magazine described the video:
When she first appears, the singer lies on a bed, sealed in plastic wrapping. It’s not too long before chefs cut the singer free from the packaging and start kneading her like dough. ThPerhaps it was some kind of a hoax, but the Los Angeles Times saw fit to run it as “news”: A start-up called BiteLabs claimed to want to make human test-tube meat a reality — and it wanted to use tissue samples from celebrities to do it.
A person only identified as “Martin” from the BiteLabs team told the Times, “At the moment, our primary goal is to provoke discussion and debate around topics of bioethics and celebrity culture. There are exciting opportunities to disrupt these industries while opening new ways to consume celebrity culture.”
BiteLabs website explains how this would work. A sample of tissue containing myosatellite cells (the type of cells that help repair and regrow damaged muscle) would be taken from the celebrity during a biopsy. Those cells are multiplied in a lab using a medium that acts as artificial blood to grow muscle.
Once the cells are mature enough, they will be ground and mixed with different kinds of meat, spices, fats and oils for flavor using one of the company’s “time-honored recipes for the creation of fine cured meats.” It will then be stuffed into casings, seasoned again then dry aged and cured before packaging for distribution.
And while they’re at it, why not throw a strong dose of Spirit Cooking into the mix in the form of Katy Perry’s latest video, “Bon Appetit.”
Billboard magazine described the video:e chefs continue cooking Perry — in different phases from boiling in a large pot to garnishing with carrots — as she sings the suggestive lyrics.
After her hair is completely chopped off, the singer is served up by head chef Roy Choi. Migos looks down at all the action from their secluded VIP section, rapping their tasty food innuendos. At the end, Perry does a quick routine on a stripper pole before being served her own pie — full of dismembered body parts (seriously).

This follows on the re-branding of Perry, as headlined last month at Vogue, “Katy Perry Is Leaving Her Cutesy Style Behind and Going Androgynous, Architectural and Political.”
The musical video was published at Youtube on May 12, 2017 and four years later has over 1.1 billion views and is running strong. This is where YouTube makes the big bucks and is where it wants you headed.
There are some who are sane enough to disapprove, and in today’s culture they are gas lighted as “haters” for it. The following exchange in the video’s comment section epitomizes the modernity-twisted thinking:
ed rage: Just logged in to dislike this shit 🙂
So Coman: Haters gonna hate… forever.
Yet another coincidence?
Hollywood Reprobates Attend MOCA Spirit Cooking Gala
This is living proof that The Serpent Seed Jews are Canaanites = Cannibals, as are African blacks who frequently eat each other.
Amazing how they have advanced since us Brits, Frenchies, Dutch and Belgians were kicked out, and all thanks to the Jews.
I remember reading about the cloning of celebrity flesh for consumption in science fiction writer Samuel Delaney’s 1984 novel, “Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand.” Delaney paints a future universe filled with “wonderfully” diverse cultures and creatures. Reviewers showered Delaney with praise. In real life, Delaney is homosexual and teetered on the edge of madness for a time.
That Katy Perry “music video” was Satanic enough, but those non-whites feeling this beautiful but deranged woman all over is sickening. I wonder how many looking white, were actually Jews?
Excuse me while I vomit.
As it was in the days of Noah….
Shocks make Big Bucks.
Katy is bored. A pathetic case of ennui. She craves visceral pleasures. She craves more of everything.
What a sad human unbeing she is.
Agreed, but when you sell your being to Satan the Adversary, as she has admitted, then any behaviour that might be deemed as unusual, becomes very understandable.
Jewish Ritual Murder Arnold Leese