Russ Winter returns for his regular discussion with Giuseppe. The duo deep dive into the shocking epidemic of Dindu-on-White vicious, sucker-punching crowd pile on violence. Concepts such as defense leagues in schools and neighborhoods were broached.
Plus was Bill Cosby set up under false allegations because of his tough love role towards elements in the black community?
I’m old. I remember this when i was a kid. Probably about the age of the kids in the video.
404 error on the podcast link
YOUTUBE: Bill Cosby: The Life and Downfall of an Icon
2.31M subscribers
1,163,525 views Jan 25, 2019
Bill Cosby is a stand-up comedian and actor. He became an American icon, and someone who millions of people looked to as a father figure, and a moral compass. He would disappoint the entire world when they began to learn that he was not at all the wonderful person that he portrayed himself to be. Today on Biographics, we are going to talk about the life, career, and downfall of Bill Cosby.