When Winter Watch undertook open-source research into the downfall of Bill Cosby, we were operating under the false notion that he had drugged, raped or sexually assaulted some forty one women over nearly 50 years. There are allegedly more who are “Jane Does.” And, after all, could more than 41 women commit one big lie? Well guess again. Cosby’s list of accusers can be gleaned here.
The narrative is quite consistent and states that going back to the 1960s, Cosby presented to women little white mystery pills believed to be GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate). Why anyone would deliberately ingest a drug that could facilitate their own rape is a subject of intense debate. As you read the accounts and to our surprise very few claim they were slipped a mickey.
Implausibly, Cosby was said to be Mr. Johnny on the Spot with his mystery pills whenever a woman had a headache, needed cheering up, suffered menstrual cramps, the flu, etc. Many accusers were Hollywood wannabes, party girls, Playboy bunnies, prostitutes, and a number have criminal records. Most have made their allegations decades after the incidents.
Women who ingested the magic pills said they awoke five hours later covered in Bill Cosby’s semen and no memory of what happened. One “victim’s” impact statement alleged, “There was a horrible mess of semen all over my face. I bordered on vomiting. He was mumbling that I had been blessed with his semen as if it was holy water.”
Some “victims” accused Cosby of raping them on “multiple occasions.” How does that one work? Not date rape, but repeat dating rape? A Jane Doe called “Patricia” said she met Cosby in the 1970s when she was in her 20s and claims Cosby sexually assaulted her on two occasions. After a dinner party at his house one night, she woke up naked after blacking out from one drink. Her “memory” was lucid enough to recall that he her “cover her face in oatmeal” and “pretended to be an elegant queen.” She says Cosby demanded she lose weight and style her hair like Queen Noor of Jordan.
“I would leave the room and walk back in, pretending to be a queen with oatmeal on her face, and he would tell me I was doing it wrong and to go back and try again. Then, I started to feel weird from the drink. And then I don’t remember much,” she claimed in the lawsuit.
Barbara Bowman claims she was drugged and raped by Cosby on multiple occasions over the course of many years. She said Cosby would pay for her to get on planes and fly to different cities where he could re-rape her over and over again. Bowman explained her “re-rape” accusations by reasoning that Svengali-like Cosby “brainwashed” her to travel the country in order to be repeatedly drugged and raped.
Besides often sounding like farcical yarns, allegations are incredibly short on detail, lack dates and stem back a long, long time. Cosby was married, so he rarely took these women home. But he was able to pull off his crimes in crowded public places, apartments of unidentified friends, dinner parties and public events. Often, “victim” introductions were said to have been made during outings in groups or entourages.
A number of allegations involve the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. Yet, somehow Cosby was drugging and raping scores of women for decades without any word getting out. In open-source research, Winter Watch was unable to find a single associate, credible witness (who is not seeking a financial reward) or buddy of Cosby’s who can corroborate this kind of behavior or recollect rumors about it.
Autumn Burns says she met Cosby while working as a waitress on the gaming floor of a casino in Las Vegas in 1970. After attending one of Cosby’s comedy shows, she claims he gave her a drink that caused her to feel woozy. Somehow, in a busy public casino, Cosby then managed to get a knocked out Burns into his hotel suite where he “raped” her.
Similarly, Jane Doe “Elizabeth” says she met Cosby in 1976 on an airplane when she was a 20-year-old flight attendant. She alleges that, during a dinner with Cosby at a Japanese restaurant, he gave her a glass of sake, after which she claims that she fell into a “trance-like state” and ended up in Cosby’s hotel room, where she was allegedly forced to perform an unspecified sex act.
Indeed, in 2013, after five decades of alleged drugging, dragging or carrying passed out women to private locations and then raping them, the “word” only started coming out with an onstage “Cosby the Rapist” joke from a second-rate black comedian named Hannibal Buress. Then, suddenly and out of the blue, the narrative went viral and was picked by the lugenpresse. And just as suddenly, dozens of accusers came forth with an “organized lie.”
Are we to believe that so many women, who came from active social circles (Playboy bunnies, etc.), never talked or gossiped about Cosby? And importantly given the demand for the company of A-list celebrities and assuming Cosby was a player, it’s still unclear why he would have to resort to drugging women to have sex with them. Is a sick/depressed, drugged, unconscious woman some sort of big turn on? Maybe it’s just me, but isn’t having an aware, responsive partner during sex the whole idea?
Following the typical pattern, one Victoria Valentino, a former Playboy playmate, claims that she was introduced to Cosby by another Playboy bunny in 1970. Valentino alleges that she and her roommate went out for dinner and drinks with Cosby, who allegedly offered her a pill that would cheer her up. In a Washington Post interview (yes, faux news again), Valentino claims Cosby drove her and her roommate up to an apartment in Hollywood’s Hills. She alleges he forced her to perform oral sex and then raped her. What the heck was Victoria’s “roommate” doing during this implausible sequence of events?
In an interview with New York Daily News, Patricia Masten claims that in 1979 Cosby attacked her while she was working as a bunny at the Playboy Club in Chicago. According to Masten, he allegedly lured her to his room where he served her a glass of alcohol, after which she claims to have blacked out. She awoke hours later in bed next to Cosby, who was naked. Masten claims Cosby did this to several bunnies, saying, “There are a dozen former bunnies that I know of with similar stories, but they’re afraid to come forward.”
One La’Chelle Covington went to the police immediately after Bill Cosby allegedly unsuccessfully attempted to guide her hand toward his crotch. The police said no crime was committed, so she changed her story, adding that Cosby also fondled her breasts. La’Chelle’s own sister, an eyewitness to the incident, was quoted as saying, “She wasn’t molested.”
Before going on to the more serious allegations, one can quickly see that many of the women on the list of Cosby’s accusers are merely claiming he made a pass or unsuccessfully attempted a genital grab by taking their hand. But these stories tend to be lumped in as rape. For example, actress Carla Ferrigno, wife of “The Incredible Hulk” actor Lou Ferrigno, said she and Lou were invited on a double date in 1967 with Cosby and his wife. Carla claims that both couples went to Cosby’s home and were shooting pool in the basement. She goes on to allege that at one point, she and Cosby ended up alone together, and that he pulled her close and kissed her roughly as she tried to fight him off.
There are a few incidents that seem consistent with some aspects Bill Cosby has admitted to; specifically, the use of Quaaludes, a popular drug in the 1970s. The case of Therese Serignese, therefore, sounds a bit more credible, although it could very well be exaggerated. Speaking with People magazine on Nov. 20, 2014, Seringese alleged that she met with Cosby in Las Vegas, after one of his stand-up shows, when she was 19 years old. She claims that Cosby pressured her into taking Quaaludes — a powerful sedative, hypnotic drug – and then pressured her into agreeing to engage in sexual activity.
Serignese told People, “My next memory is I felt high; I don’t remember what happened in the meantime. Then my next memory is being in that vanity room, by that big mirror, and he didn’t have any clothes on, and obviously I didn’t either by that point. I don’t know how they got off. I don’t have that memory… I was just like bent over, and he was saying all kinds of dirty stuff,” she says. “I felt powerless, I didn’t know what to do.”
Again, being “pressured” into taking Quaaludes and then sex by a player (as opposed to a rapist) is quite vague, even if believable. So in effect, the organizers of this take down have rounded up women that Cosby made passes at or had consensual sex with under the influence of drugs to add to the mix. Much has been made of his 2005 deposition where he admitted offering Ludes to women he had sex with. This has been reworded as “used Ludes” on these women. But that’s not what he said: offering implies consent if the woman took them.
Should these women be included on a list of 41 “raped” women whose photos are plastered on the front cover of the New Yorker? If so every man reading this who had drunk or high sex forty years ago (or last night) is in a world of hurt. And heaven help you if you ever tried to cop a feel from a woman you thought you were on good terms with.
Another variation of this comes from one Renita Chaney Hill who claims that Cosby traveled the country with her and paid her tuition while drugging and raping her. Her parents approved of this arrangement. “Drugging and raping”? Even if the roadie travel account is true, this sounds more like a consensual sugar-daddy arrangement.
One account seems credible in terms of Cosby’s own admissions. In the 1970s, Joyce Emmons ran a number of comedy clubs and claims that she and Cosby would often hang out. Emmons alleges Cosby had “a drawer full of drugs,” including Quaaludes. She did not allege rape. The storyline has morphed into Cosby drugging them on Quaaludes to have unwilling sex. But that’s not what Cosby said nor did Emmons, which was that he used the substance with willing sex partners as a consensual adjunct to sex.
Shawn Upshaw had a longer term consensual affair with Cosby and is currently the only woman with whom he has admitted to having an affair. Upshaw’s daughter, Autumn Jackson, was sent to prison for attempting to extort $40 million from Cosby, who is possibly her biological father. After learning of the lawsuit, Upshaw suddenly determined that Cosby must have drugged and raped her as well and then made her own accusations against him.
More serious allegations fall apart
Chloe Goins is a prostitute (arrested and charged) whose accusations against Cosby are nearly identical to those made by Judy Huth, who claims that Bill Cosby forced her to give him a hand job at the Playboy mansion when she was 15.
Unfortunately for Goins “case,” video evidence exists from 2008 that proves that neither her nor Bill Cosby were even at the Playboy mansion on the day that she claims to have been raped. Legal counsel for Cosby stated that on the date of the alleged assault (Aug. 9, 2008) there are flight and telephone records that clearly place Cosby in New York City — 2,500 miles from the mansion.
Linda Joy Traitz claims Cosby tried to drug and assault her more than 40 years ago. Turns out she has a long criminal history. Traitz got out of prison in 2012 after serving more than three years for trafficking Oxycodone, possession of a controlled substance and obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. She’s been arrested and/or charged with various other crimes, including ID fraud, battery, theft and drug offenses.
Joan Tarshis went public in Nov. 2014 with allegations that Bill Cosby had raped her in 1969. “I was sitting up writing one second, and the next second I was lying down on the couch having my underwear taken off,” Tarshis told CBS News. She went on to claim that Cosby raped her twice.
It’s clear that the many news sources that carried Joan Tarshis’ allegations in typical fashion did not do any fact checking of her story or her background. If they had, they would have immediately found that Cosby did not appear at the Westbury Music Fair in Westbury, New York, in the fall of 1969. This is when Tarshis claims he attacked her after giving a show there.
Cosby attorney Marty Singer pointed out, “There is virtually no standard by which the media are holding Mr Cosby’s accusers. Anyone and everyone who wants to file a suit or get on television can be guaranteed fawning coverage. The very same media have demonstrated an unconscionable disinterest in the veracity of his accusers and their motives.”

One Chelan Lasha is yet another self-proclaimed victim of Cosby’s widespread and apparently secret predatory behaviors at the Las Vegas Hilton as late as 1986. Lasha’s lengthy record includes prostitution, theft, disorderly conduct, trespassing, drug use, weapon possession and false reporting.
Tamara Green shared her story on the “Today” show in 2005. She told Matt Lauer she was suffering from the flu when she met Cosby and “a number of other people” at an L.A. restaurant. According to Green, Cosby gave her pills that would help with her flu symptoms, and before long she was nearly unconscious. Green went on to claim that Cosby took her back to her home, undressed her and began groping her.
Green was suspended from practicing law by the State Bar of California and was placed on probation. Green failed to disperse a $20,000 medical settlement to a client and instead pocketed the money for herself.
After Cosby publicly denied sexually assaulting Green, she immediately filed a frivolous lawsuit against him and his attorneys that alleged that his act of defending himself from her allegations had “impugned her reputation.”
In another case, one Louisa Moritz claims Cosby just showed up in her dressing room and attempted to stick his willy in her mouth during a taping of “The Tonight Show” in 1971. Subsequent records proved that she and Cosby were never on “The Tonight Show” at the same time, yet she still insists that she is a victim and deserves money. She and, as we will see, many others who have been debunked appeared in a highly stylized feature in New York magazine.
In the case of two other accusers, former models Beverly Johnson and Janice Dickinson, their own manager shot the stories down as completely inconsistent with accounts given to him years earlier about a pleasant meeting with Cosby and his wife. Johnson claims that she was invited to Cosby’s home on multiple occasions, but during her last visit, he allegedly gave her coffee that she later realized was laced with drugs.
Johnson claims that she knew almost immediately that she had been drugged, and when Cosby began trying to put his hands on her, she screamed at him. According to Johnson, he became enraged, kicked her out of his house and shoved her into a cab, leaving her confused and disoriented.
Accuser Janet Dickinson in a televised interview looked scripted with poor acting and fake crying without tears at end. She alleges she just so happened to take Polaroid photos of Cosby before the rape. These are shown on air. That clown suit is how Cosby dressed in 1982? Off by a decade and a half.
The one thing that most of Cosby’s accusers seem to have in common is that they are represented by feminist attorney Gloria Allred – a woman whose life ambition is spinning anything and everything into “sexism.” All the accusers Allred represents have financial incentives. They are demanding $100 million. After about four years of having his name dragged in the mud, the lawsuits are being dismissed as unactionable.
Once the smear campaign against Cosby started in earnest, friends and defenders materialized.
Cosby himself has refrained from much comment except to say, “I know people are tired of me not saying anything, but a guy doesn’t have to answer to innuendos.”
Cosby’s wife of over a half century, Camille, continues to defend her husband despite the fact that he has admitted to infidelities.
Whoopi Goldberg defended Cosby on “The View.” This resulted in people making angry calls to the network. The network heads then forced Whoopi to change her opinion under the threat of being fired and blacklisted.
Phylicia Rashad defended Cosby and was quickly misquoted by the media in an attempt to demonize her.
Other performers who knew and socialized with him had no idea Cosby was carrying out years and years of serial drugging and raping.
Eddie Griffin has publicly stated that the accusations against Cosby are part of a systematic conspiracy to bring down all successful black men.
Waka Flocka Flame believes that Cosby is being framed and the accusations against him are “propaganda” and an “organized lie.”
LulzKiller and Meepsheep have said there’s “no way Cosby would fuck with any of those ugly ass bitches when a high-end escort who knows to keep her mouth shut would not at all be a financial burden when you’re Bill Cosby.”
Stacey Dash, who worked professionally with Cosby, called him a total gentleman.
In trial Cosby’s attorney is shredding the shaky testimony of Andrea Constand under cross examination. This is particularly the case given that we have yet another instance of multiple gropings over a period of time. In addition we hear the familiar nonsense of going to hang out with Cosby while feeling under the weather. She also embarked on covertly recording her relationship with Cosby.
Constand is the director of operations for the Temple University women’s basketball team. She says that in November of 2002, she met with Cosby – a Temple University alum – when he approached her and offered to be her mentor in an attempt to gain her trust. In January 2004, she says she met with Cosby at his home in Pennsylvania and alleges that he gave her pills that he said would “ease her anxiety”. Constand claims that after drugging her, Cosby groped and sexually assaulted her.
In December 2015, Cosby was arraigned on one charge of aggravated indecent assault in connection to Constand’s accusation. He posted $1 million bail. The whole case has a rancid, corrupt, Star Chamber quality to it. Ultimately Cosby served three years in prison, before recent news that he was “released on a technicality”. To our eyes, he was released because the Star Chamber pushed their luck in his case.
Star Chamber: a Winter Watchism for the ad hoc, highly corrupted legal and justice system in America.
Winter Watch’s Takeaway: What was the motive for the organized deceptive takedown of Bill Cosby? Besides the motive of an unethical monetary extortion of a super wealthy man, estimated to be worth $350 million, he was both a feather ruffler and not politically correct.
He operated outside of the Crime Syndicate, was independent and marched to his own drummer. He tended to avoid the powerful alliances needed to function in modern corrupted America. Accordingly, he failed to grease enough greedy palms. For instance, in the 1990s, he attempted to solo bid for NBC Universal so as to create a venue that expressed family values.
Others likely thought he was a hypocrite because of bully pulpit lecturing to black America, telling them to take some personal responsibility. He was called a “public moralist.” We at WW believe this made him a target of social and pervert justice warriors. Hannibal Buress in his so-called “comedy routine” all but admits it. Cosby was blunt about the message:
Ladies and gentlemen, the lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids — $500 sneakers for what? And won’t spend $200 for ‘Hooked on Phonics.’
Cosby trended toward conservative black nationalism. In 2004, he gave what is known as the Pound Cake speech to the NAACP. In it, he contrasted the brave black political activism of the 1950s and ’60s with present-day thuggery. It was tough-love that set off a firestorm.
Besides ripping into the ebonized English of ghetto blacks, Cosby also attacked black naming conventions, saying:
“We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don’t know a damned thing about Africa. With names like Shaniqua, Shaligua, Mohammed and all that crap and all of them are in jail.”
He also avoided jumping on the Muslim demonization bandwagon of kosher Hollywood. He even praised the Nation of Islam and made remarks such as this:
I’m a Christian. But Muslims are misunderstood. Intentionally misunderstood. We should all be more like them.
“I’m telling you Christians, what’s wrong with you? Why can’t you hit the streets? Why can’t you clean it out yourselves?”
“When you want to clear your neighborhood out, first thing you do is go get the Black Muslims, bean pies and all. And your neighborhood is then clear.”
Cosby’s troubles also seemed to begin when it became clear he was no fan of Trump back when The Donald started making noises about running for president. In fact, they had a running feud that probably wasn’t going away.
Net-net, when we look at Cosby’s point of view, it’s almost like he would have been a good guest writer for WW, and that won’t fly in today’s world. Taking him down removed an icon and added fuel to rape culture agit-prop.
We hold that there is evidence Cosby was likely a player and womanizer back in his Playboy mansion and club days and during his Vegas stints. Even as an older guy he seemed to have a good libido.
Adding to it all though is “someone” has dug up a litany of sometimes half-truth dirt and outright fabrications on his passes at women, fondles, crotch grabs, gropes, kisses or whatever. In this group, those not asking for money can have some credibility. Gloria Allred is representing 33 of the alleged victims in civil suits seeking large sums of money.
And he does admit to 1970s pill usage and, in particular, Quaaludes. To quote Cosby himself about the accusation experience: “You are driving down the road, see a puddle, and think should only be three inches deep. Instead it is six feet.”
But the ludicrous stories of being drugged, dragged away and raped told by many five minutes of fame sketchy opportunists fall apart under scrutiny and are nothing more than an organized smear campaign to sell magazines and facilitate lawsuits. The re-rape stories where Cosby- like some Svengali -re-offended with the same women and the same MO are truly absurd.
In fact, the faux media have done little — if any — fact checking, going instead with blatant bias and extreme sensationalism. It’s almost as if a memo came down from somewhere from within the Hollywood Mafia. Cosby himself called it “nefarious forces.”
Bill Cosby behind Bars
Blacks are not allowed to stray off the Demoncrap victimhood plantation. As soon as Cosby tried he was lynched to set an example. Blacks belong to the Demoncraps since Johnson bought them with the “war on poverty” welfare. Any Black preaching taking responsibility and not blaming whitey is definitely not allowed. And any White doing that is “rayciss”.
Yeah…Dems desperately clings to blacks, but the African nation is starting to wake up sending Dems in a mad scramble to lock up the 51st State (i.e. Hispanola) with fear mongering about The Wall and immigration bans, etc
Quite a face lift scar across her hairline. Looks like she tried to buy herself a forehead.
every wonder why Goria Allred never named her rapist? She knew him, knew his name, and yet she’s never named him. Why? She takes accusations that are 50 years old from women, calling them courageous for finally going after a man, yet she doesn’t name her own rapist. That’s odd.
Cosby doesn’t incarnate the liberal stereotype of black men as addicts, wife beaters, repeat offenders, and such who miraculously create quality entertainment. Instead he’s disciplined, long time married, and advises young entertainers to avoid drugs and trouble while working hard and saving money.
This is liberal officialdom’s revenge, hiring females who made drunker/stoned advances hoping to further their careers and were turned down. Who wants to fuck a drunk?
should string all those bitches up and throw their asses in prison. Id say sue but their broke asses probably haven’t got anything.
Wait…so Bill Cosby diddled Howard Stern after slipping him a Mickey? What the hell is going on today?
Luciferians on parade.
This story about menstrual cramps is ridiculous. I cannot fathom discussing such things with anyone except maybe my mother, best friend, doctor and boyfriend — and especially 20-30 years ago and with a high profile celeb like Cosby. “Oh, hey, Coz, can I have an autograph? By the way, I’m on the rag.” Yeah, right.
Good article. Thanks.
Great article…
this author is a better journalist than any of the biggies out there who could care less about investigating a story, even with such glaring problems. Thank you.
Is Goria Allred now Barb Bowman’s attorney? Because Bowman stated that she tried to tell, says she went to one lawyer who laughed her out of the office, and she went also to Allred who refused her.
Uh, have you not seen the video of Cosby, as a young man, doing standup jokes about drugging a woman’s drinks, ‘having sex’ with same woman and then calling her crazy the next day?
The video exists. I saw it years ago and was shocked he had been so overt. This whole tack is extremely unfortunate for you, Russ. Your work is otherwise interesting and this is a huge discredit to it.
I have looked for this so called video and can’t locate it. That’s why we have comments- so that you can make the case and produce some evidence. You haven’t done that and instead have used innuendo. No one has ever accused Cosby of slipping mickeys.
If you can’t find it neither will I, and it’s disingenuous to deny it might have been memory holed purposely. I absolutely saw this video around 2-3 years ago and it was absolutely about slipping drugs into a woman’s drink, not just waiting for her to get drunk (which could in some cases be rape although obviously not as often clearcut). When you say ‘slipping mickeys’ are you trying to claim the drug you cite is somehow not going to disable women from consenting – that there is a qualitative difference between it and ‘mickeys?’
You write mention Cosby’s “passes at women, fondles, crotch grabs, gropes, kisses or whatever” and “That is if 40 year old fondles even matter and are worth damages.”
That is utterly sick and summarizes why this article is obscene. The only case you’ve made is that you equate violence with sex.
I doubt such a video would have been memory holed. There was a concerted campaign to discredit and tarnish Bill Cosby.
A 40 year old grope exceeds any reasonable legal standard of being actionable. That’s why these accusation all fell flat.
So Mr. Truther, it hasn’t occurred to you that the concerted campaign was to discredit white women’s claims of being raped by black men? Prosecutions never play to lose?
You don’t think a man, black or otherwise, who gropes a woman’s breasts or butt against her will is any type of issue 40 years later – that such an incident could never change that woman’s life in some basic way?
You consider a man putting this GHB into a woman’s drink an act of foreplay, and not a precursor to assault? You avoid answering the question of what difference there is between spiking a drink with GHB and a ‘mickey’ when it comes to adducing assault/rape, quite purposely I’m sure.
There are reasons for statues of limitation for even serious crimes. A butt squeeze is not considered serious in criminal law. The legal system, and rightly so, considers the testimony and evidence much more diminished with the passage of time.
This is especially true when you have a wealthy target and organized accusations (and I say lies) that go back decades. More importantly I have shown that most of these accusations broke down under close examination- Cosby wasn’t there, others refuted them, etc, etc. Almost all the accusers do not state the Cosby spiked drinks. What is left was a witchhunt. Unlike other cases of late Cosby never settled for even one dime.
No, this is not the video. The one I saw was of him standing and telling a somewhat similar joke (one that he may have told numerous times in different versions). The wording was different and more implicating of Cosby.
It is typical for rapists and the system to accuse women who report rape of being ‘crazy.’
The notion that something was a ‘joke’ to some demographic ‘back then’ doesn’t mean it wasn’t actually describing rape or assault.
Even if he told such a joke, that’s hardly evidence that he engaged in such behavior. Russ makes a pretty good case that a lot of the allegations are false or totally unproven.
If the video exists, Cosby would be incriminating himself. The lurid concocted testimonies by aged gold diggers 40 – 50 years after the alleged event would hardly be required.
Assuming you are, indeed, a White “Gentile”: What IS it with “white” men defending Bill Cosby? I actually met him when I was a co-ed/actress. He told nasty jokes about having sex with Mexican prostitutes who were so poor he had to f. them on a board over sawhorses, etc.. In my experience Cosby was cruel and was NOT the good guy he played on TV. He wanted to spend the night with me. I asked “what about your wife?”. He said approximately “that’s your problem”. I literally ran away from him & was worried he’d have someone hurt me. My name is Elena Haskins. I put up the first known Real Name ProWhite website by a woman in 1997: http://www.WakeUpOrDie.com–which was the trigger for relentless harassment. Why are you wasting time defending a very wealthy black man instead of helping ProWhite activists?
If you read the post carefully and clicked the links you would see it addressed serious rape allegations against Cosby. It wasn’t about his mythos of being the perfect good guy. Additionally the notion that he was a womanizer or made unwanted passes on women is an entirely different issue. If unwanted (or wanted) passes is the issue, put the handcuffs on most men.
In terms of the real issue the post discussed, that of serial rape allegations, I have shown that most of these accusations broke down under close examination- Cosby wasn’t there, others refuted them, etc, etc. Almost all the accusers do not state that Cosby spiked drinks. What is left was a witchhunt. Cosby never settled for even one dime.
Finally, I have no idea what being a white gentile has to do with ignoring an injustice.
I met Bill Cosby twice, once in the late 60s at the Chicago Bunny Hutch where I lived with other bunnies and where Hefner lived. We played pool in the basement and had a great time chatting, a nickel a game. Never a nasty word or sexual innuendo, Years later in Dayton, Ohio he came in to Stouffer’s Hotel late one night after his show. We chatted, and I was getting off work and he asked if I wanted to get coffee and a sandwich. I said sure and met him outside and we went to a little local sandwich shop. We talked until 4 in the morning about politics. When we said goodbye, he gave me a hug and wished me the best. I wrote about this when I found out he was being railroaded.
The Bill Cosby I Once Knew was nothing like what these women describe.
“What was the motive for the organized deceptive takedown of Bill Cosby?” Russ Winter inquires in this article.
In July 2020, the answer is so obvious in the context of the current BLM/Floyd powder keg and the crime syndicate’s preparations for this. They would of course want to silence any potential voices of reason among influential black figures. To put a muzzle on Bill Cosby would have been a no-brainer for them, and these false accusations and consequential incarceration would have been mission accomplished for that potential target for sure.
You make a powerful case, Russ, and your frightening thesis may be entirely right. But I’m finding it hard to drum up any tears for Cosby after he’s allowed himself to be racially prostituted all these years by the jewsmedia. “I Spy broke ground in that it was the first American television drama to feature a black actor (Cosby) in a lead role”, brags Wikipedia — just what America needed most in 1965 (with world impact).
At one point he added an anti-apartheid sign to the Bill Cosby Show set and stood NBC down when they objected. In much of sitcom history normal intact family life has been virtually banned among white characters, while the Cosby Show put forth the laughable premise of a black obstetrician idyllically married to a black lawyer raising healthy, happy kids in an enviable NYC townhouse.
I wouldn’t put it past multiple women to come back for repeated violation by the negro entertainment messiah. Women are drawn to superficial, faddish measures of success and strength — look at the white fillies mating with blacks all around us expressly because of brainwashing by the media, schools, govt and churchdom. I’ve seen bizarre instances of this mentality. The vulgar movie mogul Harry Cohn, designed the Columbia Pictures headquarters with a special corridor for women’s access to his casting couch room, which they used with abandon.
Cosby was and no doubt remains a civil rightser. He and his wife have majorly collected and promoted African “art”. A CNN article “Bill Cosby admitted to getting Quaaludes to give to women” seems genuinely damning.
Keep up the great work, Russ — and thank you very much for it.
Well this was an interesting post to read. Seems you have a very specific perspective that may have been established quite some time ago as evidenced by this excerpt:
“…while the Cosby Show put forth the laughable premise of a black obstetrician idyllically married to a black lawyer raising healthy, happy kids in an enviable NYC townhouse.”
And what exactly is wrong with trying to set a positive idea into motion that uplifts the viewer? American television has been a mental ghetto for decades, and this gentleman decides to offer an uplifting image, which you decide is “laughable”. Really? So you would prefer that gang banger projection of persona? The thug? The drug user? The rapist? Mr. Cosby is also well known for telling young Black / Brown youth to “pull their pants up” and have “self respect”.
Oh wait, here is a real life African American physician and his wife, an accomplished business woman (albeit, not an attorney, but similar in accomplishment to the television show’s premise):
What so laughable now?
Since I am a gentleman and a big fan of both RW / Torchy, I am going to leave it here; however, I would (very humbly / respectfully) suggest that you are wrong both in your perspective and your entire post. Obviously, you will choose to believe what you believe, and live, how you live; yet, I felt this thread could use some balance, since we (many of the rest of us also participating in WW) do not all follow the same path that you seem to walk.
Simple Citizen
Thanks so much for your reply, Simple Citizen. Wish I got more of them, especially as civilized as yours.
What’s so laughable now? The idea that the Huxtables were typical of negro life — the clear intention of the show’s creators and producers. This is always the agenda with them, showing nonwhites as smarter/ hipper/ better people. Everything they do is weaponized and has been for a long, long time. I leave comments in Youtube about how this comes gaggingly through in all kinds of media old and new.
In this age of ‘affirmative action’, minority set-asides ad inf. I have to entertain doubts about Dr. Carson’s talents, especially since he speaks so unimpressively. Given a choice, would you rather a negro or white doctor operate on you? Which would you rather have in charge of delivering your children? Be honest please.
Sure, just because we disagree does not mean we cannot be civil and have a discussion; no disrespect intended regarding our differences.
“Given a choice, would you rather a negro or white doctor operate on you? Which would you rather have in charge of delivering your children? Be honest please.”
Honestly, I just always try to seek out the best person for the job. With the number of injuries that I have had, and having been a former New Yorker, I have had all sorts of folks help me mend.
Regarding our child, the first family pediatrician was an African American woman (who relocated) and we absolutely valued everything about her. She was wonderful to all of us, and never pushed unnecessary vaccinations. Further, had a holistic perspective, which translated into her suggesting whole foods for great growth. She is one of the most level headed physicians I have ever come across, and I have met many due to my own accidents.
When I was seriously injured (hit by a vehicle), I was recommended to all these “specialists” (all white) who could not let me finish a sentence, before they started writing a script and then trying to move me along. Tee times in the Hamptons and Greenwich were far more important on a Friday morning than my problems. They took their diplomas and core groups of very affluent patients as an insulation for treating the less “well heeled” in a mechanical manner. Problem and solution was boiled down to “Stop talking, here is a miracle drug, now pay me and shove off”.
Then a friend I knew sent me straight down to Chinatown in order to see a man who literally got me back to myself (pre-accident). No mobility issues, no drug habits, and no major fallout for years to follow. Trust me, this guy was an immigrant in his teen years and had ZERO affirmative action assistance (since he studied Chinese / Oriental medicine and the U.S. did not pay for such training at that time) and yet he spent more time listening to me than at least a half dozen well credentialed white guys with degrees from the ivy league schools. In fact he encouraged me to speak so that he could clearly understand where pain was most intense and the surrounding areas to address for the long-term.
So I guess what our perspectives vary due to our experiences also varying. As I do not know where you are from or what your life has been like, I cannot really relate, just as you may have no real correlation to the experiences I have just explained to you. That is fine; I just think that on a thread such as this one, we both have a place to offer up our own ideas in a balance of sorts.
As for another point regarding African American doctors, if you look at my own post (below) you will see Mr. Dick Gregory. Prior to the shutdown from Conjob-19, I was slated to visit his son on Capitol Hill for some chiropractic support; Mr. Gregory’s son is a well known and highly recommended Chiropractor in Washington, District of Columbia. My hope is to visit his office in either August or September, and I look forward to it. To be clear, there are hundreds of chiropractors in the Washington, District of Columbia metro area and I am seeking this particular specialist out, because he is considered one of the best.
Lastly, on Dr. Carson, I would (humbly) opine that being soft spoken is not an indication of being false. Yes, Dr. Carson is a very mild mannered man; however, I still believe he is as accomplished as advertised. Further, I come from the perspective that most Americans who are loud (of which there are so many) are the ones who we should all be suspicious of. Case in point, although I have never met Dr. Carson, I did meet the “Reverend Alfred (Al) Charles Sharpton at a church function, and it would be hard for me to think of a time in which I was less impressed by a man. Informant CI-7 was loud, obnoxious and just plain ignorant; it was a disappointment that I even showed up to the church that day; had to pray to God in my mind in order to shut out his incessant blathering.
Now do I think he was blathering and ignorant because he is an African American? Nope. My thought was that he is of the firm belief that he can play anyone and is cleverer than all the other people he comes into contact with. There are many examples of fools that I have come in contact with (mostly white, obese, and often female or fat white guys who eat too much soy, which is pretty much the same thing) who are exactly like Informant Rev. Al.
Like I said, I think between us (you and me) it is just a lot of very different experiences.
You’re talking about two of the least typical areas of the country — NYC and DC. Doubt you’d feel the same if you lived in any average berg where white doctors are more down-to-earth and hospitals not getting the creme-de-la-creme among diversity hires.
How egalitarian are you? Is if fine with you if all your immediate neighbors turn black and your kids (or grandkids) marry them?
I think my thesis is unassailable — that the last 60 years of racial brainwashing by jews and their proxies is fatal for every western country (and then some), and that Cosby is a mostly terrible person and role model.
“…if you lived in any average berg where white doctors are more down-to-earth and hospitals not getting the creme-de-la-creme among diversity hires.”
These are not the only two places in which I have resided. Further, I have traveled the majority of the lower 48, as well as abroad; hence, I have been to many place and witnessed many events over the course of this life. Obviously, if you are truly unhappy where you are (I suspect a windowless building in Princeton, New Jersey that is kept very cold to maintain the servers), then you could move and (possibly) be happier, having grown in perspective.
Speaking of perspective, I am beginning to wonder to what extent I am speaking with an individual who truly has in interest in WW, and is seeking a bit of truth, or possibly someone who might have come to throw a few ideas against the wall to “see what sticks”.
No offense, but your writing style is rather generic and close to that of a “cutout”, who seeks to incite, without the normal offering of causality. You offer no details as to how you have reached your conclusions about people. There is no explanation of your surroundings (and I am even speaking of the most basic; for example, “I live near Michigan and it is ________________ , because of ______________” or some such thing).
Instead you offer us generic ideas (this such and such must be ________________, because they are __________________, oh yeah and Bill Cosby’s a ______________) and then declare that your are correct: “I think my thesis is unassailable…”.
Sorry, but what thesis did you offer us? There are no data points, no personal experiences, no thesis statement with supporting facts, no numbers / figures, no outline, and / or no summation. Hopefully your job is not too technical, and does not involve anything that may “meltdown”.
Respectfully, you have provided us with hasty generalizations about a group, or actually now groups in this last response:
“…that the last 60 years of racial brainwashing by jews and their proxies is fatal for every western country (and then some), and that Cosby is a mostly terrible person and role model.”
Yet you provide us with no reasoning as to how you have reached this perspective. Are you speaking from actual research or personal opinion? If you are speaking form research, could you give us some helpful references so that we might better understand your point-of-view? If you are speaking from experience, can you tell us what events caused you to reach your conclusions? Did a young black male beat you up in the school yard, and then did a boy named Saul (just an example) proceed to steal your milk money as you laid on the ground?
(An aside: What would be hilarious is if it turns out that you live in a foreign nation where there is a minuscule population to zero population of both black / brown folks and Jewish people [e.g. Russia or a similar place]. Or even better if it turned out that you were a Jewish, black / brown, man. Either admission would at least give me a hearty chuckle.
Yet if you are simply some guy or kid looking to incite on WW with the assumption that we are all of one mind, I would [very humbly] suggest you may have found yourself in the wrong place.)
Unfortunately, the use ad hominem in your post / responses does cause me to question your motives (sincere apologies in advance if I am wrong, and if you are a bot, then domo arigato Mr. Roboto) toward participation at WW and the people who add to the discussion. Further, this point also was odd to me:
“How egalitarian are you?”
(An aside: The choice of wording in this sentence seems to reveal quite a bit about “Neocons Nailed”; however, we will go with the theme and proceed forward.)
Is this ad hominem with a dash of whataboutism? Are you asking a redundant question for a purpose (since I have already stated that I judge all on their merits) or is it a veiled insult with a hope of realizing support for your offered ideas? What is the objective in offering up this question? Am I supposed to counter with a snide insult and anger or simply be redundant and offer up what I have already stated to you once before?
Further, I do believe I offered us both an “out” in my last response by stating the obvious idea that we probably just come from different places and have amassed different experiences (assuming you were, quite possibly, a normal human who has a valid interest in WW). Yet, you seemed to stroll right past that option to walk a new path, and resumed a generic position of reiterating the perspective that you began with in this thread? Why?
Most folks might have acknowledged the idea that we are different and left it at that, or possibly offered a background reason for their own perspective, which would simply highlight the “You might be right. We are different due to the fact that when I was a little girl, LaToya (example) did ______________ to me, when Daddy and Mommy moved to Birmingham. This event had a grave impact on my feelings toward certain people.”.
Your recent response retraces, without new data or a wind down of this dialogue. So in this case, I am going to opine that you are here for reasons that are unclear. You may be seeking to incite and derive emotional responses from contributors, while offering the usual “cutout” responses.
(An aside: Honestly I am surprised that you did not come back with more colorful language to refer to the folks you seem not to like very much; where is [for example]: kke, hmie, jngle bnny, c*on and the like? Why be so restrained if you have such hardcore beliefs? Why not let it all rip MAN or WOMAN or BOT, and tell us how you really feel?
Let loose! Let the words fly! Oh wait, your programmer might not have compiled a list of such responses since most people born after 1990 are not too familiar with these words or their origins / meanings. Alternatively, the organization you work for has limits on how far you may take a character, due to the possible liability and press fallout that could occur if you / they are discovered.)
So whether you are human or not, I wish you well and now need to move on. This has been a fun exercise, as it got the old brain working in the morning. Whatever you are, I thank you for that.
Also, good luck with inciting other websites in the future, What is really funny is when a cutout comes up against another cutout on a blog, board or list…that is a whole lot of fun to sit back and watch. Perhaps, some day, I will get to really see you in action, under the conditions of just such an event; looking forward to it should I be so lucky.
As a matter of fact I (a conservative activist and journalist for decades) escaped New Jersey for the Bible belt many years ago and have never gone back, I’m wondering what you’re doing here too, but it’s obvious there’s no point to further dialogue with Mr. world traveler.
The intent of “The Cosby Show” was to create a positive/cool role model for young people, who — at that time in our culture and media — lacked such examples. The idea of the show was to show kids that you don’t have to be a sports star, rapper or drug dealer in order to enjoy the spoils of life. You can, through education and training, attain the dream. There’s nothing wrong with that message, especially in the context of the culture of that time.
Of course, any actor can play such a role, but Cosby tirelessly advocated for young people to lift themselves out of a cycle of degenerate culture. He provided tough love for punks, spoke out against the thug life culture promoted by Hollywood and funded countless scholarships and programs. Of course, Hollywood didn’t like this. They profit more off black degeneracy. That’s why he ended up producing his own series.
Don’t remember the source but several years ago I read that Cosby, along with other investors was trying to get a truly black owned and operated tv network up and running, threatening the Jew controlled BET.
Since I have commented on a least one other WW thread regarding Mr. Cosby, I shall just leave this clip, instead of a longer post:
Cosby was railroaded from the get go! Everything from them lying to him about his deposition to trampling all over his due process. Blackpilled hammers home the point constantly in his ‘Insomnia stream’ vids that we are living in a post rule-of-law world now and it is going to continue to get worse as the months go by. This has a trickle-down effect into the general population over time where the people intuitively feel that the law is being completely ignored at the Federal and State levels. The consequences to the social fabric are tremendous and the ramifications are harrowing to even contemplate. Helter-Skelter is coming down!
Just read the opinion from Justice Wecht and you will see just how abusive the prosecutor was in the Cosby case!
You are right.
So was Mr. Michael (Mike) Judge; our transition into an Idiocracy is accelerating rapidly. Although we may not quite be there yet, I would opine that many of us can see this devolution taking place.
Good to see you again; glad you stopped by.
Cosby has a very dark past. He was pals with Sammy Davis Jr., a notorious satanist. Cosby is a very high ranking Mason as well. Which I find even more interesting in light of “the hell” he had to go through.
This is quite a rabbit hole, but the author makes some very interesting connections.
Another strange side to the Cosby story, which I noticed when looking at a lot of his so called accusers, is that most of them look like drag queens.
And then I ran across this:
There is some strange, occult ritual happening here.
Cosby gets out and Allison Mack is sentenced.
Interesting last name, “Mack.”
It’s the title of a 1970’s Blaxploitation film about a pimp called, “The Mack.”
Richard Pryor, another Mason co-starred in “The Mack.”
BTW Russ, I don’t think you’re wrong. I don’t believe Cosby raped these women, because most of them don’t even look like women.
Very good catch and an excellent premise on both posts. Although I have never even heard of a suspicion of Mr. Cosby being a “tranny chaser” or having an interest in transvestites; you do have a very plausible hypothesis here. Although I would never wish to get WW in trouble here (nobody like law suits), and cannot offer names, I was friends with a young lady actress who had gotten a job as the coat check girl in a TV club over in the Meat Packing District of Manhattan (mid-1990s).
She would tell me about the clientele and I have to say that I was shocked by how many well known actors, entertainers, musicians / rappers, personalities and politicians frequented that club. Although I would not say that African American men dominated the patron attendance, there was a rather large contingent of customers from the black / brown community and many of them were not necessarily individuals that you would have ever thought would have an interest in such a place. As for my friend, she was just happy that it was a non-violent place, and the gratuities were extremely good.
Your post had me recalling some of the more public sources of information along these lines:
For balance, we have the spin:
Then back to the hypothesis:
Then we have the directors, handlers, producers and all associated industry personnel who seem to have an interest in pushing both the idea, as well as the narrative if the actor / actress is not down to clown:
All my best,
I didn’t want to overload the comments, but another strange twist in the life of Bill Cosby is the death of his son, which Russ should have a look at, as it seems like a hit. This dovetails with other Black celebs, athletes/coaches as well. Scottie Pippen recently lost his son. Scottie is a Freemason. Tony Dungy lost his son. That might have been more of a case of a real suicide since his son was gay and Dungy is a big time Christian. Another not-so-well known person who lost his son was Tracy Martin aka Trayvon Martin’s father. Tracy is also a Freemason.
There seems to be some form of sacrifice, a blood ritual in many of these cases.
Oh yeah then there is the little story about Barry and Mischief, I mean Michelle, I mean Michael:
Keep the young ones away if you roll this video; the language can be extreme, but then again this thread is not for the young folks.
We really need to get to 41 posts in this thread for the symmetry. Help me out WW!
I’m just doing my bit and trying to get you to 41 – no particular reason and not related to anything really … other than Louis and Bill may have something in common …
• Farrakhan and International Bankers system Of slavery
Thanks! Excellent post either way (I can see your parallel; great catch!) and it seems we will get to at least 43 with this response and Slam’d new edition.
This other guy had a long, drawn out, but interesting video on Cosby and transgender accusers:
It takes a while to build momentum, but it is decent if one has the time for it.
All my best,
P.S. The Mayor of DC has been going door-to-door in certain neighborhoods to push the shot. One area of the city she is avoiding happens to be the stronghold for the Nation of Islam; they have been anti-jab since the beginning, and she will not dare go anywhere near them as a result.
Bill Cosby is a member of the Black Boule’. So it is no wonder that he was sentenced to prison, allowed to serve a brief time to make it all look good as far as justice was concerned, and finally released as though it was all a farce.
Bill Cosby is connected to Anton LaVey and Hefner. He is a satanist and a pedophile. His name is on the list of Epstein. He is a American Jimmy Saville. Almost known fact.
Is this article a signal?
Bullshit, Sammy Davis Jr was connected to LaVey, get your facts straight.
Bill and Hillary Clinton have documented connections to LaVey and Epstein. Bill (Clinton) made several trips on the Lolita Express, all undisputed. But the MSM sweeps all this under the carpet, as it does the Ukraine sting operation by the Biden family to the tune of tens of millions, if not billions.
For some exasperating reason, the bulk of the American people do not react unless the MSM publish. If its not on CNN it didn’t happen! Maddening!!!
The ADL which was established to defend a convicted rapist and murderer of a 13 year old female employee, by attempting to put the blame on an innocent negro, parades itself as the defender of minority rights, as does it’s affiliate the NAACP, which was founded to head off Marcus Garvey’s Pan-Africanist movement which was gaining worldwide momentum in the early part of the 20th C.
Garvey was a promoter of African self-sufficiency, independence and success through hard work and discipline. Cue Bill Cosby.
The NAACP is all about victimhood, violence, the destabilization of the black family, and ultimately the destabilization of America. They railroaded Garvey and they will target any prominent black who goes off the plantation.