Meet Don Harris, Kamala Harris’ Communist Father

Winter Watch Editor’s Note: You can find the original Stanford article about Kamala Harris’ father, Don, here. Scroll to the top right side of the broadsheet news page, and look for the article titled “Marxist Offered Economics Post.”

By Renee Nal | 18 August 2020

RAIR FOUNDATION — The below article about Marxist economics professor Don Harris, Kamala Harris’ father, was posted at the Stanford University newspaper on May 13, 1975, when his daughter was just 10 years old.

The Stanford Daily article laughably claims that economic students at Stanford in 1975 were clamoring to learn more about Marxist economics, so the university accommodated them by offering Kamala’s father a position. Don Harris was referred to glowingly by fellow Marxist Economics Professor John Gurley as “one of the leading young people in Marxist economics.”

The 45-year-old Stanford Daily article, titled “Marxist Offered Economics Post,” was posted first on Trevor Loudon’s website, where more information is posted about the father of the Democrat Party’s Vice Presidential Candidate. See Loudon’s articles at the Epoch Times about Kamala Harris’ own socialist ties, as well as a prophetic article from August 2019 about the forces surrounding Kamala Harris and why she was chosen to be the Democratic nominee for President. […]

2 Comments on Meet Don Harris, Kamala Harris’ Communist Father

  1. Interesting how Kamala’s agenda never got going because she like Biden are executive level imbeciles who are overwhelmed by their own incompetence.

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