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Huh? Canada Decriminalizes Street Drugs — Including Heroine, Meth, Fentanyl — to Help Fight Addiction Crisis

Members of the Drug User Liberation Front hand out clean, tested doses of street drugs at a demonstration April 14, 2022, to demand the legalization and regulation of safe alternatives. PHOTO: Washington Post/Jesse Winter/Reuters

British Columbia to decriminalize small amounts of cocaine, heroin

By Amanda Coletta | 31 May 2022

WASHINGTON POST — The possession of small amounts of several illicit drugs, including cocaine and opioids such as fentanyl or heroin, will be temporarily decriminalized in British Columbia, the federal government said Tuesday, in what it cast as a “bold” step to “turn the tide” in the province’s overdose crisis. …

As of that date, adults 18 and older in Canada’s westernmost province will be allowed to carry a cumulative total of up to 2.5 grams of some drugs for personal use without being arrested or charged, or having their drugs confiscated. The illicit drugs include opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA, also known as ecstasy. …

In its submission to Health Canada requesting the exemption, the province said punitive drug polices disproportionately affect marginalized communities and don’t ultimately address what’s a public health issue. It said federal drug laws were having the opposite effect of their intent and making drug overdoses more likely. […]

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