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CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen: A Glow Worm Blast from the Past

CNN Covid queen Dr. Leana Wen. PHOTO: Screen grab/CNN

One Dr. Leana Wen, CNN’s lead medical propagandist on everything Covid, was a role player after the Boston Marathon bombing staged deception. She was called upon to earn her spurs by reading off a canned script and giving mechanical rehearsed answers about the “chaos” of the scene. She claimed to treat ER blast victims at Mass General.

She almost can’t help but smirk and smile (aka duping delight) as she recites a bad script. No pauses to think. Seems too prepared for the questions.

At minute 00:01:22 in the video below, Wen even provides drama by claiming her husband hung around at the finish line, and she thought he would show up at the hospital. Those familiar with the timeline know that only the marathon stragglers were coming in when the bomb went off. Sort of like staying in your seats an hour and half after the football or baseball game is over.

She says she couldn’t reach him because the phone lines were full. Let’s see, you were an ER doctor. You’re telling me they didn’t activate a trauma or mass-casualty protocol to keep key communication lines open to the hospital? 

Look at all the feigned emotion on her face, but no emotion or inflection in her voice. In Hollyweird, this is called “eyebrow acting.” Put it on mute and you would think she was talking about her pet puppy. 

There’s a lot of wind in the background, but look at the blonde lady’s hair. Wen’s hair doesn’t budge an inch. The whole video is 2D in presentation, but it’s clear that Wen and CNN’s Jake Tapper are 3D in relation to the background. The people in the background are a recording on a green screen.

Also, look at the size of Wen in comparison to the crowd in the background. Some are talking on phones within feet of Tapper and Wen. Very hokey black magic. Also, the surreal background people don’t look directly at Tapper and Wen. They all seem to be looking slightly above or beyond them. There’s a difference in the lighting between those in the foreground and the background as well.

Viewers can judge the genuineness of this for themselves.

Goosebumps. She actually sounds like some CCP propaganda news anchor: “I AM A ROBOT WITH NO MORAL COMPASS. I WILL DO ANYTHING THING YOU SAY.”

Test this one on your pajama-people friends and relatives to gauge the degree of spell they are under.

There is a whole sistema to build up these spooks and get them into the Lugenpresse. Wen’s role now days is to push fear porn and lockdowns for both CNN and the Washington Post (aka Compost). She has been vocal about how the unvaccinated need to be removed from society. Here she is pitching mandatory jabs.

In June 2020, she testified in front of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis to push the Crime Syndicate’s racial disparity narratives and Covid-19. Wen was named one of TIME magazine’s “100 Most Influential People of 2019.”

Very much a made woman who carries out psyops orders and who TPTB advances. She was also a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. She was a Rhodes Scholar, a favored track of New Underworld Order spooks. After Oxford, she was a fellow for the, yes — drum roll — World Health Organization and in Rwanda as a fellow for the U.S. Department of Defense.

And wouldn’t you know it, she’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. At her young age, I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her role in the New Underworld Order.

At the time of her canned acting gig in Boston, Wen happened to be a resident at  Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General) and had a clinical fellowship at Harvard Medical School.

She was professor in health policy at the Milken Institute School of Public Health. She was appointed head of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and stayed in that role for a year before she was fired.

Big Pharma & Its Shills Have Substituted Lies & Coercion for Evidence and Analysis | Covert ...

For further reading:

Attack of the Boston trouser bomb:

A Word about Mass General and Rochelle Walensky

Biden’s CDC Director Rochelle Walensky came to D.C. from Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was the head of the Infectious Disease Department.

Mass General has a host of contracts with U.S. government agencies. Almost a decade before the Covid-19 outbreak, Mass General investigator and infectious diseases physician Mark Poznansky, M.D., Ph.D., received funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a platform for accelerated vaccine development. The focus of this work was on the development and deployment of a vaccine on a timeline not previously considered possible.

They were not discussing or planning for the treatment of individuals affected or the employment of other measures to mitigate the spread of the disease and/or to isolate those infected. The answer to a pandemic would be the deployment of a new, essentially experimental, vaccines.

This collaboration led to the creation of the VaxCelerate Consortium, a platform capable of generating and clinically testing a new vaccine in less than 120 days. Dr. Poznansky became one of the founding members of this consortium along with a number of other Mass General physicians.

The greater Boston area has become the center of the biotech industry in the United States. Literally, hundreds of biotech firms are situated in Boston and the surrounding area. This includes firms like Moderna, AstraZeneca, Novartis, Merck and Pfizer.

At the heart of this relationship is Mass General. This lucrative interaction is fueled by vast sums of federal money that flow into the area in the form of research grants. For decades, the Fauci’s National Institute of Health has sent more money to the city of Boston than to any other location in the country.

Walensky was chosen not because of some unique track record in curing disease and saving lives but because she is a representative of perhaps the single most important institution in a giant complex involving huge quantities of taxpayer’s money, research institutions, and scientists getting rich off of their discoveries.

Newly ‘elected’ Veep Kabala pretends to listen to a gleeful speech by the Biden-Harris administration’s chosen CDC tsar Rochelle Walensky while Sleepy Joe takes a little nap. PHOTO: Boston Globe

This complex decided years ago that its approach to combating the emergence of a virus – like Covid – would be the development and marketing of a vaccine on an accelerated timetable.

In May of 2020, Walensky co-authored a study that identified the need to create “enthusiasm” for vaccination as the key factor in getting people to agree to be inoculated.

She opined: “Vaccination coverage — the percentage of the population that ultimately receives a vaccine — is dependent on efforts that foster widespread public enthusiasm for vaccination and address sources of hesitancy for vaccines in general and Covid-19 vaccines in particular.”

It was not enough to manufacture a drug and market it. You had to make people want to take it.

Shortly after taking over as head of the CDC, Walensky identified this issue as her primary focus. At every opportunity, she pushes the same narrative. No matter what, the only solution is that you must take the vaccine.

Rochelle Walensky represents yet more regulatory capture by jabmeisters. She knows very well what she is doing. She is selling vaccines.

16 Comments on CNN’s Dr. Leana Wen: A Glow Worm Blast from the Past

  1. So, you’ve got your Triad Society/CCP proxy, then Walensky who ‘got her start in Jewish School’ and is apparently, according to her other Jewish colleagues, ‘a living embodiment of the principles of Tikkun Olam.’ So China-Israel, with your Technion, HSBC dirty bank & opioid, laundering & Silicon Valley tech-transfers.



    But who’s missing? Is there any way this terror-regime could be more obvious with their conspiracy and treason? Let’s see. Someone who is related to all of this, from another past enemy-regime of the US . . .


    Hmm . . . wonder if that could be related in some ‘strategic’ way to this . . .


    No way. It would be bigoted to think along those lines. All of those people seem perfectly trustworthy.

  2. As one who has run the Boston Marathon a few times because I was motivated after watching it for so many years, the crowds do not thin out until several hours after the elite runners finish – that is so the “stragglers” (kind of an odd word to describe people who just ran 26.2) have a crowd to cheer them on. That is what made the Boston Marathon so special – it was the quality fo the people in the crowd who could infuse the runners with enough energy to get to the finish

    • Exaggerated and not in good context- as I’m not alluding to elite finishers but the somewhat competitive also rans.. I used to run 10K back in the day. I came in 15 minutes behind the winners and the crowd clears out quickly after the also rans such as me come in. Even fewer are left twenty minutes later to wait on the walkers and slowest participants.

      Sorry but finishing at 04:09:43 (when the pyrotechnic went off) may be a reasonable personal achievement in the everybody gets a trophy world, but is hardly much of an athletic feat worth waiting two more hours watching paint dry to cheer strangers on. Elite men tend to average about 2:05:00 and elite women tend to score around 2:22:00.

      Fans are so impatient in higher level sports that they leave the stands twenty minutes before the game is over if the outcome seems decided.

        • Yes, I read it, and directly responded to what you said, quoting you: “the crowds do not thin out until several hours after the elite runners finish.”

          I am in fundamental disagreement with your premise that significant crowds hang around to watch the slo-mos finish two hours after the winners.

          You are entitled to your opinion- but it is false – one I have personally observed in these running events. On the way to a mall I happened to traverse near the finish area of a Marathon here two years ago at about the 4:00:00 mark, and there was almost nobody waiting. I suspect the friends were already at the pub waiting.

  3. Years ago one of the White Guys over at VDare and American Renaissance, who is married to a Chinese woman, penned an essay proposing an “Arctic Alliance” between “northwest Europeans” and east Asians to counter the rising tide of color.

    Given what has occurred over the last 18 months, it’s obvious that such a regime would be a masked medical tyranny of compliance and hive mind techno slavery under Masonic control.

    The number of Asians who now make up part of the ruling and future ruling class in the USA is much higher than people believe. At top schools it’s huge.

    America’s future looks ever more Chinese and non-European by the hour, and with the rise of marriages between elite whites and Asians, I predict the vestiges of political and social liberty will die.

  4. For an Asian woman, the years haven’t been kind to her previous telegenic face. One has to wonder what the pay off is for these for these people to assume these roles.

  5. Extremely interesting connection – good work! I watched about 4 seconds of the first video – until the first two ludicrous duping delight smile/smirks – that’s all you need to know – (highly recommend the duping delight link).

  6. It is a huge red flag for me when I see characters like Wen seamlessly go from one high-profile gig to another. It’s like the establishment recruits and grooms these shills by giving them credentials that most normal people could never get. How many people do most people know in their lives that graduate from multiple elite schools and go to multiple elite training programs and then get a series of exclusive jobs always at the head of organizations? Is it because she is a genius? I seriously doubt it considering the state of the world. She is obviously serving entrenched interests. Are we supposed to believe that this Wen character just happened to be at the Boston bombing working in the emergency room, and she happens to also be an expert on abortion and STDs, and also happens to be an expert of health policy, and also happens to be an expert on vaccines, and she gained all of this expertise in 7 years? (2013-2020)The probability of that is astronomical.

  7. Completely off topic but here is a much more attractive Chinese face.

    I have been following Li Ziqi since I discovered her a few years ago.

    This is not only a refreshing and relaxing view for a Sunday afternoon, it is downright inspirational

    • Exclusive with Li Ziqi: What I have undergone makes every bit of who I am

    • 李子柒 Liziqi youtube channel

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