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Withholding Our Money and Our Loyalty Are Our Ultimate Weapons Against Any Business, Television Show, Sports Team or Product That Caters to the Leftist Loonies

GRAPHIC: All News Pipeline

Woke Culture Is A Sinister Trick To Help Usher In America’s Destruction

By Don Boys, Ph.D. | 13 April 2021

ALL NEWS PIPELINE — I am determined to not permit inferiors to browbeat, bamboozle, belittle, bully, or blackmail me into admitting to the possibility they are on the high road, thereby suggesting I, and people of common sense, are on the low road. I will not agree to their positions, vote for them, watch or listen to their vacuous preachments on television or radio, or knowingly spend a dollar that may accrue to them.

Boycott the losers, leftists, and loonies!

Boycotts work, as has been proven in recent years, so it’s time for principled people to flex their muscles as they refuse to use credit cards and cash to support anti-family, anti-American, anti-white, and anti-common sense positions.

Boycotts became common after an 1873 event in Ireland when a retired British army officer Charles Boycott became the agent for a large estate in Ireland. It was terrible timing because the farmers were being squeezed with low wages and high taxes. They formed the Land League to seek relief from their economic problems but received no help from the new agent. Boycott refused to lower land rents causing the residents and farmers to refuse to speak to him, provide him laundry service, sell him supplies, or work his fields. Even his mail carrier threatened him. The ploy spread across Ireland, and newspapers referred to the tactic by his last name boycott. […]

1 Comment on Withholding Our Money and Our Loyalty Are Our Ultimate Weapons Against Any Business, Television Show, Sports Team or Product That Caters to the Leftist Loonies

  1. Since everything is in a few (((hands))), getting a free economic agent is hard, eventually people will realize how powerful we are and beginnig to make enconomic environments of their own.

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