The Story of the Poppers Plague and Homosexual Lifestyle


Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline) owned the patent and enjoyed a monopoly on sales of a nasty toxin known as amyl nitrite. This is an inhalant used by angina sufferers as a “vascular dilator.” They just took a sniff when the old ticker felt funny. Then, another, more superior angina medicine with fewer side effects came along: nitroglycerin tablets.

But amyl nitrite didn’t go away. Because of its rush effect, it became a boutique recreational drug between 1961 to 1969 and was used primarily in the sadomasochistic homosexual scene. Nitrite inhalants were also added to the chemical-drug stew used among servicemen in Vietnam. The drug was legal, easy to carry, inexpensive and was being shipped in from the states literally by the crate full.

Amyl nitrite “poppers” were sold in fragile glass ampoules that, when crushed between the fingers, “popped” and then was inhaled. The drug also had a relaxant loosening effect on involuntary smooth muscles, such as those in the throat and anus.

After observing an increase in recreational use, a prescription requirement was reinstated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1969.

However, when G.I.s returned home from Vietnam, many were eager to continue their popper habit. Under heavy pressure from manufacturers, the FDA sanctioned over-the-counter sales. Poppers became available without prescription to the American public. Marketing for this toxin initially often centered around war-time high nostalgia, using names like Rush and Bolt.

About a year later came the first reports of peacetime casualties. Terrible skin burns, blackouts, breathing difficulties and blood anomalies caused poppers to be placed under restriction again.

Then, a homosexual medical student in California, one Clifford Hassing, altered its atomic structure slightly and applied for a patent for his butyl nitrite. This was a skirt around the law. He marketed the product successfully toward the gay scene with the name Locker Room Aroma of Men.

Seeing the loophole created by Hassing, larger organized-crime labs moved in. They made further chemical changes and came up with butyl and isobutyl nitrite. But these concoctions were more toxic and faster-acting than the original amyl. Homosexuals were seen as the target market for this new toxic aphrodisiac.

Under pressure from Crime Syndicate types, the FDA established an unwritten agreement that public distribution of poppers would be permitted as long as they were labelled “room odorizer” and marketed only to homosexual men. With this cynical unwritten agreement, poppers became a multi-million dollar self destruct for profit business for the Mob. They were typically sold in gay bars, discos, clubs, bath houses, and head shops.

By 1974, the poppers craze was in full swing. By 1977, poppers were in every corner of homosexual life. At gay discotheques, men could be seen shuffling around in a daze, holding little bottles under the nose. At gay gathering places – bars, baths, leather clubs – the poppers miasma was taken for granted.

Michael Rumaker, in his book A Day and a Night at the Baths, describes the tubs as “permeated with that particularly inert, greasy odor of poppers. Wherever you went, the musky chemical smell of it was constantly in your nostrils.” He found himself heading to the single, small window, in order to gasp a few breaths of “something other than the cold, kerosene smell of amyl.”

During the ’70s and early ’80s, much of the homosexual press, including the most influential glossy publications, came to rely on popper ads for operating revenue, and poppers became an accepted part of homosexual sex.

Within only a few years, hundreds of thousands of homosexual men were persuaded that poppers were an integral part of their “gay identity.” The ads conveyed the message that nothing could be butcher or sexier than to inhale noxious chemical fumes. Bulging muscles were linked to a drug that is indisputably hazardous to the health.

Gross profits were estimated to be $50 million in 1978, and were double or triple that by the early ’80s. A powerful organized crime lobby roadblocked health efforts to counter this plague. Researchers who advanced drug abuse or multifactorial hypotheses for AIDs were quickly ostracized and unfunded.

Sold under names like Rush, Ram, Thunderbolt, Locker Room and Crypt Tonight, homosexual men made up virtually the entire market for the commodity. When inhaled just before orgasm, poppers seem to enhance and prolong the sensation. With regular use, they become a sexual crutch, and many homosexual men were incapable of having sex without the aid of poppers. When poppers interact with other vasodilators, such as Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, it can cause a serious decrease in blood pressure, which can cause fainting, stroke and heart attack.

The Homosexual Activist Counter Attack Against the Popper Threat

Homosexual activists had been paying attention and got into the fray. They were resisted and attacked every step of the way. Hank Wilson (on the West coast) and John Lauritsen (in the East) formed the Committee to Monitor Poppers and collected scientific data on just what poppers were doing.

Apart from causing localized damage to nasal membranes, poppers have been linked to anemia, strokes, heart, lung and brain damage, arterial constriction, cardiovascular collapse and, most tellingly, the blood de-oxygenation, thymus atrophy and chronic depletion of T-cell ratio’s associated with severe immune dysfunction. Yes, indeed, surprise, surprise- heavy popper users experience diminished immune systems.

Poppers are strongly mutagenic and have the potential to cause cancer by producing deadly N-nitroso compounds.

The two men wrote a pamphlet called “Death Rush.” 

“Few gay men, physicians, or AIDS researchers seem to be aware how extensive and powerful the evidence against poppers is. Anyone who has studied even a portion of the medical literature can only shake his head in amazement that this dubious commodity has not been banned — except in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, and, as of June 1985, New York State. In Massachusetts, where poppers have been banned for years, only 378 cases of AIDS had been reported as of 31 March 1986. In contrast, there had been 6,265 cases in New York, where poppers had been sold legally in sex shops, baths, discos, and even neighborhood smoke shops.”

One researcher contacted Robert McQueen, the editor of the largest gay publication, to warn him that poppers “strongly suppresses” the immune system and could contribute to KS and Pneumocystis pneumonia. But McQueen said he wasn’t interested. The Advocate instead ran a series of ads targeting pajama people and promoting poppers as a “Blueprint for Health.”

In a 1983 letter to The Advocate, poppers manufacturer Joseph F. Miller, president of Great Lakes Products, Inc., boasted he was the “largest advertiser in the gay press.”

The initiative for countering the popper plague had to come from the homosexual community itself. West Hollywood, the gayest city in the world, took the lead in banning poppers. It was banned in New York State in 1985. At last in 1989, poppers were a “banned hazardous product” in the United States.

It is illegal to manufacture, distribute, import or sell any isobutyl nitrite substance or any consumer product “used for inhaling or otherwise introduced into the body for euphoric or physical effects.” The ban is part of the Drug Omnibus Act of 1988.

Incredibly, popper usage lingers on, and there is a flourishing homemade cottage industry that makes them under the guise of “VHS cleaners” and “VCR cleaning enthusiasts groups.”

In the U.K., poppers were excluded from the current Psychoactive Substances Act. A former conservative justice minister, Crispin Blunt, outed himself in the Commons as a popper user and denounced the proposed ban as “fantastically stupid.”

18 Comments on The Story of the Poppers Plague and Homosexual Lifestyle

  1. In 1984 Robert Gallo held a press conference where he announced that his team had established the cause of the high incidence of immune system deficiency related illness amongst New York’s male homosexual community. They claimed it was a virus, that they dubbed ‘HIV’ and said that they would’ve isolated the virus within six months and would have a vaccine within two years. That was thirty-five years ago, yet no-one has ever isolated the virus since. Lots of people have looked (I doubt any are bothering to look now) but none have found, despite such a feat being mundane with modern technology. The logical conclusion is that if you look for something and it’s not there, it’s because it’s not there!
    Of course there have been tens of millions of ‘HIV tests’ since then (think of the commerce!), but all they do is detect various proteins produced by the immune system in the blood, and every single person in the world has these proteins present at all times at varying levels (they go up when you are unwell). Just think, no-one has ever isolated HIV, yet a whole industry has been spawned on the back of its claimed existence.
    There are many reasons for a dysfunctional immune system. Amyl nitrate is one, the ‘clubbing’ lifestyle (inadequate sleep) another, but also 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, and semen has bactericidal qualities. Having twenty men or more deposit theirs into an individuals lower bowel in an evening would not be a healthy thing.
    I am now convinced that HIV is a fraud (If not, where is it?), and the surefire way to never be ‘HIV positive’ is to never have an ‘HIV test’! The cure for ‘AIDS’ (immune deficiency) is to avoid pharmaceutical poison, eat proper food, ensure adequate levels of vitamin c, sleep well, take a bit of exercise and don’t abuse your body to the point of destruction.

    • > semen has bactericidal qualities. Having twenty men or more deposit theirs into an
      individuals lower bowel in an evening would not be a healthy thing. i.e. that #, has ever happened. Good heavens – the gods should have unleashed
      thunder and lightening

      • Could you tell that to Dennis Prager and Dave Rubin and ALL of Jewry what sodomy does to the body?

        SANHEDRIN, 55b-55a: “What is meant by this? – Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that (2) What is the basis of their dispute? – Rab maintains that only he who is able to engage in sexual intercourse, may, as the passive subject of pederasty throw guilt (upon the actual offender); whilst he who is unable to engage in sexual intercourse cannot be a passive subject of pederasty (in that respect) (3). But Samuel maintains: Scriptures writes, (And thou shalt not lie with mankind) as with the lyings of a woman (4). It has been taught in accordance with Rab: Pederasty at the age of nine years and a day; (55a) (he) who commits bestiality, whether naturally or unnaturally: or a woman who causes herself to be bestiality abused, whether naturally or unnaturally, is liable to punishment (5).”

        Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaptation of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered. When the Jew reads his prayers, he is reciting formulae prepared by pre-Maccabean scholars; when he dons the cloak prescribed for the Day of Atonement and Passover Eve, he is wearing the festival garment of ancient Jerusalem; when he studies the Talmud, he is actually repeating the arguments used in the Palestinian academies.
        — Rabbi Dr. Finkelstein (3)

    • >Just think, no-one has ever isolated HIV

      I’m not a biologist or virologist, and don’t know much at all about that research, but it’s not clear what you mean by ‘isolate’ …? — do you mean obtain a (pure?) sample? — if so, how realistic is that? — it seems more realistic to expect to find the virus in tissue/cells allegedly infected with it, than to be able to ‘isolate’ the virus itself (they are extremely small).

      Transmission electron micrograph of HT-29 cells infected with HIV-1Numerous viral particles with typical lentiviral morphology (arrows) were produced by the cells.

      >… would have a vaccine within two years.

      It’s definitely interesting that a vaccine was (allegedly) developed so quickly for SARS-CoV-2, but after decades there is still no vaccine for HIV; there are internet sites asking ‘Why?’, as well as sites that try to answer that question (to my lay understanding not very convincingly) — both are RNA viruses, but HIV is a retrovirus (What Is a Retrovirus?), whereas SARS-CoV-2 is not.

      • I am becoming more and more convinced – and believe it is easy to be so – that
        “virology” is another bogus ‘science’ akin to “economics”. A similar sentiment to
        when I first heard Eustace Mullins say that “Most so called medical research is
        spurious.” I remember looking up the word for the precise and full definition as
        opposed to the impression and context one often goes by. Without knowing
        anything for sure, I accepted it. Lately, this has become my ‘go-to’ analogy
        for normies … Imagine taking a fully operational modern automobile, surely
        an example of man’s technical and creative prowess, then grinding up all
        it’s constituent parts into fine micron size particles, put ’em in a centrifuge
        for separation and “isolation”, then examine with the electron microscope.
        GONNA LEARN ANYTHING ?!! Anything useful for repair, maintenance
        or how and why EVERYTHING WORKS in unison to propel you down
        the freeway in comfort with music playing. The freeway of LIFE. Let
        your mind wander with this for a while. Life is a symphony !

  2. At the time my wife and I were dating(circa mid seventies)my gay future brother in law insisted we try huffing amyl nitrate. I remember it caused short burst of euphoria which lasted at most a minute or two. I knew from the start the crap was bad news and really not much different than huffing gas. Needless to say I never did it again and my brother in law died not from AIDS, but a failed liver and kidneys in the late 90’s from the cocktail of drugs the doctors had him on to cure his AIDS.

    @ROSS – IMHO, your analysis of AIDS is spot on.

  3. AIDS
    AIDS: Multiple Sex Partners; Multiple STDs; Multiple Antibiotics; Multiple Drugs: Poppers, Cocaine, Heroin, Crac; Multiple infections; Deficient Diet leads to compromised immunity = AIDS


  4. I expect many readers are aware that a principle researcher for 30+ years on the AIDS issue is John Rappaport.Just today, he is reviewing some of his AIDS findings, the “test”, AIDS in Africa, AIDS/Covid etc.

    = =
    This is almost entirely new information for me; I never really wanted to know.I always assumed it was “illicit”.

    I am feeling profoundly sad just now; perhaps anger would be a healthier response. But who should I be angry at?

  5. It looks like poppers and the homosexual lifestyle were what created the AIDS phenomenon in the first place. This was like the “first wave”. The second wave was caused by AIDS medication, like AZT. Arthur Ashe was probably killed by AZT. Magic Johnson has avoided AIDS medications, as far as I know.

  6. Perhaps the most relevant aspect of the promiscuous homosexual ‘lifestyle’ today is the fact that gay men are responsible for a big majority of diagnosed STD cases each year, and thus also for accelerating antibiotic resistance among these pathogens — just do a simple search for ‘gay men antibiotic resistance’ and note all the results.

  7. HIV=AIDS – Fauci’s First Fraud

    Dr Robert Willner Injects “HIV” into himself on TV

    In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain’s most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the “AIDS hypothesis.” When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: “I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind.”

    Dr. Kary Mullis – How the HIV lie was created 1993 (The virus hoax) [mirrored]
    tons of links on the fraud of virology in the description

  8. Dr. Kerry Mullins spoke out about the hoax of AIDS, the dangers of the drugs, and the inaccuracy of PCR test to detect viruses, including HIV. He should know; he invented the PCR test and won a Nobel Prize for his efforts. He called Fauci a fraud and incompetent, and the whole governmental health system to be a bought-and-sold. He was a real thorn in the side of Fauci, Gates, etc. Just a few months prior to the worldwide hysteria about covid, Mullins suddenly died. And his PCR test was used to legitimize forced closures of businesses, schools, and churches. He was healthy and in great physical shape, but suddenly croaked, the official story being the usual pneumonia or heart attack, etc.

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