By Matt Petrillo | 13 January 2021
CBS NEWS 3 PHILLY — A Montgomery County community is looking into signs that seem designed to promote racial division. The signs have just three words on them but they’re causing a big uproar in the Harleysville area.
“I saw a yard sign that said ‘no white guilt,’” one person said.
One of those “no white guilt” signs has been found near a supermarket on Main Street in Harleysville over the weekend, another at a busy intersection on Route 113, and one was found on the lawn of a home on Allentown Road.
“Honestly, it shocked me. I wasn’t quite sure what it meant. What the intention was behind it?” Arielle Bianchimano of Sellersville said.
Bianchimano posted a photo of the yard sign in a Facebook group.
“I was horrified by it,” she said.
That prompted a woman, who didn’t want her face on camera, to take action and throw some of the signs away. […]
Arielle says she was shocked, “what it meant, what the intention was”….yeah, because you’re stupid Arielle. Are we supposed to feel guilty for developing the greatest civilizations in history? Or for ending the cross Atlantic slave trade? Any bets Arielle would be just fine with a sign reading “no black guilt”? And if “Black Lives Matter”, shouldn’t “white Lives Matter” follow suit? But not in our society today, where public policy and standards are made through a media that’s hostile to white people(Europeans). That hostility feeds through to political pressure to attack white people openly.