The Answer to Claims of Systemic Racism in America: The Back to Africa Movement

PHOTO: Teen Vogue/Getty

No one should live a life in fear, whether real or imagined.

Not just in recent months but in recent years an increasing number of voices have been telling Americans that the United States is a racist country. These voices are growing louder, and the anger is manifesting in violence.

We are told that white Americans will always be racist, and there’s nothing whites can do but acknowledge their explicit and implicit biases. We’re told that racism is so widespread that it’s systemic and institutionalized. And because of this systemic and institutionalized racism, African Americans live lives of fear.

No one should live a life a fear, whether real or imagined.

So perhaps it’s time to reconsider the black nationalist Back to Africa Movement.

This is not a racist trope. It’s a truly nationalist approach – and, yes, it is possible to be both nationalist and altruistic. Despite what globalist propagandists tell you, nationalism is not racism.

Jamaican-born black nationalist Marcus Garvey in the early 20th century started the Back to Africa Movement for African Americans.

Marcus Garvey begins back to Africa movement 1920 ... | Sutori

BBC: To facilitate the return to Africa that he advocated, in 1919 Garvey founded the Black Star Line, to provide transportation to Africa, and the Negro Factories Corporation to encourage black economic independence. Garvey also unsuccessfully tried to persuade the government of Liberia in west Africa to grant land on which black people from America could settle.

National Humanities Center: By 1922 his rhetoric shifted away from a confrontational stance against white America to a position of separatism mixed with just enough cooperation. He applauded whites who promoted the idea of sending African Americans back to Africa.

Read “Appalling Performance of Public Schools Exposed By Project Baltimore: Solution is Garveyism”

Fast forward a hundred years, and you can still find efforts being made to return African Americans to their native homelands.

In November, Ghana granted citizenship to over 126 African Americans and Afro-Caribbeans as part of their Year of Return.

Quart Africa: As Quartz Africa has previously reported, throughout 2019, Ghana has been hosting a raft of activities, at home and abroad, to encourage the descendants of those who were forcibly sent away to return. In June, the president embarked on a five-nation tour of the Caribbean to promote the initiative.

We recognize our unique position as the location for 75% of the slave dungeons built on the west coast of Africa through which the slaves were transported. That is why we had a responsibility to extend the hand of welcome, back home to Africans in the diaspora,” the president added in his speech.

Beach Party in Ghana

Here are a few short short videos on the Great Return, or the Return to Africa (aka Back to Africa Movement). It’s better to hear it in their own words than mine.

Ten African Countries where black Americans can relocate and start a new life

African American celebrities, such as Dave Chappelle, among others, are talking about how important it is for blacks to at least visit Africa countries, if they have the opportunity.

“Africa is for Africans.” Indeed.

Are all African countries universally willing to accept African Americans back into the fold? It’s unclear. Certainly, diplomatic arguments could be made on their behalf.

Perhaps African American individuals and families could apply for refugee or asylum status. It would be unusual, sure. Typically, asylum requests are made by citizens of African countries to the United States or European countries, not the other way around. But this is a new era.

International news networks have been covering the U.S. race riots for months. People around the world are starting to believe that the U.S. is “terrifying and systemically racist”, especially given the recent U.S. government report that “white supremacists” are now the country’s greatest threat.

What’s more, a simple DNA test can probably tell from which African country or countries an African American’s ancestors originated. A simple swab test from 23andMe or allows anyone to locate clusters of distant cousins and kin anywhere. The data could also be used to make an argument for right of return.

Through 23andMe research, Russ recently discovered his Norwegian maternal grandmother’s ancestral Saami homeland is actually Norrbotten County, Sweden — which is a bit ironic I suppose given that his grandma disliked Swedes, or so I’m told.

Be a Hero, Not a Zero

Joseph John Campbell was an American professor who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. Campbell is best known for his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” (1949), which describes the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies. I believe we can compare this model of the hero’s journey to generations of a race, not just individuals.

The story begins on the Ivory Coast (Everyday World/Known World), let’s say. A young man is kidnapped by slave traders (Call to Adventure) and he’s trafficked to America, or “The New World” (First Threshold/Unknown World). He’s sold at auction (Road of Trials) and put to work on a plantation, as are generations after him. Then there’s Civil War (Supreme Ordeal) that results in slaves being declared “free men” (Transformation). The next 150 years is the struggle to survive and succeed, feeling different from others and unfulfilled (Apotheosis). Perhaps it’s time to begin the journey home to Africa (Return Threshold/Known World).

To be a hero, one must return home (Known World) and take their wisdom and gifts with them to share with family. That’s the only way the spirit is truly free. The journey of the soul isn’t complete until the “return of the king,” who brings “mastery of the two worlds.”

9 Comments on The Answer to Claims of Systemic Racism in America: The Back to Africa Movement

  1. Garvey (like Booker T. Washington) was undermined by the Jew created and controlled NAACP and their imulatto stooge W.E.B. DuBois. It is also a bitter irony that Liberia (bought by America for freed slaves early in the 19th century) denied land to their racial brothers.

    Plus, the White colonial powers did all they could to stop the return to Africa of “relatively” intelligent negroes from America fearing they might start anti-colonialist movements. So our own race shares some of the blame.

    • Plus, the White colonial powers did all they could to stop the return to Africa of “relatively” intelligent negroes from America fearing they might start anti-colonialist movements.

      Fascinating thesis. Any book sources? Or a website? Very interesting.

      • The European resistance to the Back to Africa movement was noted in several biogs and articles I’ve read on Garvey. But this was perhaps twenty years ago and I can’t remember a specific title. I suspect any reputable biography would include this material. I also found references to European resistance to the returning Blacks in the Marcus Garvey Library in North London. My memory is that the Belgians were especially determined to keep the American Blacks out of their patch. I wonder if the Liberians themselves did the same or if they were paid/coerced to not offer a home to their returning racial brothers.

        Garvey’s shipping line was a disaster because as Garvey (and later Malcolm X) discovered, the mental ability was lacking to run a corporation or movement. But it might have limped along and even improved had it not been hampered by nuisance lawsuits raised against it with malicious intent.

        There are many thinly disguised Garvey characters in American novels written in the 1920s by Black and White authors. Garvey’s story is great material for a film or opera.

  2. I read a report about 15 years ago re: African Americans who emigrated to South Africa after the fall of the white government. Seems they got on very poorly with the “natives” i.e. South African blacks and were much resented. Had to do with a certain “whiny victimhood stance” – in sum the “natives” took to calling them – with a snarly tone – “American Africans”

    You see the same thing here: black African immigrants and African-Americans very much keep their distance; there are plenty of both in my area and I cannot remember a single instance of seeing the slightest social mingling.

    • I’ve worked in SA many times from 1994-20. The natives have told me that their problems are caused not by Whites but by the illegal immigrants from the rest of Africa. They are the ones committing the murders of White farmers. I don’t know if that is true or not.

      I saw a debate in the SA parliament turn into a massive brawl. They were debating how best to build a wall to keep the migrants out of their country.

  3. Give any one of them a hundred thousand dollars when the renounce their US citizen ship and return… then the individual Black person will be rich enough to build a business , will have received ‘reparations’, and Africa will be revitalized by the influx of capital.
    They would be happy, the nations receiving them would be happy and it would be cheaper then dealing with affirmative action and education subsidies

  4. Only blacks could think black immigration > MORE blacks would be a good thing !
    Yeah, good luck with that ! Re the video(s) > every bit of technology, every aspect
    of modern living and convenience seen on camera they owe to White people. WE
    need to ask for “reparations” very time they turn on a faucet, a light switch, answer
    a telephone, or drive down a paved road in a car. What a laugh. Adios = we wish.

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