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FBI arrests San Francisco official in charge of cleaning up city’s filthy streets

By Morgan Philips | 27 January 2020

FOX NEWS — The head of San Francisco Public Works, which is in charge of cleaning up the city’s feces-filled streets, has been arrested by the FBI on suspicion of public corruption.

San Francisco Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru was arrested Monday alongside Nick Bovis, the owner of a popular sports bar in Fisherman’s Wharf, Lefty O-Doul’s. Sources told NBC Bay Area that Nuru was arrested on suspicion of accepting bribes for airport concession contracts.

Both Nuru and Bovis were released on bond following their arrest.

As the top official in charge of the $312 million city public works budget since 2012, Nuru was tasked with cleaning up San Francisco streets, which critics note remain cluttered with feces, trash and used needles amid a homelessness crisis. […]

1 Comment on FBI arrests San Francisco official in charge of cleaning up city’s filthy streets

  1. Mohammed Nuru wasn’t arrested for not doing his job?
    Mohammed Nuru was arrested for taking bribes (legal in his home country of Chaosistan).
    San Franciscans don’t get the Government they want, they get the Government the deserve.

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