Facebook to Delete 66K ‘Hate Speech’ Posts Per Week in Crackdown

GRAPHIC: TechCrunch

27 June 2017

FOX BUSINESS NEWS (AP) — Facebook is cracking down on potential instances of what it calls “hate speech” by adding thousands of employees to delete offensive posts, the company announced in a blog post Opens a New Window. Tuesday.

“Our current definition of hate speech is anything that directly attacks people based on what are known as their “protected characteristics” — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or serious disability or disease,” said Richard Allan, Facebook vice president of public policy for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “There is no universally accepted answer for when something crosses the line. Although a number of countries have laws against hate speech, their definitions of it vary significantly.”

The Menlo Park, California, company says it mostly relies on its nearly two billion users to report any hateful posts they see. Workers then review the posts and decide whether to delete them.

Facebook will hire an additional 3,000 people to its community operations team to aid in efforts to review posts that could violate the network’s standards, Allan added. The company already has 4,500 employees dedicated to reviewing reported content. […]

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