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By Design, Humpty Trumpty is Falling Off of His Wall

The New Nationalist’s (TNN) theory all along has been that Trump is a faux president and stalking horse who has been installed to bring down what’s left of the U.S. system and economy in much the same manner as the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. When Trump is removed from office, the looters he let in will remain in place to do more Parasite Guild dirty business.

This latest false-flag skullduggery in Syria really hasn’t fooled that many. TNN is hardly cutting edge on this. Yes, we are well within the Overton Window here. We just hope the window is expanding enough to cover the other staged deceptions, such as fake Muslim demonization. Alas, we fear something horrific is pending on that front.

Even so, it’s easy to see that Trump’s dwindling supporters aren’t buying the latest skulduggery. All you have to do is look at comments from #MAGA types on Twitter and “alt-right” websites. They are very discouraged and increasingly disturbed. At least this indicates that although people may be fooled by false cartoon-world “God-Emperors,” at heart they may (?) support peace, not aggressive war. Many were sucked in by Trumpian deceptions as they thought he would be pursuing less-interventionist and less-war-like policies.

Instead, Trump has allowed his government to be occupied by con-artist zionists and neocon warmongers. His approval before the Syrian chemical attack skullduggery was in the low 30s handle, and certainly a 20s handle is at hand. TNN would now remind readers that the kosher controlled alt-media is almost at the same fraud levels as mainstream media.

Yesterday, the FOMC minutes were released. The bankster mucky mucks threw out more serious problems for the so-called “markets”: 1) “some” members felt the “markets” were in bubble mode; and 2) there is call for the Fed to begin reducing their humungous $4.5 trillion portfolio of inflated, mispriced securities “this year.” Incidentially Fed hack, (((Jeffrey Lacker))) is resigning in disgrace after admitting to tipping off cronies, affording Trump the opportunity to appoint yet another Goldman Sachs approved parasite guildist of some strip. For the chosenite Lacker apparently no criminal charges will be brought.

Yes, Humpty Dumpty built a great wall, etc, etc. When this wall crumbles, our Ides of March predictions will be played out. In fact, this is quickly accelerating.

In addition, the “markets” put great hope into Trump’s infrastructure program. Instead, that was reduced and gutted. Now comes word that the Trumpian tax plan is also dead on arrival, as is repeal of Obamacare. Obviously, Trump never did get a honeymoon and inherited a bankrupt country to begin with. Now, fall-guy Trumpty has almost no political capital left. There are reports, which TNN submits are deliberately planted, that Trumpians are feuding and fighting within his so-called administration. He will be replaced by his vice-president, an installed stooge with no redeeming qualities.

Since the U.S. has been reduced to Hegalian dialectic name and epithet calling over less important issues, TNN is wondering what the post-Humpty Dumpty market crash and civil war will look like. Will there be an “American spring” color revolution funded by the usual suspects? Yes, likely. And what of the missing Libyan stinger missiles? Are they floating around the U.S. in sanctuary cities and in the hands of true terrorists?

14 Comments on By Design, Humpty Trumpty is Falling Off of His Wall

  1. TNN right about Trump all along.

    Musings By America’s Graveside
    By Brother Nathanael Kapner

    * Haley is an imbecile.
    * Trump cannot be trusted, his word is full of worms.
    * Trump is a tinderbox, a dangerous demagogue.
    * There is not an ounce of integrity running through Trump’s veins.
    * Jared Kushner has his day in the sun with Trump. But every dog has his day and pisses on the hydrant. America is that hydrant.
    * Bannon wrote many of Trump’s campaign ‘anti-NWO’ speeches. Trump never believed a word of it.
    * Kushner pushed Bannon out of National Security. The Zio-Globalists are in, the Gentile nationalists are out.
    * Tillerson is a weakling. He caved to big biz to allow homos to wreck the last remaining wholesome institution in America, the Boy Scouts of America.
    * Mattis and McMasters are war criminals yet run the Jew-enabled war machine wreaking havoc all over the world.
    * Mattis has the eyes of a zombie. He’s a metaphor of the hollowing out of Jewmerica, a country with one foot and three toes in the grave.
    * Jewmerica is the most hated country across the board.
    * Jewmerica is a sociopath on Prozac and uppers and downers. The world is reeling from it.
    * Europe is owned by Jewry’s global army: Nato.
    * Look for a ‘false-flag’ by IsraHell in the Golan Heights. Trump will buy and sell the LIE.
    * Haley is a metaphor for American leadership: Incompetence coupled with inanity.
    * Jewmerica is bereft of true statesmen. All that’s left are shills for the wicked, neurotic, blood-thirsty Jews.
    Woe to the country that has Jews ruling it! Your pillars of integrity will crumble; and your sons and daughters will die of wasting from within!

    • Hey, was it you who linked this website on DS? Thank you! I like it here. Wish i have known about this site before! Writers here are even aware of the muslim panic propaganda.

      • Meanwhile DS (Andrew Anglin) is completely misleading his entire audience about 9/11 and all the hoax Muslim terror attacks that they hilariously think to be authentic.

        • I’ve tried to educate there, and think some got it. And to be fair DS (Anglin) never censored me although my Muslim demonization staged deceptions articles were never popular. I have a good feeling all that might be changing now.

          • I got banned for calling the Ohio State University car attack false flag into question and then Anglin lied about why he banned me and falsely said I was also a flat-earther. So he is pretty clearly in the business of intentional disinformation.

        • So you think all the raping is not happening?

          I think thereis a racial problem there involved, but the real enemy is the jew.

          • I’m sure there are rapes and crime with all the Muslim immigration but many terror attacks including 9/11 and many in the past several years have been state sponsored false flags and these people can’t accept that

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