Is the 9/11 Slide-Framing of the Saudis Breaking Down?

“The U.S. Congress is Israeli-occupied territory.” – Pat Buchanan

Two things seem to always hold fast in the U.S.: Israel comes first, always. America? Who cares.

Accordingly, by a vote of 97-1, Congress pushed through the 9/11 Bill clearing the way for Jewish lawyers to gorge on the Saudis’ bank accounts once their lawsuits are green-lighted by a plenitude of Jewish New York judges.

There was a ridiculous story of one lawyer, Jerry Goldman, recalling the hours he spent with the “20th hijacker,” Zacarias Moussaoui, at the super-max prison in Florence, Colorado. Moussaoui was “defended” by star chamber lawyer Judy Clarke. Perhaps Goodman can also shed light on how the other 19 managed to hijack four planes using “box cutters.” Inquiring minds would like to know.

In the neocons’ plan for the Middle East, Saudi Arabia is nothing but a strategic pivot. This is also an excuse to replace KSA leadership with different Ziopath stooges (probably with Goldman Sachs connections) and to keep the whole of the Middle East in permanent chaos and destruction, along with neutralizing any threat to Israel.

Deep-state intelligence use misinformation detours called “slides.” This is to prevent people from reasoned thinking and looking in the right directions. Anything that has to do with the 28 pages, Zacarias Moussaoui or Saudi Arabia needs to be looked at in this light.

Meanwhile, the storyline is that everybody did 9/11 except the neocon traitors, the dual citizens, the Anglo-Zionists, PNAC and Israeli Likudniks. Even 9/11 truthers generally point an “inside job” finger exclusively toward Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield. In reality, the key architects of this and other terrorist acts are obvious, as shown in the video below. And they have a long, long history of false-flag terrorism, as shown in the second video. In addition, see “World Trade Center’s Infamous Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project.”

For Saudi Arabia’s part, it told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off $750 billion worth of American bond assets it holds, if Congress passed a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Congress passed the bill, Obama vetoed it, and then Congress voted to override his veto. This is notable because it suggests that the blackmailing of the Saudis’ for their role as patsies is breaking down.

Furthermore, the Saudis might withdraw their investment dollars from various funds and banks throughout the U.S. and western world. If they try to collapse financial assets in America, it will create a buying opportunity for Cabal financiers, who can short them on the front end and then grab them on the cheap on the back end. It can also use the Russian ruble or the euro or yuan instead of the U.S. dollar and direct OPEC to follow suit. [See “Rollover 1981” in today’s Video Spotlight located in the right column of the home page.]

The Saudis will also react and play a role in the Great Game. One factor in this would be earth moving. According to former CIA contractor Steven Kelly, it looks as though the Saudis are going to come forward with names of the “major players” behind the attacks, claiming that Saudi Arabia was only “a minor player in the charade” and even going as far as to warn the Rothschild and Bush families that the revelations will destroy them.

6 Comments on Is the 9/11 Slide-Framing of the Saudis Breaking Down?

  1. Don’t think Saudi or even China can get much revenge by ‘selling Treasures’ – given central banks currently monetise 30%-100% of new bond issuance, Fed can just print up digits for fake Cayman Islands hedge funds to offset. As the brilliant Jeffrey Snider has shown, even China’s 3.4trn ‘reserves’ (quickly shrunk from 4trn), are little more than a puny fire extinguisher for maybe 20-30 trillion of imploding shadow-banking eurodollar credit.

    Snider similarly illuminated the yen euro pound etc all are too sunk in the eurodollar credit ponzi as well, so tho USA still gets some benefit from prioritising USD, the yuan-ruble etc deals cannot ground a true alt framework until the current ponzi crashes & we have global re-set. Big Crash will take absolutely everyone down – China seems to ‘get’ this, so their priority is tech, infra-structure, resources to re-build post-crash … if their regime survives the deluge.

    Saudi ‘revelations’ to be perhaps discredited by being parked on David Icke’s site alongside reptile aliens on earth? Even Russia’s glossy news has been astonishingly weak re US cabal crimes, all considered. Lots of stuff is ‘exposed’ on the web but little-known.

    Good question is where the Saudi princes can go for ‘safe haven’ after Oded Yinon plan takes them down – UK? Pakistan? It would be a cabal game to strip them of all assets … as Kissinger said, being a ‘friend of USA’ can be more dangerous long-run than being an ‘enemy’ of it.

    • True. I was always led to believe that the House of Saud is an Israel controlled entity since they are both “best pals” on the down low. Islam is still an ‘invented’ religion in my book, orchestrated by the tribes back in the early days of scamming. Much like the bible becoming very pro-zionist in the late 1800’s translations.

    • Admitedly, Ryan Dawson and others express skepticism about this N-bomb story. And it is hard to imagine to imagine Israel selling Saudi Arabia this technology when it seems happy to pin 9/11 on the regime and thus damage irrevocaby its relationship with the US.

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